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0879 Troops approaching the city

Forkarodna means "the narrow place of water" in Freljordian.

The Dragon's Back Mountains and the Crampon Mountains, which had gone north and south since the Nuescara Pass, approached each other again. Although they did not form a narrow pass like the Nuescara Pass, the distance between them was less than a hundred miles, so,

The seasonal rivers flowing east and west converge again, and the water in the narrow area between the two mountains is extremely fast.

Just as the Nyuskara Pass separates the Central Freljord and West Freljord subcontinents, Forkarodna can also be considered as a link between the Central Freljord and the East Freljord.

the dividing point.

The vast and warm Laxtak Plain ends here, and further east, the direction of the Crampon Mountains gradually changes from northeast to southwest. It cannot completely isolate the breath of Anivia on the large glacier, so it is self-defeating.

To the east of Na, the weather conditions will become visibly worse.

From a geographical perspective, Forkarodna can undoubtedly be considered one of the most important cities in the Freljord.

As a city with pass attributes, the city of Focalodna was built in the Focalodna area, so it also has very important military and political significance.

It is the east gate of the Rakstak Plain, and is also the only place to pass through when communicating with the East Freljord. Although the Freljord's underdeveloped commodity economy means that it cannot become a tax center, it has been in the past dynasties.

The controllers of Larkstadt City, without exception, have a firm grip on the city.

Ash is no exception.

As the war mother of Avarosa and the builder of Frost Harbor, Ashe is a rare "constructionist" in Freljord - in the eyes of traditional Freljordians, she is the same as warm-blooded people.

Overhauling the city wall is a cowardly thing to do, but Ashe has never hesitated at all.

Therefore, ever since she established a foothold in Lakstaq, Forcarodna's walls have been fortified.

Although due to the limitation of productivity level, it is impossible for Fukarodna to build a tall city wall that is insurmountable by ordinary people like the three northern towns of Demacia. However, under the auspices of Ashe, it still relied on the mountains to carry out

A series of expansions and reinforcements were carried out.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the city of Forkarodna before Ashe came could only be regarded as a "city in the Freljord's definition", now, this city has become a solid fortress.

City fortress.

This change made the Noxians who came from afar somewhat dumbfounded, because no one, from the commander Draven to the ordinary soldiers of the war regiment, thought in advance that there would be such a large building in the Freljord.

Amazing, fortress-like city with complete defense system.


"It's unbelievable." After arriving at the front line of Forcalodna City in person and carefully observing the city's defense system, Tamara, who was a war mason, couldn't help but marveled, "These Freljord barbarians can still

Can a city of this size be built?”

"Look on the bright side." Draven shrugged and said a cold joke, "Maybe they can build this city by relying on the prisoners captured from the Demacians?"

Although Noxus still regards Demacia as its old enemy, Draven's joke was so cold that other headquarters commanders and chapter commanders just twitched in silence.

A few clicks of the corners of the mouth.

No one answered.

Unable to get the response he wanted, Delevingne's nose twitched a few times, and he couldn't help but have the idea to criticize these commanders for their lack of humor. However, his identity as commander-in-chief and his brother's instructions still kept him calm.

After a while, he did not announce these disrespectful contents to his mouth.

"So, facing such a city, what should we do?" Draven simply knocked on the long table that had just been set up, and his eyes scanned the faces of several chapter leaders for a week, "All at once?"

"We can give it a try first." The chapter leaders did not speak, and Tamara could only smooth things over. "First send out a small group of warriors to see the quality of the barbarians on the wall before making a decision. The blood of Noxians is not good.

Will be lost for foreigners!"

There is no doubt that Tamara's advice is the safest.

Facing such a large city, we should still be cautious in how we deal with it. The Noxians are reinforcements, and there is no need for them to sacrifice their capital for the Freljord's internal war.

This sound decision quickly gained the support of all Chapter Masters.

Although Swain and Darius took over the old nobles in Noxus, due to the lack of military system reform, the current Noxian military system is still dominated by the chapter system, and each chapter still remains the same.

Relatively independent, except that the leaders of the war group have changed.

Therefore, any chapter leader must carefully estimate the gains and losses when facing a battle - and in Freljord, any gains will be greatly reduced, and the scale of any sacrifices will be increased. The combination of the two is

Together, although the Chapter Masters involved in this operation are loyal to Noxus and the Grand Commander, they still hope to avoid a frontal attack if possible.

That would be a loss.

As Tamara's suggestion was widely recognized, the next content of this military meeting became the adjustment of the tentative attack plan - although this army conducted special training before leaving the Immortal Fortress,

The main content of the training is not siege.

Therefore, if you want this tentative attack to be fruitful, the vanguard unit responsible for the tentative attack must draw veterans from different battle groups who are already good at siege.

Delevingne was obviously not good at this kind of internal personnel mobilization and resource allocation, so he simply sat aside and gave the stage to Tamara, who would allocate manpower to prepare for a tentative attack.

Tamara, who was once a war mason, can be said to have a good knowledge of the personnel allocation of each chapter.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! With her coordination, each battle group quickly transferred some people to the headquarters as a directly subordinate team responsible for exploratory attacks.

Things seem to be normal up to this point.

Then, when the manpower was ready, Draven, who had been idle before, suddenly became excited.

"Leave it to me next." He stood up excitedly, his hand already touched his battle ax, but it came up empty. "Just hit hard and charge hard, these Freljord

The barbarian is far less troublesome than it looks!"

In this way, after the team was assembled, the Noxians, under the personal command of Draven, launched a tentative but still large-scale attack on Forkarodna.

Three giant earth dragon lizards were driven towards the city walls and gates. Various improvised and modified siege equipment were used. Amidst the shouts of killing and loud shouts, Draven waved

He charged at the first one with two battle axes.

Thanks to Tamara's keen eyesight, she caught Draven, who was eager to try and almost rushed directly into the team, thus avoiding the possibility of the commander of the army participating in a specific siege mission on the first day.

At this moment, Tamara felt so tired—he was already in his forties, but Delevingne was still not reliable at all!

Apart from the fact that the commander-in-chief almost went to the front line personally, the results of this exploratory attack by allocating manpower exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although the advance troops failed to capture the city wall in the end, they had never faced the irritable Earth Dragon lizards that were threatened by black powder.

When these behemoths appeared on the battlefield, many Freljordians were unable to come up with any reliable countermeasures.

Except for a very small number of archers who can use magic weapons, most of the Freljordians have nothing to do with these thick-skinned big guys. They can only watch it crash into the city wall again and again, smashing the city wall into pieces.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

After half a day, someone realized belatedly that it seemed that the stone throwing in the city had a pretty good effect on these big guys.

Although Draven did not personally visit the front line, he had rich battlefield experience and was immediately aware of the problems that the Freljordians were facing.

I'm afraid they don't have professional defense training. Once the siege pressure increases, they will soon be in a panic. In other words, as long as the Noxian army can maintain its suppression ability, these Freljordians will soon be in a hurry.

You may make mistakes while busy and expose your flaws!

With this idea in mind, Draven decisively ordered each battle group to take turns to attack and attack in stages. Do not give these Freljordians any room to breathe, and must let them collapse in the continuous battles.

From a God's perspective, Draven's order can be said to have hit the weak spot of Forcalodna City at this time.

Originally, there were garrison troops in this city who were responsible for maintaining city security. Although they had not actually participated in city defense battles in the past, Ai Xi at least conducted simple city defense training and arrangements for them. The combat effectiveness of these people was quite impressive.

According to custom, if they rely on the city wall to defend, it will be difficult for the Noxians to capture it quickly.

However, due to the previous activities of the raider tribe, according to Ashe's order, a large number of tribes along the shores of Maurer Lake withdrew to the city of Forcalodna.

Although the city's population surge has brought a large number of new troops to the city, these new troops are untrained, especially those who have not experienced any professional city defense training. They will inevitably be in a hurry when facing a Noxian surprise attack.

Yes, compared to field battles, the difficulty of defending a city is indeed very low.

But the low difficulty level does not mean that there is no need to learn - if the city of Focalodna is given five to ten days to prepare, those tribe members who evacuated to the city from the shores of Lake Maurer will be the defenders of the city wall; but in

Without specialized training, they can only do a disservice.

In this case, the only ones who can really perform the task of guarding the city wall are those Freljordians who have received professional training.

Therefore, if they are to be attacked repeatedly due to lack of manpower, they will soon lose their combat effectiveness due to fatigue and casualties, thus exposing their fatal flaws!

Draven couldn't figure out the cause and effect here at the first time, but due to his rich combat experience, he had a relatively vague judgment on this, so he immediately asked each battle group to take turns to take action and be sure to maintain the siege.

pressure to prepare for subsequent Noxian operations and support.


Continuous siege warfare began.

According to Delevin's request, each battle group quickly counted the number of people and materials again, and took out all the earth dragon lizards that had been domesticated due to injuries and other reasons and were specially used for demolition.

Then, these earth dragon lizards will be used as siege weapons, immediately following different batches of siege soldiers, leaving no room for relaxation for the Freljord defenders on the city wall from beginning to end, allowing them to

Maintain a high level of mental tension.

And according to Draven's requirements, once these siege troops encounter strong resistance, or the casualty ratio tends to increase, they will decisively retreat and then replace the next batch of people.

This batch of rotating attacks kept the Freljordians on the city wall in a state of mental stress. Throughout the day, although no section of the city wall had ever been captured by Noxus, Freyrjord, who was responsible for defending the city,

The Erdroids were still in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.

Due to the impact of the earth dragon lizards, the city walls in many places became loose, and the city gates also needed to be reinforced. When night fell, other Freljord warriors in the city decisively began to repair the city walls and strengthen the buildings to prepare for tomorrow's offensive.

This attack lasted for three days.

Over the past three days, although the Noxians were consciously controlling casualties, the cumulative number of casualties still exceeded 2,000.

In addition, almost all the injured and old earth dragon lizards in the army died under the city wall.

As a price, the soldiers in Focalodna who were good at defending the city were already quite exhausted. They withstood the enemy's continuous attacks, but the mental and physical exhaustion was difficult to withstand. After the siege ended in the evening,

These tired warriors will go down to the city to rest as soon as possible and recharge themselves for tomorrow.

However, what they never expected was that in the darkness of the third night, the energetic Draven led the elite main forces of each battle group to the north and bypassed the main body of Forcalodna City.

, came to the west side of the city.

After the previous continuous attacks, Delevingne had almost figured out the ratio of defense personnel in the city, and also realized that the enemy seemed to have placed the main defense forces on the frontal battlefield. Although there were defenders on other city walls, those

People are not really good at defending cities.

Therefore, tonight, he planned to make a desperate move and personally lead the elite of the army to launch a night attack on the Freljordians.

The Freljordians in the city have become accustomed to judging the direction of the Noxian attack based on the footsteps of the earth dragon lizard, and this is exactly what Draven wants them to know.

Tonight, Noxus's night siege elite did not bring any earth dragon lizards with them.

Instead, there is a can of black powder in each hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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