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Noxus is now weaker than ever.

If Kalya's attitude softens a little, maybe he can reach cooperation with Darius and turn the Frostguard tribe's former temporary ally into his own temporary ally.

However, Kalya did not do this.

From the bottom of his heart, he did not believe in Noxus—specifically, he did not believe in the Noxians led by Darius who had experienced the most popular era of military imperialism in the Noxus Empire.

The environment in which a person grows up and is educated will greatly affect a person's ideas. Even Karya, who has experienced life and death in a real sense, is not immune to this.

Therefore, he never believed that the Noxians would be willing to cooperate.

In Karya's view, the Noxians will never give up their dominance. As long as they have the opportunity, they are willing to put all their chips on the line to get a chance to make a comeback. If they choose them as teammates, the result will be

All he could do was get stabbed in the back.

Of course, this does not mean that Kalya is full of discrimination against Noxians - in fact, after coming into contact with Riel, the current nominal commander, Kalya had a good impression of this little girl.

Riel, who has been locked up in a secret magic school since she was a child and received inhumane training, hates many concepts of old Noxus from the bottom of her heart. When she destroyed the magic school and led her classmates to survive, she showed a very "

Not Noxus” side.

Kalya could see that she and Darius were completely different people.

Therefore, for Kalya, extending the olive branch of the Fort Divor Trade Autonomous Zone actually has another meaning - to remove the legacy of military imperialism like Darius from the center of Noxus.

If Darius is truly willing to cooperate in good faith, the result will be Noxus gradually breaking away from the military imperialism of the past and becoming a normalized nation.

This is also what Kalya likes to see.

However, judging from the current results, Darius still has no intention of giving up - although he has already performed beyond his level, he has amplified the hesitation and hesitation in his heart to the extreme, hoping to use this method to buy time for Noxus to act.

, but Kalya, who had already made a judgment in his heart, saw everything clearly.

Kalya thought very clearly that if Darius made a decisive conclusion and proactively provided information about the passage to Fort Diver, then there might be some room for cooperation between the two parties; and if Darius first

If time does not give an answer, it means that the other party has other ideas.

Now that Darius's delay has directly exposed his attitude, what Kalya has to do next is to wait and see, watching the Noxians' material allocation and market fluctuations.

As long as he catches the tail of the Noxian's actions, the Northern Expedition will have a secret passage to the core of Fort Diver!


Darius obviously didn't know what Kalya was thinking.

After completing his superb performance, he contacted Ruier immediately and proposed his own plan to get chestnuts out of the fire.

"Mr. Darius." Riel finally frowned after listening patiently to Darius's words, "The current situation in Noxus is probably not enough to support us in any military activities.


Such a ruthless act of pouring cold water on Darius couldn't help but pause.

"Actually, before I came into contact with these data, I never thought that the situation in Noxus had become so bad." Unlike his apparent aloofness, Riel still talks a lot in private situations.

"Debts and deficits have accumulated to an alarming level, but the income is pitifully small. If this continues, I'm afraid I will have to mine Fort Warburg to subsidize the finances."

It was obviously a joke that the Commander-in-Chief, even in name only, personally went to mine Warburg, but Darius, who knew something about Riel's experience, knew very well that this young lady

, when he was persecuted by the Black Rose and had to hide and wander around with his classmates, he actually did mining work.

In fact, Ruier's talent mainly lies in the control of metals. This ability is very efficient when used for mining, and Ruier never actively avoids talking about that experience. For her, that is

Although life at that time was embarrassing, it was still fulfilling and meaningful.

"Noxus is not that far yet." Faced with this unfunny joke, Darius could only shake his head dryly, "But if it continues, then maybe one day, I will also do logging.


"I talked a lot with Mr. Kalya." It seemed that the atmosphere had relaxed. Ruier, who had only observed before and rarely expressed his own opinions, took the initiative to put forward his own opinions, "Although he is quite proud,

But what he told about the Demacian experience can actually be applied to Noxus."


Riel's tone made Darius a little confused.

Do you mean to learn from those Demacians?

It's a pity, yes.

"My classmates and I have some experience in using magic in production and work." Riel obviously did not understand the meaning of Darius's words [ah], but continued as if he was encouraged.

Said, "While avoiding the black rose, we cut down trees and build houses by ourselves; hunt by ourselves, pick by ourselves, and cook by ourselves. Magic has unexpected advantages in many fields..."

"But in war, magic has the greatest advantage." Darius interrupted Riel somewhat rudely, "The battle in the Black Forest has proved this. The Demacians who no longer reject magic have made

Those giant puppets easily defeated our warriors."

Rui Er stiffly stopped his expression.

What Darius said is an irrefutable fact. Those huge puppets that people don't know how to deal with are indeed magical creations. Although at Riel's level, he still can't understand them at all.

Its principle of activity, but along with their actions, the astonishing elemental fluctuations cannot be hidden from anyone.

From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with Darius's words. When magic is applied in war, its effects are amazing.

"Moreover, this is not only to get the empire out of a bad predicament." Seeing Riel's expression wavering, Darius began to strike while the iron was hot, "At the same time, it is also to prevent the bastard from the Black Rose from returning."

After hearing the name [Black Rose], Ruier immediately stood up straight as if it was a conditioned reflex.

Obviously, during the long escape process, this secretive and dangerous magic association left an indelible impression on her.

"After the Battle of Tobitsia, the Black Rose betrayed Noxus, and this time, Kalya's main source of threat to me is those damn scum." Seeing Riel's appearance, Darius felt soft in his heart.

He sighed softly, and then sped up his speech, "If we refuse, they will put these scum back and allow them to make up for their mistakes... I believe you also know that it is impossible for those people to make up for their mistakes."

"They will only use their power and connections to bring destruction and disaster." Riel gritted his teeth. "They must not return to Noxus - at least not in a way that makes up for their past mistakes!"

"So, in the final analysis, Noxus has to rely on itself." Darius said, "We must seize this only opportunity and achieve the final victory when both the Frostguard tribe and the Demacians are hurt.

This way we have room for negotiation."


Riel still believed that this plan was very risky, and if it failed again, Noxus' economy would collapse.

But when the issue involved the Black Rose, she couldn't really treat it with a normal heart. In this case, with Darius's persistence, she, the "Commander of Noxus", finally approved the matter.

A special action.

At this point, Noxus’ [Black Ops] plan was officially launched.


Although Kalja did not personally hear the secret conversation between Darius and Reel, he was full of confidence in his judgment and made a very specific prediction of Noxus' next move.

The actual results proved that the efficiency of the Noxians' actions was even higher than Kalya expected.

There has been a small short-term increase in food prices in the Immortal Fortress.

Chapters stationed near the Immortal Fortress are on alert.

Although Darius would meet with Kalya from time to time, and the two would have big quarrels, Kalya was already very sure that the Noxians were about to take action, and the time might be nearby.

However, the only problem that made Kalya feel a little troublesome was that although he discovered that some battle groups had disappeared, he could not find out how these battle groups disappeared.

Because the last stop of a lost battle group is always the Well of Darkness.

The Well of Darkness is the greatest secret area of ​​the Noxus Empire. Even if he is a special envoy of Demacia, he cannot enter it.

If the secret passage to Dredge Fort starts from the Well of Darkness, then unless Kalya really intends to break up with Noxus, it will be almost impossible to enter it.

However, Kalya was not in a hurry.

Although he didn't know the specific situation inside the Well of Darkness, he could confirm that the secret passage leading to the Diver Fort had absolutely nothing to do with the Well of Darkness.

This confidence comes from a piece of news that Kalya found out in the market - according to the craftsmen and traders, most of the black iron armor flowing into the Noxus market came from Drunne.

Unless the Noxians are so full that they have to pay extra for round-trip shipping, the black iron products produced in Fort Diver should be collected and distributed in Drunne.

This also means that the exit of the secret passage leading to Fort Diver must be between Fort Diver and Drunne.

And considering the importance and secrecy of the Well of Darkness, Kalya does not believe that craftsmen and merchants who transport black iron products are qualified to enter and exit the Well of Darkness.

Therefore, although we still don’t know why those armies gathered in the Well of Darkness, it definitely does not mean that the secret passage to the Dredge Fort exists in the Well of Darkness.

As for the reason why these armies disappeared in the Well of Darkness...

Soon Kalja had the answer - in a routine negotiation a few days later, Darius finally "showed his sincerity". He spent a lot of thought and proposed an offer that was significantly better than Kalja's.

The conditions of authority possessed by this "special envoy".

Although as Kalya, he could give an answer, but in order to cooperate with Darius' performance, he still chose to "go back and ask for instructions", leaving Noxus with enough room for maneuver.

He wanted to see if the Noxians would take the initiative after he left.

As Kalja left the Immortal Fortress, Darius was visibly relieved - although he was sure that the Demacian never knew about the secret passage, he still felt guilty with Kalja here.

Precisely because he knew what kind of guys his war masons were, Darius was wary of Kalya, a "messenger full of curiosity", and even spent a lot of thought to make up a lot of things that were absolutely impossible for the opponent.

The condition for making the decision is to let him leave.

Although maybe Kalya will return soon, or the Demacians will send a new envoy back, but this time is enough for Darius to fully mobilize the army - they will bring enough

For supplies, go to Drunje, then go north and enter the secret passage.

A large number of spellcasters from Noxus have been mobilized for the operation. Together with the engineers, they will open up the passage that is now partially blocked. When Demacia and the Frostguard Fortress are fighting fiercely, they can then

Divine soldiers descend from the sky and deliver a fatal blow.

This time, Darius has deeply learned the lessons of the previous failure. He has clearly realized that in front of the Demacians, large-scale battle groups have limited effect. Compared with increasing troops,

Perhaps it would be a better way to enhance the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers, so he extremely boldly mobilized 70% of the spellcasters that the Noxus government could recruit and let them participate in this operation.

Although it seems that the mages in Noxus are not as professional as the Demacians, the situation this time will definitely be completely different from before!

As long as we seize this opportunity, Noxus can reverse its disadvantage in one fell swoop!

Darius was full of confidence when he took action. He seemed to have regained his confidence at work and became active and enthusiastic again.

However, the enthusiastic and positive Darius did not know that Kalya, who said that he would "go back to ask for instructions from His Majesty the Emperor," actually did not really leave.

Even before the Noxian army moved, he arrived at Drunne first, and then he was busy preparing to welcome the arrival of the Noxian army.

Due to his previous experience in the Immortal Fortress, Kalya now speaks fluently in the Mandarin of the Immortal Fortress. No one knows that this masked artist is actually a top hunter waiting for his prey to fall into his trap.

This chapter has been completed!
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