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0919 People and the public

The Chaos Storm ultimately failed to do what Lissandra had hoped for, bringing about a destruction that was enough to collapse the coalition forces.

Although they spent quite a lot of skill in the Forbidden Demon Stone reserves, the coalition finally succeeded in withstanding this storm and destroyed it before it was fully formed.

When the storm subsided, the two sides had no intention of continuing the confrontation, and the confrontation ended somewhat anticlimactically.

For the entire war, this storm that was not fully formed was at best an insignificant episode. It was the first head-on confrontation between the coalition forces and Lissandra, and the outcome of this confrontation seemed to be five-point.

At five points, both sides realized each other's difficulties.

But if you put this matter in the entire history of Runeterra, and look at it from a historical perspective, then this battle is completely worth writing about.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time in history that extraordinary mortals have joined forces to fight against gods.

Even during the Shurima Empire, although the warriors of the Ascended Legion could challenge more powerful enemies through the assembled battle formations, and even face "disobedient demigods", that was before the Ascended Ones began to fight.


In this confrontation between Lissandra and the Archon, Lux almost didn't do anything. The two sides were almost entirely Lissandra fighting one against the others.

Judging from the results, Lissandra was undefeated, which seemed to still demonstrate the power of the Frost Witch.

But what about actually?

As powerful as the Frost Witch, even after gaining part of Volibear's power, she was unable to resist the combined Archon. This was enough to have an extremely profound impact on the battle in Runeterra.

In the Battle of Badaopo, a very important part of the Northern Territory's victory was that Kalya successfully brought in reinforcements and stopped the protoss who took action himself.

But if there were another battle on Badaopo now, I'm afraid the situation would be very different!

As the rune stones were actually put into use, as the magic circuits and magic theories penetrated deep into the hearts of the mages, after thousands of years of being the first person in Rune Land to master the extraordinary power called magic, this power finally got rid of the personal

The constraints can be applied on a large scale.

This not only means that mortals united together truly have the power to face the gods, but more importantly, it makes many "privileges" that were exclusive to the strong in the past now achievable through the cooperation of mortals.

In the past, traveling to the stars was the privilege of extraordinary beings.

But now, with careful preparation, the Archonmasters may be able to work together on a short astral journey.

Of course, most people would not be able to see this kind of thing in a short period of time. For them, the most direct point is that the invincible Lissandra dominated the world, but she did not completely destroy the enemy who besieged the city.

Even though everyone knew in their hearts that it was impossible for these nasty guys to capture Fort Diver, and that they would definitely get out of bed as the cold winter came, something was wrong.

It should be a hearty victory, not a defensive counterattack by Xu Tuzhi!

As a person involved, Lissandra's direct experience of this was a bit more profound.

Once upon a time, Lissandra was also a challenger. Under the watchful eyes of fans and believers on both sides, she took the initiative to challenge Volibear. Although she lost that battle and was even blinded by Volibear, she still

But he won the future.

When the invincible Volibear is no longer truly invincible, he will no longer be the first target for those who pursue power to pray for faith.

But now, the reincarnation of history seemed to have come to her, and Lissandra clearly realized that although she was not defeated in the battle, she had already lost the upper hand at the level of people's hearts.

This discovery made Lissandra feel a little unprepared.

She was already trying her best to overestimate these warm-blooded people. After all, they did not have a strong bloodline, and there was no god behind them to coordinate the overall situation. But when she really faced them, she really found that the storm she had stirred up was gradually stopped by them.

, Lissandra finally realized that she still underestimated them.

They have no blood connection, but they have mastered a more direct and powerful way of contact than blood connection, uniting together regardless of each other, and with this, they have achieved feats that Lissandra could not imagine in the past.

For Lissandra, the impact of all this is huge. She needs to think more carefully in order to come up with a perfect enough countermeasure. But when the wheels of the times roll over, even Lissandra

It is difficult for a wise person like Zhuo to clarify the context at the first time.

In this case, Lissandra's only choice is to be herself and defend the Dredge Fort. As long as the coalition's military operation ends in failure, she can rebuild the order of Freljord again, and even be able to restore order to the Freljord by then.

The skills I learned from those warm-blooded people were used to further strengthen the ice bloodline.

It's not like Lissandra didn't think about fighting to the death and completely destroying this group of magicians.

She believed that as long as she ignored losses and had a few more turbulent storms of destruction, these warm-blooded mages would definitely be unable to hold on.

But what is the cost of doing this?

Having just hastily absorbed the power of Volibear, there is no doubt that Lissandra is powerful now, but the hidden dangers of this power are also inevitable.

It originated from Volibear, and was mixed with too much impure faith. Lissandra could only use it reluctantly.

If she really sets off many turbulent storms of destruction regardless of the cost, Lissandra is not sure whether she can still maintain her sanity and not fall into madness like Volibear.

Moreover, unlike Volibear, who is wild and unruly, Lissandra also needs to worry about the watchers in the Howling Abyss under the Frostguard Fortress - although not long ago Anivia had just followed the instructions of both parties.

They made a bet to strengthen the seal, and the warriors who went to investigate also confirmed that the seal was stable, but Lissandra, who knew the terror of those monitors, still would not take it lightly.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! She must always have some spare energy, so that she can ensure that even if the worst situation occurs, she still has room to counterattack.

Following this line of thinking, Lissandra quickly made the decision that she could not really fight the Demacian merfolk to death.

Even if it damages the reputation, the best way to deal with it at this time is still to stay calm and wait for the cold current brought by the Breath of Anivia to swallow up those arrogant warm-blooded people.

The cold winter of Freljord is destined to be on his side.

Although there have been many twists and turns, judging from the results, the situation in Fort Diver seems to be developing in the direction Lux hoped for - after a head-on collision, both the coalition forces and the Frostguard tribe did not proceed further because of their scruples.

Large scale battle.

Even though both sides are still sparing no effort to cause trouble for each other, hoping to make the other party uncomfortable through various means, these means do not include a large-scale attack on the city or a counterattack outside the city.

Both sides are waiting.

One is waiting for winter to come.

The other one is waiting for the bloom action.

The former has now taken shape, and the temperature is obviously getting colder day by day.

The latter was so heartbreaking that after Kalya officially started the operation, she cut off contact with Lux.

Lux knew nothing about the progress of Operation Bloom.


Operation Bloom went well.

Although this old road from the Digging Fort to the Door of Rebirth has been extensively destroyed, if a small group of troops passed by, it would only need a simple cleanup.

With Karya leading the team and the Dharma Master cooperating, it is not too difficult to pass through this tunnel as long as the main structure of the tunnel does not collapse extensively.

According to Kalya's careful observation, the overall structure of this tunnel, which seems to be dug by some kind of giant worm, can be said to be quite complete. Although the Diver Fort intentionally cut it off, the way it was cut was only to block it.

tunnel, rather than trying to use other means to directly collapse the tunnel.

So just by clearing obstacles while walking, the commando team can go all the way north from the underground and approach the Diver Fort.

For the commandos, the biggest trouble was not in clearing the obstacles, but after they approached Fort Diver.

As they gradually approached the Diver Fort, everyone was ready for battle. When Kalya was about to contact Lux, he finally realized why the Diver Fort didn't simply destroy the tunnel - the end of this tunnel.

Surprisingly, it is connected to the black iron mine pit under the Diver Fort!

When the tunnel was blocked, the Varrokan family obviously had not yet made up their minds. Although they did not want the Noxians to emerge from the underground, they did not want the black iron mines at Fort Diver to suffer either, so they finally chose to

Critical nodes block tunnels.

After the commandos entered the mine area, they soon faced a trouble that no one expected: getting lost.

After hundreds of years of mining in Fort Diver, dark iron ore veins have long been dug into the underground, and countless mine pits crisscrossed like spider webs have been carved out. Some of these tunnels are completely independent, and some intersect with each other.

, as outsiders who "illegally invade" from the end of the tunnel, the commandos are temporarily confused about where they are and where the main tunnel is. This is a very normal situation.

Kalya, who was undercover at the Gate of Rebirth before, had never heard of this part.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and urgently requested support, inviting several former miners from Fort Diver to serve as guides.

However, these miners who have been working underground all year round and have just experienced a great tragedy are somewhat fragile in mental state. When Kalya used the power of nightmares to hide their dreams, the miners who acted as guides all showed obvious signs of confusion.

Not adaptable, their mental state is visibly in a trance, and their words are even a bit inconsistent when speaking...

In this case, even if they dare to show the way, Kalya doesn't dare to listen!

In desperation, the commando team could only use the stupidest method to find the main mine tunnel bit by bit.

This undoubtedly delayed a lot of effort, and also increased the supply pressure on the commando team.

Fortunately, Kalya's luck seemed pretty good. Although several miners could not fulfill their role as guides, the information they provided about the main mine tunnel still helped the commandos find the exit relatively smoothly.

And when Kalya used the Eye of Yellow Sand to confirm the safety of the main mine exit and confirmed that the commando could launch an attack from here, the confrontation between the coalition forces and the Frost Guard tribe had been going on for a full month on the frontal battlefield.


During this month, the temperature in the Freljord dropped significantly several times. Even three days ago, without Lissandra casting a spell, a heavy snowfall hit the northern foothills of the Ironthorn Mountains.

Morale has dropped a lot at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye, and many people have begun to think about retreating.

In contrast, the morale of the Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests in the Diver Fort was rising day by day.

The contrast in strength between the enemy and ourselves has almost completely dispelled the previous haze of Lissandra's failure to achieve her full success. Many people's thoughts have changed from "What on earth is the witch worried about" to "Sure enough, waiting quietly is the best way."


In the face of a life-and-death war, everyone seems to have become a consequentialist.

During the confrontation, many small-scale conflicts broke out between the coalition forces and the Frostguard tribe. Both sides had victories and defeats. However, Lux and Lissandra did not take action again, which made all the frictions look like a war.

The overture made the atmosphere in Fort Diver become more solemn.

It was at this time that Lacus met Kalya again after many days.

"Teacher Kalya!" Lux's spirit was completely lifted, "The commando team, are you ready?"

"Of course." A relieved smile appeared on Kalya's mask, "Although the process was a bit unsatisfactory, so far, the results are still good - I can only say that thanks to Varrokan, they did not block the mine, then

The fire also covered up many traces, and there were not many members of the Frost Guard tribe guarding the exit of the mine."

"This is also related to the fact that the Frost Guard tribe does not have enough manpower." Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was obviously relieved, "Judging from the previous battles, the number of members of the Frost Guard tribe guarding the Diver Fort should not be large.

It will be more than 30,000."

"The number of 30,000 people is very subtle." Kalya couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, "It seems that the witch also hopes that you can lose your mind and attack Fort Diver - after all, it is guarded by 30,000 people. The Ice City, maybe we can capture it in one rush?"

"Of course this is impossible." Lux shook her head, "If I weren't worried that Lissandra would find something wrong, I wouldn't even want to launch daily attacks - it would be simply ordering the soldiers to die."

"That is a necessary sacrifice." In terms of heart, Kalya has undoubtedly hardened a lot, "and now, it is time to harvest the fruits of the sacrifice - in order to live up to their sacrifice, the Diver Fort must bloom in the center!"

This chapter has been completed!
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