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The fanatical Zoe left Kalja somewhat at a loss.

Especially when she showed her desire for the golden mask again, that gesture simply made Kalya's hair stand on end.

However, considering Zoe's special identity and the power of ascension in her body, Kalya still allowed herself to be a little more patient - before dealing with her, she must at least figure out why she has the power of ascension, right?

However, what Kalya didn't expect was that Zoe quickly adjusted her mentality and assumed a posture of not letting go of the eagle when seeing the rabbit.

Although it's true that you are my idol, if you want to get information from me, you should at least give me a little sweetness first, right?

Isn’t it a little bit derogatory to be a white wolf with nothing?

Kalya didn’t want to keep the baggage of being an idol, but it was a pity that Zoe refused to accept it and insisted that he give the mask to her first - "Just give me the mask, apologize, or explain clearly how I got here.

, no problem!”

In this case, Kalya had no choice but to hand over the mask to the other party.

Zoe took the mask and put it on her face happily, and then looked at Kalya with a smile.

"Where's that spell just now? A little lighter, thank you!"

Seeing that Zoe seemed to be moving in a strange direction, Kalya decisively interrupted her.

"First apologize, and then explain why you are here."

"Okay - okay -" Zoe seemed to be very dissatisfied and prolonged her voice, "This is not an important thing."

“Very important!”

"Setaka is not a bad woman, wuwuwuwu." Zoe squeezed out an apology through her teeth, "Then I appear here because Twilight threw me in the sky!"

With that said, Zoe briefly told the relationship between herself and the Twilight Titan.

From the first-person perspective, Zoe's explanation was not clear, and she lacked a basic concept of time. However, compared with the news from Kalya, especially the news about the Twilight Stars and Jarvan IV, Kalya

It’s enough to piece together a lot of interesting content.

When Zoe first began to tell, although she had no flaws, Kalya did not fully trust the little girl. However, when Zoe told the part about Thor, she tried to imitate the casting star with her own voice.

At the sound of the dragon's voice, Kalya finally narrowed his eyes.

I see.

That familiar power of ascension does not come from Zoe, but from Thor!

This is very interesting.

Considering the complex relationship between the Star-casting Dragon King and the Titan, perhaps the road to heaven...may be much smoother than expected?

Kalja finally succeeded in tricking Zoe away.

Of course, the main reason may be that Zoe is not interested in Demacia, nor is she interested in Freljord. The little girl needs some time to digest the news that "Kalya was not forced by Setaka", and she agreed

Dalonglong, is going to cause trouble for Twilight.

So, after getting the golden mask and learning the interesting binding spell from Kalya, she was finally sent back to Shurima by the elemental dragon.

The named elemental dragon can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Kalya promised to advance the sequence of it becoming an ancient dragon.

That's enough.

After experiencing Zoe's turmoil, Kalya has a new understanding of his future direction, but for now, his focus is still on the Freljord - although through previous battles, Kalya has

Asia has confirmed Lissandra's strength, but compared to Lissandra, the Howling Abyss is more important to the coalition.

Although Lissandra did not really solve the problem of the Howling Abyss, and the battle with Lissandra was largely about "fighting for the right to dispose of the Howling Abyss", but if Lissandra is defeated, the Howling Abyss cannot be solved.

Abyss, then Kalya will truly become a sinner through the ages.

Although Anivia vowed that she would be able to persuade Ornn to provide support, Kalya would not place all her hopes on them.

Predictably, the battle in the Howling Abyss was the final chapter of this Northern Expedition.


The winter in Dredge Hold is much longer than that in Demacia.

When the ice and snow began to melt and the army officially set off, many soldiers of the Northern Expedition felt like their "bones were about to get rusty."

In this case, they eagerly hope that some blind enemies will jump out and let everyone move their bodies.

However, Lissandra seemed to be frightened by the result of the previous battle at Dredge Fort. Not to mention the enemies along the way, even the scouts of the Frostguard tribe were very few - it seemed that the Frost Witch had shrunk all her power.

He made up his mind to hide in his hometown for the final decisive battle.

This gave the coalition soldiers a sense of powerlessness.

But for the mages, Lissandra's choice gave them a lot of buffer time, which meant that the magic-forbidden slates lost in the Battle of the Dredge Fort could continue to be replenished on the way north.

With these things, they would have enough confidence even if they really had to face Lissandra in the Frostguard Fortress.

In this way, after the news of Anivia dissipated and spring arrived belatedly in the Freljord, the coalition forces that had spent the harsh winter at Dredge Castle finally set off again and began to continue their march north.

Wherever the army went, even the tribes that had been loyal to the Frost Witch in the past turned away.

Last winter, the Frost Witch recalled almost all the Frostguard priests. The war mothers of these tribes were not fools. The situation had already made it clear that Lissandra did not have the upper hand. It was meaningless to actively resist the coalition forces at this time.

If only the Northern Expedition were going north, then perhaps most of the tribes would refuse to cooperate or even resist vigorously because of the "glory of the Freljord".

But the other part of the coalition is the Avarosa tribe. As you can tell by the name, the Avarosa tribe is also the descendant of the three sisters. Everyone is the descendant of the three sisters. The Frostguard tribe and Avarosa are not very different.

The big difference is that now the body is a little more flexible and there is not much pressure.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Except for a few war mothers who really can't turn their heads and insist on taking the lives of their tribesmen, most of the tribes along the way have chosen to cooperate with the coalition forces. Although the spring

Freljord is still covered with snow, and the climate is still dripping with ice, but for the coalition forces, the situation can indeed be described as "full of vitality, and everything is competing."

Such a situation has visibly revived the slightly low morale, especially among the Avarosans in the coalition. After being recognized by many tribes, they obviously felt a little proud, and every one of them held their chests high.

The folded belly seems to have the momentum of those legendary warriors.

However, as commanders of the coalition forces, Lux and Ashe still think very calmly.

They were not dazzled by the victory.

Contrary to the excitement of ordinary soldiers, these two were already a little too nervous. Lissandra's lack of response made them a little suspicious, wondering if there was a huge conspiracy behind all this.

It wasn't until Kalya reduced Nocturne's influence on them that Lux and Ashe became normal again - there seems to be a connection between stress and nightmares, and nightmares are more likely to breed under great pressure.

As the army moved north, Forsbarrow's support for the front line also increased again.

Originally, the transportation of supplies from Turkgol to the Dredge Fort had to be done through the Freljord. The journey was difficult and tortuous, and one had to worry about facing various threats such as ice trolls, but now with the cooperation with Noxar,

The cooperation between Sri Lanka has gradually deepened, and some supplies can already be transferred from Noxus.

This has greatly improved the overall efficiency of transportation and made the supply of materials on the front line significantly more abundant.

Not only the situation in Freljord, but also in terms of logistics, it seems that the coalition forces are gradually gaining an advantage - the Frost Witch who is trapped in the Frostguard Fortress can only sit and eat, and everything is developing in a better direction.


But is Lissandra really sitting on her hands and feet?

Yes and no.

It is said that she is sitting on nothing, because the members of the Frostguard tribe who are now concentrated in the Frostguard Fortress have indeed completely given up production and are just eating the stored grain. Including Lissandra, they are indeed in a state of sitting on their hands.

The reason why she is not resting on her laurels is because the amount of supplies stored in the Frostguard Fortress is far beyond anyone's imagination - Lissandra is very worried, and above the Howling Abyss, the ice that never melts is

It is a natural refrigerator. The Frost Guard tribe has always been hoarding supplies. Even if they continue to eat, the mountain will not be empty when most of the coalition soldiers die of old age.

Moreover, Lissandra was not really just forced to shrink her direction.

In fact, she concentrated all her strength on Frostguard Fortress to buy herself time.

In the Diver Fort, the blow Kalya gave her was too harsh. Even if she escaped in time, left the battlefield, abandoned her tribe, and returned to the Frostguard Fortress, the mixed power in her body still stirred her up.

The world is turned upside down.

The power of ice blood, the power of elemental magic, and the power of Volibear, these three forces are the greatest.

In addition, the power of dreams and the power of Zhen Bing cannot be underestimated.

Over the past long period of time, Lissandra has found an ingenious balance point that allows her to maintain the balance of energy and mobilize every part of her power easily and smoothly. But as she competes in the Forbidden Demon Competition

After walking around the field, this balance was completely broken, and all the chaotic forces were on the verge of losing control.

If Lissandra hadn't accumulated enough magic power and had a little bit of energy left during the battle with Kalya, I'm afraid these chaotic energy vortices would have been enough to swallow her up.

Therefore, after returning to Frostguard Fortress, Lissandra's first priority was to recuperate.

She was very sure that Ashe and Lux ​​would continue to go north, and they must restore themselves to their full strength before they arrived at the Frostguard Fortress.

However, the fear of Kalya made Lissandra dare not just restore the balance of various energies. In her opinion, this balance was still somewhat unreliable when facing powerful enemies, and she needed to rebuild it.

Only your own spellcasting system will do!

For a spellcaster of Lissandra's level, reconstructing oneself is actually not difficult.

The real difficulty is her weakness when reconstructing the power system - not because she is worried about being attacked by surprise, but because the nine seals that seal the monitor under the Howling Abyss have a very complicated connection with herself. Lisang

Zhuo Ke didn't want the monitor to come out first after he reconstructed his spell-casting system.

Kalya wants to completely solve the problem of the Watcher, and Lissandra does not want the Watcher to be freed.

Therefore, she must concentrate the power of her men to strengthen the seal and ensure that there will be no problems with the nine seals when she reconstructs the power system.

So, when the Freljord was at its coldest, the most elite Frost Guard warriors went deep into the Howling Abyss and followed Lissandra to strengthen the ancient nine seals. After completing this, Lissandra finally began to "retreat"

", reorganized his chaotic power system.

For the coalition forces, the winter in the Freljord was really too long. Even though they had many activities and letters from home while staying at the Diver Fort, they still felt itchy in their bones.

But for Lissandra, the winter in Freljord was not long enough, and even when the Breath of Anivia disappeared, she still failed to return to her full strength - in this case, she was not good either.

Send tribes to delay the enemy's movements.

It is precisely for this reason that the coalition's journey north seemed so smooth.

However, when the coalition forces successfully bypassed the Winterthorn Mountains and marched to the Extreme Ice Fissure, as Lissandra's condition recovered, the scouts finally saw the Frostguard tribe warriors riding wargs again.

The polar ice fissure is a unique glacial fissure landform in Freljord. Under the thick snow here are floating glaciers filled with fissures. The earth looks solid, but in fact there is always the risk of collapse.

If someone deviates from the route and walks onto a glacier crevasse, it may look like he just stepped into the snow, but in the end it is very likely that he fell directly into the glacier crevice and died directly on the bottomless glacier.

In the cracks.

And even if the crack is not that deep and the person is not thrown to death directly, subsequent rescue is extremely difficult - a person stuck in the glacier cannot pull out with great force, and it is easy to shake the glacier, so the main structure of the glacier must be guaranteed.

Melting part of the ice for rescue...

Even if there are local guides to guide the way and an imperial guard at the front to detect the safety of the glacier, the army must slow down and be cautious.

Encountering enemy scouts and small-scale harassing troops in such a place, no matter how anxious the coalition forces were, they could only slow down their march further and make sure that no one was around and the glacier was safe before they could start taking action again.

It was precisely because the coalition's movement speed dropped again and again that Lissandra successfully bought herself enough time to complete the reconstruction of her spell system before the coalition arrived at the Frostguard Fortress and the Howling Abyss.

This time, she is not afraid of the Forbidden Demon Arena. If Kalya dares to do this again, Lissandra promises to stab him to death with an ice blade!

This chapter has been completed!
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