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0932 Frost Bridge

The Frost Bridge across the Howling Abyss is not a bridge, but a complex defense system composed of a series of bridges and partition walls that have both connecting and blocking functions.

Due to the terrifyingly low temperature inside the Howling Abyss, even the Frost Dragon did not dare to go deep into it. Therefore, during the three days of rest, the coalition's reconnaissance could only be limited to observation at high altitudes with the Hex telescope, and could not really get close.

The defense system of the Frostguard tribe.

This makes the coalition forces not fully aware of the complexity and comprehensiveness of the Frost Bridge defense system - although in hand-to-hand combat on the bridge, the coalition forces can rely on the advantage of magic assistance to create breakthroughs in local battlefields, but the Frost Guards

Relying on the overall defense of the Frost Bridge, the tribe dealt with the coalition's offensive very easily. A steady stream of follow-up troops came to support from directions that the coalition was unaware of, and they withstood the battle line.

This is the most direct reason for the embarrassing speed of the coalition's advance today.

Considering that the main length of the Frost Bridge is at least ten miles, if they just advance slowly step by step like this, it may be difficult for the coalition forces to reach the Frostguard Fortress before their own resources are exhausted.

It's definitely not possible to advance like this.

"We must cut off the Frost Guards' transportation channel under the bridge." At the post-war summary meeting, Lux said firmly, "There is no problem with the soldiers' advance speed. The key is that the enemy can always be supplemented, and our supplement must be

If you cross the bridge openly, you will be attacked by a round of long-range fire before you reach the front line!"

Lux's words made everyone couldn't help but nod - this is the most difficult part of today's attack. The enemy's reinforcements came from the side or even below of the bridge. They were very complete before entering the battlefield, while our own support came from

Those walking on the bridge will be struck by long-range firepower for about three rounds before they reach the front line. How can the battle continue under such circumstances?

In fact, if the Avarosa warriors fighting on the front line were not tenacious enough, I am afraid that today's advancement distance of 100 yards would not have been reached!

"If we want to cut off the transportation channel, we must find it first." Although the tribe suffered heavy casualties, Ai Xi has regained his composure, "Can the frost dragons get close to the bridge?"

"It's difficult. I've tried hard to communicate with them." Kalya shook his head gently, "Even if we mobilize the power to apply protective magic to them, they are unwilling to approach the Howling Abyss - they are half

Elemental creatures are far more sensitive to elemental environments than humans, and the Howling Abyss can be regarded as a hell-like existence for them."

Kalya didn't say half of what he said: The elemental dragons are allies and reinforcements, but after all, they are not part of the coalition. They are mercenaries hired by themselves in exchange for promotion to ancient dragons. This kind of death is close to death.

The mercenaries will not accept the mission.

Although the elemental dragons have impulsive animal nature, it only means that they are sometimes a little reckless, but they are definitely not stupid.

Listening to what Kalya said, the commanders of the Northern Expedition were fine, but the Avarosans behind Ashe on the other side had already begun to curse the dragon in a low voice.

"Those cowardly lizards!"

"A bug with wings is still a bug!"



Ai Xi was not satisfied with the result like her tribe members, but she did not complain, but raised her hand to stop this meaningless yelling.

"Since those elemental dragons are unwilling, let us do it ourselves!" Ashe said firmly, "Avarosa's ice bloodline may not be as numerous as the Frostguard tribe, but there are no cowardly people either. I can lead it.

They passed by the side of the bridge to find and cut off the passage that had been replenishing troops for the front line!"

"I'll do it!" At this moment, Tryndamere, who had been silently behind Ashe, stood up, "You are the commander, and the commander should not go out easily at this time."

Turning her head to look at her blood alliance, Ashe opened her mouth. She obviously wanted to say "You are not of the Ice bloodline", but before she could say anything, Tryndamere nodded towards her, meaning "I can do it".

In this case, out of trust in Tryndamere, Ashe did not refuse after all.

And seeing that Ashe had agreed, Lux naturally had no reason to object.

"Mother Zhan has assigned me two teams, and I will set off tonight." Since he chose to accept this task, Tryndamere simply put forward his requirements, "Under the cover of darkness, we brought ropes and hooks.

Claw, slip past the side bridge railing."

"The Archon can provide you with some help." Lux added, "Although it is not easy for the Archon to fight alongside you in this situation, at least he can use spells before the battle to ensure that you will not be attacked by the Howling Abyss.

The wind blows it away."

In this way, between your words and my words, a plan for a night raid was formed.


This was not the first time that Tryndamere was blessed by the Archon's spell.

But every time he was blessed by a spell, he would feel something new - for example, this time, the Master blessed him with the Feather Fall spell, which gave him the feeling that he was as light as a swallow.

"If it were somewhere else." The Archon Captain who blessed him with the spell explained to him while gesturing in half-baked Freljord, "This spell can make you fly as if the wind blows.

Like seeds, they fly when the wind blows."

Since he didn't know how to say dandelion in Freljord, the other party used a slightly abstract description.

"Dandelions, right?" Tryndamere grinned and made a gesture of blowing dandelions, "It's really interesting."

"Ha, yes, it's the dandelion tactic." The other party nodded happily, "Unfortunately, the elemental environment here is too unfriendly. Even the wind element is terrifyingly silent, so this spell cannot guarantee that you will look like a wolf when you jump.

It's the same as a dandelion - it just guarantees that if you slip and fall, you'll at least have time to throw out your grappling hook."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "That's enough." Tryndamere showed a slightly scary smile, "I guarantee that those bastards will be shocked by this... Divine Weapon Sky


"God's Arms Come From Heaven" is said in Demacian, and the pronunciation has a Freljordian accent that cannot be overcome, making it sound straightforward and vulgar.

This made the Archon laugh. It wasn't until all the commandos involved in the operation were blessed with a series of spells that he completely stopped smiling, then raised his hand and patted Tryndamere on the shoulder.

"Come on, come back safely."

"No problem." Tryndamere put the long knife behind his back. After checking the various ropes and tools he carried with him, he nodded towards the other party, "Let's go!"

In this way, Tryndamere boarded the Bridge of Frost with two warriors accompanying his mother.

At this moment, the frozen blood on the bridge had been simply cleaned. Within the bridge occupied by the coalition forces, the simple fortifications taken from the Frost Guard tribe had been reinforced. Many Avarosa warriors

Both the soldiers and the imperial guards were at their posts, guarding against possible counterattacks from the enemy.

Tryndamere walked on the side near the fence, turned left and right twice, and finally selected a railing and fixed one end of the hook lock on it.

Then, while releasing the rope, he walked toward the bridge near the enemy's front line, then fixed the other end at the forefront of his own front line, and tied the safety rope around his waist.

After making sure that both ends of the hook lock were stable enough, he finally took a deep breath, then climbed over the fence on the bridge deck, and under the protection of the rope, climbed down the bridge deck and dropped into the Howling Abyss.

And the moment he fell off the bridge, a whistling wind, as if someone was crying, blew past him, causing the rope to sway, and also blew him close to the bottom of the bridge - with the help of

At this opportunity, Tryndamere opened his eyes hard, trying to see clearly what was happening below the bridge deck.

However, it was dark here, and Tryndamere couldn't see anything clearly.

In this case, he could only take out the specially equipped searchlight from the backpack on his waist, secretly hoping that it would be like Demacia said, "the light penetration distance is very short", and use it to shine

The bridge deck.

Then, Tryndamere saw a shocking scene - under the main bridge deck of the Frost Bridge in the Howling Abyss, it was not a load-bearing structure, but the same side as the bridge deck, as if it could be walked on. "

Bridge deck”!

Where the searchlight shines, the "bridge deck" hidden underneath looks nothing like anything, but an extremely real bridge deck that is no different from a normal bridge deck, as if there is an army standing upside down.

It's like walking from here.

Even Tryndamere couldn't help but feel a little numb when he saw this scene for the first time.

Fortunately, he quickly calmed down and began to walk along the back of the bridge, looking for a passage or something else for people to pass through.

But after searching around, he didn't find anything noteworthy.

Where did those Frost Guard tribe warriors get on the bridge from?

Tryndamere, who was full of doubts, wanted to put away the searchlight, but as the light shone downwards, he was shocked to find that dozens of yards away from his feet, there was a partition wall like a barb protruding from the howling wall.

On the cliffs of the abyss.

Although it was vaguely visible, there seemed to be a rope starting from the end of the partition wall and connecting somewhere on the back of the bridge.

Is this the passage that the Frostguard tribe secretly connects to the Frost Bridge?

Tryndamere tried hard to remember that direction, then carefully turned off and put away the searchlight, and then began to swing on the swing using the Feather Fall technique under the blowing of the cold wind.

It wasn't until he confirmed that the wind was indeed blowing in the direction of the partition wall that he cut the rope on the left with a knife, and relied on the rope on the right to swing towards the partition wall.

Tryndamere was lucky. He only wandered twice before he successfully reached the partition wall. After dealing with two guards who lacked warning, he finally let go of his rope and followed the pre-arranged frequency.

, pulling it and shaking it.

【Safety, come quickly.】

A moment later, along the rope of Tryndamere, the war mothers of the two teams arrived at the partition wall smoothly.

After gathering everyone, they, led by Tryndamere, slowly walked towards the depths of the partition wall.

Then as they walked, they became a little confused.

The end of this partition is located on the cliff of the Howling Abyss, and is connected to several plank roads, and these plank roads are crisscrossed like a spider web, communicating with more thorn-like partitions - some of these partitions.

Up, some down, they had no idea which bridges led to the Frost Bridge, let alone which ones ended under the Howling Abyss.

Not to mention two squads of war mothers.

In Tryndamere's opinion, even if all the war mothers came here, he would not be able to figure out the situation of these partition walls and plank roads!

When were these plank roads and partition walls built?!

What is the purpose of their construction to defend?

At this moment, Tryndamere suddenly had a more intuitive understanding of the "horror under the abyss" mentioned by Ashe and Lux.

It was at this moment that he finally understood why he could climb this partition so easily and why the Frost Guard tribe did not send many people to guard this partition - there were too many partitions.

It was only built for warning and does not currently undertake defense tasks.

Shaking his head gently, Tryndamere shook those messy thoughts out of his mind, and turned to follow Zhan's mother, starting to look for an upward plank road.

Although he didn't know the specific distribution of the plank roads and partition walls, at least he was certain that if he wanted to support the bridge deck, the partition walls near the abyss would definitely not work. The partition walls must be at high places!

With this idea in mind, Tryndamere and War Mother climbed all the way up, and soon found that the number of guards around them increased significantly.

Very good, this seems to prove that they are on the right track.

Tryndamere, who was slightly relieved in his heart, gestured behind him, and the war mothers behind him immediately followed his instructions, formed a column, and entered a hidden state.

There is a new partition wall ahead - Tryndamere and Mother Zhan must be careful, as this is very close to the bridge of the Frost Bridge, and it is likely to be heavily guarded.

As Tryndamere gradually approached this partition wall, he soon felt lucky for his caution - unlike the previous partition walls where there were only a few sentries and were quiet and silent, there were many things on this partition wall.

There were the sounds of people talking and the footsteps of people walking around.

Obviously, there are many people stationed on this partition wall!

Listening to the sound of these people's footsteps... it is very likely that the people stationed here are the reserve teams that have been supporting the battle on the bridge!

This chapter has been completed!
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