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0939 Devour and evolve

The appearance of the monitor completely changed the battlefield situation.

When a behemoth emerges from the abyss and floats above everyone's heads, overlooking everything with its terrifying single eye. There is no emotion in the eyes, only the purest curiosity and hunger, no matter how strong-minded it is,

Soldiers will also feel fear from the bottom of their hearts at this moment.

Under this situation, Lux lamented on the one hand that the Shurima Empire had found a way to fight against the Monitor, and on the other hand, she was grateful that the Monitor had set its first target on the Frostguard Fortress.

That's right, when the Monitor emerged from the Howling Abyss, it did not devote more energy to the coalition base, but immediately locked onto the three original gods of Freljord.

Moreover, judging from the tentacles it waved, this guy's second target should be the sturdy Frost Guard Fortress on the other side. Its dangerous gaze swept past the three primitive gods from time to time, while its tentacles kept moving.

Scratching the walls of Frostguard Fortress.

The Frost Guard Fortress, which has a solid ice shell, systematic defensive magic, and a large number of professional defenders, seems to be a large toy in front of the monitor. As long as the tentacles are moved, those bars that each weigh more than 10,000 pounds will appear.

The stones were like Lego that had been taken apart by a naughty child, being thrown aside impatiently. Some were even thrown away, and even fell into the howling abyss. After a long time, there was a "boom"

A muffled sound.

At the beginning, the Frostguard priests on the Frostguard Fortress were still trying to resist.

Frost spells fell on the tentacles one after another, but they did not really cause any effective damage. Even if the monitor's tentacles were occasionally penetrated by ice spears, it only needed to flick the tentacles, or even take the initiative to shed a tentacle.

, you can continue your demolition work.

As a result, the initial sporadic cheers on Frostguard Fortress soon turned into heart-stopping silence.

The Frost Guard tribe didn't know how to effectively kill this huge monster. They tried all their attack methods, only the extremely cold ice thrown by the large trebuchet fixed inside the fortress.

Opportunity to break off one or two of the monitor's tentacles.

However, these tentacles only took a few breaths to grow back smoothly. During the entire process, the monitor's one eye did not even move to look over. It was staring at the three Frelzo from the beginning to the end.

The original god of De, tried to use his dangerous eyes to analyze these existences that interested him.

It seemed as if its action of demolishing the walls of the Frostguard Fortress was just an adjustment to the battle.

Such behavior would be a fatal blow to the morale of the Frost Guard tribe.

The boss of the family was forced to seal himself up. The Frost Guard tribe thought that they could at least hide if they couldn't afford to offend them. At the worst, they would close the door of the Frost Guard fortress and hide in this fortress. Not only would the insect tide be unable to break through the defense line, even if

Even the furious Volibear is not easy to attack.

But who would have thought that such a terrifying big guy would appear later, more skilled at tearing down the Frost Guard Fortress than a sheep's head!

Despair and panic began to spread at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the influence of fear and desperation, many Frost Guard warriors even jumped high from the broken city wall, trying to chop down the twisting tentacles with the weapons in their hands. However, such heroic results were often just in the air.

A shallow scar was left on the tentacle that was thicker than a thousand-year-old tree, and then it was captured by the terrifying slime. Then, under the erosion of the void, together with the memory and the body, they all became nourishment for the watcher.

It is precisely because he is continuously absorbing the lives of the Frost Guard tribe that the monitor's one eye always looks full of energy, and the movements of his tentacles are always clean and neat.


If the fear of the Frostguard tribe comes from helplessness, then the three primitive gods of Freljord are falling into helpless fear at this time.

Before facing the Monitor directly, Anivia had fought against the Scourge more than once, and Ornn, who participated in the construction of the Frost Bridge, also knew something about the existence of the void, but they had never interacted with the Monitor before.

The person has met face to face.

In their understanding, the Watcher should be the alien god discovered and used by Lissandra. It has power that is not inferior to the gods, and even gives the Freljord people the power they dream of——

Ice bloodline.

It wasn't until they actually faced the Watcher that the three of them realized that compared to the Watcher, the original gods of Runeterra were nothing more than a joke.

The two sides are not on the same dimension at all.

Ornn was tall, over fifty yards tall, and could use a hill as his forge.

But in front of the monitor, he was just like a toy.

In contrast to such an astonishing stature, many of his accustomed attack methods will become ineffective, because when the monitor is suspended in mid-air, even if he jumps up, he cannot hit that terrifying big eyeball.

Among the three, only Anivia's attack can really be effective against the Monitor.

When the polar storm roars in, even the tentacles of the monitor, which are thicker than ancient trees, will be cut off by the ice and snow.

However, almost at the same time that one tentacle was cut off, another tentacle had grown out behind the one-eye. Anivia's spell obviously could not really cause any effective damage to the monitor.

Just the speed of natural recovery is enough to completely cover the damage caused by the water.

Anivia has obviously never seen such a situation before. He has no idea whether the self-recovery of the monitor is a natural skill or a certain condition. In this case, he can only look at two aspects.

To start, on the one hand, we would expand the scope of the polar storm to see if we could test the limits of the monitor; on the other hand, we would try to attack the one-eyed body to see if we could cause effective damage.

However, neither direction seems to work.

Even if ten or dozens of tentacles are broken at the same time, the monitor will still not care. In a few breaths, new tentacles will fully grow and take shape to replace the broken tentacles.

As for the ice picks and ice spears that hit the monitor's eyeballs, they will immediately disappear in the flash of purple light in front of its eyes.

What's even worse is that as more and more spells are swallowed up by the purple light, Anivia keenly discovers that the monitor's resistance to his own spells is visibly increasing.

It seems that every time the purple light devours Anivia's magic, it is also digesting his magic and analyzing her power.

Not only that, the one-eyed gaze will often turn into a substantial purple light, sweeping across the bodies of the three primitive gods of Freljord. As long as it is swept, their bodies will be covered with a layer of light.

It takes a lot of effort to remove the disgusting energy that is unacceptable.

Even the three original gods of Freljord only vaguely felt that this terrible watcher might not be serious about them - maybe this was just a feeling, but this feeling was already very revealing.


Are the monitors not serious?

The answer is yes.

In fact, this watcher who left the three original gods of Freljord helpless and helpless was just the basic form of the watcher, and it was still far from the complete form!

If we want to use the human situation as an example...then the current monitor can at best be regarded as "a person who has just woken up and has not yet figured out the situation."

In fact, under the Howling Abyss, the seal used by Lissandra to seal the monitor was not only the nine seals made by Zhenbing, but also the dream seal that used the power of dreams to trap the monitor.

The nine seals sealed the monitor's body, and the dream seal sealed the monitor's consciousness.

Using the seal of dreams, Lissandra can bind the monitors with endless, bizarre dreams. The monitors are the embodiment of the power of the void. They are as full of hunger as the source of the void, and are always longing for it.

It devours everything - therefore, it will instinctively devour everything it can get, including not only entities, but also memories, spirits, and wills.

In the dream seal, Lissandra cleverly satisfies this devouring desire through dreams, but unlike devouring entities, which can bring satisfaction and growth, the monitor's devouring dreams is essentially "no nutrition".

Dreams do contain certain information, and some of the world laws of Runeterra can also be analyzed.

However, the information contained in illusory dreams may not be true, and the laws of the world analyzed by swallowing are often full of fallacies. If the monitor wants to rely on the results of these swallowing to guide its further growth, it will only end up contradicting itself.

Cause irreconcilable internal harm to oneself.

The nine seals made by Zhen Bing physically prohibit the monitor from further devouring and growing. Without the supplement of organic matter, although the monitor's size slowly grows during the process of being sealed, this kind of

Growth is actually imaginary and has no actual effect.

Therefore, when Lissandra sealed herself for three days and the Watcher completely tore the seal and emerged from the Howling Abyss, her condition was actually not good at all.

Let alone its peak form, its appearance is not even normal. Except for its size being much larger than that of Icacia, it is far inferior to it in every aspect.

However, due to the power of the Monitor itself, it was able to deal with the offensive of the three primitive gods of Freljord so easily, and it still had the power to demolish the walls of the Frostguard Fortress.

It is also interesting to say that a large part of the reason why it is so obsessed with demolishing the walls of Frostguard Fortress also comes from the influence of dreams - although Lissandra will also use the dreams she captures to "feed" the monitors, but in the long run

During the sealing process, most of the dreams that the monitors had access to did come from the Frost Guard tribe, which gave the monitors an instinctive desire for the interior of the Frost Guard Fortress.

This desire is reflected in action, which is concretely manifested in its non-stop action of demolishing city walls.

And since most of the dreams of the coalition forces were protected by Kalya using the power of nightmares, and were not captured by Lissandra, the monitors had no interest in these dreams, so they regarded the coalition forces as the least important target.

The Monitor is not a native existence of Runeterra. It does not have the thinking logic of Runeterra creatures. In the long process of being double-sealed to create false satisfaction, it has instinctively learned to analyze and devour cautiously. Although the void

The hunger is still urging it to act, but it will not act too hastily and everything can be done slowly.

This kind of "taking your time" is just like a person who is not fully awake. His reaction is always half a beat, and fighting is completely dependent on instinctive support. He relies on his huge size to take advantage of being beaten, and he can survive forcefully.

Of course, this does not mean that the monitor will really only get beaten.

In fact, for the monitor, the process of being beaten and regenerated is itself a kind of devouring and evolving. Anivia's feeling is not problematic at all. In this process, it is indeed analyzing the damage in reverse.

own strength, swallowing and digesting it, and allowing itself to have further resistance to it in subsequent battles.

It's just that because he was fooled by dreams too much before, the current monitor has not really improved his devouring and evolving efficiency.

Once the monitor finally wakes up and realizes that it is no longer in a dream, and that the efficiency of devouring and evolving has become higher, it will soon enter a process of rapid evolution.

The Erjord demigods are still the Frostguard tribe on the walls of the Frostguard Fortress, and their attacks will soon become increasingly ineffective.

At that time, the monitor's "puffy" huge size will truly be transformed into a combat advantage, bringing a nightmare to the coalition forces.

However, regarding this, the original gods of Freljord, the Frostguard tribe and the coalition forces on the battlefield knew nothing about it.

Kalya, the only one who had truly fought against the Monitors and understood these big guys, quietly returned to his own small world for unknown reasons and prepared the "decisive weapon" for the final battle.

The complete awakening of the Monitor is not far away.

And when that time comes, it will soon discover that it will be unstoppable. A world that connects countless small worlds, sub-dimensional worlds, and the intersection of multiverses will completely move towards the world.

Open the door yourself!

A gluttonous feast seems just around the corner!


On the south side of the Howling Abyss, the Malphite combat unit outside the coalition camp formed a solid line of defense to resist the impact of void insects and maintain an energy field that resisted the erosion of void energy.

Above the Howling Abyss, the Monitor is greedily absorbing and testing everything in Runeterra through beatings, and is awakening from constant injuries and regeneration.

North of the Howling Abyss, the three primitive gods of the Freljord and the Frostguard tribe are gradually falling into a bitter battle.

The battle seems to be at a stalemate and a variable is needed to change everything.

In the small world, Kalya has prepared everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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