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0941 Revenge

As the broken monitor was squeezed out by the space turbulence, the entire battlefield fell into a brief silence.

The contrast between before and after is really too great. The monitor who looked invincible before has now become a piece of rotten meat and seems to have no ability to resist at all. This is really beyond everyone's expectations - only

Only Lux, who had vaguely guessed the price Kalya paid, could understand the whole story.

Surprised, when Kalya opened his arms and announced that it was time to beat the drowned dog, whether it was the three primitive gods of Freljord who had been holding back their anger, or the coalition forces who had long been prepared for battle, they finally

They rushed up to the Frost Bridge and started frantically dismantling the monitors.

Without the chitin carapace, the one eye has no ability to scan around, and the current monitor has no ability to resist. Even an ordinary sword is enough to cut off its soft and sticky body.

A few slices.

But...that's all.

After a burst of excited slashing, everyone discovered that they seemed to be able to disintegrate the monitor, but could not completely eliminate it - and even if it was chopped into minced meat, it was still slowly recovering on its own.

Whether it is elemental magic, energy shock, or physical damage, it is not enough to make the monitor lose this recovery ability. The only thing that can slow down this recovery ability is the suppression of the Malphites, but considering that Murphy

Te also needs to maintain a barrier against void energy, but they really don't have time.

Moreover, the total size of the Monitor is measured in miles. Even if the Malphite combat unit is fully devoted to suppressing it, it cannot completely prevent its continued resurrection.

If Kalya hadn't warned him in advance, Volibear might have been tempted to use his mouth to try it - digestion was the ultimate method used by the original gods of the Freljord to eliminate their targets.

Under this situation, both the coalition forces and the three original gods of Freljord felt a little embarrassed.

One of the important reasons for defeating Lissandra in this battle was to completely eliminate the Monitor after releasing it.

But now it seems that although Lissandra and the Monitor have been defeated, it seems that they cannot be completely eliminated!

However, it is obvious that Kalya has been prepared for this.

I saw him gently waving his hand towards the gravel, and a small lantern took the initiative to get out of the sand and jumped into his hand. The soft white light in this simple and elegant looking lantern made

Everyone who sees it feels a sense of sincere tranquility.

Kalya gently turned a button on the lantern and opened the lampshade.

At this time, everyone discovered that the flame burning in the lantern actually had no fuel.

No, it's not that there is no fuel - the mages with a keen sense of magic have discovered that the fuel consumed when this flame burns is simply magic!

Leaning down, Kalya used his magic power to guide the flame, leading it to a bunch of finely chopped monitor tentacles. After the white flame came into contact with the monitor's tentacles, it exploded with a bang.

, and soon spread out into a ball of flames of astonishing scale.

Then, the flames began to spread along the monitor's body. The more completely the part was destroyed, the more intense the flames burned.

Seeing the white fire completely burning up on the Frost Bridge, Kalya finally nodded with satisfaction, stood up and crossed his arms, quietly staring at the dancing fire in front of him.

After seeing this scene, Lux finally realized the identity of the flame.

Eternal flame.

It's what Shyvana said before, the fire that can burn the void.

Kalya has prepared so much for this battle!


In fact, Kalya had prepared more for this battle than Lux knew.

Much more.

As early as when the news of the Battle of Icathia was transmitted back to Shurima City, Kalya was already transforming his own small world - the characteristics of the void made it difficult for the monitor to be defeated by normal means, so in

At that time, Kalya thought about trapping the monitor into his own little world, and then destroying that world to complete his revenge.

As for what will happen to me without the small world...

If it’s gone, it’s gone!

However, the capital of the Shurima Empire was strong enough. After the defeat of Icathia, the empire made great efforts to build a monolithic fortress. It worked hard to close the void rift first, and then Horok sacrificed his life to raid, and finally allowed surveillance.

The patient was unable to continue to heal himself, completely defeating the invasion of the void.

Why does Kalya's little world always look like a desert?

It's not that he can't put some home decorations in it, but in Kalya's view, it is just a trap used to destroy the monitor, so why should it be so cozy?

It’s just a piece of yellow sand, which is pretty good!

From the very beginning of this trip to the Freljord, Kalya was full of confidence in the final Battle of the Watchers. He had always emphasized to Lux that the coalition's mission was to arrive at the Frostguard Fortress and fight the Frostguard tribe.

Lissandra and the Watcher have nothing to worry about.

And Lux ​​always thought that Kalya would call many seniors for support and carry out a just siege, just like she did at Badaopo before.

But she never guessed that Kalya did call for reinforcements, but the reinforcements were the three original gods of Freljord.

Moreover, for the monitor, the method he chose was to destroy his own little world.

When the blazing flames ignited and the coalition soldiers cheered excitedly, Lux looked at Kalya's figure standing with arms folded, and suddenly felt a little sad.

She could vaguely guess what Karya was thinking, but she couldn't really guess it. She just felt an indescribable loneliness.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Maybe in the eyes of others, Kalya at this moment is as powerful as a god.

But in Lux's view, Kalya now looks so quiet and heart-wrenching.

Is this battle a revenge for Kalya?

Or is this his farewell to the past?

Is he ready to start again after this?

Or maybe he is already very tired?

Lux didn't know the answer.

In other words, she didn't want to continue thinking about it - she was a little afraid of the final possible answer.

Then, just when Lux was a little lost, Kalya came to her side.

"It's not over yet." Kalya put on the mask again, and his tone seemed to be the same as before, "Although the monitor has been eliminated, the crack below has not been completely sealed, the void energy is still overflowing, and the void insects are still there.

Entering Runeterra continuously."

"Want to go down?"

"Of course." Kalya nodded, his mask grinning, "Except for the members of Malphite's combat unit, the other Dharma Protectors have all brought the Eternal Flame. It's time to completely heal the scars in this world!



Four days of continuous fighting greatly consumed the energy and physical strength of the coalition forces.

But under the illumination of the eternal flame, it seems that the fatigue has been dispelled a lot.

As Lux's order was issued, before the monitors were completely burned, the mages one after another raised the torches burning their own magic power.

Then, the flaming dragon-like team followed the cold and ancient partition walls and plank roads, deep into the Howling Abyss.

It seems that because of the eternal flames, although the number of void insects in the Howling Abyss is quite alarming, they are not willing to take the initiative to approach. Instead, they scream and flee away.

"What will happen to these void bugs in the future?" Looking at the void bugs flowing elsewhere along the Howling Abyss, Lux couldn't help but shook her head, "Cleaning up these bugs will probably be a long-term project."

"As long as the rift is closed, these bugs may not actually need to be dealt with." Hearing Lux's emotion, Kalya smiled and shook his head, "Perhaps in this extreme environment, they will soon become Freljord

part of it."

"Ah?!" Lux obviously thought about what Kalya would say, "They are void creatures..."

"But there are also three, six or nine levels of void creatures." Kalya waved his hand, "Some represent the will of the void, and some are just the materialization of void energy. As long as the channel of the void can be cut off, no one can guide it.

If they become the vanguard of the void invasion, then these bugs may be the vanguard to transform the environment."

Lux obviously couldn't imagine it.

Kalya, on the other hand, thought of the tunnels and earth hernias she saw in Shurima.

Many of the earth's hernias are places of sacrifice for the Void Order. Those void-worshipping bastards manipulate the cracks in the earth, hoping to accumulate power through devouring them, and then summon the void to come again.

But equally, there are many tunnels and underground hernias that have now developed unique ecosystems.

The void creatures headed by the earth-hiding beasts have gradually been assimilated by the life of Runeterra during thousands of years of reproduction and evolution.

Perhaps the original earth-hiding beast was still the vanguard of the void invasion and the minions of the void forces.

But many of the burrowing beast groups currently active in Shurima have long had no direct connection with the void. Perhaps followers of the void can manipulate them and lure them through some kind of resonance, but they themselves are not much related to desert animals.

the difference.

Or if we look at it from another angle, isn't Ice Bloodline...a kind of "void creature that has been transformed by Runeterra"?

Does the Ice Bloodline also have to be cleared away?

Kalya saw clearly that if he wanted to clear out the huge number of void creatures that had poured into Runeterra, it would be difficult to rely solely on killing to be effective.

What really has the power to fundamentally change them is time.

Of course, it is too early to say this now. The top priority for the coalition forces now is to completely close the void gap under the Howling Abyss while the Monitor is eliminated.

Only by closing the passage between the void and Runeterra can one be qualified to consider assimilating void creatures!


As the plank road descended step by step, the coalition forces finally slowly entered the Howling Abyss.

The temperature is dropping rapidly. Even if the imperial guards are constantly updating the constant temperature spell, the Northern Expeditionary Army can still feel a kind of coldness from the heart, and the ice bloodline of the Avarosa tribe is as if they are in a piece of perfect ice.


Then, when the coalition forces finally walked down the last level of the plank road and arrived at the bottom of the Howling Abyss, what they saw was a broken seal.

The ancient seal was completely broken at this time. Judging from the size of the seal, it was the monitor who was now completely wiped out.

And underneath this ancient seal, a pitch-black passage sloped downward, seemingly leading to a pitch-black hell.

The coalition forces explored for a while and finally confirmed that this is the deepest part of the Howling Abyss. Most of the densely packed void worms came out of this passage. If there is a void rift, it should be located in this passage.


Therefore, Kalya led the team that had previously raided the Diver Fort, held the eternal flame high, and entered the passage to hell head-on.

Although the monitor still broke through the seal, the entire lower part of the seal was almost intact.

The ancient ice here has not melted, and the Zhenbing that seals the key nodes still exudes a bone-chilling chill.

In addition to the part where the watcher is sealed above, there is also a huge ancient cavity below - or in other words, the part where the watcher is sealed on top should be separated by the back.

Kalya, holding the eternal flame, was the first.

He carefully looked at everything around him, guarding against possible dangers - in addition to the newly hatched void worms, there might also be some other unexpected dangers here.

However, what Kalya never expected was that he did not encounter any danger, entered the deepest part of the passage very smoothly, and saw the ancient portal connecting Runeterra and the Void Land.

This all went so smoothly that Kalya even used a dispel spell on herself to confirm whether it was an illusion.

This is not an illusion.

After getting close to the crack, Kalya finally understood the reason - although the monitor had broken the seal, the seal sealing the void crack had not yet been broken, and the void insects that had poured out of the ground before had

It was just hatched by the void energy sealed in this ancient cavity.

Kalya carefully approached the seal of the rift, where he discovered a thick barrier made entirely of pure ice, as well as some sealing pillars with a clear Freljord style.

In addition to this series of sealing facilities, Kalya also discovered a tall ice monument also made entirely of perfect ice, with many ancient Freljord characters engraved on it.

Kalya looked carefully for a while, but found that he didn't recognize most of them.

"This could be some ancient Freljordian language, anyone recognize it?"

Under Kalya's question, a middle-aged woman who looked quite vicissitudes of life stood up.

"I used to drive for the Notais. Maybe I can understand."

"Come and take a look." Kalya waved to him, "What's written on it?"

The Avarosa woman came to the ice monument, leaned over and carefully read the ancient words on it. However, before she had finished reading half of it, she seemed to have been drained of all her strength. She collapsed on the ground and started to cry loudly.


"This is Avarosa and Serelda's suicide note!"

This chapter has been completed!
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