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Chapter 1119 A kind reminder

"Wake up, Nymphadora, wake up!"

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Tonks opened her eyes in confusion. Not long after she closed her eyes and fell asleep, she was awakened by her mother.

"Auror, a famous Auror from the Ministry of Magic is looking for you." Mrs. Andromeda reminded her in a low voice.

"Auror?" Tonks glanced sideways out of the dark window and complained, "Is there any mistake at this point in time?"

When Tonks came to the living room rubbing her eyes, she found her colleague standing there.


"Amelia Bones is dead, and there is a Dark Mark above the house." Williamson looked at the sleepy Tonks and continued, "We also found the body of Emmeline Vance nearby.

, she should be from the Order of the Phoenix, right?"

"What? Emmeline is dead."

All the sleepiness on Tonks' face disappeared, and she just stayed in place.

"Yes, she died, in a small alley near Bones' house." After the middle-aged Auror finished speaking, he nodded slightly towards Tonks' family, turned and left.

By the time Tonks came to her senses, the Auror named Williamson had disappeared, and only Mr. and Mrs. Tonks were left in the living room, looking at her with worried faces.

"I have to go out."

Tonks hurried back to her room to change her clothes, and then rushed to No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

The Auror relayed the news to her because she was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Emmeline Vance was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Scrimgeour hoped to relay the news to the Order of the Phoenix or Dumbledore through Tonks.

When Tonks rushed to No. 12 Grimmauld Place with the news of Emmeline Vance's sacrifice, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix was immediately in a panic. Everyone notified other members of the Order of the Phoenix and asked them to go to Grimmauld Place.

There was a meeting at No. 12, Mo Square, and Mrs. Weasley also prepared strong tea for everyone to drive away drowsiness.

"I have already said that Amelia Bones will kill herself sooner or later." Sirius looked extremely angry after learning that Emmeline Vance had died.

"Calm down Sirius." Lupine looked at his old friend helplessly.

When the Order of the Phoenix planned to provide invisible protection to Amelia Bones, Sirius was strongly opposed to it. He believed that Amelia Bones would kill him sooner or later.

As Albert expected, Amelia Bones was murdered by Voldemort, and worst of all, Emmeline Vance, who was protecting her, was killed.

"The death of Emmeline Vance is very suspicious." Mad-Eye Moody frowned and said, "She was sneak-attacked when she left the stronghold and went out on patrol, and she didn't even resist."

In fact, members of the Order of the Phoenix will use the Disguise Charm on themselves to ensure their personal safety, whether they are in or out of their stronghold.

Generally, with the hidden protection of the Disguise Curse, even if a Death Eater breaks into a temporary stronghold, it will be difficult to find and kill the Order members in the stronghold immediately.

And Emmeline Vance was killed on the way to patrol. She was killed without any resistance. The other party was able to see through the Disillusionment Curse and attack Emmeline without any defense. How could this happen?

It all looks weird.

"Those Death Eaters have been prepared for a long time." Sirius tapped his fingers on the table and murmured, "Don't forget, in addition to us, there are also Aurors from the Ministry of Magic who are responsible for the safety of Amelia Bones.

, yet they were brought down without any warning.”

"You mean, there is a traitor among the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, or..." Tonks was also emotionally unstable now, not only because Emmeline Vance was murdered, but also because she almost died.


"Voldemort and the Death Eaters knew from the beginning that we were protecting Amelia Bones." Sirius reminded, "Someone must have leaked this news to them."

"Calm down Sirius, no one here will leak secrets to the mysterious person." Lupine guessed who Sirius was talking about.

"You know who I'm talking about, and I'm calmer than any of you," Sirius sneered as he took a big gulp of butterbeer and said, "Because I've long expected this day to come.

I just didn’t expect that Emmeline Vance would die because of this.”

"You believe in those prophecies too much!" Mad-Eye Moody frowned and said.

"But those predictions have come true." Sirius placed the wooden cup heavily on the table and reminded angrily, "I know what you want to say, but compared to such a sacrifice, I am more willing to believe in Anderson's


"Don't blame me for speaking harshly. Amelia Bones is just looking for death. She knows that Voldemort will personally kill her, but she still doesn't care... She deserves to die." Sirius laughed at himself.

: "From the beginning, we shouldn't take any chances."

"What should we do now? Is the Ministry of Magic really going to... collapse?"

Arthur hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his inner worries. They secretly provided protection for Amelia Bones. In fact, they also hoped that Amelia Bones could change the current situation.

Because Sirius once mentioned that in Albert's prophecy, Fudge's successor must be unlucky and will die during his term of office. At that time, the Ministry of Magic will completely collapse and be controlled by Voldemort and Death Eaters.

"I don't think it's now." Sirius frowned and said, "I remember Fred and George saying that in a year or two, the Ministry of Magic would collapse."

"Fred and George?" Everyone was a little surprised.

Isn't it what Albert said?

"Perhaps, we should go find Fred and George to find out the specific situation." Lupine stopped Sirius from continuing.

"No, I remember I wrote it down." Sirius waved his wand and conjured a notebook out of thin air.

"You still took notes?"

Everyone was surprised and looked at Sirius in disbelief.

"Fred and George said that Albert predicted this war long ago, so he made those dark magic defense items." Sirius ignored the eyes of others, flipping through his notes and said, "Find

He believes that Fudge's successor is an unlucky person who will eventually die miserably during his tenure, and the next successor will be an unlucky person as well, because he will become Voldemort's puppet. I think the collapse of the Ministry of Magic should refer to this. Ai

Bert mentioned that everyone will need to hide by then."

"Anything else?" Lupine asked, breaking the silence.

"Harry will eventually eliminate You-Know-Who." Sirius closed the note and said, "Albert obviously also thinks that Harry is our hope."

"Destroy the mysterious man completely." Moody muttered, his intuition telling him that the mysterious Anderson must know something.

He suddenly felt that Dumbledore's failure to invite Albert to join the Order of the Phoenix was a big loss. Even if the other party did favor their side, he would still provide them with help. But when the target was a master of prophecy who could predict the future almost 100%, what a situation.

It's completely different.

"Maybe it's time to have a good chat with Dumbledore." Moody suddenly understood why Sirius admired Anderson so much.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Tonks asked suddenly.

"I don't know." Moody shook his head and said, "I have sent a message to Dumbledore, but I have not received a reply yet. I suspect that he may not be in the UK."

"Not in England?"

"I don't know, Dumbledore rarely tells people his whereabouts, but I think he must have something important to do." Moody speculated.

"Important things? For example?"

"Find a way to defeat You-Know-Who and eliminate him completely." Moody muttered, "I suspect that Anderson may know something too."

"It's best to stop this matter." Sirius suddenly said seriously, "It can't be spread outside, especially Snape can't know about it."


Everyone was a little stunned and turned to look at Sirius.

"What would happen if Voldemort mistakenly believed that Anderson knew his fatal weakness?" Sirius asked.

"You mean...the mysterious man will go after Anderson crazily?"

"No, there is probably nothing the mysterious man can do against Anderson, but we may all be unlucky because of this." Sirius warned.

"What will happen to us?"

"You don't know him." Sirius said in a low voice, "He was the one who got Umbridge into Azkaban Prison."

"Umbridge isn't..."

"Who do you think reminded Harry?" Sirius sneered, "Do you really think he is a young wizard who has just graduated?"

"I dare say that Voldemort's lair was found by the Aurors, and it was probably him who leaked the secret to the Aurors. Voldemort wanted to kill him in the duel competition."

"He also used our help to send all the Death Eaters who had assassinated him to Azkaban Prison. Goyle, Crabbe, Avery... At the beginning, all the Death Eaters who were captured in Spain were

Among the group of Death Eaters who were captured."

"But, this..."

There was an eerie silence in the living room, and everyone looked at each other. Although they didn't understand why Sirius said that, was the truth really like that?

Intuition told Tonks that what Sirius said might be right. At least the location of Voldemort's lair was probably revealed to Scrimgeour by Anderson.

Mrs. Weasley suddenly asked, "When will Emmeline's funeral begin?"

"the day after tomorrow."

The restaurant fell silent again.

"Let's all go rest, I know everyone is tired." Mrs. Weasley suggested.

No matter how much they discuss, nothing can come of it. Amelia Bones is dead, and it's hard to say what the situation will be like next.

"Go back and rest. I will contact Dumbledore as soon as possible." After saying this, Moody stood up with his crutches. Staying up late was not considered friendly to an elderly man.

"Remus, I have something to tell you." Sirius called out to his old friend after the meeting.

After all the members of the Order of the Phoenix left, Sirius poured a glass of butterbeer and placed it in front of Lupine. Lupine reached out to take it, but did not drink it. He looked at Sirius with slightly tired eyes and asked, "What's the matter?


"You like Tonks, right?" Sirius suddenly said in a determined tone.

"What?" Lupine was a little surprised, as if he didn't understand why Sirius said that.

"She almost died tonight!" Sirius reminded: "If it weren't for Emmeline Vance's bad luck, Tonks might have died tonight."

"perhaps you're right."

Lupine tightened his grip on the glass and fell into a brief silence. He drank the butterbeer in the glass suddenly and changed the topic, "Amelia Bones was eventually killed by Voldemort."

"Tonks likes you too, my old friend." Sirius looked at Lupine with downcast eyes and reminded, "You almost lost her tonight. Maybe you should face your feelings."

"What about you, Sirius?" Lupine asked.

"I'm just a little disappointed." Sirius said irritably: "Just like when Dumbledore wanted to win over the werewolves, I was very dissatisfied, but you still went. What can I do? I have no choice."

"Okay, I admit that if you are not even willing to try, then you will lose even the last bit of hope." Sirius looked at his old friend and said calmly: "So, I think I should remind you to catch yourself.


"I'm not suitable, Sirius." Lupine shook his head and laughed at himself, "I'm too old, too poor, and too dangerous."

"I know what you are worried about?" Sirius said slowly: "I asked Anderson, and he said that the probability of inheriting werewolves to the next generation is not high. Even if it is inherited, it will not turn into a werewolf. At most

I just have some werewolf symptoms."

Lu Ping opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to speak but hesitated.

"As for poverty, that won't be a big problem." Sirius reached out and patted Lupine on the shoulder and said: "You should have seen that Fred and George can easily earn a lot of galleons, and you can too.

, even if you can't make a lot of money, we can still get you a good job. Fred and George need help. They ask you to help, not only because you need the money, but also because of your defense against dark arts.

The level is not low either, and they recognize your ability."

"After this experience, our magazine can also become the most famous Defense Against the Dark Arts magazine in the UK. It can definitely sell well, and you are the editor-in-chief of the magazine, so you don't have to worry about Galleons at all." Sirius said softly:

"There is also the problem of werewolves. There is a humanoid restoration spell, but the spell is more difficult. But I believe that Tonks can learn it if he is willing and takes a while. Even without the wolfsbane potion, you are not a big threat."

"Think about it, my old friend." Sirius said softly: "Your worries are not really a big problem."

"I'm tired, let's go back and rest first." Lu Ping lowered his eyes, stood up and left.

"I still think you should stay." Sirius tried to persuade him.

Lu Ping didn't say anything, didn't stop, and left quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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