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Chapter 1120 Seeking Death

"Minister, the reporters are here."

Percy Weasley stood at the door, looking at Fudge, who had his fingers crossed behind the desk and looked listless, raised his hand and knocked gently on the wooden door of the office, and reminded him aloud.


Cornelius Fudge stood up tiredly and walked out of the office.

To be honest, Fudge didn't want to face those annoying reporters like flies at all, but as the current Minister of Magic, he must give everyone a reasonable explanation for the death of Amelia Bones no matter what.


"What a hell!"

Fudge himself didn't even understand what was going on.

A few hours earlier, he had been awakened from sleep and informed of the murder of Amelia Bones.

What does it mean for a suspected mysterious person to take action himself?

The Aurors didn't give him a reasonable explanation, so how should he give an explanation to the reporters?

Is it possible to tell reporters that Amelia Bones was killed by a mysterious man himself?

Even if you think about it on your knees, you know what the consequences will be if you really say that.

What the entire British wizarding world really cares about is not Bones' death, but that she was murdered by Death Eaters under the heavy protection of Aurors.

The authority of the Ministry of Magic will be questioned again. This is not the most terrifying thing. After this incident, everyone will think that Bones was murdered under the protection of Aurors, so how can everyone's life safety be guaranteed?

Woolen cloth?

Wizards who live in fear will only vent their anger on the Ministry of Magic. As the Minister of Magic, Fudge will undoubtedly bear the brunt. Who allowed this to happen during his tenure?

Fudge seemed to hear people yelling at him to get off the stage again.

He knew very well that everyone wanted to replace the Minister of Magic with a more reliable one to lead them through the current difficulties.

"I'm here to announce bad news. Ms. Amelia Bones was killed not long ago." Fudge's voice was low and sad. Unknowingly, he thought Fudge and Bones had a good relationship.

In fact, the relationship between Fudge and Bones is not good. This mainly involves the interests of both parties, and also because Fudge will not get much benefit after the other party comes to power.

However, several years of career as Minister of Magic have made Fudge's acting skills passable.

"I heard that Ms. Bones was murdered by Death Eaters under the heavy protection of Aurors." A male reporter asked sharply, "Is this true?"

Fudge's face looked ugly, but he was not unprepared, so he said: "Yes, unfortunately, we think that the devil who cannot even be named killed her himself."

Amid the whispers of the reporters, Fudge stretched out his hand and motioned for everyone to listen to him continue, "Amelia is a very talented witch. Her bravery and fair character have been recognized by everyone, and she is currently the most talented witch.

The favored candidate for the Minister of Magic, maybe the devil who must not even be named was afraid of her becoming the Minister of Magic, so he personally led his Death Eaters to kill her. All signs indicate that she had fought hard to resist."

"Amelia's death is a huge loss for us."

"But I heard that the Auror who protected Ms. Bones was not killed by the Death Eaters, but was killed by a witch named Emmeline Vance." The male reporter said sharply again, "

It is said that the lady is one of Dumbledore's people, and she is also responsible for protecting Ms. Bones' safety."

Fudge looked hard at the reporter who had just spoken, trying to get a clear look at that person's appearance. Unfortunately, the person was hiding in the crowd.

There was an uproar at the scene. It would be fine if the Auror who was protecting Bones was knocked unconscious by the Death Eaters, but another wizard who was responsible for protecting her was brutally killed. This matter is very suspicious no matter how you look at it.

If you had a darker idea, it wouldn't be surprising to think that someone from the Ministry of Magic deliberately murdered Amelia Bones.

"I can't answer your questions, because I also want to know the reason, but I think the answer will have to wait until the two Aurors wake up." Fudge used the dragging technique. Naturally, he would not admit whether the Aurors had a problem.

And Fudge didn't think it was an Auror problem.

Just as Fudge expected, everyone is more concerned about who will be the next Minister of Magic after Bones is murdered? Whether he can lead everyone through the current difficulties.

Fudge answered the reporters' questions tiredly. He didn't even know what he said in the end. There is no doubt that Bones's death has greatly reduced everyone's confidence in the Ministry of Magic, making many wizards think that the Ministry of Magic is no longer there.

It's reliable.

Fudge now just wanted to dump this mess on someone else as soon as possible, but after Bones died, he was horrified to find that there was no suitable candidate.

Mainly because Bones is very capable and talented. Currently, he not only has everyone's acquiescence, but also has the support of Dumbledore. He should not wait for the vote, but should simplify the voting and let Bones directly

After becoming the new Minister and dealing with the mess left behind, Voldemort may not dare to blatantly challenge the entire Ministry of Magic.

That morning, the news about Amelia Bones's death and Fudge's interview quickly spread throughout the UK through newspapers.

Isobel put the newspaper on the table and looked up at Albert, "You seem to have foreseen her death very early."

"Yes, I remember reminding her." Albert swallowed the food in his mouth and said calmly: "But Bones was unwilling to hide. Perhaps, she overestimated the protection between herself and the Aurors.

, underestimated the mysterious man’s determination to kill her, so she died.”

Mrs. McDougal and Katrina both turned to look at Albert.

"It should have been done by the mysterious man himself." Albert took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth, "If it were those useless Death Eaters, they would probably mess things up. That Vance is from the Order of the Phoenix, even if he can't beat him

Winning the Death Eaters will also alert Bones and help her buy time to use Apparation to escape. The tasks of the two Aurors should be similar."

"If she is willing to hide temporarily." Isobel looked at her mother and asked, "Can she escape?"

"I think it may be difficult. I know Amelia." Mrs. McDougal sighed softly. "She is not a timid person, and she will not hide out of fear of being killed."

"So, she died." Albert said calmly, "Bones' character and behavior led to her death."

"Have you reminded her?" Katrina asked curiously.

"Yes, I reminded her, I reminded Dumbledore, and I reminded Scrimgeour. They all remained vigilant, but Bones was still killed by the mysterious man because they underestimated the determination of the mysterious man.

"Albert said softly, "So, changing the prophecy is sometimes not an easy thing."

Katrina looked at her mother and suddenly understood why Albert and Isobel brought her here even if they used the Imperius Curse.

If Mrs. McDougal didn't want to give up her job and go into hiding, maybe Bones would be her fate.

"If Amelia chose to hide, could she survive?" Mrs. McDougal looked at her daughter and thought of her own situation.

"Perhaps, at least he won't die easily." Albert explained, "The prophecy is difficult to change, but it does not mean that it cannot be changed."

"So, you told Bones, you told Dumbledore, and you mentioned it to Scrimgeour?"

"Yes." Albert admitted directly.

"But Bones is still dead." Katrina reminded.

"If Bones had hidden, he might not have died." Albert gave an example, "Remember Umbridge's prophecy?"

"Originally, in my prophecy, Umbridge would enter the Forbidden Forest because of something and get an unforgettable lesson from the centaurs. But after she heard the prophecy, she never dared to step into the Forbidden Forest, so her

Destiny has changed."

"I feel like you know everything." Katrina looked at Albert with a strange expression.

"I can guess some things."

"If you are willing, you should be able to save her."

Although it was doubtful, Katrina seemed certain that Albert had a way to save Bones, and if he really wanted to, he would definitely be able to do it.

"I'm not Potter, let alone a savior. I can't save anyone, let alone take risks to save unrelated people." Albert glanced at Katrina and said calmly, "Many times, even if it's true,

Even if disaster is predicted, it is difficult to prevent it because no one believes it.”

"Moreover, I tried, but failed." Albert said in a very calm tone, "Emmeline Vance died because of this, but it did not change the fate of Bones' death."

"You mean..."

"That lady didn't die protecting Bones."

"Destiny is always unpredictable. Even if I can predict the future, I still need to be in awe of it. Being able to peek into the future does not mean I can do whatever I want."

"Sorry." Katrina lowered her head and said.

"The death of Bones was more due to her unwillingness to give up." Albert said softly, "If she was willing to give up something, at least there would be a chance for revenge. Now she doesn't even have the chance."


Katrina feels like this is getting more and more complicated.

"The Bones family has a huge grudge against You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters. Most of her immediate family members died at the hands of You-Know-Who and Death Eaters. Do you think she wouldn't want to take revenge?"

"So, Bones wants to use the power of the Ministry of Magic to seek revenge on them. Becoming the Minister of Magic is the best way. If she wants to become the Minister of Magic, she can't hide." Isobel added.

"It may also be caused by the desire for power. Who knows? After all, many executives of the Ministry of Magic have a strong desire for power." Albert shrugged and said: "The mysterious man and the Death Eaters took the lead. So, Bones

If you die, you will also lose the opportunity for revenge."

There was an eerie silence in the living room.

"By the way, Isobel and I are going to France today for business, and we should be back in the next few days." Albert suddenly changed the subject.

"What are you doing in France?"

"Go to see Mr. Flamel, he is our witness." Albert continued, "By the way, I will go to the wedding site to have a look. I also have to pick up my family. It is best for them not to return to the UK."

"Be careful on the road," said Mrs. MacDougal.

"Keep in touch through the double-sided mirror. If you have anything to say to the house elf, it's best not to leave here easily." Albert thought for a while and then said, "We will come back to take you to France in a while. The wedding will be there.

It's really not safe in the UK."

"What should I do with my dress?" Katrina asked suddenly. She didn't have a suitable dress. She borrowed Isobel's dress from the last Christmas party.

"Uncle Mog has already made a reservation for you. It should be ready in a few days." Isobel said softly, "The style is similar to the one you wore last time."


Katrina hates this feeling of being arranged.

After breakfast, Albert and Isobel disguised themselves as a couple, then apparated to a remote and uninhabited beach in southern England, and then used illegal door keys to leave for France.

Under normal circumstances, Albert would definitely choose a plane to France.

Of course, there are other ways, such as using the transnational floo network of the Wildsmith family, but those floo networks have not been used for a long time, and security issues are really difficult to guarantee, and using door keys is simpler and faster. Nowadays, it is chaotic.

Due to the current situation, the British Ministry of Magic has no energy to track down the portkey, so there is no need to worry about getting into trouble.

After arriving in France, Albert took Isobel to apparate three times in a row, and finally appeared in the village of Nicolas with a different appearance.


A surprised voice suddenly sounded nearby.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

Before Albert recognized the owner of the voice, he had already raised his wand and pointed in the direction of the voice.

"I almost didn't recognize you." Dumbledore looked at the two men and women with black heads and yellow skin in front of him in surprise, and said softly, "You are very good at transfiguration."

In fact, pedestrians on the street couldn't even see these three guys who used the Disillusionment Curse on them.

"Professor, I didn't notice you." Albert looked at Dumbledore curiously.

"It's normal that your attention is on the female companion around you. However, your reaction is very quick and timely." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I just came out from Nico's place, and he said that among you

It will definitely arrive before noon."

This old man actually came to take care of the funeral affairs of his old friend.

"No, Professor, what did you use to make me ignore you." Albert asked curiously.

"You will definitely know a little trick, but you have ignored it yourself." Dumbledore blinked and said, "I have to go back to England first. Something seems to have happened there."

"Amelia Bones is dead."

"A heavy loss." Dumbledore sighed softly, "She was an amazing wizard."

"This is her choice." Albert said softly.

"You're right, that was her choice." Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Okay, go quickly, don't keep Nico waiting too long, he will be very happy to see you, Pere.

Gnar also prepared your favorite dessert."

"Goodbye Professor."

After Albert and Dumbledore separated, he took Isobel and walked towards Nico's house.

Changed it slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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