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Chapter 1434 As expected

After the case of Thompson and his son came to light, the newly rescued family members calmed down after learning the news.

Perhaps, this is why many people like to kill chickens to scare monkeys.

Naturally, some people doubted the authenticity of this matter, but they no longer had the courage to act rashly.

Even if Albert took the time to help them remove the tracking magic that the Death Eaters secretly left on them, most of the family members still behaved very calmly, and no one had any objections to continuing to stay in the asylum.

After all, no one wants to die.

One case of the Thompsons is enough.

It can only be said that most people are "cheesy", but on this point, Albert is understandable.

However, understanding is understanding, but it does not mean that Albert will finish the work for them.

After appeasing the emotions of the association members, Albert went directly to the conference room, not forgetting to summon the leaders of each group before leaving.

"What are you thinking about?"

After Shanna put the coffee in front of Albert, she sat down next to him with her notebook.

"Earlier, I was curious about how the location of the association's headquarters was exposed." Albert picked up his coffee and took a sip, "I didn't expect it to be exposed in this way."

"No, not many people in the association know the specific location of the headquarters, right?" Shanna was very confused, at least she herself didn't know the location of the association's headquarters.

"Yes, most members do not know the location of the headquarters. This is also an insurance policy I prepared, but there are actually so many abandoned villages in the UK. As long as the mysterious person has some brains, it is not difficult to find the location of the association headquarters through elimination.

At most it just takes a little more time.”

This is a question that Albert has never thought about.

Even if he has cast a spell on this land, it cannot be displayed on the map.

But if Voldemort really wants to cause trouble for them, it will only be a matter of time before he finds the location of the association's headquarters.

However, even if the mysterious person really touches the association headquarters, there is no need to worry too much. After all, there are still many houses here protected by the Red Heart Loyalty Curse to ensure everyone's safety.

As long as Voldemort peeks into this part of memory from Kevin Thompson's mind, he shouldn't waste a lot of time on this matter.

However, the prophecy in the crystal ball told him that Voldemort would come.

"Are you ready to move now?" Shanna suddenly asked.

"At least make preparations first to avoid chaos by then." Albert looked at Fred and the others who knocked on the door and motioned for them to sit down first.

"Are you really ready to move?"

Everyone looked at each other, a little repelled. Living in a building is not as comfortable as here.

"You have also seen the situation. It is only a matter of time that this place is exposed. We must prepare in advance." Albert explained.

"Cleaning that building was a big job!" muttered Lee Jordan.

"You are wizards and can use magic." Albert reminded.

"When does it start?" Kenneth asked.

"Starting in the afternoon, I guess it will take some time for the mysterious man and the Death Eaters to find this place."

"Kevin Thompson shouldn't know the specific location of the association's headquarters, right?" George suddenly asked.

Albert repeated what he had said to Shanna before, and everyone fell silent after listening.

After the news of the move spread quickly in the association headquarters, everyone was scolding Kevin for being stupid. Because of his unauthorized actions, he not only lost his own life, but also implicated the entire association.

"Let's talk?"

Seeing that Cedric was not in a good mood, Albert took the initiative to invite him.

"I kind of regret inviting Kevin." Cedric said with a wry smile.

Kevin was his good friend at Hogwarts, but he didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

"That's not your fault. Before joining the Defense Association, everyone was informed of the risks they might face after joining the Defense Association. What's more, this time it was caused by his unauthorized actions." Albert reached out and patted Cedric on the shoulder.

"So, you made a mistake from the beginning. It was not you who harmed Kevin, but his father, Mr. Thompson, whose stupidity harmed his son."


"Are you trying to say that if Kevin hadn't joined the association, this wouldn't have happened?" Albert easily saw through Cedric's thoughts and laughed at himself: "Don't think like that, you are not Kevin's father.

, let alone a savior, you can’t save everyone.”

"But you haven't always been..."

"Yes, I have always protected everyone and tried my best to prevent them from being harmed, but sooner or later everyone has to face danger. Sooner or later, people we know will die in this war. I have always been aware of this and have already

I am mentally prepared." The expression on Albert's face was very calm, as he said he was mentally prepared.

"Actually, the current situation is much better than I expected."

"Have you expected this?" Cedric looked at Albert in surprise, and then he was relieved. Albert is a master of prophecy.

"Yes, I have expected it a long time ago." Albert opened the door and left the conference room, saying as he walked: "But not using prophecy, because it is not difficult to guess even without using prophecy."

Cedric listened quietly to Albert's words.

"You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters have suffered too many losses from us. They will definitely try their best to dismantle the unsightly existence of the Defense Association, just like they murdered Dumbledore to eliminate their opponents."

"So, the Death Eaters captured your family members and wanted to use this to threaten you into bowing to them and compromising."

Cedric remembered that Albert did mention this matter, but many family members did not take it seriously and ended up being arrested.

"So, we took the risk to break into the Ministry of Magic to rescue your family. But since they are unwilling to listen to your reminder, they probably can't listen to my words, so now this thing is bound to happen, and Kevin Thompson is just the most unlucky one among them.


"But why not stop..."

Cedric almost blurted out his words, but he soon realized how naive and stupid his words were.

"Why not stop it? Because there is no way." Albert shook his head and said, "You are all adults. All I can do is give you some suggestions, otherwise you will still find me annoying, but not everyone realizes

How much is the cost of trial and error?"

"Mr. Thompson didn't listen to my advice and left the shelter without authorization. Kevin obviously didn't listen to my warning and went to look for his father. I don't want to say that he did anything wrong, but he got himself involved. This

It’s regrettable.”

"Now, you know why I don't let the association members leave the headquarters and act alone!"

While speaking, Albert turned to look at the people who were eavesdropping over there and said: "No need to eavesdrop, it's not a big deal. I have never thought of hiding it from you. I have been saying it since before,

It’s just that I didn’t summarize it for you like this.”


"Because you don't like to listen and think I'm annoying, so I usually only say a few words occasionally. Fortunately, you still listened to my advice and stayed at the headquarters and didn't run around."

"As for Kevin, this matter is related to his father. Even if I was there at the time, I couldn't stop him. At most, I would go with him to save people, but I won't do that, because there is no point. When he gets the news,

It's already too late."

"If he hadn't acted without authorization, he wouldn't have died at all, but without what if...he stepped directly into the trap carefully prepared by the enemy, but without Harry's good luck of escaping unscathed, he became a memory gift to the mysterious man.

Gift package.”

This chapter has been completed!
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