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Chapter 1435 Game

"found it?"

In the study, Snape poured a glass of wine for Yaxley, picked up another glass for himself, sat on the armchair opposite the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and talked to his old friend about the recent big events of the Death Eaters.


"Not yet, but it should be soon. I have already asked people to check those abandoned Muggle villages. There are not many of them. As long as we check them one by one, we will definitely find the rat nests."

Speaking of this matter, Yaxley's eyes shone with astonishing light. This was the first time they had an advantage in the confrontation with the mudblood.

"Are you sure this isn't a trap?"

Snape's rhetorical question made Yaxley's expression suddenly change, because this kind of thing seemed... not impossible.

No, on the contrary, this is very likely to happen.

That cunning mudblood really made them suffer.

Yaxley's silence left Snape quite speechless.

what is this?

Having said that, the Death Eaters were indeed tricked a bit miserably by Albert Anderson recently, which made Snape a little doubtful whether the IQs of both parties were really that high?

Now they finally have a chance to get back on track, and it's no wonder Yaxley is so happy.

"It doesn't matter if it's a trap, the Dark Lord will go there, we're just..." Yaxley wasn't worried. Whenever the Dark Lord was present, the Mudblood would usually choose to retreat.

Naturally, they don't have to worry about stepping on a trap and losing themselves in it.

Seeing Yaxley chattering about his next plan, Snape was quite speechless. He felt that his colleagues seemed to have forgotten that the Dark Lord was often defeated when facing Albert Anderson.

Of course, Snape wouldn't say such outrageous words, but that's what he meant.

He never believed that Yaxley's so-called plan could succeed, just like what he had just discussed with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore thought there was no need to worry about Albert, that guy was actually very powerful.

Snape agrees with this. If he were not powerful, he would have offended Voldemort and would have died long ago.

There are not many people who are still alive and kicking like him now, and Voldemort hates them to the core.

"By the way, the house elf thing..."

Yaxley mentioned another reason for seeking out Snape.

"It's ready." Snape was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "I also know the reason why the Dark Lord wants house elves, but I still don't take it seriously."

"Actually, I think so too, but the Dark Lord's order... you know." Yaxley agreed with Snape's words. House elves are indeed not as reliable as everyone thinks. In addition to helping in the kitchen, Yaxley

He really can't think of any other uses besides being a busy person."

Yaxley didn't stay long and left in a hurry, saying he wanted to go back and make some preparations.


Are you ready to jump into the pit?

Snape never doubted the extent of Albert Anderson's sinister nature.

I don't know if it's because he didn't have any experience in war, but he showed amazing talent in this area.

Just look at those Death Eaters who died tragically.

Looking at the old man who appeared in the portrait, Snape murmured, "What do you think this wizarding war will be like?"

"I don't know." Dumbledore shook his head, "But I believe Anderson will be able to solve the problem. You know this."

"Yes, you believe him."

Death Eater Headquarters.

Yaxley, who had just returned to the headquarters, immediately received the bombshell news that they had found the mudblood's lair.

"The Dark Lord discovered that there was something wrong with the dark wizard who was responsible for searching for the Defense Association's stronghold."

Walton McNeil excitedly told Yaxley the main reason why dark wizards discovered the Defense Association's stronghold.

The mudblood seemed to be planning to use memory magic to modify the memory of the search for dark wizards, so as to hide it from the Death Eaters.

But this plan obviously failed. The mudblood obviously didn't expect the Dark Lord to sit in front and directly expose his position in this way.

If the Dark Lord hadn't been there, they probably would have kept it a secret.

Unfortunately, there is no if...

"Wait, let's do it now..."

"No, the Dark Lord thinks that the Mudblood will be ready tonight and plans to change the attack time to tomorrow night." McNeil continued, "At that time, we will have to pretend to be us, but we will still be searching for their whereabouts.

, and then sneak into the headquarters of the Defense Association at night, it is best to solve the trouble once and for all."

Yaxley opened his mouth, but in the end he did not mention the issue he had discussed with Snape to McNeil. It would have hurt his momentum too much.

"Any questions?" McNeil asked.

"It's nothing, just a little emotional."

"Okay, don't be emotional, we will have a regular gathering later to discuss the next action." McNeil reminded.

"We're having a meeting right now?" Yaxley said with a slight frown, "Would you like me to call Snape over?"

"The Dark Lord doesn't seem to be planning to take him with him. After all, Severus is still busy with school affairs."

At the first moment, a terrible thought came to Yaxley's mind: the Dark Lord was suspicious of Snape.

"But... how is this possible? What happened?"

"Don't think too much, maybe the Dark Lord thinks it's more important for Snape to continue to stay at Hogwarts."

McNeill was speechless for a moment.

What the truth is, the two of them can't get into it, but they don't want Snape to have problems.

After all, Snape is one of his own.

Just as the Death Eaters were gathering together to discuss their actions tomorrow night, something similar was happening at the Defense Association.

After discussing how to deal with possible night attacks by mysterious people and Death Eaters, especially after dark wizards appeared near the village, the members of the Defense Association became more convinced of this.

Voldemort is coming.

Regarding this matter, everyone mentally sent greetings to Kevin Thompson and his family.

That guy really did a lot of harm to people. Not only did he die, but he also made them worry all day long.

Even though Albert is very powerful and everyone is willing to believe in him, what they are about to face is the nightmare that once ignored people...Voldemort.

"Everyone is very upset."

Fred was quite helpless about this. He felt that Albert had played a big role this time.

"I thought they would be very excited." Albert said softly, looking at the whispering members.

"Excited? Are you sure?"

George's face twitched, unable to understand how Albert came to this conclusion.

"There is no time. They must know how to overcome their fear of the mysterious man. This is very important." Albert glanced at the people beside him and said, "You should stay with them now."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a moment. In the end, they had to disperse and persuade more people to bravely stand up and join them and join the resistance against the mysterious man group.

This chapter has been completed!
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