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Chapter 1444 Broadcast

The attack that lasted for several days finally came to an end in a way that left everyone stunned.

There must be nothing more convincing than the broadcast from the Wizard's Watch Station.

It's not that everyone is willing to believe the content of the Wizard's Watch Station broadcast, but the broadcast station itself was built by the Defense Association.

Since the broadcast from the Wizard's Watch Station has been broadcast again and the announcer has not been replaced, it means that the original announcer is still alive, and the rumor that all members of the Defense Association were killed in Voldemort's surprise attack is naturally disproven.

As someone who has personally experienced the whole thing, Lee Jordan's words are far more worthy of belief than the specious reports in the Daily Prophet.

"We were lucky. Albert had predicted the attack before and asked everyone to take precautions in advance. When the mysterious man came with the Death Eaters, we even successfully ambushed the attackers and beat them up.

What a piece of shit."

"But if you have to say it, the Death Eaters should have won. After all, we finally evacuated and went to the new headquarters. We spent several days taking care of it, but the new headquarters is still not satisfactory."

The whole magic world has been in such a turmoil for so many days. Is it because the Defense Association has changed its temporary headquarters and has no time to restore the wizard's watch station broadcast?

This makes many people feel like fools.

Especially Lee Jordan's calm tone made many people feel that he was mocking his own blindness and stupidity.

On the Wizard's Lookout radio broadcast, Lee Jordan was telling the audience at the radio the attack that happened that night in an understatement, leaving the audience dumbfounded.

Most wizards only heard that the headquarters of the Defense Association was attacked and completely destroyed by Voldemort in revenge, and the Dark Mark appeared over the ruins.

As for the specific situation, they actually don't know. They can only get sporadic information from the Daily Prophet.

Some wizards even took pleasure in this misfortune. While exposing their ugly faces without any concealment, they also did not forget to use all kinds of gossip to slander Albert and the heroes who bravely stood up to resist the mysterious man. It was simply disgusting.

However, from tonight, everything has changed.

The Defense Association not only defeated the mysterious man's conspiracy, but also successfully escaped from Voldemort's attack, which really swollen the faces of those who were jumping up and down all day long.

Now, if you think about it carefully, it seems ridiculous.

However, after this fatal attack, everyone truly realized the power of the Defense Association. Not only did they dare to collide head-on with the mysterious man and the Death Eaters, but they were also able to calmly and unscathed from the famous...

They evacuated in front of the Dark Lord and achieved the terrible record of not killing anyone to this day.

You know, the Defense Association has been in constant friction with the Death Eaters since its establishment, but so far there have been no casualties due to this.

"No, this statement is actually incorrect. The association actually experienced a downsizing."

Lee Jordan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and began to introduce Mr. Thompson's glorious deeds to the audience at the radio.

Yes, our Mr. Thompson was not only ungrateful to us for getting him out of prison, he also refused to listen to the advice and acted without permission. His stupid actions directly led to him being captured by the mysterious man shortly after leaving the shelter. He not only harmed himself, but also others.

He harmed his own son, but also deceived the Defense Association and caused this damn attack.

Regarding that stupid Mr. Thompson, Lee Jordan unceremoniously labeled him a fool and a pig teammate.

Of course, by mentioning this matter brazenly on the radio, he was not only venting his dissatisfaction, but also warning other family members not to do stupid things, otherwise Mr. Thompson would be their fate.

Lee Jordan was quite satisfied with the lengthy broadcast announcing the return of the Defense Association, and even made a little joke at the meeting.

"Do you think after listening to tonight's broadcast, how many wizards will be brave enough to stand up against the mysterious man?"

"Let's forget it." Kenneth interrupted angrily, "I don't dare think of such a good thing, pig teammates are too scary."

They also know what happened in the shelter. Everyone is sitting here tonight just to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Of course, although it is a discussion, the decision has already been made, and tonight's discussion is only a public display of the defense association's unity and leadership.

Sure enough, after some discussion, everyone unanimously decided to temporarily erase the memories of those family members and send them away from the UK.

Just like what Kenneth said, pig teammates are really scary, so it's better to stay away from them.

Fortunately, Albert has a way to solve this problem more perfectly. They can wait until the war is over, then find the people to remove the spell and help their families regain their memories, instead of turning them into time bombs, something like that.

One case is enough to alert the world, there is no need for another.

Also because of the farce caused by this attack, they saw enough of people's malice.

They have also become more stringent in their selection of members to join the defense association.

Of those wizards who bravely stood up to resist the mysterious man, how many are truly reliable?

I'm afraid this still has to be a question mark.

There was a small crisis of trust between the two parties.

A wizard who really has that will can go to the shelter to become a reserve member, and can also contribute to the fight against the mysterious man.

Of course, this attack also made the entire defense association more cohesive. In that case, they were still able to escape unscathed, giving everyone full confidence in Albert and believing that he could lead everyone to the right direction.

A glorious victory.

In fact, this kind of influence is not only reflected in the Defense Association, but even the members of Dumbledore's Army in the sanctuary were equally enthusiastic about joining the Defense Association after they were stunned to learn the truth about the whole thing from the radio.

Who would refuse to become a powerful wizard?

They also want to be like Albert, who bravely stood up to resist the mysterious man at the most critical moment.

Dumbledore's Army who stayed behind at Hogwarts was no exception. It is said that on the night they listened to the broadcast, they not only set off fireworks on the Astronomy Tower, but also kept repeating the slogan "Snape eats shit" loudly in the castle.

This made Snape very unhappy.

While everyone was stunned, people were surprised to find that the Death Eaters did not respond at all, as if they did not exist, and started pretending to be dead, which really shocked many people's eyes.

As for the specific reasons, Albert knew something about it. According to the latest information sent back from the Death Eaters, it was known that Voldemort had left Britain.

Without the backing of Voldemort, the Death Eaters would naturally not dare to continue jumping around.

As for the reason why Voldemort left Britain, it is not difficult to guess. In the last showdown with Albert, the famous Dark Lord became even more eager to get the legendary death stick after realizing that his wand had become a drag.

If he had had the death stick that night, he could have killed that mudblood.

As for killing Snape and seizing control of the "Death Stick"?

Voldemort didn't think about it, but he finally gave up the idea because he needed Snape, or in other words, he needed Death Eaters.

If it had been in the past, Voldemort might have killed Snape directly and bet on whether the wand in his hand was the legendary death stick, but that can't be done now because he has a man named Albert Anderson.

The Mudblood enemy, and not only does this guy have no martial ethics, but he also has a large group of subordinates. If Voldemort doesn't want to be besieged, it's best not to alienate the Death Eaters.

Even because of Albert's relationship, Voldemort rarely felt regretful. He regretted not paying attention to his old friends. The new Death Eaters were really useless. Today, there are only the last few old Death Eaters left.

Helping to support the scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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