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Chapter 1445 Labor Pains

"I hate it here."

"No wonder Albert didn't use this as the association's headquarters before."

On the roof of the hotel, several members of the Defense Association were setting up a vegetable garden.

Since they were forced to move out of the village, they had to spend a lot of time renovating the new headquarters so that they could live more comfortably here.

"Don't complain and get it done quickly. It's almost lunch time."

"I heard that Shanna went out shopping again today."

"Today it's probably French fries, Coca-Cola, hamburgers, chicken legs and pizza."

"I think it tastes pretty good if you eat it while it's hot."

They waved their magic wands and arranged the soil cultivation boxes neatly. After a period of time, when the weather was mild, they planted some short-term vegetables inside to enrich their daily recipes.

After all, it was impossible for them to eat Muggle fast food all day long. Even if Albert did have a small amount of pounds, he might not be able to survive eating from the wallet in his pocket every day.

"Actually, I've always been curious, why not plant it in Albert's suitcase?"

After finishing the soil loosening and composting, someone finally couldn't help mentioning this matter.

"That suitcase is Albert's personal property, and there is no space for us to grow vegetables in it. You can't dig out the things in the box and plant vegetables again." Cedric glanced up at the man.

Take a look and say calmly.

He also knew that the other party didn't want to do these things, so he couldn't help but complain, but there were some things that he couldn't push too far. He knew very well that Albert never wanted anyone to use righteousness to coerce him into doing something.

"I was just talking casually."

After Cedric looked at the man, he knew that what he just said was a bit excessive.

"Remember bean sprouts? They say there is a large area in the suitcase dedicated to growing them."

Perhaps sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, someone interrupted.

"I heard that George tried the method of growing bean sprouts, but it failed. He said that the temperature was too low and the sprouts could not grow."

“That dish is really refreshing.”

It's all those damn Death Eaters, if only they hadn't burned down our vegetable garden.

Amidst a burst of complaints, everyone finally finished the work at hand, washed their hands in the basin, dried their hands on a clean towel, and slowly rushed towards the temporary restaurant.

“I don’t know when the water supply problem will be solved.”

"It will probably take a few more days, Fred and George are trying to figure it out," Cedric reassured.

"If that doesn't work, just find a place to dig a well!" someone nearby suggested.

At the beginning, Albert also solved the water supply problem in the village in this way.

If even the water supply cannot be met normally, life will become extremely inconvenient. This is the main reason why most members who have just moved here cannot stop complaining.

Of course, I'm not blaming Albert. All of everyone's dissatisfaction is directed at the culprit who caused them to fall into such a predicament.

In this case, only sitting down and enjoying the delicious food on the table can temporarily relieve everyone's dissatisfaction.

After everyone walked into the restaurant, they found that it was full of people.

"I heard there's chaos out there."

While distributing food to everyone, Fred suddenly mentioned the news he had just received from the Order of the Phoenix.

"what happened?"

With that said, Cedric took a bite of the burger and chewed it slowly.

"Those dark wizards..." Lee Jordan, with his mouth full of food, said inarticulately, "They are..."

"Can't you swallow the food first?"

Cedric looked at Lee Jordan speechlessly as he stuffed pizza into his mouth like a starving ghost reincarnated.

"Those dark wizards are using the title of You-Know-Who and are doing evil everywhere in the wizarding world. I heard that even the Ministry of Magic dare not take care of it, and the Daily Prophet dare not mention a word about it." Fred handed it to Lee Jordan.

He ordered a cup of Coke with ice and continued, "I heard that the mysterious man is very dissatisfied with today's Death Eaters and plans to select people from the dark wizards to replace a group. Although Voldemort did not say that directly, it is probably this


"Those dark wizards are so eager to board the mysterious man's broken ship?"

Everyone who pricked up their ears to eavesdrop on their conversation was a little stunned. No matter how they looked at it, the mysterious man's ship was already shaky.

"This is normal. Most dark wizards just want to use Voldemort's name to do bad things. They may just catch it and run away. If they really encounter trouble, they will run faster than anyone else." Kenneth said.

Most people need to know about wizards who live in gray areas.

"Besides, in the eyes of many dark wizards, the mysterious man is not just a broken ship."

Probably noticing everyone's confused looks, Kenneth took a sip of Coke and explained unhurriedly, "The core of the Death Eaters is always the mysterious man himself. In this regard, the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association are actually somewhat similar.


"Take the Order of the Phoenix as an example. You should have noticed that after Dumbledore's death, the situation of the Order of the Phoenix became very embarrassing, and they no longer have the power to fight against the mysterious man."

Kenneth knew that there had been some gossip in the association recently, and planned to take the opportunity to hit them to avoid causing trouble.

"It seems that the mysterious man was really hurt by the beating, otherwise he shouldn't have done that."

As we all know, almost all dark wizards who are qualified to become Death Eaters come from famous British pure-blood families. This is also a method used by Voldemort to win over British pure-blood families. But now Voldemort plans to give up?

This is very abnormal.

The reason was naturally that the surprise attack failed.

"I say, if you really have that spare time, you might as well pay attention to when we can eat normal food." Aaliya shook the fried chicken legs in her hand, "I don't deny that these things taste good, but they can't always be eaten.

You eat these things all day long, and it must be quite expensive to buy food!”

"It is estimated that we will have to eat for a few more days. After the water supply returns to normal, we can cook food normally."

As the chief housekeeper, Shanna quickly stood up to reassure everyone that this hotel actually had a well, but it had not been used for a long time. Before drinking, you had to make sure the well water inside was drinkable.

Therefore, according to Albert's instructions, they first cleaned the well, then drained the well water inside, repeated several times, and then confirmed whether the well water was drinkable again.

Shanna's words are still useful. She can always manage the association in an orderly manner, and everyone is willing to believe in her ability.

As long as the water supply can be restored, the sequelae of just moving to a new home can be greatly alleviated.

"By the way, any of you have seen Albert. He hasn't appeared for several days." Everyone changed the subject and talked about other things.

"Tell me, Albert, he seems to be teaching Harry a powerful magic trick recently." Fred knew about this.

He also knew that the guy didn't come to tide over the difficulties with everyone, so some people couldn't help but blame him.

"What a powerful magic."

This topic immediately aroused the curiosity of others.

"I heard it's a very dangerous and powerful black magic. It seems to be used to deal with mysterious people." Fred did not directly say that Albert was teaching Harry the Fire Curse. He was worried that other people would want to learn it after hearing it.

The Fire Curse.

In fact, Fred's guess was correct. Some members wanted to learn it after hearing it, but he blocked it with "Do you think I can do it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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