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Chapter 1648 A war without a winner (100)

Chapter 1650 A war without a winner (100)

But that doesn't seem to have anything to do with her.

Especially after noticing that the surrounding atmosphere had become a little strange, Penello said nothing more.

The emotional problems between Fred and Angelina are ultimately their own business, and it is not easy for outsiders to get involved.

So, this topic ends here.

Everyone seemed to be discussing the wedding of Harry and Ginny in order to cover up the awkward atmosphere just now.

In fact, they all noticed that most of the guests attending the wedding were from the Weasley family, and the only "relative" on Harry's side was Sirius.

As for Uncle Vernon and his family, although Harry had sent them invitations, there was no news as originally expected.

Fortunately, after receiving Harry's wedding invitation, his friends who had fought against Voldemort all came over to send their blessings to the former savior.

Today's big tent can be said to be very distinct.

However, the most surprising thing is probably what Kingsley did. He put aside his superior status as Minister of Magic and attended Harry's wedding as his former partner, which also restored some of everyone's goodwill for himself.

European weddings usually don’t officially start until the afternoon. As Katrina said, waiting is a rather boring and long process. Everyone can only sit in their own seats and talk to other acquaintances around them.

Let’s pass the boring time before the wedding together.

However, the most surprising thing for everyone was probably the desserts that were given to everyone before the wedding banquet. These snacks, carefully made by the house elves from Hogwarts, were well received by all the guests, so the wait was not too much.



Mr. Weasley, who was wearing a brand new dark green dress, held Ginny's hand and walked into the big tent along the specially reserved passage. He announced to all the guests that the wedding had officially begun. The appearance of the bride suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

All the force was pulled back.

For some reason, there were still unharmonious whispers. Just as everyone had expected, someone was actually making fun of the newlyweds' age.

Some people thought it was too early to get married just a few days after becoming an adult, not to mention that Ginny was actually pregnant with Harry's child.

Even if it has been explained on the radio before, so what, it has always been normal for relatives to gossip behind their backs.

This made Sirius very dissatisfied and he wanted to take out his wand and tell them to get out immediately.

Today is Harry's wedding. It doesn't matter if he doesn't send blessings to the newlyweds, but he still talks like that.

Are you sure you didn't come here to disrupt the wedding on purpose?

Fortunately, Sirius' nerves were not challenged too much, and the wizard responsible for officiating the wedding had already begun to recite his lines as usual.

Anyway, Albert felt very bored. He knew very well that it was just a process, and only the emotional Mrs. Weasley below covered her face with a lace handkerchief and cried softly.

Albert's eyes fell on Ginny's bridesmaid.

It's indeed Hermione!

It's this know-it-all lady who is different from usual. It can be seen that she has put a lot of thought into dressing up carefully in order to serve as Ginny's bridesmaid. This has suddenly subverted many people's inherent impression of Hermione, and people can't help but watch more.

A few glances at the girl in the lavender dress.

Fortunately, Ginny, who was well dressed, was equally beautiful, so the bridesmaids would not take away the bride's grace.


"It seems that Miss Granger is also very popular!" Isobel looked at Hermione next to Ginny with interest.

She also noticed that Harry's best man, Ron Weasley, had been focusing his attention on Hermione since the bride entered the room.

"After all, people are visual animals, and it is normal for beautiful girls to be popular with men." Albert naturally noticed Ron's gaffe, but his reaction was very calm, and he even sympathized with Ron who was in unrequited love, because he was very

He knew that since Hermione made a vow to him, he had no chance at all.

"This is not a good thing."

Isobel trembled her lips to remind her of the relationship between the two parties.

"I know."

Albert believed that Hermione could solve it by herself.

"It always feels a bit similar to our process."

Isobel looked at the young couple kissing on the stage and applauded along with everyone.

"Sirius asked me for a copy of the wedding process a while ago. He probably thought that Harry's wedding should not be too shabby." Albert said softly, "For this reason, he also persuaded Professor McGonagall to let Hogwarts' wedding

House elves came over to help, so the process of Harry's wedding was actually pretty much the same as ours."

"Give me one when the time comes." Cedric's voice came from the side.

Albert felt that Cedric probably wouldn't be able to use it.

For the sake of everyone's safety, Albert's wedding process was actually much shorter than that in the UK, and it ended around 7 or 8 pm.

However, the food at the wedding banquet was indeed more delicious, and even surprised many people. At least many guests of the Weasley family were very interested in the delicacies from various countries at the wedding banquet, which also made some people who were originally gossiping because of their age

Shut up for now.

Probably considering that there would be dancing later, the meal time at the wedding banquet was much shorter than expected, and it was not possible to satisfy everyone.

So, under the resentful gaze of countless guests, Harry and Ginny walked hand in hand onto the dance floor accompanied by the music of the band and everyone's warm cheers.

Looking at Fred and Angelina dancing wildly, Albert and Isobel smiled at each other, walked to the dance floor hand in hand, and danced an elegant waltz to the music.

Compared with their elegant dancing, Hermione and Ron's performance was terrible.

Hermione's mind didn't seem to be on dancing, and she looked a little absent-minded. She often accidentally stepped on Ron's feet, while Ron seemed to be obsessed with dancing with Hermione. Even if his feet were stepped on, it wouldn't be a big deal.

He didn't come back to his senses until after the music ended and Hermione led him down the dance floor.

"Aren't you going to dance?"

"Take a rest!" Hermione cast an apologetic look at Ron, then let go and sat on the empty table next to Percy, looking confused at Percy who was writing something in his notebook.

"what are you writing?"

"Record something important." Percy said without looking up.

"It's really hard for the minister to help!" Hermione sighed softly.

"He's just pretending. Who do you think comes to a wedding and is still working?" Ron placed a glass of champagne in front of Hermione and looked at Percy who was busy with disdain.

The latter didn't bother to refute, and solemnly put away the notebook after finishing the recording, and then chatted with Hermione about Harry's wedding, without even looking at Ron, which made the latter quite annoyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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