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Chapter 494 After Coma

After coming out of the campus hospital, Albert went directly back to the dormitory to get his broomstick.

Halfway through, he heard many students gathering together and whispering about what happened between Harry and Quirrell in the dungeon.

Many students are saying that the famous savior Harry Potter successfully prevented the dark wizard Quirrell from stealing Dumbledore's treasure at Hogwarts Castle.

As for what happened in the dungeon.

Why Harry Potter fell into a coma remains a mystery.

The principal doesn't mind others using thrilling stories to speculate on the truth of the matter.

In short, everyone generally believed that Harry successfully passed the magic mechanism arranged by the professors and finally successfully prevented Professor Quirrell from stealing the principal's treasure.

I don't know what happened, but Potter instantly gained a bunch of friends and admirers. Visiting him and giving him gifts became a weird trend in Hogwarts.

Some people are happy, and some people are sad.

Draco Malfoy was very dissatisfied with Harry Potter suddenly becoming the hero who stopped Quirrell from stealing the Headmaster's treasure. He hoped that Potter would still be the annoying person he was before.

When Malfoy complained about this to his two followers, he was overheard by Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were about to cause trouble for him.

So, the three of them sent messages to Albert and arranged for Malfoy together.

When Malfoy came back from his trance, he realized that something was wrong with his stomach, which kept rumbling. He hurriedly threw away his two followers and ran to the nearest bathroom.

As soon as Malfoy sat down on the toilet, a gurgling sound came from the cubicle. When his expression softened slightly, the toilet he was sitting on seemed to have endured pressure that it should not have endured. Suddenly it exploded and cracked, and Malfoy burst into flames.

Sitting on the broken pieces of the toilet, he jumped up screaming as he was pricked by the broken pieces.

The stomach and intestines were still moving, and amidst a sputtering sound, something even more terrifying happened.

The cubicle was immediately filled with a terrible stench, and Malfoy even forgot how he left the bathroom. He fell into a semi-trance.

In the corner, a few people wearing bubble-head spells almost choked with laughter.

"Have you filmed it?" Fred asked excitedly.

"It was filmed." George laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight. "I dare say that Malfoy will have a shadow in his heart when he squats on the toilet."

"Let the little Malfoy brat continue to be arrogant." Fred smiled happily. Their family had always been at odds with the Malfoy family.

"By the way, did you secretly follow Harry last night?" Lee Jordan suddenly looked sideways at Albert and asked, "I dare say you must know what happened in the dungeon."

"Last night, I went on a date." Albert said honestly, "Wood told me about Potter being hospitalized not long ago."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Fred had an expression on his face that said, "Don't try to deceive us."

"I just got a bouquet of flowers to visit Harry. Everyone is giving gifts to our heroes. What are you going to give?" Albert changed the topic casually.

"Bibi's multi-flavor beans." Lee Jordan said without hesitation, "I still have an unopened box of them, what about you?"

"How about giving this as a gift?"

Fred thought about it carefully, pointed to the toilet seat, and said jokingly, "We can mail-order a new toilet seat for Harry, leave him a greeting card, and tell him what happened just now. By the way.

, and this photo, I think Harry will definitely like this gift very much."

"I think he will like it too!" George nodded and agreed, "By the way, didn't Wood ask you for intensive training?"

"Well, you forgot, I know the clone spell!" Albert waved to the three of them, smiled and walked away.

Wood's training is very simple, it is to help Albert recover his condition so that Albert will not ride a broom for a long time and become unfamiliar with flying and catching the Golden Snitch.

Of course, Wood still hoped that Harry would wake up, but Harry ultimately disappointed him.

In the end, it was left to Albert, the substitute seeker.

The game was more intense than expected, and the players did not put the pressure on Albert to win. They probably lost Harry Potter, who had always brought them victory, and they even lost their confidence in winning the game.

No matter how you look at it, the so-called assault training is very unreliable.

However, the most annoying thing is that the players were distracted and the score of the game was deadlocked. Ravenclaw's score was even slightly ahead of Gryffindor.

The game has lasted for two hours, and it is clear that Ravenclaw is ambitious to win the Quidditch trophy. As long as they can score enough points, they can defeat Gryffindor and Slytherin to win the Quidditch trophy.


For this reason, they often asked the seeker to intercept Albert.

The score has gradually widened, and the voices of encouragement for Gryffindor have become increasingly rare. When most people thought that Gryffindor would miss this year's Quidditch trophy, Albert moved, and he used extremely fast

Speed ​​began to dive, and Ravenclaw's Seeker also saw the Golden Snitch and quickly dived to keep up.

"Stop him."

Screams echoed on the court, and everyone stood up nervously. Looking at the fierce changes on the court, the Ravenclaw players rushed towards Albert, trying to hinder Albert and give the Golden Snitch a chance to disappear.


Unfortunately, Albert easily dodged the attack between the player and the Bludger, got out of the gap, and made a downward dive to the ground. Just when everyone thought he would hit the ground, he stopped abruptly.

"Gryffindor wins!"

Li Qiaodan screamed excitedly.

"Albert once again used his genius to tell everyone that even amateurs are better than your professionals."

The Gryffindor players flew towards Albert and hugged him tightly, as if they were going to squeeze him to death.

The three chaser girls showed no restraint and kissed Albert's cheek and forehead fiercely.

At this moment, Albert felt that he was under pressure that he should not bear at this age. In the end, even he had forgotten how he was lifted high and thrown into the air.

However, it feels good to hold the trophy high.

On the way back to the castle, they met Hagrid, the warden of the hunting ground who seemed to have something on his mind.

"Congratulations on winning the game." Hagrid waved towards Albert, as if he was hesitating to speak, "Can you lend me Albert's for a few minutes?"

"What's wrong?" Albert asked, raising his eyebrows.

"It's all my fault!" Hagrid suddenly covered his face with his hands and started sobbing, "I was the one who told Quirrell how to subdue Fluffy! It was all because of a dragon egg, and Harry almost died!"

Albert was a little surprised by Hagrid's self-blame. He could feel the pain and regret in Hagrid's heart.

"I don't think it has much to do with you that Harry almost died." Albert glanced at the new mission, coughed slightly and said, "What happened to Harry was entirely the result of his love of taking risks. Even if he didn't go, it would be strange."

It’s still impossible for Luo to get the fake Philosopher’s Stone, can’t you still see that?”

"That's just a trap."

Albert told a cruel truth, "It doesn't make any sense for Harry to do that. Even if he didn't do it, Quirrell wouldn't be able to take away the Sorcerer's Stone."

Hagrid was shocked and speechless by Albert's words.

Albert looked around and made sure no one was around, then whispered, "I know Nico and have seen the real Philosopher's Stone. You probably don't know that I had already passed those levels and seen the real Philosopher's Stone before Quirrell."

It’s a magic stone, it’s fake, although it’s no different from the real one.”

"Don't be surprised, Dumbledore knows about this." Albert said calmly, "If you feel guilty about Harry, give him a gift too!"


"Photos of family members. I think this gift is the most precious to Harry. You should have something to do, right?" Albert asked.

"Of course, of course, I will send an owl to deliver a letter to Harry's parents' old classmates and ask them for photos. I think they will definitely be willing to give the photos to Harry."

At this moment, Hagrid was as happy as a three-hundred-pound child as he hurried back to his hunting lodge.

Albert glanced at the task completion prompt and nodded with satisfaction. Although the experience gained was not high, it was generally not bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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