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Chapter 495 Prophecy about the secret room

"Did you actually mail order a toilet seat?"

Lee Jordan, who was eating grilled sausages, looked sideways at the package dropped by the owl, and looked up at Fred and George in disbelief. He originally thought they were just joking, but unexpectedly they actually ordered a toilet seat by mail.

Prepared to be given to Harry as a gift for visiting patients.

"Of course it's true. When have you ever seen us tell lies?"

Fred and George looked at each other and looked in the direction of the Slytherin table with evil intentions.

"Don't you want to do it again?"

Lee Jordan followed the Weasley twins' gaze and saw that Malfoy was still in a trance because of what happened yesterday.

"No, no, we just want to give him a deeper impression." The two of them showed a malicious smile, looked at Albert and said, "Give me a few more bowel cleansing pills, the ones you gave last time have been used.


"No, the last one I gave you was the last one." Albert closed the letter, twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, sighed helplessly, and reminded: "It's easy if you do that kind of thing too much.

Someone got caught."

"Well, consider that guy lucky," George muttered.

"We are going to visit Harry later, do you want to go with us?" Fred pointed to the toilet seat and asked, "By the way, I can replenish the medical gift."

"Well, let's go together. We're just on our way." Albert didn't refuse.

After breakfast, the four of them went to the campus hospital together. Madam Pomfrey only gave them five minutes of visiting time.

Harry was sleeping deeply on the hospital bed, showing no signs of waking up.

The candies piled like a mountain on the table next to the hospital bed must have been gifts from Harry's friends and admirers.

"Heroes and saviors are really cheap." Albert couldn't help but sigh: "It's not easy for Potter either."

After saying that, he waved his magic wand and a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums appeared out of thin air, replacing the carnations in the vase.

"Why do you say that?" George asked puzzledly.

Albert smiled and said nothing.

"You always like to say some incomprehensible things." Fred began to unwrap the toilet seat and prepared to put it next to the pile of gifts.

"If one day, everyone says that Potter is a liar, and the entire British wizarding world thinks that Potter is a liar, will you think of him as a liar or a savior?" Albert suddenly asked.

The three of them were a little confused and didn't know how to answer this question.

"Probably, not a liar." George said uncertainly.

"Everyone will think that he is a liar, not a savior." Albert laughed at himself, but he actually hated these things.

Just then, Madam Pomfrey walked in.

"You have been here for nearly ten minutes, get out of here quickly."

When Madam Pomfrey was about to drive them away, her eyes fell on the toilet seat in Fred's hand, she frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Weasley, are you going to send a toilet seat?"

"This is chocolate, it just looks like a toilet seat."

Fred lied, put the toilet seat on the table, and hurriedly left the campus hospital.

"Chocolate? I can't tell it's made of chocolate." Madam Pomfrey picked up the toilet seat and looked at the people leaving as if fleeing. "I really don't understand what students are thinking about these days.


She would not allow such a thing to appear in the school hospital. When she was about to confiscate it, Dumbledore happened to walk in and saw Madam Pomfrey holding a toilet seat.

"No doubt they just wanted to have a laugh with Harry."

"It's not very hygienic to keep this thing here." Madam Pomfrey took the toilet seat and left.

In the corridor outside the school hospital, Lee Jordan was asking Fred if the toilet seat was made of chocolate.

"How is that possible?" Fred said angrily.

"I dare say Madam Pomfrey will confiscate it." Albert said quite speechlessly: "Actually, you should find someone to specially customize a toilet seat chocolate."

The three of them looked at Albert strangely.

"Did I say something wrong?" Albert asked.

"No, no, you're right." Fred put his arm around Albert's shoulders and said, "Maybe we can make some disgusting-looking gifts out of chocolate. Percy's birthday is in August, and we have

Enough time to prepare and give him an unexpected surprise."

"I suggest you go find someone to order one. There will always be wizards who are good at making magic food." Albert thought for a moment and said, "I think one or two galleons will definitely be enough. If the other party is not willing, you can do it then.

Order a few more and keep them for our dear professor."

"We understand!" the twins said in unison.

After being separated from the three of them, Albert went to the divination classroom alone. Professor Trelawney wrote a letter and invited Albert to her place for tea, probably about the prophecy!

In fact, Albert's guess was correct. Professor Trelawney came to him because of the prophecy.

Professor Trelawney's first words when she saw him were: "Can you really predict?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Actually, some wizards with more sensitive minds can still deduce something through some clues, even if they can't actually make predictions." Professor Trelawney said.

"Do you think I can prophesy?"

"I don't know, I can't see the result of your prediction from your crystal ball. In this case, the results of the so-called divination prediction are usually lies, but my intuition tells me that maybe you really have the prediction

Ability." Professor Trelawney pointed to the mat opposite and said, "Sit down and we can talk about it. There are really very few wizards who can really predict."

Albert sat across from Professor Trelawney, picked up the black tea that the other person had brewed, took a sip, and waited quietly for the other person to continue speaking.

"I heard that Professor Quirrell died. Just as you predicted, he left us forever. Harry Potter was by his side at that time."

"Well, that seems to be true."

"The prophecy you made about the unicorn's blood in the beginning came true, right?"

"Well, it happened." Albert's tone was still very calm.

"It's really enviable." Professor Trelawney said softly: "I know that many people in the school think I am a liar. Do you think I can predict?"

"Cassandra Trelawney is undoubtedly a true master of prophecy," Albert said.

"Unfortunately, I did not inherit much of my great-great-grandmother's talent, and the Trelawny family no longer has a real prophet." Professor Trelawney sighed softly: "Most wizards are actually not willing to believe it.

The so-called prophecy, unless they see the predicted results with their own eyes from the crystal ball."

"Because no one will be willing to believe your lies until you truly predict the disaster." Professor Trelawney continued, "Furthermore, even if you can predict people's disaster, you can't prevent it. You can only watch.

When disaster occurs, it is not a good thing for the prophet.

"You can also predict, right?" Albert said.

"Probably... yes. In fact, I can't be sure, I can only have a vague feeling." Professor Trelawney laughed at herself: "I once made a prophecy to Dumbledore, although I no longer remember that prophecy.

But not long after that, probably after the fall of the mysterious man, I came to Hogwarts as the professor of divination. At that time, there was no so-called divination class in the school."

"It seems that the prophecy has come true." Albert said softly.

"Yeah, if I didn't prove my ability to Dumbledore, how could he let me teach at Hogwarts?" Professor Trelawney murmured: "But many people just don't understand on purpose.


"Okay, I admit, Dumbledore did not have a good impression of divination at first." Professor Trelawney said to herself, "At that time, he told me that Hogwarts was going to open a divination class and wanted to invite

I went to be a professor, but before that, Dumbledore wanted me to give him a prophecy."

"I think that is the purpose of the principal looking for me. He probably heard about my family and thought that I also have the ability to predict, so he came to me," Professor Trelawney said.

"Is this prophecy related to the mysterious man?" Albert suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Professor Trelawney shook her head. "If you want to know the content, I'm afraid you can only go to Dumbledore. Oh, by the way, Snape may also know. He broke into the room and almost interrupted

Got my prophecy.”

"It seems that it should be the prophecy of the savior."

"At that time, I thought the same thing," she said.

In fact, Albert had never doubted Professor Trelawney's intelligence, her ability to be a liar, and her ability to deceive others, so no one would be a fool.

A truly skilled Muggle fortune teller would have a strong sense of logical analysis and temporary adaptability, but would be a bit incompetent in front of real prophetic magic.

"I can't control my prophecy ability like you, nor can I use it as I wish, but I believe that I have that ability." Professor Trelawney looked at Albert seriously, "Can you tell me,

How on earth do you control your prophecy?"

This is Professor Trelawney's purpose in finding Albert. No one wants to be a third-rate prophet.

"I'm afraid I can't give you very good advice, because I learned my crystal ball divination by myself from books." Naturally, Albert would not tell Professor Trelawney that he actually mastered the ability to predict by cheating.

"It's just like the numbers in the book," Albert briefly described his feeling when he described his prediction.

"Focus on the crystal ball and keep thinking about what you want to know in your head. If you succeed, you will see some fragments. The rest is to connect those fragments together to unlock the prophecy.

The meaning has been expressed.”

Professor Trelawney fell into a brief silence, and then said after a moment: "Can you make a prophecy now?"

"Oh, of course no problem!"

Albert stared at the crystal ball placed on the table by Professor Trelawney, stared at the white mist above, and began to predict what would happen next semester.

Then, he saw a line of words:

The secret room was opened.

Be wary of those who are enemies of the heir.

"What does it mean?"

Professor Trelawney apparently also saw what appeared on the crystal ball.

Next there is a picture of a copper faucet engraved with a snake symbol.

"It's definitely not a good thing!" Albert thought for a moment and said, "This matter should be related to Slytherin House."

"By the way, according to a record in the history of Hogwarts, Slytherin left a secret room in Hogwarts, and there seems to be something terrible in it."

Of course Albert knew what those words meant, but he still had to pretend that he had guessed it himself.

"...Only the heir of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets and release the horrific things inside, allowing it to purify the school and eliminate all those who are not worthy of learning magic."

"It seems that the next semester will not be peaceful either!" Professor Trelawney murmured: "However, I don't think anyone would be willing to believe it before it happens!"

Albert looked at Professor Trelawney, and he felt that he seemed to understand something.

"Since they think I am a liar, then I am a liar. What's more, until I can really control my prophecy ability like you, I am still just a liar." Professor Trelawney laughed at herself.

In fact, Albert was also surprised. He didn't expect that he would actually make such a prediction. Moreover, Professor Trelawney had obviously seen the contents of the crystal ball. Does this mean that his ability to predict has become stronger than before?


Next semester, I should be more careful.

Although Albert thinks that he will not be so unlucky as to be targeted, he should still make some preparations.

Well, to put it bluntly, I am actually afraid of death.

This chapter has been completed!
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