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Chapter 642 Shocked

"Follow me, Mr. Anderson."

Professor McGonagall took Albert to the principal's office so that someone could tell him what happened as soon as Dumbledore returned to school.

This is the "important" task given to Albert by Professor McGonagall.

In order to prevent Albert from getting bored while waiting in the principal's office, Professor McGonagall handed him the latest issue of "Transfiguration Today" magazine and asked him to read to pass the boring waiting time.

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall even "thoughtfully" conjured a large glass of pumpkin juice out of thin air for Albert.

Looking at the oak door that creaked shut, Albert squinted at the "Transfiguration Today" magazine in his hand, threw the magazine directly on the desk, picked up the cup of pumpkin juice, and drank most of it "Ton Ton Ton"

Finally, he took out his wand from his pocket and cast a refill charm on the cup.

Looking at the refilled cup of pumpkin juice, Albert nodded with satisfaction, put away his wand, walked behind the desk, and picked up the tattered and wrinkled Sorting Hat from the bookshelf.

Albert planned to take this opportunity to get in touch with the Sorting Hat. He always felt that there were many secrets hidden in the old hat, and he also wanted to find out how the Sorting Hat was made.

This thing may be developing in the direction of artificial intelligence in the magical world.

Well, calling it artificial intelligence may not be appropriate.

Anyway, it's probably something similar.

Albert held the Sorting Hat and thought about it for a while, but couldn't get the broken hat to speak. In the end, he had no choice but to put the Sorting Hat on his head, so that both parties could communicate smoothly.

Albert kept talking to the Sorting Hat, testing its intelligence level, and wanted to find out if there were any secrets hidden in the hat. For a moment, he was immersed in the memory presented by the Sorting Hat, forgetting the time, until someone put his hand on it.

On his shoulder, Albert suddenly came back to his senses, took off the sorting hat on his head, looked up at the figure appearing in the principal's office, and almost jumped out of his chair.

"Professor Dumbledore." Albert called the other party's name.

"Minerva asked you to wait for me here?" Dumbledore was a little surprised that Albert would be in his office.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall hopes that after the professor comes back, someone will be able to tell you what happened in the school as soon as possible." Albert gently placed the sorting hat on his desk and seriously fulfilled his mission to stay here.


"Miss Weasley's murder?"

"No, I think Ginny is not dead yet, she was just taken into the Chamber of Secrets." Albert quietly closed his brain to prevent Dumbledore from reading information from his eyes.

"Oh, Miss Weasley is not dead?" Dumbledore's frown couldn't help but relax, "This is the best news I heard today, please tell me what's going on!"

Albert used the simplest and most straightforward words to tell Dumbledore the most important things.

For example: Ginny controls a basilisk to attack other Muggle wizards. The entrance to the chamber of secrets is in the girls' bathroom on the second floor of the castle. Parseltongue is required to open the entrance to the chamber of secrets. Finally, the monster in the chamber of secrets is a basilisk, and it is the same as the real heir of Slytherin.

A wizard named Tom Riddle.

"Do you think Tom Riddle was the perpetrator of the attack?"

Dumbledore felt very uneasy when he heard Albert mention this name, although he had cleverly used an interested expression to cover up his emotional changes.

"According to my investigation, Tom Riddle who captured Hagrid fifty years ago should be the mysterious man." Albert was not taboo about Voldemort, but he did not use that name directly, but instead used "Mysterious Man".

"person" refers to.

"The main reason why I suspect that Tom Riddle is the mastermind behind the scenes is that "Tom Riddle's Diary" once appeared in the school. According to Harry's description, it should be a diary that could think independently. Later, the diary disappeared.

, I suspect that it was that thing that seduced and controlled Ginny."

"A diary that can be used to think alone?" Dumbledore murmured softly, obviously having guessed what might be going on.

Who asked Albert to help Dumbledore know about Voldemort's creation of Horcruxes in advance? It's hard for him not to think about this.

"I think it's best to save Ginny now. I'm afraid her current situation is not very good." Albert is not a villain, so he naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Fred and George's sister. "The basilisk in the secret room, as long as

If you blind its eyes, there won't be much danger, and I think Fox should be able to deal with it."

"It seems that you have found a way to deal with the basilisk a long time ago." Dumbledore strode out of the office, "Go and call Harry, I need his help to open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

"I will take Harry to meet you in the abandoned girls' bathroom on the second floor." After saying that, Albert hurried towards the Gryffindor common room.

Halfway through, under the signal of Felixir (intuition), Albert slowed down and checked the Marauder's Map in his pocket. Sure enough, Harry Potter was no longer in the Gryffindor common room.

That's right, with Harry Potter's character, he probably couldn't help it and entered the secret room alone to save people.

Even if I tamper with the plot, I don't know if Harry will die in the Chamber of Secrets.

Albert thought with malice.

What would the world be like if we lost our savior?

A new savior?

Is it possible to save the world by yourself?

Well, it is impossible to save the world. Albert does not have such a noble consciousness, and he has never thought about fighting Tom.

If he was hiding behind his back and secretly cheating on Tom to earn some mission rewards, he still didn't mind at all. If he faced Tom head-on, he would forget it.

The best thing is to become a tumbler.

I finally got a good pregnancy in this life, and my great life has just begun. Why rush to die?

Moreover, I am not destined to be the savior!

When Albert quietly came to the second floor of the castle, he did not forget to rub his cheeks with both hands. He took a deep breath and knew that now was the time to show off his real acting skills.

He jogged up the stairs, panted, turned into the girls' bathroom, and said loudly, "Professor Dumbledore, Harry is missing. I think he might have run away on his own..."

The entrance to the secret room has been opened. Professor McGonagall, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Ron and Percy are all here. When they heard Albert's shout, they all turned to look at him.

Albert entering the girls' bathroom.

"Where is Dumbledore?" Albert's eyes moved towards the opened entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, and he lowered his voice and said, "Harry is missing. He may have secretly tried to open... the Chamber of Secrets."

At this moment, Albert really felt that the Oscars of this world should award him a statuette.

"Professor Dumbledore has gone down." Percy said while nervously looking towards the entrance of the secret room.

"Albert, you bastard just..."

Fred and George surrounded Albert, looking a little annoyed, but Albert actually used a stun spell to knock them down.

However, their attention was quickly attracted by the phoenix flying out of the secret room entrance first.

Then, Harry, Ginny and Dumbledore slowly ascended from the passage like taking an elevator.

"Harry, Ginny!"

There was an exclamation of surprise immediately in the girls' bathroom.

Harry looked a little miserable and seemed to have been seriously injured, but it seemed to be out of the way now. He was probably treated with the tears of the phoenix.

"Damn it, I wish I had a phoenix." Albert was envious of Dumbledore's pet phoenix.

At this moment, Harry was holding a silver sword in his hand.

Professor Dumbledore didn't know when he sent the Sorting Hat to Harry, or whether he didn't need the Sorting Hat to summon the Sword of Gryffindor at all.

Will this magical sword appear to Gryffindors when they need it?

"it's all over?"

Albert looked at Ginny and Harry being embraced by the Weasley family, and moved his gaze to Dumbledore, who was standing next to him smiling.

"It's over. The basilisk was killed by Harry, and Riddle's memory in the diary was also erased." Dumbledore took out Riddle's diary and showed Albert that it was pierced by the basilisk's fangs.

The hole that came out.

History revision is terrible!

Albert couldn't help but sigh mentally.

"By the way, Albus, there is one more thing." Professor McGonagall looked at the crowd with relief, and then remembered Lockhart's incident, and told Dumbledore about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's misfortune: "Gilderoy's

Something doesn't seem right. Snape told me that someone used a powerful forgetting spell on him, making him forget everything, and now he's just like a child of several years old."

Speaking of this matter, Professor McGonagall's face couldn't help but trembled twice. She didn't know whether it was because of happiness or for other reasons.

"I probably know the reason why he was attacked."

The elixir (intuition) told Albert that it was time to attract other people's attention so that he could take the opportunity to reveal Lockhart's secret.

"you know?"

At this moment, everyone in the girls' bathroom turned to look at Albert, as if they were curious about how many secrets he knew.

"Yes, not long ago, when Hermione and I were talking about the attack, Lockhart passed by nearby. Although I shut up immediately, I think Lockhart might have overheard our conversation." Amber

Te made up a reason casually, but they couldn't find it anyway.

"It was that time that I began to doubt Ginny, because Ginny was also present at the time. Later, Hermione was attacked. It was obviously not because of her identity as a Muggle wizard, but for other reasons."

"You mean Ginny attacked Lockhart?" Ron said dumbfounded.

"No, you made a mistake Ron. It should be the mysterious man who attacked Lockhart." Albert looked at the somewhat heartless Ron quite speechlessly, and couldn't help but mentally cursed: You want to trick him so much.

My own sister?

"Mr. Anderson, please tell me everything you know from beginning to end." Dumbledore turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "Minerva, do you mind if we use your office?"

"Oh, of course I don't mind." Professor McGonagall was also curious about what was going on.

Everyone rushed into Professor McGonagall's office.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa, Albert picked up the hot tea that Professor McGonagall had just conjured out of thin air, took a sip, and slowly told the story he had specially prepared for this moment.

"This matter must start at the end of the third grade semester, when Professor Trelawney invited me to discuss crystal ball divination." Albert glanced at Professor McGonagall, who was dismissive of divination, and then looked around to listen quietly.

Everyone continued: "At that time, I predicted that Hogwarts might not be too peaceful next semester."

"What did you predict?"

Dumbledore was also curious about whether Albert really had the ability to predict. There were too few masters of prediction who really knew how to predict.

"I saw in the crystal ball the words originally written on the wall: The secret chamber has been opened. Those who are enemies of the heir, beware."

After saying that, Albert put down his tea cup and looked around the dead-silent office. He was very satisfied with the current atmosphere. "There is another picture of a copper faucet engraved with a snake mark. This is why I later determined that the entrance to the secret room is in the girls' bathroom."

One of the reasons.”

"Have you started investigating this matter since then?" Professor McGonagall's eyes widened. She couldn't believe her ears.

"That's right!" Albert said with a smile: "My predictions are usually very accurate, and I believe in what I see in the predictions."

"Don't prophesy, your words are all accurate." Fred couldn't help but sneered softly. George immediately nodded in agreement.

"I didn't find much information, but I still found something." Albert ignored Fred and George and continued: "At that time, I probably guessed what might happen."

"I see, so you asked Nico to help you design a pair of protective glasses. At that time, you were already sure that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk?" Dumbledore was also amazed at Albert's sharp thinking.

The results were drawn based on just that bit of scattered information.

"What glasses?" Fred and George both stared at Albert, looking at the eyes on his face curiously, and suddenly said: "I wonder why you are suddenly wearing glasses. It turns out that these glasses

Is it to protect against basilisks?"

"Well, Nico said that these glasses should be able to prevent me from dying tragically when I accidentally look directly into the eyes of the basilisk." Albert took off his flat-rimmed glasses and handed them to Fred, "However, I haven't tried it, so I won't

I don’t know if glasses have any effect.”

"Nico?" Percy raised his eyebrows slightly and asked tentatively: "Which Nico? That can't be that one!"

"Yes, that's Mr. Nicolás Flamel." Albert said matter-of-factly: "Mr. Flamel is half of my teacher. I can get to know him thanks to Professor Dumbledore's introduction."

"He's not dead yet?" Harry couldn't help blurting out. The Philosopher's Stone was destroyed by Professor Dumbledore last year.

"Of course not dead, Harry." Albert glared at Harry with slight dissatisfaction and said, "Even if the Sorcerer's Stone is destroyed, they can still live for a few more years."

Everyone looked at Harry and then at Albert, with their mouths wide open in surprise and looking at Albert with disbelief. They had never thought that Albert actually knew the legendary alchemist.

His teacher was Mr. Nicolas Flamel, and he was half of Mr. Nicolas Flamel's student.

And, the news that shocked them the most was: Nico Flamel was dying.

"You knew this last semester?" Professor McGonagall's words brought everyone's attention back to the secret room.

"Actually, it is very easy to guess that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk, because it is related to Slytherin and can live for thousands of years. Moreover, Slytherin is also a Parselmouth and wants to control the basilisk.

It's not difficult." Albert took another sip of tea, moistened his throat and continued: "Later, the attack did happen, and the words in the prophecy also appeared on the wall."

"Why didn't you tell everyone!" Percy's eyes widened and he couldn't help asking, "If you could..."

"No, I can't." Albert glared at Percy to shut him up, and then continued: "Who would believe my lies at that time, let alone Professor, not even you would believe it.

On the contrary, it will make everyone suspect that I am the murderer. Think for yourself whether what I say makes sense."

Albert knew that the headmaster was doubting Voldemort at that time.

However, he did not mean to expose the other party's thoughts and continued: "Because I am also a Muggle wizard and was also on the attack list, so I started to investigate this matter. After all, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. As long as the

If you find the murderer, you will be safe."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and dumbfounded by Albert's brave behavior.

"If the murderer knew the reason why he was found out, I don't know what he would think." George muttered softly.

"Later, Hagrid's face didn't look right after learning about this, so I asked him his age."


Everyone looked puzzled.

"Hagrid is sixty-four years old. He should be sixty-five now. It is not difficult to calculate that he was studying at Hogwarts at that time." Albert simply explained, "Hagrid told me after I asked

Something similar happened fifty years ago."

At this moment, Ron felt that his IQ was being suppressed. After seeing that Harry, Fred and George all looked like they could still do this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that I am not the only fool!

In fact, no one else present could understand Albert's thinking mode. Is this what makes geniuses different?

"Although Hagrid didn't say who the murderer was, if you have noticed, Hagrid has never used a wand. He was most likely expelled from school. If you connect these two things, you cannot speculate that Hagrid

Maybe he was the murderer who was caught that year."

"So, I asked directly, and Hagrid admitted that he was fired because of what happened fifty years ago." Albert spread his hands and said, "Of course, I believe Hagrid is not the real murderer."


Percy simply couldn't understand Albert's brain circuitry.

"Don't you think Hagrid doesn't look like the heir of Slytherin at all?" Harry said quietly, "And he doesn't know Parseltongue, can't control basilisks, and is a student of Gryffindor House."

This was the answer Albert gave him originally.

Fred and George smiled and patted Percy on the shoulder and joked, "You know even if you think about it on your knees, "The heir of Slytherin cannot be a student of Gryffindor House."

"Shut up." Mrs. Weasley glared at the twins.

"Later, Hagrid revealed two pieces of information to me. The person who caught him that year was a guy named Tom Riddle, who seemed to be a Slytherin student." Albert raised the second wristband and continued: "

He said that Aragog was not the murderer. Well, Aragog was the Acromantula that Hagrid raised fifty years ago. Now all the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest are the descendants of that guy. According to the Acromantula Aragog

According to the information revealed by Ke, the monster in the secret room is the natural enemy of the Acromantula."

"Spiders' eyes allow them to see a 360-degree field of view. The special eye structure prevents them from closing their eyes completely." Albert noticed the confusion on everyone's faces and explained: "When encountering the basilisk,

When the spider cannot close its eyes, it will be killed by its eyes, so the basilisk becomes the spider's natural enemy."

"The last thing that made me really sure that the monster was the Basilisk was actually Harry's Parselmouth. Hermione later told me that on Halloween night, Harry heard a voice that no one else could hear."

Percy opened his mouth, but in the end no words came out.

"Is Hermione attacked because she knew too much?" Ron couldn't help but interjected. He had always thought that Hermione being attacked was unusual.

"Yes, Hermione is also secretly investigating this matter." Albert directly admitted that Hermione's attack was related to this matter. "Later, Hermione told me that Harry picked up a book belonging to "Tom Lee".

Del's diary", the diary will reply to the writer, and also take Harry to see the scene where Hagrid was captured fifty years ago, making Harry think that Hagrid may be the murderer who opened the Chamber of Secrets."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Harry lowered his head in embarrassment.

"That's when you began to doubt Tom Riddle?" Dumbledore guessed the reason. A man like Albert, who was proficient in alchemy, obviously knew what the diary might mean.

"Yes, Riddle's diary does look suspicious. Later, I went to find Harry and found that his diary had been stolen by a Gryffindor student. I think it was Ginny who stole it.

Riddle's diary." Albert glanced at Ginny sitting next to Mrs. Weasley and expressed his guess, "She probably wrote something in it and was afraid that Harry would find out, so she took advantage of it.

As long as Harry doesn't steal the diary."

"I've been - writing on it," Ginny sobbed. "For a whole year, he - he's been writing me back - "

Mr. Weasley was stunned by Ginny's words.

"That diary should come from Mr. Malfoy." Albert's shocking words interrupted what Mr. Weasley wanted to say.

"Is there evidence?"

"Before school started, you guys had a fight in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, and it was even published in the Daily Prophet. I think that's when Malfoy gave Ginny his diary, probably randomly.


"I found it in a book my mother gave me."

Albert's words were quickly confirmed by Ginny.

"Why did he do this, why did he harm Ginny!" Mr. Weasley gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger, and he began to think about how to get revenge.

"I think one of the reasons he targeted you was the Muggle Protection Act."

This sentence instantly stunned the others. They didn't expect that Albert even knew this.

"Don't look at me like that. This matter is actually not difficult to guess." Albert briefly talked about what was reported in the Daily Prophet, and that Ron and Harry drank the compound potion and sneaked into Slytherin.

The college inquires about information.

"That bastard!"

"Actually, you don't need to be angry. I think Mr. Malfoy will be in trouble soon!" Albert suddenly said: "After all, he threatened other school directors, and the conspiracy failed in the end. After doing this kind of harm to others,

If he hates something, other school directors will definitely take revenge, and I think his position as school director will be over."

"Yes, old Malfoy is definitely going to be in trouble." Fred and George both looked very happy, and they obviously believed what Albert said.

"Later, I was chatting with Harry about the Chamber of Secrets, and I deliberately let Ginny overhear." Albert raised his hand and pressed it, indicating that everyone should stay quiet, and continued, "If Ginny is the murderer, he will definitely not

She would let me go easily. In fact, she let the basilisk attack me today. Unfortunately, I was well prepared and successfully escaped from the basilisk."

"I'm more curious, how did you know that Tom Riddle was the You-Know-Who?" Harry couldn't help but ask. Although he had already learned the truth about this matter from Tom Riddle, he still couldn't bear it.

I just want to test Albert and see if this guy really knows everything.

"After Riddle's diary appeared, Tom Riddle became very suspicious. If he is the heir of Slytherin, it means that he knows Parseltongue." Albert paused and said to Harry

, "Parseltongue is one of the symbols of Slytherin's heir."

"You think I am too?"

"No, you can still use Gryffindor's sword in Gryffindor House. You are undoubtedly a brave Gryffindor student." Albert stopped Fred and George who wanted to speak and continued:

"Tom Riddle was a man fifty years ago. There is no famous wizard named Tom Riddle in the magic world now. I even wrote to many old friends and they didn't know there was such a wizard, but in the magic world

But there is a dangerous dark wizard who speaks Parseltongue, yes, that is the mysterious man."

Albert used his wand to write Voldemort's name in mid-air, and then wrote Tom Riddle's name.

"If you observe carefully, you will find that there are many letters in their names that are the same. I think there is a middle name missing. This is why I think Tom Riddle is the mysterious man and controls Ginny."

Everyone has been keeping their mouths open since just now. They were all shocked and numb by Albert's analysis, and listened quietly to Albert's narration and analysis.

"After all, he did something similar last year." Albert waved lightly, and the golden words floating in the void disappeared.

"His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. This is what Voldemort told me himself."

When Harry said the three words Voldemort, everyone in the office except Harry, Dumbledore and Albert couldn't help but shudder when they heard the name.

"So, you were unwilling to tell us then?"

"Do you believe that Ginny is the real murderer?" Albert asked.

Fred, George, Ron and Harry all shook their heads. They now understood what Albert had said: There is no point even if I tell you, because you won't believe it.

Yes, how can they doubt their relatives before there is evidence?

"Of course I know you won't believe it. Most people won't believe it without evidence, so don't blame me for not telling the truth. It makes no sense at all, just like most wizards are unwilling to

I believe in the fact that the mysterious man is still alive." Albert made a simple metaphor, "That's why I need to lure him out and provide evidence to make you willing to believe the truth."

"I was lucky. Tom Riddle fell for the bait easily, probably because of his lack of brains. He ordered the basilisk to attack me. However, he failed. He probably never dreamed of it. I prepared a large group of roosters for him.

, the basilisk made a lot of noise when it encountered the rooster and ran away hastily, so Tom had no choice but to take Ginny and hide in the secret room, because he knew that I would tell other people about it next


Everyone admires Albert's courage. Not everyone has the courage to use themselves as bait. If he hadn't revealed the truth of this matter, everyone would still be kept in the dark. I don't know.

How many people will be attacked?

"How do you know that Ginny is okay for the time being?" Ron asked. He obviously hadn't forgotten what he was put into by Albert, and he was trying to find out things that Albert didn't know.

"If he wanted to kill Ginny, Ginny would have been dead long ago. There must be other meanings in keeping him alive. I think Harry might know what's going on." Albert looked at Harry, who was talking.

Shake his head.

This time, Riddle obviously had no chance to come out of the diary.

"I think Tom might want to use Ginny as nourishment." Albert expressed his guess. "Ginny looked very pale for a while, a bit like Professor Quirrell last year."

Everyone was looking at Ginny, and they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when they found that her cheeks were still rosy.

"I think those school boards will bring back Professor Dumbledore when they find that there is no way to solve the problem. The principal will definitely be able to solve the problem, so Harry, you don't have to take risks at all, I warned you.

"Albert said to Harry, "Of course, you are very brave, at least much braver than me."

"You are also very brave." Mrs. Weasley gave Albert a hug, "Thank you Albert, if you hadn't revealed the truth, I don't know what Ginny would have done."

"What happened to Lockhart?" Professor McGonagall has not forgotten about Lockhart.

"Tom Riddle obviously doesn't know that Professor Lockhart is a wizard who likes to brag. He probably thinks that Lockhart knows the location of the Chamber of Secrets and the general situation of the whole thing after overhearing what Hermione and I said." Albert

He shrugged helplessly and said, "As you know, Professor Lockhart said that he knew where the Chamber of Secrets was. I also heard that he planned to write a movie about his role as a Hogwarts character based on the Chamber of Secrets attack.

Books from the time of the Professor of Dark Arts."

"So, in order to keep the secret of the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle controlled Ginny to attack Professor Lockhart to shut him up completely." Albert secretly changed the order of the attack, "I want to use the flashback spell to check Ginny

With his wand, it shouldn't be difficult to spot the spell he used on Lockhart."

Everyone's expressions were extremely complicated. They didn't expect that Lockhart would end up like that because he "brought it to himself."

"Actually, this may not be the first time that Professor Lockhart has done this kind of thing. I mean stealing someone else's achievements." Looking at the complicated expressions of everyone, Albert once again dropped a bombshell, "I think

Professor Lockhart is most likely a liar!"

"What secret did you discover?" Fred and George asked in unison.

"Of course, I don't have enough evidence, but it's not difficult to see this in some aspects." Albert pointed out mercilessly: "In fact, Lockhart's level of black magic is very poor. I doubt it."

Professor Lockhart didn't know some of the spells in the book at all, so I asked him a lot of questions. Of course, what made me suspicious of him was a spell called the Restoration Charm, which Professor Lockhart gave him.

I received a lot of information, and although I haven't learned this spell yet, I can see that it is not a random fabrication."

"Of course, the most direct evidence is the document Lockhart gave me. He probably didn't read it carefully. There were several clippings in Armenian. Well, at first, I actually didn't know what the text was. Later, I

After asking someone to check, I found out that it was in Armenian." Albert continued to the confused people: "Then, I asked someone to help me find out. It is said that some time before the 1980s, a very brave and quite talented man

An accomplished old Armenian wizard successfully helped local residents subdue a terrifying and ferocious werewolf in Wagga Wagga, Australia."

"You mean Lockhart stole the wizard's deeds?"

"I heard that the old wizard seems to have become very forgetful now. I think he may have had that part of his memory erased by Professor Lockhart." Albert said maliciously, "So, what he gave me

It was probably something taken from the old wizard's house. Of course, these are all my speculations, and there is no evidence of deeds!"

This time, everyone was blown away by the bombshell thrown by Albert. They never expected that the famous Lockhart was actually a liar.

"Okay, everything has been sorted out. This time is obviously not Miss Weasley's fault. The school will not punish her. She should go to the school hospital immediately and let Madam Pomfrey check her out.

"For a moment." Dumbledore looked at Albert with a smile again, "Wonderful reasoning. Without Mr. Albert, I'm afraid many of us would be kept in the dark now. And of course, Harry, you bravely saved

Miss Weasley, you both received awards for special contributions to the school, well, let me see...two hundred points each for Gryffindor."

"I think Hagrid should be released. Azkaban prison is not a good place." Albert reminded Dumbledore again "kindly".

"You are right, I will write a letter to Azkaban immediately... Our hunting ground warden should be brought back." Dumbledore sighed softly: "I also need to draft a recruitment advertisement and place it on

The Daily Prophet. We need a new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts again. My God, we use up teachers for this class so fast, don’t we?”

"Maybe Lockhart should resign early, and maybe he can escape the disaster." Albert said without thinking, "The curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is really terrible."

"I think what you need now is to eat something and then have a good sleep. I will ask the house elves to prepare food for you." Dumbledore changed the subject.

Albert shrugged and left Professor McGonagall's office with everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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