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Chapter 643 Awakening

it is finally over!

Albert excitedly checked the completion of the panel task. After making sure that Tom Riddle and his "little snake" were completely on the street, he felt relaxed all over.

The attack did put a lot of pressure on Albert.

Who knows that he is a famous Muggle wizard in the school, and he is at the top of the hit list, making him the most suitable target for Tom Riddle to kill monkeys, policemen, and chickens.

God knows which day the basilisk will come out and attack him.

If he was petrified, he could still be lucky enough to escape. If he lost his life inexplicably like Myrtle, there would be no place to cry.

Fortunately it's all over!

When Albert walked out of Professor McGonagall's office, he saw Fred and George waiting for him in the corridor. The two guys looked at him with evil eyes, obviously still worried about the stun spell he had used earlier.

The matter of putting down is still lingering in my heart.

"This matter is best kept secret."

Before the twins could cause trouble for him, Albert took the lead and said, "You don't want Ginny to get into trouble, so it's best to keep this matter a secret. Just publicize that Harry entered the Chamber of Secrets, killed the basilisk, and rescued the basilisk."

Ginny was kidnapped by a monster."

The twins were stunned, but soon understood the meaning of Albert's words.

That's right, if other students knew that the attack was related to Ginny, Ginny's life at school would probably become very difficult.

"Remember to tell Harry, especially Ron." Albert did not forget to remind them, "Don't let them talk nonsense. If they talk too much, they will easily slip up."

"Speaking of which, Lockhart could actually eavesdrop on your private conversation with Hermione?"

"That was an accident."

"Yes, unexpected."

Fred and George agreed in unison. They felt that the unlucky Lockhart was probably thrown out as bait by Albert, but the mysterious man did not take the bait.

"Where are you going?"

The two of them asked in confusion when they saw Albert still continuing to walk forward.

"Go to the campus hospital." Albert said without thinking.

Before Fred and George left, they didn't forget to turn around and joke: "You'd better hurry up, or everyone will eat up all the delicious food. Don't complain then."

"see you later."

When Albert turned into the campus hospital, Madam Pomfrey was handing a cup of sleeping potion to Ginny, and then talking about Ginny's condition to the Weasleys next to her.

"Mr. Anderson, what's the matter?" Madam Pomfrey asked in surprise.

"I heard something happened to Mr. Lockhart? Come and visit him, and also visit Hermione." Albert nodded slightly towards Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and asked, "Is Ginny okay?"

"Ginny was just a little frightened." Mrs. Weasley said, "Thanks to you, if it weren't for you..."

"This is all Harry's credit." Albert said humbly.

"Anyway, you can come to my house to play when you have time during the summer vacation." The Weasleys gave Albert a hug each and left Hogwarts School together.

"I heard that you found out the real culprit of the attack." Madam Pomfrey winked at Albert and said, "Everyone will thank you for your contribution to the school. Minerva told me about the school not long ago.

It may be closed as a result."

Albert looked at Lockhart, who was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, and asked, changing the topic.

"The situation is very bad. Someone used a powerful forgetting spell on him. It not only caused permanent damage to Professor Lockhart's brain, but also made him forget everything." Madam Pomfrey shook her head.

Said: "He even forgot how to talk, forgot how to walk, he was just like a newborn child. Oh my God! I have never seen such bad symptoms. I'm afraid he will have to stay in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies."

Live the rest of your life.”

"The curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is really terrible." Albert unceremoniously put the blame on the curse. "Now that I think about it carefully, Professor Brod is so wise that he resigned early and recovered from the curse.

If he quits, maybe Professor Lockhart should resign as soon as possible."

Madam Pomfrey said nothing, but agreed with Albert's opinion.

There is no way around it, the last three Defense Against the Dark Arts professors have ended more miserable than the last.

Ronald Smith disappeared and there is no news yet.

Professor Quirrell was completely wiped out.

Lockhart was the worst. He was completely reduced to zero by the spell. He even lost the ability to speak. He couldn't take care of himself. I'm afraid he will only be an idiot for the rest of his life.

"By the way, this is a powerful recovery agent made from mandrake roots. It was originally prepared for myself, but I don't think I can use it now. It should be able to make petrified people return to normal in advance." Albert said from

He took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and handed it to Madam Pomfrey.

"Did you prepare this for yourself?" Madam Pomfrey was a little surprised and felt incredible, but she still reached out to take the potion handed over by Albert and opened it to confirm the effect of the potion.

If you want to wait for the mandrake roots to mature before making a powerful restorative agent that can remove petrochemicals, you will have to wait until at least mid-June.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to recover people who were petrified by the basilisk now.

"Where did you get the potion?" Madam Pomfrey found that this bottle of powerful recovery potion was of high quality.

"I know Mr. Huttok Dagworth, he is a famous potion master." Albert explained: "I asked him to help make a powerful recovery potion just in case."

"However, I'm afraid this bottle of potion can only awaken one person." Madam Pomfrey probably understood who Albert wanted to lift the petrification curse.

"I still have it here."

Albert did not embarrass Madam Pomfrey and took out two bottles of powerful recovery potion from his pocket.

Madam Pomfrey's expression was a little strange. She didn't expect that Albert was so well prepared.

"How should I make her drink the potion?" Albert came to Hermione's bedside, preparing to complete the task of waking Hermione up.

Looking at Hermione's face, Albert suddenly felt like he was awakening Sleeping Beauty.

"Should I... give her a kiss?" he thought in a wicked way.

Romantic story of prince and princess.

"Just drop the potion slowly on your lips." Madam Pomfrey said to Albert, as she was doing now, dripping the powerful restorative potion on Colin Creevey.

Albert followed Madam Pomfrey's example and dropped the powerful restorative potion on Hermione's lips.

However, the effect of the medicine seems not obvious.

Albert poked Hermione's cheek with his finger, still stiff.

"It will take some time for the powerful recovery potion to take effect completely," Madam Pomfrey explained.

A few minutes later, Hermione blinked and recovered from the petrification. When she first woke up, she was startled by the familiar face so close to her.


Hermione almost hit Albert in the face.

"Shh! If you act like this, Madam Pomfrey will kick me out of the campus hospital." Albert put his hand to his lips, made a shushing gesture, and said with a smile to Hermione who sat up with her cheeks flushed.

, "The powerful recovery agent works well."

"I saw..." Hermione recalled what she saw before she was petrified. She couldn't help but reach out to cover her chest, and her whole body couldn't help but tremble. "I saw a basilisk. I thought I was going to be caught by the basilisk's eyes."


"It was Nick who saved you, and he was also petrified." Albert said lightly. "But you don't have to worry now, the basilisk has been killed by Harry, and the culprit has been found by me, Hogg."

Watts will soon regain its former peace, and the danger has passed."

Albert's voice seemed to have incredible magic power, making Hermione calm down again.

Harry and Ron will definitely be very happy that you have recovered, and they are preparing to hold a small party." Albert turned his head and asked Madam Pomfrey, "Can Miss Granger attend?"

"You wait over there for a few minutes and I'll give her a comprehensive examination."

"I know you have a lot of doubts, don't worry, I will tell you everything you want to know."

This chapter has been completed!
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