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Chapter 682 Dementors

Suddenly a whistle sounded on the platform.

A stream of steam spurted out from the locomotive's chimney and instantly filled the entire platform. The train shook and began to move.

The Weasley brothers hurriedly stuffed the macarons in their mouths, stretched their arms out of the train window, and waved goodbye to the Weasleys on the platform until the train completely left the people on the platform behind.

After Albert finished eating his macarons, he stood up and said to the three of them: "I have to go to the prefect's carriage."

"Oh, we almost forgot, you are now a prefect." The three of them winked at Albert and said happily: "We are now covered by a prefect."

"By the way, here's it for you."

When Albert opened the carriage door and was about to leave, he seemed to have thought of something and handed a bottle of potion to Fred.

"What's this?"

Fred took the glass medicine bottle, stared at the golden liquid inside, blinked and asked, "Elixir of Fortune?"

"It's a joy potion." Albert said angrily.

"We thought it was the elixir of happiness." The twins pretended to be disappointed and asked, "Why did you give us the elixir of happiness?"

"The dementors will definitely come and check the train to see if Black is hiding in a carriage on the train."

"Why did the dementors come to inspect the train? Is Black really hiding on the train?" Lee Jordan couldn't understand how Black got on the train.

"Blake is definitely not that stupid. It's probably just a routine investigation." The three of them looked at Albert, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.

"The dementors will not let go of such an opportunity. For them, this train is a feast." Albert said meaningfully, "After those guys come, you can drink some of this stuff. Will you?"

Make you feel more comfortable."

"They shouldn't attack students, right?" George asked worriedly.

"Those unlucky ones who are emotionally aroused will have some happiness sucked away. If you don't like it, learn the Patronus Charm quickly, and then just put a Patronus Charm on the faces of those Dementors. However,

If you can't summon a physical Patronus, don't use the Patronus Curse on the dementors, it's considered a provocation."

"Okay, see you later."

Albert waved to fat cat Tom and said: "Let's go Tom, you are so heavy, don't expect me to hold you all the time."

Looking at the closed car door, Fred suddenly said: "I think he plans to do that."

"Didn't you say that the dementors are the guards of Azkaban?" Lee Jordan frowned. He felt that there was a high probability that the dementors would actually inspect the train.

"Dementors are evil monsters, they are unreliable."

Albert was walking in the aisle of the train and felt that many people were staring at him with great interest. Some people even nudged the people sitting next to them with their elbows, pointed at him and whispered to him.

After passing through several carriages, Albert came to the prefect carriage at the front. Before opening the carriage door, he took out the prefect badge from his pocket and pinned it to his chest, then opened the door and walked in.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, everyone in the car turned to look over.

Albert met many acquaintances.

Zannah, who is also from Gryffindor, Katrina from Ravenclaw, and Diggory from Hufflepuff have all become prefects. As for Slytherin, Albert is too lazy to pay attention to both sides.

The relationship has never been good.

Of course, their predecessors, the previous prefects, are also here.

Everyone looked at Albert, but no one was surprised by his appearance.

Albert was not embarrassed to be stared at by seventeen pairs of eyes. After nodding towards Percy and Isobel, he sat directly in the empty seat next to Zannah, bent down to pick up the fat cat Tom and put it on the table.



Percy Weasley cleared his throat and said, "Okay, everyone is here. Now let me talk about the powers and responsibilities you have to perform after becoming a prefect."

"Tom's getting fatter!"

Shanna raised her hand and poked Tom, who was curled up into a ball, and whispered.

"I haven't had much exercise recently, and I'm trying to help him lose weight." Albert stroked Tom's soft hair, with a little helplessness in his voice.

On the other side, Percy Weasley has begun to talk about the rights and responsibilities of prefects.

It's nothing more than patrolling, maintaining order, stopping students from fighting and playing, using prohibited items, providing help to professors at Hogwarts, and guiding the new students in their respective houses...

Of course, the prefects and student council presidents will have their own conference rooms, and by the way, they can also use the prefects' bathroom in the castle...

In short, there wasn't much that the prefects had to do, but Percy just put on the leadership airs and lectured to everyone for more than half an hour, making everyone very impatient.

The girls need to go to Isobel's place for a few more minutes.

After the prefect training was over, Percy asked the newly appointed prefects to go out on patrol so that other students could get to know him well.

In Albert's words: showing off the authority of the prefect.

"Aren't you going out on patrol?" Percy looked at Albert suspiciously.

"I'm not interested in showing off myself." Albert shrugged, walked to the empty seat next to Isobel, and sat with her.

Percy was speechless.

The girls in the carriage looked at the two of them curiously and whispered.

"It's time to lose weight." Isobel rubbed Tom's ears and warned, "You are too fat. Be careful not to catch mice."

"Tom doesn't eat mice." Albert took out a comb from his pocket, thought for a moment, and then took out a photo to show Isobel.

"I forgot to tell you last time, Tom had a litter of kittens with another female cat."

"That's so cute. Do you have any other photos?"

Isobel looked at the litter of cats in the photo and murmured softly.

"Yes, but this is the only photo around me." Albert looked at Tom lying lazily on the table letting Isobel comb his hair, and couldn't help but shake his head: This guy has become a cat uncle now.

The Hogwarts Express continued to travel north, and the scenery outside the window became darker and darker. When everyone started to enjoy lunch, it started to rain outside, the scenery outside the window began to become blurry, and the temperature inside the carriage also dropped a bit.

"It seems to want to eat?" Isobel moved the pumpkin pie she just bought and found that Tom's eyes had been following it.

"No, it's just hungry." Albert took out a package of dried fish from his pocket, tore open the package and fed it to Tom.

"Is that okay?"

"This is its lunch." Albert gave Tom the remaining dried fish and watched him lick the paper bag, then looked at him helplessly.

"No, you're losing weight."


Tom screamed in dissatisfaction, turned around and pointed his butt at Albert.

"Is it angry?"

"Who makes it not move normally?"

Albert took a bite of the pumpkin pie and took out a box from the seamless stretch bag, which neatly contained the French dessert macarons made by the house elves.

Isobel thoughtfully took out a thermos and poured Albert a cup of steaming milk tea.

The aroma of milk tea instantly filled the entire carriage.

The prefects compared their lunches and suddenly felt a little unbalanced. They felt that the big pot of scones they just bought at the food truck no longer tasted good.

"I really envy your tacit understanding."

Penello can now somewhat understand the envy and jealousy of other girls.

This is like the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Those who want to poach people are simply thinking too much.

Isobel also poured Penello a cup of milk tea, and the two parties were considered good friends. After a while, Percy also sat over, and the two of them casually chatted about what happened after graduating from school.

Percy was very surprised to learn that Isobel did not plan to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduating from school.

"We are not interested in working in the Ministry of Magic." Albert said calmly, "I will probably open a store and sell some things while continuing to study the things I am interested in. Isobel will probably come to help me. We have

A lot of the same interests.”

"Will you get married in the future?" Penello was very interested in this topic.

Isobel drank tea and said noncommittally, "That will happen in the future."

"It's so enviable." Penello's eyes were full of longing.

"What about you?" Isobel asked.

Penello was silent for a long time before saying, "We have never thought about what will happen in the future."

The Weasley family is not wealthy. If the two of them really want to get married, they will have to wait until Percy has worked for a few years and has some savings.

Moreover, Penello really has never thought about this matter and does not dare to think about it.

Percy was also a little silent. He didn't know why he felt so heavy when talking about this topic. He changed the subject and asked: "What kind of dessert is this?"

"Macaroons, a famous French dessert." Albert said.

"French dessert?" Penello took a bite. It tasted really good, but it felt a bit sour for some reason.

The train continued to drive north, raindrops rapped on the windows, making the view outside the window a dense gray, and the lights in the corridor and on the luggage racks turned on.

"What's going on? The train is slowing down. Has it arrived at Hogwarts School?"

"It's not here yet." Percy took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, stood up and said, "I'll go to the locomotive and ask the driver what's going on."

Albert looked at the layer of frost that was gradually spreading outside the car window, took a breath of white air, and said calmly: "Some uninvited strangers got on the car."

All the lights suddenly went out, and the car was completely plunged into darkness.

"Prefects, maintain order on the train." Percy lit his wand and shouted loudly.

"Do you know what's going on?" Digory frowned and looked out the window.

"It's probably the Dementors who came up to check if Black was hiding in the train." Albert took out his wand and spoke calmly.

"How do you know?" the Hufflepuff girl next to Digory asked curiously.

"It's easy to guess by looking at the glass. I think there are probably a lot of dementors outside. They are hungry and ready to get in the car and enjoy this feast."

"Don't talk nonsense, Dementors are from the Ministry of Magic..."

As soon as Percy opened the door of the carriage, he felt a chill coming towards him. He raised his head stiffly and looked at the monster in a cloak standing outside the carriage, who was as tall as the ceiling. The expression on his face instantly froze.


This chapter has been completed!
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