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Chapter 685: Confinement

The next morning, Albert opened his eyes, sat up suddenly from the bed, and gasped for air.

He just had a nightmare.

He dreamed that on the night of his wedding, Katrina turned into a bride and almost suffocated him to death with her breasts.

"Don't... wake me up like that again, do you know that?" Albert looked at the culprit who caused his nightmares, stretched out his hand to hold Tom in front of him, and said every word to the cat's face.

He said, "Go run the wheel by yourself. It's time for you to lose weight."


After Tom Cat was put down, he squatted beside the bed, scratched his ears with his paws, and stared straight at Albert with his cute eyes.

"Pretending to be cute won't work. Go and exercise. You're almost too fat to walk. Don't be lazy, I'll let the house elf keep an eye on you."

Albert got off the bed, quickly put on his clothes, and then opened the window, and a cold wind blew in from outside.

The rain stopped last night, but the sky was still gray and cold fog enveloped Hogwarts Castle.

Those fogs must have been formed by dementor activity.

It seems that it will be difficult to see the sun again in the next period of time.

"Morning~ You woke up really early today. Oh, hell, could you close the window first?" Fred climbed up from the bed, stretched out lazily, and was chilled by the cold wind blowing in from the window.

, and retreated into bed again.

"Feel sorry."

Albert smiled and closed the window and began to tidy up the dormitory and prepare a spacious activity room for Tom.

"The space inside is really big. Have you been able to use the Seamless Stretching Spell to expand such a stable space?" George walked to the cat's nest, looked at the enlarged cat cage, and exclaimed.

The space inside the cat cage was actually larger than their room's dormitory, and Albert also prepared various toys.

"From now on, we won't need to bring a tent when we go on vacation." Fred joked.

"It's okay. I hope to be able to use the Seamless Stretching Spell to open up a wide and stable space. In the future, we can grow the raw materials we need in it and have a comfortable workshop to make those joke props." Albert

Te smiled and described to them the effects of the Traceless Stretching Spell.

"It's interesting to think that as long as you open the cabinet, there's a workshop inside." Fred agreed with Albert's point of view. After all, the capacity of a store is limited.

George reminded: "The Ministry of Magic prohibits wizards from abusing the Invisible Stretch Spell."

"As long as no one discovers it, the Ministry of Magic will not cause trouble." Lee Jordan said disapprovingly.

"If you want to open a store in the future, raw materials will also be a big problem. It is more cost-effective to grow and cultivate many things yourself than to buy them with money." Fred agreed with Albert's point of view, "By the way, you can also use weather spells?"

"I learned it from someone else when I went to France last time." After Albert prepared breakfast for Tom, he locked him in this special cat cage.

"In this way, when we open a store in Diagon Alley, we don't need to spend too much money to rent those expensive stores." Li Jordan felt that this would save money.

"Believe me, when we graduate from Hogwarts School in three years, we will definitely not be short of money." Albert was not worried about money, "but there is one thing we really need to worry about. We can't put those things in the store.

, once the joke prop shop becomes popular, it will definitely be targeted, so we need to withstand the investigation of the Ministry of Magic."

"You are still as cautious as ever."

"I think it would be good to have a secret base."

The three of them thought of Gryffindor's secret base located deep in the Forbidden Forest. That place was very secretive and had many traps, so it was very suitable for a secret base.

When the four of them came to the auditorium to eat, there was no one in the hall. Professor McGonagall came over with a stack of paper and handed Albert the curriculum for each age group.

"By the way, Anderson, come here, I have something to tell you." Professor McGonagall said to Albert.

"Please send me the course schedule to make sure there is no mistake."

After Albert handed the curriculum for each grade to Fred, George and Lee Jordan, he followed Professor McGonagall to a deserted corner of the hall.

"Professor McGonagall, what's the matter?" Albert asked directly.

"Anderson, do you know about the Magic School Potions Championship?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I know something. It is said that Zygmunt Budge, the author of "The Book of Potions", was angrily withdrawn from Hogwarts because the headmaster of Hogwarts did not allow him to participate in the so-called Magic School Potions Championship.

He dropped out of this school." Albert had already guessed what Professor McGonagall wanted to say.

His words choked Professor McGonagall.

There is no doubt that Zygmunt Bacchi was a potion genius, as evidenced by his "Book of Potions".

Back then, the principal who refused to allow him to participate in the Potions Championship because he was a minor now seems to have become a "bad guy".

This is considered one of the dark histories of Hogwarts.

"This year, the Magic Garden is planning to hold the Magic School Potions Championship." Professor McGonagall coughed lightly and continued, "Someone recommends you to participate in the competition."

"I shouldn't be old enough!" Albert reminded.

"The competition does not stipulate that minors cannot participate." Professor McGonagall said this, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because Zygmunt Bache was rejected by the principal as a "minor".

"Isobel should also be very good in the field of potions?" Albert asked again.

"Miss McDougal will also go together. There is no limit on how many people can participate, but there will be an assessment and the contestants will be eliminated." Professor McGonagall explained: "Professor Snape will give you make-up lessons starting from the weekend.


"Can you change it?" Albert muttered softly.

Asking Snape to teach him extra lessons would undoubtedly be a punishment.

There was no way, because of Lupin's relationship, Snape might not be in a good mood. Wouldn't it be asking for trouble to go to his place to make up lessons at this time?

"What?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows slightly.

"When does the Potion Championship start?" Albert immediately changed the subject.

"Early November." Professor McGonagall looked at Albert and said, "Professor Snape is an expert in the field of potions."

"I know he is an expert." Albert said without thinking, "But I don't want to get into trouble with him. I can see that he has been in a bad mood recently."

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, not expecting Albert to say this so straightforwardly.

"Professor Snape has been teaching Potions classes for several years. When he teaches you knowledge, he will not be affected by emotions." Professor McGonagall could only comfort Albert, "Besides, we can't find anyone else."

The Potions Master is here to teach you about potions."

"Come on, no one in Hogwarts has won the Golden Cauldron for a long time. I believe you can do it." Professor McGonagall quickly interrupted Albert's words to avoid hearing any shocking words again.

Looking at Professor McGonagall's hurried away figure, Albert couldn't help but curl his lips.

After seeing Albert return, the gossiping Lee Jordan couldn't wait to ask: "What does Professor McGonagall want from you?"

"It was said that the Magic Garden will hold the Magic School Potions Championship this year." Albert lowered his voice and said: "She asked me to represent the school in the competition, and then she also asked me to go to Snape's place to tutor in this field during my weekend break.


"Oh, my God, are you going to be detained at Snape's place for the weekend?" Fred and George both looked miserable.

"It's tutoring." Albert said stubbornly.

"That's incarceration." Lee Jordan complained: "There's not much difference between the two."

"I think it's not difficult to win the championship with your ability." George was very confident in his little friend, "By the way, when will you leave school?"


"Speaking of which, Old Bat would actually recommend you to participate in the competition. I always feel that he is unkind." Fred complained.

"I don't think so." Albert shook his head.

"Isn't there anyone else in the school competing?"

Fred felt that there should be no shortage of senior students in the school who were good at potions. They might not be as good as Albert, but they also had advantages in other aspects.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the Slytherin table next door.

"The new third grade curriculum." When George distributed the curriculum to Harry, he happened to see Malfoy pretending to faint again, his expression not changing much, "That little idiot, when the dementors were checking the train carriage,

He was so frightened that he ran to our carriage."

"He almost wet himself," Fred said contemptuously.

"Dementors are scarier than you think, but if you want to defeat those monsters, you can try to learn the Patronus Charm, although the damn spell is difficult to master."

"The Patronus Charm? What is that?" Hermione looked away from the course schedule and asked, "Professor Lupin's spell to drive away dementors?"

"Yes, only the Patron Saint can drive away Dementors, but the Patron Saint Curse is a very profound spell and very difficult to learn. We have been learning it for a long time, but we have not been able to master it. However, Albert has mastered this spell.

Lots of variety.”

"I'm busy."

Albert, who was studying fried tomatoes, blocked what Harry wanted to say.

To be honest, he really didn't understand why tomatoes were eaten fried.

What a hell.

"Yes, Albert is not free. He has other things to do next. Harry, you can consider waiting for Albert to find him after he is done with his work." George reminded.

"You can teach him the spell first, or Potter, you can go directly to our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I think he will be willing to teach you. I have always done this before." Albert had no intention of wasting time on Potter.


Harry was lying when he said he was not disappointed, and was considering the possibility of asking Professor Lupin for the Patronus Charm.

Ron pointed at Hermione's class schedule and said, "There's something wrong with your class schedule."

"I'll find a way."

"But you can't take three classes at the same time, can you?"

Hermione put away the class schedule and interrupted Ron directly, "I have completely negotiated it with Professor McGonagall, and there will be no problems at all."

"She probably knows the clone spell, just like Albert." George looked at his slightly stupid brother and shook his head: "It is said that it is a secret that can only be known by taking all the subjects. My stupid brother, there are some secrets that you shouldn't ask.

Yes, even if you ask, they won't tell you easily."

"I'm not stupid at all." Ron said angrily, knowing that Hermione was hiding something from him and Harry.

This chapter has been completed!
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