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Chapter 686 o.w.Ls Road Roller

After breakfast, the four of them carried their schoolbags and headed to the potions classroom in the basement. To be honest, going to the potions class right after eating was not conducive to the digestion of the food in the stomach.

"The door is not open."

Fred reached for the door and found that the door to the potions classroom was locked.

George looked at the curriculum in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Did we get the wrong curriculum?"

"Probably not, do you want to..."

"Wait a moment." Albert stopped them from opening the door without authorization.

After a while, there were more and more students in the corridor, and everyone was waiting outside the Potions classroom for Snape to come and open the door.

"It seems we are not late." Angelina and Aaliya hurried over, their eyes lingered on Albert for a moment, and they joked: "You don't have a prefect badge?"


"You also forget sometimes?"

Albert noticed that the girls were looking at the boys next to them, and knew that the two were not making fun of him, but the prefect of Ravenclaw who wore the prefect's badge.

"I think you should carry it with you all day, that way it will be more impressive, just like Percy, for fear that others will not know that he is the student union president." Fred said bad things about Percy without any pressure. They obviously noticed that here

Only Ravenclaw's prefect, Selwyn, wears the prefect's badge.

When Selwyn heard this, his face became a little gloomy. He turned around and secretly took off the prefect badge pinned to his chest and stuffed it into his pocket.

Aaliya noticed Albert's questioning gaze and explained: "You didn't see the way that guy arrogantly taught us a lesson just now."

Albert raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't care about it.

After a moment, the whispers around him gradually disappeared. Albert turned his head and looked at both sides of the corridor, only to see Snape coming towards this direction with a gloomy face.

The Potions Master took out the key from his pocket and opened the door to the Potions classroom.

"Before class begins, I must remind you of one thing." Snape walked quickly to the podium, turned around and glanced at everyone with a stern look, "Next June, you will take the O.W.Ls exam. I hope you will take the O.W.Ls exam.

I can barely pass the Ls exam, otherwise I would be very angry."

"Of course, after this year, many of you will no longer be able to take my classes," Snape glanced at the students and pursed his lips slightly, "I only select the best students.

Enter my N.E.w.Ts potions class, which means some of you will have to say goodbye."

"We still need to persist for another year before the happy farewell moment comes." Snape said softly, "Therefore, regardless of whether you plan to take the N.E.W.TS exam or not, I suggest that you all concentrate on studying your homework well and meet my requirements.

My students achieved a high passing level of O.W.Ls.”

Fred and George were winking at Albert, as if they were celebrating that they finally no longer had to attend Potions class next term, and they no longer had to see Snape so often.

Of course, the Weasley brothers are not the only ones with this mindset.

As we all know, Snape's N.E.w.Ts Potions class has the highest requirements among all professors for students with excellent grades, so it is usually difficult to have more than double-digit students in the N.E.w.Ts Potions class every year.

"Today, we are going to prepare a medicine that often appears in ordinary wizard level exams: the demulcent. It can calm and relieve irritability and anxiety, and can relieve your stress before the exam. I have seen many students who cannot bear the O.W.Ls exam.

Emotional breakdown due to stress, so I suggest you learn how to prepare a demulcent, and prepare one for yourself or others when necessary."

Snape ignored the joy on the faces of other students and continued: "Of course, if you are careless when putting the ingredients, it may cause the user to fall into a deadly and sometimes irreversible lethargy, so you

You need to pay special attention when preparing the demulcent. The ingredients and preparation methods are on the blackboard. You have one and a half hours... let's get started."

After Snape finished speaking, he waved his wand, and the door of the storage cabinet opened automatically.

The difficulty of the demulcent is actually not high, at least in Albert's opinion.

Just add the ingredients to the crucible in strict order and quantities, stir the mixture step by step, maintain the temperature at a certain stage when the crucible boils, keep it there for a while, and then add the last ingredient and you're done.

Rigor and standards have always been the key factors for the success of potion brewing, but for most students, this seems to be difficult to achieve.

When Albert added two drops of hellebore syrup to the crucible, Snape suddenly appeared behind him and said softly: "Professor McGonagall should have told you about the Potions Championship. You need to do it every weekend afternoon

Be here for temporary training at three o'clock."

Albert didn't answer, still focusing on the crucible in front of him.

Snape definitely did it on purpose.

If my hands were shaking just now and I dropped more hellebore syrup, God knows what this pot of demulcent would have turned into.

However, the current result is quite satisfactory. A faint, silvery white steam is coming out of the crucible, which is consistent with what Snape just described.

Albert put half of the medicine sample into a short-necked bottle, labeled it with his name, and put the other half into his own medicine for storage.

After doing all this, Albert had time to look around. Except for him, no one else had successfully configured the configuration. A few had some problems with the details, and the color of the steam was different from what was expected.

"What a piece of shit!"

Lee Jordan looked at the crucible that was constantly emitting clouds of dark gray gas, and cursed in a low voice.

"I finally won't have to see Snape again next term." Fred was no better than Lee Jordan, and his pot of potion smelled like rotten eggs.

"Next semester, I'm afraid you'll have to take Potions class by yourself."

Lee Jordan didn't feel any pity at all, and even made a malicious guess, "I just noticed the level of potions in our class, and I doubt whether Snape's N.E.w.Ts potions class can gather ten students.


"I think five is just barely enough." George analyzed, "Slytherin and Ravenclaw are better than us at potions. Ravenclaw's Katrina should be fine, and Zannah can."

It’s still open to question whether you can get an excellent test, and Hufflepuff will do it again..."

"Digory is still very powerful." Albert reminded.

"Well, after counting that guy, we can barely make up four. Slytherin can produce a few outstanding students." George sneered, "Do you expect Montague?"

"Speaking of which, if you don't take advanced classes, can you graduate from Hogwarts early?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked.

"Since we are all planning to open a store, it doesn't matter if we fail the O.W.Ls exam." Fred and George actually didn't care too much about their O.W.Ls exam results.

"I think your family will definitely be very dissatisfied with your grades, and your summer vacation will be very sad." Albert reminded, "Also, I think you failed the O.W.Ls exam completely, and you may need to repeat the grade and retake it.


"What class is this afternoon?" Fred changed the subject stiffly, obviously not wanting to discuss the matter.

"History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts." Albert warned, "You'd better not take any chances."

"I just hope that our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor can be more reliable than Lockhart." George complained, "I think the results of our Defense Against the Dark Arts class will not be too bad."

Last semester, Lockhart was really no ordinary fool, and he caused a lot of trouble in the previous semester.

"Professor Lupine should be pretty good. The level of wizards who can use the Patronus Charm is not too low."

"Hopefully we can learn something."

The history of magic class in the afternoon was very boring. Professor Binns told the class about the history of the Giant War, but most of the students were not interested in listening to the class and fell asleep.

Albert didn't listen to the lecture and took out another book from his schoolbag to kill time.

As for exams and homework, he had already asked Isobel to borrow his notes on History of Magic in advance. Professor Binns always read from the textbook in class, and the notes he took were basically the same.

Another Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson for everyone to have some fun.

Professor Luping did not give lectures, but spent a lot of time figuring out what they had learned from first grade to fourth grade.

"I am very aware of the situation in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You have changed four professors. Under such chaotic circumstances, it will be difficult for you to use what you have learned to obtain satisfactory results in the upcoming exams."

Lu Ping said softly, "However, don't worry, the situation is not as bad as you think. Most of the O.W.Ls exam content is in "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide", and most of the actual combat assessment content you will face is just to expel some darkness.

Biological creatures, and as long as you master the methods of fighting them, you don't have to worry too much about failing to pass the exam."

"Dark creatures? Then how should we deal with other dark wizards?" Fred raised his hand and asked, "For example, Black is at large."

"I think it will be difficult for you to encounter a dark wizard, at least before you leave school." Lupine saw everyone's expectant eyes and said helplessly, "Okay, I heard Professor McGonagall mentioned Lockhart.

The professor once taught you the disarming spell, Mr. Anderson, would you mind coming up and showing it to everyone?"

When Albert was pushed up by several friends around him, Professor Lupine had already waved his wand to make room for both parties.

"How should we defend ourselves from spells used by other wizards?" Professor Lupine nodded towards Albert, indicating that he could start.

Toolman Albert raised his wand and used the disarming spell on Professor Lupine in a coordinated manner. Before the spell hit Professor Lupine, he was blocked by the opponent's armor spell.

Applause immediately broke out in the classroom.

"Very good, very good, Mr. Anderson." Professor Lupine said to everyone: "As you can see, I successfully blocked Mr. Anderson's disarming spell. Does anyone know what spell I used?"

"Iron Armor Curse."

"Yes, it's the Iron Armor Curse, plus ten points for Gryffindor." Lupine continued, "The Iron Armor Curse can create a magical barrier to deflect spells and physical entities, thereby protecting a specific person or a specific area. It is a barrier that can withstand many attacks.

A defensive spell for this kind of curse, the spell is: Armor Protection?."

"Sir, are we going to learn the Iron Armor Curse in the next class?" A student asked expectantly.


"Why don't you teach me? I think the Iron Armor Curse is more useful." Someone asked dissatisfiedly.

"Because I need you to pass the O.W.Ls exam with as high a score as possible." Lu Ping said gently, "If there is still time after teaching the remaining content of "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide", I will

Teach you some defensive magic, but for now you should be concerned about the O.W.Ls exam."

This chapter has been completed!
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