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Chapter 861 Letter

Dear Mr. Anderson:

When you received the letter, we had successfully surrounded Bagman and successfully forced him to sign the magic contract you gave me. Everything was just as you guessed, Bagman didn't care about the magic contract.

.To be honest, I doubt that Bagman actually didn’t believe in the contract and never thought of returning the principal to us from the beginning.

However, I think Bagman will regret his decision.

I wish you a happy life!

Dries Jordan

After reading the contents of the letter, Albert lit it on fire. Tom, who was squatting on the table and licking his hair, looked at the burning letter curiously, opened his mouth and yawned, then squatted on Albert's pile.

On the envelope, his plump belly was exposed, and he had no intention of moving.

Seeing this scene, Li Jordan smiled and asked: "Whose letter is it?"

Based on his understanding of Albert, the letters that were burned usually contained some important content that he didn't want others to see.

"Mr. Jordan's letter, they collectively went to Ludo Bagman to collect debts, but as expected, the guy doesn't have a single galleon now. The two parties signed a contract after some negotiation."

"What contract."

Lee Jordan wanted to reach out and touch Tom's belly, but finally gave up.

"After Ludo Bagman received his salary every month, he used 20 Galleons to pay off the debt. After ten years, Ludo Bagman will no longer owe them Galleons." Albert stretched out his hand and rubbed it.

Tom's belly, and a letter was pulled out from under his butt.

"Ten years, I dare say this must be your idea. Bagman might be calling you a devil behind your back." Lee Jordan suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Bagman.

"Ludo Bagman is not a peaceful person. He has been a cunning speculator from the beginning." Albert said while opening the envelope: "Besides, I bet that guy doesn't actually intend to pay back the money.


"Then why did you do that?" Li Jordan became even more confused, "Did you do something to the contract?"

"It has tracking charms and curses on it."

"That guy is really unlucky."

"Ludo Bagman has eviled many people. It is better to say that they went to collect debts than to collectively seek trouble for Ludo Bagman." Albert said with a smile, "As for those ten years,

The deadline for repaying the debt is not the point. The point is that as long as Bagman signs the contract, he will not be able to escape within ten years. If he really does not intend to repay the debt, he will reveal his whereabouts to the goblin and let the goblin find trouble for him. In short

We can’t let that guy live too comfortably.”

"Okay, you're right." Lee Jordan didn't sympathize with Bagman. The guy's attitude was very bad.

Albert's eyes fell on the back of Lee Jordan and asked doubtfully: "Are Fred and George going to the kitchen to make supper?"

"They are busy making age-enhancing agents." Lee Jordan shrugged and explained: "Since you said you didn't have time to help last time, they still haven't given up."

"I remember they didn't seem to be planning to participate in the selection of the Warriors, right?" Albert was a little puzzled, "Do they want to make money from that thing?"

"Yes, they do plan to sell age-enhancing drugs to the group of students trying to participate in the Warriors selection. After all, there are many students who are just a few months away from adulthood." Lee Jordan looked at the pile of gift bags piled on the bed and said:

"Your birthday gifts this year are as amazing as ever. How many gifts are there in total?"

"I haven't counted, I feel like most of them are books." Albert handed the honesty detector to Lee Jordan and threw him a pair of dragon skin gloves.

"You guys are still very worried about these gifts!" Li Jordan did not refuse. Helping Albert open gifts was one of the three people's favorite activities. They all liked the feeling of opening gifts.

"God knows if there will be any black magic or black magic items inside. It's always right to be careful. Who made me famous now? There are many people who don't like me." Albert didn't shy away from this, he was too famous.

It was not good either. Many pure-blood wizards disliked him. In addition, at the last World Cup, someone took advantage of the chaos and invaded their tent, so Albert had to be extra vigilant to avoid anyone giving him strange things.

birthday gift.

Because if it were Albert himself, he would be happy to give the other person a copy of "The Wizard's Sonnets" so that the other person can only speak in five-line limericks for the rest of his life.

"By the way, do you know who the impartial referee is who judges who is a warrior?"

Lee Jordan began to use the honesty detector to sort the gifts and select those that contained hidden charms or magical items.

"I heard it's a magic cup. It seems to be called the Goblet of Fire." As if to strengthen his tone, Albert repeated, "Well, it should be called the Goblet of Fire."

"Goblet of Fire, what is that?" Lee Jordan was also interested. He didn't expect that Albert could even find out such news. He was indeed Albert, who had friends all over the European magic world.

"I don't know. There are rumors that when the first Triwizard Tournament was held seven hundred years ago, the principals of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang jointly created the magic, or paid someone to create it.

Item, which can be used to fairly select the warriors for the Triwizard Tournament. At that time, people regarded the Triwizard Tournament as an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to establish friendship."

"A magical cup." Lee Jordan muttered: "I suddenly feel that age-enhancing drugs are not very reliable,"

"The Sorting Hat at Hogwarts is just as magical." Albert took the letter from Lee Jordan, glanced at the sender, and found that it was a letter from Truman and a birthday gift from him.

A notebook bought from a Muggle supermarket.

"Then how do they use the Goblet of Fire to select the champions, by having the champions touch the cup like the Sorting Hat?"

"We'll know when the time comes." Albert opened Truman's envelope and saw two pieces of letter paper inside, one of which wished him a happy birthday. The other piece of parchment wrote about two recent events in the Ministry of Magic:

Bertha Jorkins disappeared while on holiday in Albania.

Another incident was that Bagman lost a large sum of money and was blocked by his creditors to ask for money.

"I found that people really like to give you books." Li Qiaodan opened countless birthday gifts. They were all books, and some of them were relatively valuable magazines.

"It's normal. I think books are pretty good. You don't have to worry about what gifts to give. It's just that sometimes you receive duplicate books." Albert is happy to receive books. They are simple and practical, even if they are not used.

Yes, it can also be used to decorate bookshelves.

Especially the books sent to him by foreign friends always brought different pleasures to Albert.

Lee Jordan stuffed the books one by one into Albert's small bookshelf, and suddenly raised his head and asked: "By the way, do you know how to make the antidote to the love potion?"

"Love potion?" Albert suddenly remembered that someone accidentally took a love potion, and couldn't help but joked: "What, are you going to use a love potion on Angelina?"

"Angelina? No, I have given up temporarily." A helpless smile appeared on Li Jordan's face: "She doesn't seem to have any feelings for me."

"Don't be discouraged, you will definitely be able to find someone more suitable." Albert comforted. He knew that Lee Jordan had flirted with Angelina for several years, but Angelina refused to date him.

"You're right." Lee Jordan regained his composure and reminded: "Fred and George got the news from somewhere that the school will hold a Christmas dance on Christmas Day. You know, many girls want it.

to be your dance partner, so they thought of a way."

"Love potion?"

"Yes, they sell love potions to girls who want to be your dance partners, so you have to be careful in the future. It would be better if you could carry the antidote to the love potion with you."

"I have found a dance partner in advance." Albert shrugged and said, "So, Fred and George may be busy in vain."

"Oh, you have found your dance partner in advance? Who is it? Let me guess?" Li Jordan seemed to be in a mood all of a sudden, and the soul of gossip began to burn. He even temporarily put aside the matter of unpacking: "Your

Your girlfriend has graduated from school, so you will definitely choose one of your acquaintances to be your shield. Shanna? Or Granger?"

"No, keep it secret for now!"

"Impossible. With your personality, you will definitely find someone you know as your dance partner. You wouldn't want to bring your girlfriend to school for the dance, would you? That's a good idea." Li Jordan noticed a letter from France on the table.

Suddenly he said: "Oh, by the way, I almost missed one, Katrina of Ravenclaw? You don't want to pick up all the MacDougal sisters, do you? I tell you, pick up the sisters

It's not an easy thing to do, even you have to be careful."

"Can't you say something humane?"

"Or are there acquaintances of yours among the students from other schools who came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? For example, the beautiful lady named Louise Delacour?" Lee Jordan teased and handed the envelope on the table to Ai

Bert, they all know that Albert has a very beautiful female pen pal in France.

"Go on and unpack your parcel!" Albert said, taking the letter.

"I was right." Li Jordan patted Albert's shoulder and reminded him earnestly: "If you are too carefree, be careful of being abandoned by the girls."

"Find a girlfriend first and then talk about me." Albert glanced at the letter in his hand. Ever since they met Louise in France and mentioned to her that he and Isobel were engaged, the two of them had written letters.

Contact became less frequent.

"You guys are really enviable and jealous." Li Jordan curled his lips, put on his dragon leather gloves, and began to open the packages that had magical reactions.

Albert unfolded the letter and read the contents of the letter. His expression suddenly became very strange because he found that Louise mentioned her cousin Fleur in the letter and said that she might become a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament. He hoped that Albert could help take care of her.

, and mentioned that he planned to open a witch beauty shop with the help of his new friends from the United States.

Albert thinks Louise's new friends may be Catherine and Valeria.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly had a bad feeling. Maybe the beauty potion would become a big trouble in the future.

"Women are really troublesome and should not be messed with at will."

Albert suddenly felt his knees sinking, and then a furry head stuck out. Tom seemed to be curious about what Albert was looking at, so he jumped on his knees, held the edge of the table with his front paws, and explored

My head wants to read the letter.

"What a clingy little guy." Albert smiled and rubbed Tom's head, then picked him up and put him on the ground.

At the same time, the Crouch family, far away from Hogwarts, also received a rare owl. Since the old Crouch was controlled by Voldemort's Imperius Curse, basically no one would come to his house.

, a lot of work was assigned to the hard-working assistant "Wetherby" to help handle it.

Old Crouch took the envelope out of the mailbox and handed it to Peter Pettigrew who was standing aside. The latter took the letter, opened it and glanced at the junk information in the letter. He raised his wand and tapped it lightly. The original letters

Instantly reorder and turn into a complete letter.

Peter took the letter and walked towards the hall, ready to hand it to Voldemort who was resting.

"Master, there is a letter from Little Crouch." Peter respectfully handed the letter to Voldemort. Since Little Barty came back, his attitude towards Voldemort has become more respectful, because Peter has realized that his previous ideas were too naive.

, the Dark Lord no longer necessarily needs him.

Voldemort, who was resting and rejuvenating, opened his eyes and asked: "What's going on?"

"Little Crouch seems to be in trouble?" Peter quickly glanced at the contents of the letter, "That mudblood is more trouble than imagined."

"Give me the letter." Voldemort said sternly, he would never allow the plan to fail.

Peter respectfully handed the letter to Voldemort. After the latter quickly read the letter sent by Barty Jr., he said to Peter: "He needs your help to deal with that Mudblood."

"Master, it is not easy to kill that mudblood under Dumbledore's eyes, and it may also arouse Dumbledore's vigilance." Peter frowned, obviously disapproving of Crouch Jr.'s bad idea.

"Kill him? Of course not, at least not now." Voldemort glanced at Wormtail and said lightly: "Little Barty has a high opinion of that mudblood. He thinks that other warriors cannot be his opponents, so

That mudblood must not be allowed to become a warrior."

Although there was no clue, Barty Jr. mentioned in the letter that Dumbledore seemed to be secretly paying attention to him, so he needed help to deal with the mudblood's problem, preventing him from participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

"See for yourself!" Voldemort handed the letter to Peter. Inside was a rough plan that Barty was going to use to deal with Albert. In Voldemort's opinion, the plan was rough, but he knew how to make the plan more perfect.

Dumbledore felt that it was just an accident that the mudblood missed the selection of the warrior.

Peter took the letter and turned to the second page. After carefully reading the plan drawn up by Barty Jr., he was stunned by the other party's idea.

"How can it still be like this?" Peter murmured, "Isn't this too cheap for him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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