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Chapter 870 Missing

Generally speaking, when students at Hogwarts have weekends off, they usually get up very late to have breakfast.

However, today is the day to vote for the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament, and George got up much earlier than usual.

As soon as he got up, he found that Albert's bed was empty and realized that Albert might not have come back to sleep last night.

Although this situation had happened before, Albert would usually ask three people to help feed the cat in advance and would not come back at night without saying hello to them. Obviously something had happened.

George immediately woke Fred and Lee Jordan who were still sleeping.

"What the hell are you doing so early in the morning?" Fred complained as he rubbed his eyelids and struggled to open his eyes.

Li Jordan, who was in the next bed, stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, with a look of sleepiness that he couldn't hide on his face.

"Did Albert tell you that he wouldn't be back at night?" George reached out and touched Albert's bed and asked.

"No, don't worry. It's not the first time. I'm probably going on a date with my girlfriend again." Fred covered his yawn and closed his eyes again, curled his neck and got into the bed, preparing to continue sleeping.

"His girlfriend graduated last semester." George frowned. If Isobel was still in school, this would be very possible.

"Maybe he's hooked up with a new girlfriend again." Fred muttered with his eyes closed: "After all, it's Albert. He really wants to find another girlfriend. It's probably faster than us changing clothes."

"There's no need to worry about him, remember to help him feed the cat." Lee Jordan mumbled and lay back on the bed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, George also knew that his worries were somewhat unnecessary. He turned his attention to the fat cat Tom who was napping carelessly in the cat's nest. He couldn't help but shook his head, walked to Albert's bedside table, opened the drawer and looked inside.

Take out the box of cat food, scoop out a large spoonful of Tom's food and put it in the food bowl.

After smelling the aroma of food, Tom, who had been dozing with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, slowly crawled out of the cat's nest, lay down in the food bowl and started eating.

As for where the poop scraper went, Tom didn't care at all. Anyway, as long as someone fed him on time every day, he would be fine.

When the three of them went downstairs and passed the foyer, they saw a bunch of people watching, and some of them were actually eating bread.

"Did anyone throw their names into the Goblet of Fire?" Fred walked up to Zannah and asked.

"All the representatives from Durmstrang and all the representatives from Beauxbatons have already put their names in." Shanna looked away from the Goblet of Fire and glanced at Fred, George and Lee Jordan.

, couldn’t help but frown and asked: “Where is Albert?”

"I don't know." Li Jordan covered his yawn and said, "I don't know where I went last night."

"Which of you is old enough, please go and register his name for him!" Shanna said suddenly, "in case Albert misses the registration time."

"Can someone help me sign up?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Theoretically it should be possible. You can even stand outside the age line and try to throw the paper ball into the Goblet of Fire." Fred frowned and said, "But whether you can be selected is another matter."

George gave Fred and Lee Jordan the slices of bread he got from the dining room and asked casually, "Has anyone signed up for Hogwarts?"

"Someone saw Slytherin Wallins secretly throwing his name in early in the morning." Ron said.

"If people like that can become warriors, Hogwarts will really be finished." Lee Jordan said contemptuously.

"I guess it's just a make-up."

"And Diggory, Hufflepuff's butter boy," Ron continued.

"Digory is very good. Even Albert admits this. They are still good friends." Angelina actually giggled, "The point is that Digory is indeed handsome."

"I thought you liked Albert better," Lee Jordan said sharply.

"Girls all like Albert, but he has a girlfriend." Angelina shrugged.

"Digory also has a girlfriend." Fred said without thinking.

"Who?" Angelina asked.

"Girl from Ravenclaw, take your time and guess." George continued to ask, "Who else is there?"

"Roger Davis of Ravenclaw also threw his name in just now." Ron was a little absent-minded. He actually wanted to secretly try the method Fred said.

"Has Albert signed up?" Hermione asked without seeing Albert.

"No, he ran away somewhere last night and didn't return to the dormitory. We can't find him now." Li Jordan explained.

"I think someone doesn't want him to participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Shanna said to George: "You'd better register him in advance to prevent Albert from missing the warrior selection."

The three of them looked at each other, and after some discussion, they finally decided to wait until the afternoon. If Albert still didn't show up, they would find a way to register him first.

During lunch, Albert still didn't show up, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"I heard from the girls in Ravenclaw that their prefect Katrina is also missing. She didn't even go back to the dormitory to sleep last night." Shanna brought the three of them some breaking news, "Someone said Katrina

Lina seems to want to use a love potion on Albert to snatch her away from Isobel, and many Ravenclaw girls are discussing this matter."

After saying that, Shanna stared at Fred and George. She knew where Katrina's love potion came from without even thinking about it.

"Do you really think Katrina would do that?" Fred asked with a frown.

"Stealing my sister's boyfriend?" Li Qiaodan thought this sounded incredible.

"I remember Katrina actually bought a bottle of love potion from us," Fred said to George.

"This shouldn't be possible. Albert himself is a magic potion expert and is very wary of love potions. What's more, he carries the antidote to love potions with him." George didn't think Albert would be tricked, and shook his head and said, "I think

This thing is more like a smoke bomb."

"It depends on who he is wary of," Lee Jordan said with excitement. "Maybe Albert wanted to get the sisters, so... maybe he was poisoned by Katrina's love potion on purpose."

"It's unlikely. I'd rather believe that Albert hid it himself and prepared to amuse everyone." George shook his head. Lee Jordan's words were just a joke. If Albert was really carefree, the beautiful girls around him would have been there long ago.

There are already a lot of them, do we still need to wait until now?

"I think someone took the opportunity to attack them while they were talking, temporarily knocking them out and hiding them," Fred speculated.

"Do you believe this?"

The three of them have all sparred with Albert and know how difficult it is to sneak attack him.

"Anyway, let's find a way to sign up for Albert first." George lowered his voice and said, "Actually, I think this matter is quite suspicious."

"In what way?"

Looking at the parchment with "Albert Anderson - Hogwarts" written on it, the three of them discussed it together and decided to take the first method. Anyway, they had taken a lot of age-enhancing drugs, and they had to do it themselves no matter what.

Give it a try!

"Who's drinking?" George asked.

"Let's go together, this is a rare opportunity." Fred took the age-enhancing agent.

"Don't drink too much, we only need to grow up for a few more months." George reminded, "One or two drops is enough."

"Together!" After Fred finished taking the age-enhancing drug, he handed the bottle to George, "When Albert wins the championship, we must let him treat us to a big meal."

"Want to come together?" George handed the potion to Lee Jordan.

"I'll forget it. I won't steal your limelight." Li Qiaodan shrugged and refused. He always felt that using age-enhancing agents was unreliable.

"I'll leave it to you to sign up." With that, Lee Jordan handed over the note with Albert written on it.

"If you succeed, the age-enhancing drug will definitely sell well." Fred and George walked arm-in-arm towards the edge of the golden age line.

"I'm sure Dumbledore will take this into consideration." Hermione was not optimistic about the twins signing up in this way.

When the Weasley twins stepped into the golden wire, they saw them flying backwards and falling painfully on the marble floor ten feet away.

Not only that, white beards sprouted from the two men's chins.

"What are you doing?" Professor Moody walked out of the auditorium on crutches, bent down to pick up the parchment on the ground and said, "You want to sign up for Anderson?"

"After Albert went out last night, we don't know where he went now. We suspect that someone is trying to prevent him from registering for the Triwizard Tournament, so we want to register for him to prevent Albert from missing the registration time." Lee Jordan

He quickly walked over to help Fred and George up, and asked expectantly: "Professor, can you help throw that note into the Goblet of Fire? You know, Albert originally planned to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament.


"Stop it, who wants to stop it? Who does he think he is? Does he really think he is a warrior?" A senior Slytherin student sarcastically said, "I think Anderson is just afraid that he will not be elected as a warrior, so he found an excuse to hide.

Woke up."

"Walins, even if Albert doesn't sign up in the end, it won't be your turn to be a Hogwarts warrior." Lee Jordan said contemptuously.

Wallins seemed to want to say something else, but Professor Moody gave him a sharp look and shut up.

"I will handle this matter. It seems that there is a despicable guy trying to prevent Hogwarts from winning the championship. I have to go to Dumbledore first." Professor Moody walked into the auditorium holding the note.

At this moment, Professor Moody was angry on the surface, but actually he was in a good mood. The disappearance of the mudblood meant that his plan had been successful.

"Even Professor Moody thinks that Albert can help Hogwarts win the championship. As for you..." Li Jordan made a rude gesture to Wallins and accompanied Fred and George to the school hospital.

"This is indeed a bit strange!"

On the way to the campus hospital, Fred stroked his beard and said: "With Albert's vigilance, he will definitely not be easily tricked."

"Last night...Katrina seemed to have something to stop him," Lee Jordan reminded.

"She has no reason to do that!" George shook his head, "Unless she was controlled."

"The soul-stealing curse?" the three of them said in unison.

"Professor Moody?"

"It's very possible that if he is an impostor, he will definitely not sign up for Albert." George speculated, "If Professor Moody is really optimistic about Albert, he should just throw the note into the flames."

Cup, help him register instead of going to Dumbledore, because Professor Moody must know that Dumbledore will not allow him to help Albert cheat."

"Then what should we do?" Lee Jordan asked.

"Go to Angelina first. I remember she had a birthday a while ago and ask her to sign up for Albert." Fred suggested.

"It can only be this way."

When they entered the school hospital, they saw several students with white beards waiting for treatment. Lee Jordan discovered that two of them were girls. The white beards might be Dumbledore's punishment for them.

"I'm afraid you have to stay here for a while. The potion to eliminate your beards will take a while." Madam Pomfrey was very unhappy when she saw two more students with white beards. "I hope Professor Snape brewed it."

There are enough potions."

Fred and George suddenly had a bad feeling. They soon noticed that the old men with white beards next to them were casting hostile glances at them. These people had obviously changed after drinking the age-enhancing drugs they sold.

It became what it is now.

Lee Jordan quietly distanced himself from the two of them to avoid being innocently involved.

When they cured Whitebeard and left the school hospital, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were blocked outside the school hospital by a group of people and severely beaten.

"Why do I have to be so unlucky too?" Lee Jordan complained about the unforeseen disaster he had suffered while angrily applying anti-swelling ointment to himself.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Isn't this very good." Fred said with a smile.

"Stop making trouble, let's ask Albert if he has signed up first. If we still can't find anyone, let Angelina sign up for Albert." George said and quickly walked towards the foyer.

"What should we do if he becomes a warrior but disappears?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked, "Don't forget Professor Dumbledore's warning."

The three of them stopped and fell into a brief silence.

"I don't think Albert will disappear inexplicably." George said firmly, "You go find Angelina, and Fred and I will go find Professor McGonagall to discuss countermeasures."

"Really do this?"

"It's more reliable to ask a professor for this kind of thing. I always feel that this matter is a bit unusual. Apparently someone doesn't want Albert to become a warrior." George said firmly.

After the three reached a consensus, they immediately split up.

When Fred and George knocked on the door of Professor McGonagall's office, they discovered that Professor Moody was also here.

"Mr. Weasley, what's the matter?" Professor McGonagall looked at Fred and George standing at the door in confusion.

"Professor, Albert is missing, we suspect..." Before George could finish his words, he was interrupted by Professor McGonagall.

"I already know about this." Professor McGonagall looked at the Weasley twins and asked, "So, you want to sign up for him?"

"Yes, Albert will definitely not want to miss the Triwizard Tournament because of this kind of thing." Fred said firmly.

"We should find Anderson first instead of worrying about registration." Professor McGonagall obviously disagreed with the twins' approach. In her opinion, Albert's safety was obviously much more important than the damn Triwizard Tournament.

It's just a game, if you lose, you lose.

This chapter has been completed!
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