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Chapter 922 Split

Entering February, the temperature around Hogwarts has risen slightly. The snow that has been accumulated all winter is beginning to show signs of melting, and the castle has become cold and humid.

In order to avoid delaying regular classes, the Apparition class was arranged by the school on Saturday morning.

Driven by curiosity and expectation, everyone woke up early on Saturday.

However, because they heard that practicing Apparition is not a comfortable thing, no one dared to eat breakfast, fearing that they would vomit while practicing Apparition.

Except for one person, of course.

When they walked to the playground outside the castle, they were surprised to find McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and Professor Sprout all appearing on the playground. The little wizard with them should be the phantom sent by the Ministry of Magic.

Appearance course instructor.

When it was approaching nine o'clock, Professor McGonagall took the list and called the names one by one. After signaling everyone to keep quiet, she nodded to the wizard to indicate that it was time to start.

"My name is Vicky Tycross." The wizard from the Ministry of Magic introduced himself: "In the next twelve weeks, I will be your Apparition class instructor. I hope to help you prepare for this Apparition exam.

Be prepared, I believe that by then, many students will take the Apparition exam."

"In the next hour, I will teach you how to master Apparition." Tycross waved his wand and conjured an old-fashioned wooden circle in front of each student.

"Before that, there is one thing I need to emphasize. You only need to Apparate into your own wooden circle. It is unwise to go elsewhere. In the next Apparition exam, you need to control your location accurately.

Point, perform the Apparition perfectly, even the slightest mistake will result in failure of the exam."

Everyone gathered together to discuss in whispers, and finally quieted down again with the help of several professors.

Tycros began to explain the three most important D's of Apparition. Everyone listened attentively and couldn't wait to try Apparition for the first time.

Everyone soon got what they wanted, and when the wizard from the Ministry of Magic shouted one, two, three, the first Apparition attempt began.

For Albert, who has already mastered apparation, it is obviously not difficult to apparate into a five-foot wooden circle.

However, for students who are trying to apparate for the first time, it is almost impossible to succeed in apparating for the first time, and there are also many interesting jokes.

Several students accidentally fell to the ground because they spun around, and one jumped into the wooden circle, causing a burst of laughter.

However, the most surprising thing was not that Albert succeeded in apparating for the first time, but that Fred ran into a little trouble.

He is separated.

Yes, Fred is dismembered and has no arms.

"Look, Mr. Anderson succeeded."

Vicki Tycross was surprised that Albert could successfully apparate for the first time, and his posture was quite elegant, as if he was dreaming. He couldn't help but wonder if the guy in front of him had mastered apparation very early, otherwise what would happen?

Maybe there really is a genius who can succeed once and for all, then others will still be alive.

Then, Vicki Tycross turned his attention to the target of people's whispers, and a separate red-haired student appeared. His left hand was left in place, and the situation was not too bad.

"Separation." Tecros said lightly: "Separation is easy to occur when the determination is not firm enough, so you must always focus on the goal."

While Tycross was speaking, the four deans had gathered around Fred. There was a loud bang, and after a burst of purple smoke dissipated, Fred's arm was reattached.

Vicky Tycross discovered that this year's Hogwarts students seemed to have more talent for Apparition than he expected. Before the end of the hour, in addition to the famous Albert, there were three students who had performed Apparition.

They were very talented. Although they were separated, the situation was not bad, especially for the two red-haired boys. He believed that as long as they practiced hard, they should be able to pass the Apparition test in one go.

"See you next Saturday, everyone, don't forget: goals, determination, and calmness." Tycross waved his wand to eliminate the wooden circle, and walked toward the school gate alone.

After the Apparition class, Albert was immediately surrounded by a group of people. Everyone was asking him how he succeeded in the first time. Fred, George and Lee Jordan also became people.

The objects of attention were only the three of them who had managed to separate themselves, and more than once, which meant that they were not far away from successfully apparating.

"You need to concentrate, focus all your thoughts on the destination, and imagine it clearly in your mind." Albert said to everyone: "Close your eyes, if you can feel a terrifying squeezing feeling.

, then it is basically considered a success.”

"This is different from the three D's that the professor said." Someone said.

"I can only say that I have personal experience. Anyway, as long as you can successfully apparate, you don't have to worry too much about these issues." Albert shrugged and walked towards the castle.

"You're right."

During lunch, Fred said inarticulately: "I feel like I'm almost getting it, but I'm just not used to it yet."

"How does it feel to be separated?"

"It's not good. You will lose control of the other part. I suspect that if the head flies away and the body stays in place, you may die directly." George said jokingly. He was the fastest among the three to apparate.

, although I lost some hair and nails for this.

"How on earth did you do that?"

Zannah sat across from them with food, planning to ask them about the secret of Apparition.

It is not difficult for them to understand that Albert can do it. After all, they have all seen Albert's magic. As for Fred, George and Lee Jordan, it is a bit suspicious that they can be faster than others.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It's actually very simple. You just need to do Apparition a few more times to experience the feeling, and then be bold when trying, and you will quickly master the trick." George

He lowered his voice and explained.

Shanna looked at Albert and suddenly understood.

This is for Albert to take them to experience Apparition.

"You are so brave!" Shanna whispered.

Albert obviously took the three of them to Apparition several times. He had experienced the feeling of Apparition in advance, and he was bold enough to give it a try, so it was not surprising that the progress of Apparition of the three of them was faster than that of the others.

"Teach me some time. I feel that Apparition is very difficult." Although Shanna worked very hard to practice Apparition, she made no progress at all. She was a little worried that she would not pass the Apparition exam this time.

"Go to Hogsmeade next time!" Albert did not refuse.

"That's great." Shanna said excitedly.

"That's how you learned it, too?" Lee Jordan asked.

"That's right." Albert nodded and said, "At the beginning, when Professor Bard taught me about Apparition, he also took me to experience the feeling of Apparition."

"How about you teach us how to apparate?" Fred suggested, "We can go to the woods to practice."

"I can't put your bodies back together when you are separated." Albert raised his eyebrows slightly and warned a few people not to seek death. "Another day, I will take the time to find Professor McGonagall and deal with it."

Learn how to separate yourself. If you want to try it, I don't mind. Anyway, I will definitely not be caught by the Ministry of Magic and fined a large sum of money."

"Then forget it." The three of them shook their heads in unison, instantly extinguishing their thoughts of committing suicide.

Although they all want to learn to apparate as soon as possible, there is obviously no need to risk their wallets and lives. If they are really fined, their families will probably send them shouting letters.

"Professor Bard taught you Apparition?" Shanna asked in surprise.

"Yes, we have always kept in touch through letters."

Zannah breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Albert had started to learn Apparition in the first grade.

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