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Chapter 923 Under the Black Lake

At noon on Sunday, the weather was clear and the sun was high, making it a suitable spot to visit the lake.

After Albert was ready, he took Fred, George and Lee Jordan out of the castle, walked through the damp field, and walked in the direction of the Black Lake.

Several people avoided the docking place of Durmstrang's big boat and came to the pre-arranged location to get off the lake.

According to the original plan, Albert planned to go deep into the Black Lake to investigate the spot today, and test the plan prepared a while ago to prevent unnecessary accidents during the second project.

A gust of cold wind blew from the lake, making the four people who had just arrived at the lake shiver.

"Are you really going to go to the lake in this horrible weather?" Lee Jordan turned his head stiffly and said to Albert who started to take off his robe: "Otherwise, let's forget it this time and wait until the temperature gets warmer.


"We have to go to the lake after all, at least I can't escape." Albert stared at the black lake ahead. He knew that Lee Jordan didn't want to go, so he didn't force him. "It's a good thing to be able to investigate in advance, and you can test me by the way."

Make preparations to avoid any surprises during the game.”

With that said, Albert turned to Lee Jordan and said: "If you don't want to go down, just stay on the shore and help take care of things. Anyway, we will definitely need someone to take care of us when we come back."

"Okay, I'll prepare hot drinks for you." Lee Jordan seemed to be waiting for these words, as if he was being pardoned, causing Fred and George next to him to cast contemptuous glances at him.

This guy finally gave in.

Don’t you just know how to swim?

Do you need to worry about swimming even if you have a bubble head charm?

"Really cold."

Albert took off his robe, leaving only his underwear, which was very similar to a Muggle diving suit and had a good thermal insulation effect, but in such weather, it still didn't feel very reliable.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan all whistled, stretched out their hands to pinch Albert's shoulders and said, "If any girl sees you like this, she will scream in obsession, you have such an enviable figure.


Albert's figure is indeed very well-proportioned and looks very strong, which is related to his previous training.

"Exercise yourself well, and you don't have to envy me." Albert began to stretch his body to avoid cramps after entering the water.

"I feel silly running like that," Fred muttered.

"So, you can only envy me." Albert shrugged, brought the question back to the topic and said, "You also go and prepare. I will go down to test whether the first plan is feasible. If not, I can only use the backup plan.


"Why not just use the second plan?" Li Jordan felt that using underwater breathing agents was more reliable.

"Most of the warriors use the first option. I think we need to test the feasibility of this option first." Albert waved his wand and cast a magic spell on himself to keep warm. This is a variant of the drying spell, which can dry clothes.

Continuously keeping warm and dry, combined with the water and fire protection spell, can achieve a very good thermal insulation effect.

After putting the Bubble Charm on himself, Albert stepped directly onto the muddy sand and smooth, sticky pebbles and walked towards the lake. A chill came through the skin that touched the lake water. This was still the result of the spell.

Under the condition of using the Warming Charm.

It's really terrible, the temperature of this lake is horribly low.

Albert admired Krum very much now. That guy actually jumped into the lake and swam in a pair of swimming trunks, and it was in January, the coldest month of winter.

What a warrior!

To be honest, Albert was very curious, except for Harry Potter, the guy who used gillyweed, how on earth did the other warriors resist the coldness of the lake water?

This low temperature is really no joke.

Perhaps, the miraculous healing effect of magic makes wizards have a much higher endurance limit than Muggles in some aspects, but it does not mean that wizards' physical fitness and various physical data are better than Muggles.

Albert threw away other thoughts and plunged into the bottom of the lake. He did not rush towards the lake, but opened his eyes wide to observe the surroundings and began to search for the whereabouts of Weeping Myrtle. They agreed to meet here.

"Are you looking for me?"

Moaning Myrtle appeared in front of Albert at some point, looking at Albert's somewhat funny outfit with a smile.

"I'll ask you to lead the way from now on."

Albert emerged from the lake and said to Moaning Myrtle with a smile, but his smile looked very funny due to the bubble head spell.

"Shall we leave now?" Moaning Myrtle came closer.

"You stay here and wait for a while. I'll ask them to come down and change the Bubble Curse!" Albert swam back to the shore, lifted the Bubble Curse and greeted a few people: "I found Myrtle, you guys?"

Get ready to come down too!”

Fred and George had already put on the same clothes and put a special pill into their mouths. It contained underwater breathing agent. As long as they bit it and swallowed the medicine inside, they would be able to breathe in a short time.

Gaining the ability to breathe underwater within a short period of time is a safety guarantee that Albert has prepared for everyone.

After they both cast a set of Albert's same magic on themselves, they threw the simple underwater booster to Albert at the lakeside.

This thing is a crude toy designed by Albert himself. It can be easily obtained through the transformation spell. It mainly uses magic to rotate the fan blades to generate thrust. The underwater speed should not be fast, but it is very suitable for providing auxiliary power.

As for whether it is practical or not, you need to use it to know.

"Remember to prepare hot drinks for us."

After Fred and George said hello to Lee Jordan, they followed Albert into the water. They soon enjoyed the same cold lake water as Albert, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Okay, lead the way." Albert said to Moaning Myrtle.

"What is this?"

Moaning Myrtle looked curiously at the thing in Albert's hand.

"Underwater propeller, wizards are destined to not swim fast in the lake, so using this thing can move faster." Albert picked up the rope, picked up the wand at the other end of the rope, and gently tapped the underwater propeller to let

The two blades began to rotate at a constant speed.

"lets go!"

The three of them moved towards the center of the lake under the action of underwater propellers.

They don't need to swim at all. They only need to slightly adjust the direction of the underwater propeller, and they can easily follow the team towards the bottom of the lake.

After going deep into the bottom of the lake, the surrounding vision became a little worse.

However, Albert had already been prepared. There was a flashlight-like thing placed in front of the underwater propeller, with a blue flame burning inside, which could dispel the darkness ahead and provide partial vision.

The dim light of the flame gathered a group of small fish, and Fred was curiously reaching out to tease them.

"Don't make trouble, hurry up and follow."

George reached out and patted Fred on the shoulder, motioning for him to follow quickly to avoid being left alone.

"The lake is actually not big, but it is easier to get lost." Weeping Myrtle surrounded Albert and introduced enthusiastically, "If you continue to go deeper, you will encounter a jungle composed of water plants ahead, and there will be some

He is not very friendly. If you go in directly, you will not only be attacked, but also easily lost. I suggest you go around. Although it may take a long way, it will definitely be much faster than entering the aquatic jungle."

"We plan to find the mermaid's village."

Albert waved his magic wand, conjuring up words and making them sound to communicate with Moaning Myrtle.

Fred and George were both surprised by Albert's methods. They didn't expect that he could still do this. How on earth was this done?

Albert didn't pay attention to the surprised looks of the Weasley brothers, but was thinking about how to accurately locate the Mermaid Village so that he could find the specific location more easily during the second project.

To be honest, Albert suspected that the mermaid's village was hidden in a certain aquatic forest.

With the speed of the underwater booster and a little more time, it is actually not difficult to find the mermaid village, but everyone is not swimming very fast. It will definitely take a lot of effort to swim to the mermaid village, at least half the time.

If you can find it within an hour, it won't be too far away, probably around 1,500 feet.

"follow me."

Weeping Myrtle led the three of them to the bottom of the lake, away from the jungle of tangled black water plants. During the process, they also discovered what looked like a giant squid.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally came to a place that looked like a mermaid village. Within their field of vision were many stone houses piled with rough stones, with large amounts of algae still staining them.

"We're here, this is the mermaid's village."

Weeping Myrtle looked around, as if she was afraid of something, and shrank directly behind Albert.

"It seems that we are lucky, and the time is faster than expected." Albert murmured, he narrowed his eyes slightly and noticed something swimming around him.

The arrival of three people and one ghost obviously disturbed the peace of this small mermaid village, and the mermaids also obviously noticed this group of uninvited guests.

Albert signaled to Fred and George to move closer to him, because several mermaids holding spears surrounded them. One of them even took out a conch horn and blew it, and the low sound spread in the small village.

, and soon received a large number of responses.

"We don't seem to be welcome." Fred looked at the iron-gray mermaid holding a spear, and couldn't help but tighten the wand in his hand. He felt that it was definitely not a good idea to have a conflict here, and the water was the mermaid's home ground.

"I think we'd better get out of here." George watched more and more mermaids pouring out of the village, and uneasily reached out to touch Albert, wanting him to leave.

"They don't like strangers approaching their village." Moaning Myrtle poked her head out from behind Albert and said, "Last time I accidentally approached, they drove me away with a spear."

Fortunately, the mermaids did not attack the three of them, but instead pointed around a few of them, seeming to be discussing their appearance and dress, and did not know what they were whispering about.

"They don't mean any harm, otherwise they must have thrown spears at us." Albert looked at the group of mermaids in front of him and stepped forward to try to negotiate with them. He knew that the mermaids could understand human speech and could speak in the water.

Human words.

"I am the warrior of Hogwarts, and the golden egg guided me here." Albert waved his wand to form a text and let it make a sound.

The mermaids were briefly confused, probably because they were curious about how these people could talk in the water.

"We have no ill intentions towards you, and we will leave here immediately."

The mermaids must know about the Triwizard Tournament, at least Dumbledore will mention it to the mermaids. After all, the mermaids under the Black Lake are also part of the second project, and the golden eggs used by the warriors are

Done with the help of mermaid.

"Leaving Hogwarts warriors here, the second project has not yet begun." A mermaid with a long green beard, green hair, and wearing a short necklace made of shark teeth swam out from among the many mermaids and said in a hoarse and low voice.

, "We won't hurt you, come with me, I will take you out of here."

Yes, Albert could feel that the mermaids had no ill intentions toward them. It was more out of curiosity that so many mermaids surrounded them.

The three of them were watched, like monkeys in a zoo, being pointed at by a group of mermaids who had barely seen wizards.

After the mermaid stood up, the mermaids made way for them to leave.

"I thought they would warmly invite us in as guests." Fred muttered, not expecting to be driven away as soon as he found the mermaid village.

"That's how they are. They reject outsiders, just like the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest." Albert waved his wand and conjured a line of words.

"The mermaid actually keeps Grindylow." George reached out to touch Albert and pointed to a small Grindylow tied in front of a door not far away.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt the students of Hogwarts at will. This is an ancient agreement." Seeing that Albert and others didn't move, the mermaid said, "But it's really surprising. I didn't expect it.

The Warriors came here early, but Dumbledore never mentioned this to me."

"I'm just here to step in first."

Albert called the others to leave, not forgetting to guard against the mermaid's sneak attack before leaving. Although they thought that the mermaid would probably not attack him, it was always right to be cautious.

Several people were led by the mermaid through the square of the small village. In the square stood a rough statue: it was a large mermaid carved from a huge stone.

Behind a few people followed a large group of mermaids, and the whole village sent them away together. This battle was quite scary.

They left in the direction of the aquatic jungle, and they didn't know if it was because of the mermaid's malicious intent, or if that was the entrance to the village.

Well, in fact, Albert guessed correctly, that was indeed the entrance to the mermaid village, and Moaning Myrtle led Albert from behind the mermaid village.

Staying under the black lake, the mermaids basically had no natural enemies, but suddenly three wizards came to the village quietly, which really shocked them, and that mermaid blew the conch horn.

Albert suspected that the forest of aquatic plants in front of him was planted by fish people to cultivate seedlings or serve as food. Anyway, this large area of ​​​​aquatic plants was so prosperous that it was thick enough to block their vision and trap them in it.

He had no doubt that Grindylow was hiding here.

To be honest, Albert didn't want to go through this forest of water plants at all, so after they were taken out of the mermaid village, they moved straight to the lake.

As for the specific location of the mermaid village, Albert had already thrown down the previously specially made locator before leaving. It was an enchanted stone that could lock the location through tracking magic. In order to ensure the accuracy of the location, he set up a locator in the mermaid village.

Three of these were thrown nearby.

As for cheating?

Can this be considered cheating?

No, this is the invisible benefit given after unlocking the golden egg.

When they were about to leave the jungle of water plants in front of them, a large group of Grindylows emerged from the water plants and chased the three people and one ghost who were about to leave, as if they wanted to drag them into the bottom of the lake.

The mermaids who had just watched them leave witnessed this scene, but had no intention of helping to remind them. Apparently they wanted to see how defeated they were.

This chapter has been completed!
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