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Chapter 106: Tao Zhexuans invitation

"You are just bragging about the fact that you are a great old man but not a great old man."

Zhang Weiping smiled and shook his head, pointed at the young man beside him and continued: "This is my disciple, Miao Pingbo."

"Ping Bo, this is the student I mentioned before, Xu Chuan. Despite his young age, he is only a freshman and has already proven a world-class mathematical conjecture."

"The person next to me is Lin Feng, a student of Academician Chen Zhengping."

Hearing this, the young man following Zhang Weiping came forward and said hello to the two of them.

Zhang Weiping didn't have any airs. After introducing his students, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Now that we have met, how about walking together?"

"Will it disturb you?"

"Hey, we are all here to participate in the mathematics exchange meeting. If you have any trouble, don't bother me. As long as you two don't dislike me, an old man." Zhang Weiping waved his hand.

"By the way, your kid is going to go on stage to give a report this time. How are you preparing?"

"In terms of preparation, I have done a lot, but who knows the result? This is Princeton, where the world's top mathematicians gather."

Xu Chuan spread his hands. No one dared to say that there would be no flaws in Princeton.

Professor Andrew Wiles suffered a heavy blow after proving Fermat's last theorem.

At that time, Professor Wiles's proof was divided into six parts, which were reviewed by six people respectively. The third part, headed by Nick Katz, found serious flaws in the structure of the Euler system, which made Kolyvarkin -

Fletcher's method could not be applied to it, and Professor Wiles was unable to do anything about it at the time.

But fortunately, he survived the desperate situation later. He used Iwasawa's theory combined with the Kolyvarkin-Freich method to repair the flaws, proving Fermat's conjecture in one fell swoop and removing it from the seven millennium problems.

Xu Chuan cannot guarantee that his proof is completely correct. There may be some loopholes hidden in it that he has not discovered. Although this probability is very low, it is still possible.

Zhang Weiping smiled and said: "Mathematics is rigorous. I am very happy that you have such an idea, but go ahead with confidence. I have carefully discussed your paper with Academician Zhang Gongqing of P University. It is excellent.



After meeting Zhang Weiping from Sun Moon University by chance, Xu Chuan returned to the hotel where he stayed after walking around Princeton University but not finding the legendary randomly dropped NPC Professor Fehrman.

This International Mathematics Research Exchange Conference was held for a total of five days. His proof of the weak Weyl_berry conjecture was reported in the afternoon of the fourth day, which lasted half an hour and thirty minutes.

In the past few days, most of the top names in mathematics came to the stage to share their results or opinions.

For example, Professor Andrew Wiles who proved Fermat's conjecture, G. Faltings who used algebraic geometry to prove the Model's conjecture in number theory, and Pierre De, a disciple of the Emperor of Mathematics G.

Ligne waits.

These are all super-powerful people in the field of mathematics. To listen to one of their lectures would be more exciting for an ordinary undergraduate than to plant five million dollars.

In fact, as a first-year undergraduate student, Xu Chuan was able to give a 30-minute academic report at such an international mathematics research exchange conference, which can be said to have directly brought him to the top of the undergraduate class.

Such an achievement is a great honor for not only undergraduates, but also a doctoral student and even a mathematics professor.

Of course, compared to the International Mathematics Conference held every four years by the International Mathematical Union (IMU), the B score of this mathematics exchange meeting is still much lower.

If it's the latter, if Xu Chuan can go up and give a thirty-minute report, he can directly join the Hundred Talents Plan or participate in the selection of young Yangtze River scholars after returning to China.

In fact, as of 2014, that is, at the International Mathematics Congress two years ago, only the number of people from Hua Guo who had the honor to come on stage to give a report could be counted in one hand.

Of course, let’s not talk about the Chinese. After all, there are still many mathematicians among overseas Chinese, but this does not mean much to China.


On the first day of the exchange meeting, Xu Chuan followed Lin Feng to listen to the report of Mr. G. Faltings, and was deeply moved.

This elder is now recognized as one of the top three strongest in the world of mathematics, and even vaguely holds the title of number one.

The other two are Professor Andrew Wiles, who proved Fermat's conjecture, and Professor Pierre Deligne, who won a grand slam in mathematics.

Of course, there are far more powerful people in mathematics than these. Apart from the three of them, there are many who have better results and are still alive in the world.

For example, Professor Jean-Pierre Serre won the Fields Medal in 1954 at the age of 28, making him the youngest Fields Medalist to date.

Or Professor Gregory Perelman, who solved the Poincare Conjecture, one of the seven millennium problems.

However, the former of these two elders is old and is now ninety years old.

The latter rejected the Fields Medal and the Millennium Prize specially established by the Cray Institute of Mathematics for the seven millennium problems. He has semi-broken away from the current mathematical world and lived in seclusion in Russia, rarely appearing in the outside world.

Mathematics exchange meeting.

In 2006, the elder won the Fields Medal "for his contribution to geometry and his revolutionary insights", but he refused the trophy and medal and refused to go to receive the award.

Jon Bauer, president of the International Mathematical Union, tried to persuade Perelman to accept the award. After two days of trying and 10 hours of persuasion, he finally gave up.

Perelman famously said: "I'm not interested in money or fame, I don't want to be exhibited like an animal in a zoo."

Therefore, not to mention the mathematics exchange meeting held by Princeton, even the International Mathematics Conference held by the International Mathematical Union could not invite this elder.

Award him the Fields Medal, give him a million dollars in gold, and he won't even look at it.

Therefore, it is really difficult for the mathematical community to predict the strength of this elder, so we simply gave up ranking him for the time being.

But no one can deny this elder's mathematical prowess.

Well, in addition to that, there are also many top mathematicians of the new generation.

For example, Terence Tao, who won the Fields Medal in 2006, or Peter Schulz, the youngest W3 full professor in Germany.

However, compared with their predecessors such as Faltings and Wiles, their accumulation is indeed inferior.


The first day of the mathematics exchange meeting began. Mathematicians and talents from different fields gathered in different auditoriums at Princeton University. These participating mathematicians chose their corresponding fields to participate in different discussions.

As for Xu Chuan, listen to whoever is more famous.

For him, those little-known mathematics professors didn't do much to attract his attention. Instead of wasting time in the past, it was better to listen to the explanations of the elders.

After listening to Professor Wiles' report, Xu Chuan walked out of Auditorium No. 2 and was about to go to Carnegie Lake to relax, when he bumped into a familiar figure with a 'bang'.

"Sorry, I'm sorry I bumped into you."

A voice came to his ears. Xu Chuan rubbed his painful forehead and raised his head. When he saw it, he saw a man about thirty years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and having a Chinese appearance.

"Huh? Are you Professor Terence Tao?"

Xu Chuan asked in surprise. The Chinese-looking man in front of him was Professor Tao Zhexuan, a rising star in mathematics.

This elder won the IMO International Mathematical Olympiad mathematics gold medal when he was 13 years old. He was already a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles when he was 24 years old. He won the Fields Medal when he was 31 years old.

In terms of age, he is now 41 years old, but maybe because of his talent or something, he looks like he is in his thirties and remains quite young.

"It's me, who are you?"

Tao Zhexuan looked at Xu Chuan with some confusion and asked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, Professor Tao. My name is Xu Chuan and I come from China." Xu Chuan introduced himself with a smile.

"Xuchuan?" Tao Zhexuan muttered, as if he had heard this name somewhere.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly said: "Weyl-berry's guess is that the weakened form is what you proved, right?"

"Compared with Professor Tao's achievements, this is nothing to mention." Xu Chuan responded with a smile.

A weakened form of the Weyl-berry conjecture proves that there is indeed nothing in front of the super-powerful person in front of him.

As an all-rounder in mathematics, Terence Tao's research spans multiple fields of mathematics, from harmonic analysis to nonlinear partial differential equations, to combinatorics, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, etc.

The degree of exaggeration across fields is greater than his research in physics in his previous life.

"No, no, no, you are too modest. The Weyl-Berry conjecture is a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for more than 30 years. It is at the top level of difficulty. I have read your paper, which is a very good proof that the non-connectivity of regions is

A 'small opening' is opened between the branches to connect non-connected areas. This idea is simply excellent..."

Tao Zhexuan smiled, stopped and started chatting with Xu Chuan about mathematics.

The two of them stopped in the corridor outside the auditorium and exchanged their understanding of mathematics with each other, which also attracted the attention of other participants in the exchange meeting.

After recognizing the famous Tao Zhexuan, many people chose to approach quietly, wanting to hear what the two were talking about. They were also a little curious about who the young boy opposite him was who could talk so freely with Tao.

Chatting with each other about mathematics.

By the time Xu Chuan woke up, many people were already surrounding them.

"It seems that this is not the right place to continue asking for your advice for the time being. Professor Tao, here is my contact information and email. I hope I can ask you for more advice in the future."

Looking at the crowd around him, Xu Chuan shrugged, took out the portable notebook and pen he carried with him from his pocket, wrote down his mobile phone number and email address and handed them to Tao Zhexuan.

"Forget it, it's really interesting to communicate with a math genius like you." Terence Tao smiled and took the note, glanced at the number on it and put it in his pocket.

The two said goodbye to each other and were about to leave. Suddenly, Tao Zhexuan stopped and turned around and shouted: "Hey, Xu Chuan, do you want to come with me to listen to Professor Schultz's report?"


This chapter has been completed!
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