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Chapter 116 The Mystery of Proton Radius

After having a meal in a hotel with the city and provincial leaders who received him, and accepting interviews with some state media reporters, Xu Chuan took his instructor's car and returned to school with his instructor.

"After this time, it's time for you to graduate. Go to Princeton as soon as possible to further your studies. You can go further in mathematics in the future."

On the spacious highway, Chen Zhengping sighed while driving, his tone a little melancholy.

He is a little confused now, and he doesn't even know whether it was a good or bad thing for him to accept this disciple last year.

Let’s put it bluntly, this disciple solved a world-class conjecture in half a year, and at a young age he has reached a peak that is unattainable for ordinary people.

But he managed to master mathematics instead of physics, which made him, a physics tutor, very embarrassed.

But to be fair, he felt that he had brought little help to this boy.

Not to mention helping him, this disciple even helped him complete a material physics experiment. He relied on his keen mathematical ability to find the flaws and saved a research and development project that was about to be abandoned. It can be said that in the development of tungsten diselenide

In the materials project, he took the greatest credit.

Sometimes he also wondered if he was delaying him by accepting this kid. After all, he couldn't teach him mathematics at all.

When this kid encountered some math problems before, he always asked Professor Zhou Hai of the School of Mathematics for help. This always made him feel a little guilty, as he felt that he had not brought him any help.

So it is better to let him graduate early. If he delays graduation due to physical reasons, it can be said to be holding him back.

After all, with his talent, if he can meet a good math teacher, he can learn more.

Although mathematics depends on talent, a good teacher and a good academic environment are also very important.

This kid has such a strong talent in mathematics, but it always feels inappropriate to work with a physics tutor like him, and in an institution like Nantah University where the mathematics department is not very strong.

And the golden career of a person studying is only a few years.

So it would be better to let him go to Princeton as soon as possible to receive deeper mathematics education.

As for physics, well...


In the passenger seat, Xu Chuan glanced at Chen Zhengping with a bit of laughter.

This was his tutor, his personal tutor, who took him to study physics, but now he asked him to study mathematics.

What kind of psychology is this?

As for graduation, he is not worried at all.

If a student who proves a world-class mathematical conjecture cannot graduate, then probably no one in the world will graduate.

But since he had already set the goal of dual cultivation, he had to do something in physics.

As for the direction of the matter, he had already thought about it when he held an exchange meeting in Princeton.

Two pieces, one is a supplement to the derivative results of xu-weyl-berry theorem.

Although this area may have something to do with physics, the relationship is not very big, and it is related to astronomy and physics.

Therefore, Xu Chuan also prepared another result that is more suitable for the direction of particle physics to balance his achievements in mathematics.

"Teacher, does the latest research in the physics community have accurate figures for the radius of the proton?"

In the co-pilot, Xu Chuan asked the instructor.

Chen Zhengping turned to look at Xu Chuan and asked curiously: "Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"Oh, when I was having an exchange meeting at Princeton, I took a few math and physics classes there, and the professor talked about this aspect in the class."

Xu Chuan first briefly explained the source, and then said: "Later, I checked the information in this area and found that there seems to be no method in the current physics world that can accurately obtain the precise radius of the proton in the atom."

"The most accurate number is about 0.8768 femtometers measured by spectroscopic experimental methods and the definition of scattering of charged particles and protons."

"But there seems to be something wrong with this number later. The proton radius measured using the Lamb shift of ordinary electrons is only 0.833 femtometers?"

Xu Chuan asked with interest on his face.

Chen Zhengping stared at the traffic ahead, turned the steering wheel to avoid a large truck, and said, "Well, this is indeed a new problem that has appeared in recent years."

"Before 2010, the proton radius measured by the physics community through spectroscopy experiments and scattering experiments of charged particles and protons was around 0.8768 femtometers, so it was unanimously believed that the proton radius was this number."

"But in 2010, different disagreements emerged. In a spectroscopic proton radius measurement experiment, researchers used muons instead of electrons in order to advance the precise radius value of the proton."

"The properties of muons are similar to electrons, but their mass is 200 times that of electrons. The heavier protons stay in the test longer, so the energy level is more significantly affected by the size of the proton."

"Therefore, compared with electrons, the proton radius calculated from muons should be more accurate, but in this experiment, the experimental result gave a proton radius of 0. femtometer - the proton radius has become smaller."

"This experimental result caught the researchers at the time a little off guard, but since then, more spectroscopic experiments have further confirmed the small proton radius."

"At the beginning of 2012, the research team of York University in Maple Leaf Country pointed out that not only muons - after improving the experimental equipment, the proton radius measured using the Lamb shift of ordinary electrons was only 0.833 femtometers.


"However, the proton radius obtained through scattering experiments has always stayed at around 0.8768 femtometers."

"That is to say, two different testing methods have produced a 5% gap. This 5% gap is called the 'proton radius mystery'."

"Until now, we have not figured out why there is a 5% gap or how it came about, so it is called a new mystery in particle physics."

"Why, are you interested in this area?"

At the end, Chen Zhengping smiled and turned to look at Xu Chuan in the passenger seat. He also looked at the rearview mirror and prepared to switch lanes and exit the highway.

"It's really interesting. After I compiled the papers proving the Weyl-berry conjecture at Princeton, I read some papers and materials in this area."

"In the standard model of particle physics, protons are not the most basic particles, but are made of quarks."

"If you want to answer the question of proton radius accurately, you must first define the radius of proton."

"Based on the basic principles of quantum mechanics, the proton is not a small ball with a certain radius, but a distribution of matter (imagine the electron cloud of a hydrogen atom)."

"According to this basic principle, the proton radius, more accurately called the proton's charge radius, refers to the root-mean-square distance of the charge distribution of this mass of matter from the center."

"That is--γe=√e=√∫d3rγ2pe(r)/q; pe(r) is the proton charge distribution density, and q is the total proton charge."

"According to this mathematical formula, the radius of the proton can be determined through the energy spectrum of hydrogen-like atoms and scattering experiments of electrons and protons."

"If electrons are replaced by muons, the only difference between electrons and muons in the standard model is mass, so if you do experiments with muons, you only need to replace the electron mass in the involved formula with the muon mass...


"If experiments and calculations are conducted in this way, even if there is a deviation, the deviation will not be as large as close to 5%, so there is probably something wrong."

From the driver's seat, Chen Zhengping thought about Xu Chuan's opinion and asked: "So what do you think is the problem? Previous experimental data, or the latest experiment in 10 years?"

"You must know that these two groups of people are currently fighting fiercely in the physics world. No one is convinced by the other, and they both feel that the other is wrong."

Xu Chuan shrank, adjusted his sitting posture, and said: "I don't know who is right and who is wrong, but first of all, it is certain that the size of the proton cannot have two results. If there are two results, the modern physics building will directly


"But I can't give an accurate answer now. Maybe when I go back, I can find some data from papers and materials and do some calculations to see if the problem occurs in the calculation formula or calculation."

"Can you figure it out?"

Hearing Xu Chuan's words, Chen Zhengping immediately answered, but then he suddenly realized and laughed dumbly and said: "I almost forgot that your kid's mathematical ability has surpassed 99.99% of the mathematicians in the world.


"If you are interested in this area, you can try to research it first."

"However, the proton radius is not a purely mathematical problem. To completely solve the 'proton mystery', I am afraid that we need to use tools such as proton accelerators."

"NTU currently does not have any scientific research projects in this area, nor does it have a proton accelerator. If you want to do experiments, you have to go to Baicheng, the capital."

"And the proton accelerators in Baicheng, the capital, may not meet the requirements for studying proton radius. It is best to go to Europe or the United States."

"After all, you know that China's development in high-energy physics is quite late. As of today, only two proton accelerators have been built, and the scale is not very large."

"Of course, you can try to set up a scientific research project on your own first. If your preliminary research has results, you can publish them, and then go to Europe or the United States to borrow their proton accelerator for experiments."

"Anyway, your previous scientific research funds have not been used yet. This time, the complete Weyl-berry conjecture has been solved. The scientific research funds will be increased by another section, which should be enough to support you to complete a project."

Xu Chuan wondered: "Won't Europe reject our project? After all, proton accelerators are so precious."

Hearing this, Chen Zhengping smiled and said: "This kind of purely theoretical project that attracts worldwide attention will not do it. The premise is that the paper you publish is valuable and the project is interesting, such as studying the proton radius, don't worry.

, definitely not."

"Why, do you really want to try this?"

Xu Chuan scratched his hair, smiled shyly, and said, "Let's talk about this after we go back to school. I always feel that if I get some grades in mathematics, if I don't get some grades in physics, I won't be able to finish this course."


Chen Zhengping laughed. He was about to criticize his half-hearted thinking and persuade him to study mathematics in depth, but then he thought that this was a monster in front of him who had solved a world-class mathematical conjecture in half a year.

As a result, the words that came to my lips were forced to swallow back, and I almost choked myself.

Listen, does this sound right?

If proving a world-class mathematical conjecture is called having some achievement, I am afraid that more than 99.999% of the people in the world do not have this kind of achievement.

If you need to get this score to graduate, more than 99.999% of the world's college students may not be able to graduate if they just study.

But if it comes to this kid, maybe he can really study something in physics.

And Chen Zhengping also hopes that he can delve into something.


This chapter has been completed!
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