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Chapter 171 Hua Guos Application

After the acceptance report meeting was settled, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I knew that it was impossible for the other two laboratories to produce results so quickly, guessing on my own and getting confirmation from David Gross, the chairman of the board of directors, were completely different things.

The remaining work is to check the data and Dalitz diagram.

Three days were enough for him and Chen Zhengping, the three academicians, to go through these things completely.

"How is it? Are we the first to submit the acceptance application report?"

As soon as Xu Chuan returned to the Huaguo office area, he received the expectant looks of three academicians.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan nodded heavily to confirm.

After confirming that Hua was the first to submit an application for an acceptance report, the three academicians breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on their tired faces.

For Xu Chuan, this experiment and data analysis is a verification of his previous theoretical calculations.

But for the three academicians, it means much more than that.

Through this experiment, the main purpose is to see China's scientific research capabilities, improve China's status in the country, and become a member.

That’s why the three universities attach special importance to this experiment.

Fortunately, judging from the current analysis of experimental data, they have found the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

There is no problem with Xu Chuan's theory and calculations. The 128gev-131gev collision energy level range is indeed the energy level where the Higgs particle decays and the third-generation heavy quark Yukawa couples.

"Junior brother, congratulations, you have solved another epic problem."

Beside the three academicians, Qi Xishao stepped forward and congratulated with a smile.

As a formal researcher, he has participated in data analysis work at NTU before, so this time the team must have him.

But besides congratulations, he also felt a little sigh in his heart.

This little junior brother is really a pervert.

From the time he came here in July to mid-October, in more than three months, he has solved two physics problems that can be called epic.

One is the 'proton radius mystery' that has been debated in the physics community for several years but has not been solved.

The other one is even older. Ever since the advent of equipment like particle collider, some people have tried to use mathematics to calculate the emergence channels of physical particles, but no one has ever done it.

It has been more than ten years now, at least.

It took more than three months to solve two physics problems. Even if the first one was prepared before and was only verified with the help of an accelerator this time, it is an exaggeration.

In addition, in the first half of the year, this junior also solved a difficult problem in mathematics and astrophysics. Although he used his achievements in mathematics to do astronomy and physics,

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Gee, this level of exaggeration is comparable to Mr. Einstein’s Miracle Year.

The gold content may not be as high as that of Mr. Love, but throughout the history of physics, few people have achieved such an achievement.

And although he had become a formal researcher last year and was considered a young talent in the entire physics community, in comparison, he was really nothing.

This junior fellow student, being in the same industry as him, really makes me feel inferior.

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "The idea of ​​an epic problem is too exaggerated. For the entire physics world, it is just a speck of water."

Qi Xishao smiled. If he could solve this problem, he would have to fly back to his country to personally cultivate two handfuls of soil on his ancestral graves and put several thousands of firecrackers on them.


Three days was not a long time. Xu Chuan and three academicians verified the analyzed experimental data twice and it was over.

On the day of the report meeting, the largest auditorium No. 1 was crowded with people. Many people in the auditorium with more than 400 seats were even standing.

Not only the physicists who are doing research here, but also many other universities or physics institutes and laboratories have arranged for personnel to come and listen to the reports.

This experiment is a verification of the energy level channel of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks that was previously calculated through mathematical calculations.

If it succeeds, it is no exaggeration to say that the world of physics will usher in a new revolution.

In the face of tens of millions of colliding funds and consuming the brain cells of some physicists or mathematicians, I am afraid that both the country and the capitalists will choose the latter without hesitation.


The person who took the stage to report on this data analysis work was, not surprisingly, Xu Chuan.

Although the data analysis was conducted jointly by three universities including Nanjing University, this was an experiment based on his theoretical data.

Moreover, academicians like Chen Zhengping are also willing to raise Xu Chuan's reputation even higher.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to this.

But after completing his work this time, it was time for him to return to his mathematics studies.

Just as Senior Brother Qi Xishao Qi thought, the things he made in the past year were a bit too exaggerated.

Even though it is all pure mathematics and pure theory, and it is all public, it is enough for the United States to pay attention to him. Maybe he is now on a list.

Of course, Xu Chuan must have paid attention to this aspect.

Although his current achievements may seem exaggerated to the younger generation, in fact, if you pay close attention, you can see that all his achievements are related to mathematics.

From the weyl-berry conjecture to the xu-weyl-berry calculation of celestial parameters, to the mystery of the proton radius and this time the calculation of the energy level channel of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark. In fact, it is all from mathematics

By extension, it is all purely theoretical and does not involve any sensitive areas.

Perhaps the calculation of the energy level channel of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks can save the collider a lot of money, but this does not involve other things, and research in this area cannot be transformed into other products.


More importantly, the particles and experimental data produced by each collider are different. It is simply impossible to popularize this method like xu-weyl-berry for calculating celestial parameters.

It does not have a fixed set of parameters and calculation methods, and requires the researcher to analyze, obtain and calculate specific information in a targeted manner. It can even be said that he was able to do it through good luck and the guidance of Professor Gross.

These achievements are completely different from those in sensitive fields.

For example, Cao Yuan, another genius who will become famous only next year, is currently studying the order of graphene and the superconductivity of graphene according to historical trends.

For the United States, this can be said to be a very sensitive area.

Fortunately, this genius only completed the basics of the laboratory and rushed back to the country. If he had done more in-depth research and moved it towards industrial production, he might have encountered the same dilemma as he had in his previous life.

Graphene superconductivity is definitely a sensitive field for the United States.

However, there is still a big difference between laboratory production and industrial production. The former is actually just to verify the theory, no matter how much money is spent.

The latter, however, is for commercialization and industrialization, and naturally needs to consider things like cost and manufacturing steps.

Not everything that can be created in the laboratory can be successfully industrialized.

This is an unrealistic dream. If it could really be achieved, human civilization would have entered the sea of ​​stars long ago. Why are we still playing in the mud on the earth now?

Xu Chuan knows this very well. There are really many good things in laboratories around the world.

But unfortunately, these things can basically only be manufactured on a very small scale in laboratories. The cost is very high, and they cannot be applied to business and industry at all.


The acceptance report meeting lasted for forty-five minutes. Xu Chuan skillfully started from the initial theory, briefly introduced it, and then turned to the data of this collision experiment.

"...I am very grateful to all the researchers from NTU, Hua University of Science and Technology, and Jiaotong University for their joint efforts and for their support. Through this collision experiment, we successfully found the 128gev~134gev energy level region."

Higgs decay and the Yukawa coupling phenomenon of third-generation heavy quarks.”

"Although this deviates slightly from my previous calculations, it turns out that the occurrence of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks is not above the previously speculated 150gev energy level region, but closer to Higgs.

The energy level region of the Gus particle mass.”

"Although I don't know why it violates past experimental experience, there is no problem with this theoretical data."

"Through this experiment, we are one step closer to the secret of the origin of mass. Perhaps, in the near future, we can build a larger particle collider and discover other secrets hidden in the universe."

"My report is over. Thank you everyone for listening patiently. Thank you."

After saying the last words, Xu Chuan bowed slightly to the many physicists in the audience.

Suddenly, thunderous and deafening applause erupted in Auditorium No. 1.

Everyone was impressed by the wonderful report of the young man on the stage, including staff from two competing research institutes, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and the German Electron Synchrotron Institute, who were applauding softly.


I have to say that this is indeed one of the two most exciting report sessions this year.

By the way, another most exciting report was also given by the young man on the stage.

The discovery of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks can be said to be the most important research result this year.

Even the 'proton radius mystery' that was solved before can't compare.

Although the mystery of the proton radius is of great significance, it only solved the troubles of physicists in the past few years and did not give an accurate number of the proton radius.

The number 0.831 femtometer is still an estimate.

If one day, the accurate proton radius can be calculated or measured, it will surpass the discovery of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between the Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark.

As for now, it is more important to be able to study the Higgs decay of the origin of mass and the Yukawa coupling of the formation of matter.

Although the current physics community has not been able to do anything with this discovery, such as controlling this phenomenon to artificially synthesize metal nuclei, at least its existence has lit up a beacon for the future physics community.


According to the long-standing habit, after Xu Chuan concluded the acceptance report meeting and obtained the approval of the acceptance personnel, on the second day after the experiment ended, invitation letters were sent to reporters and media in Geneva and even all over Europe, and a meeting was held.

A very high-level press conference.

Council Chairman David Gross personally announced the news to media reporters.

"...We have successfully discovered the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks. Through the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks, we can get closer to the origin of matter and further advance.

A step forward. This is another victory for the Standard Model, which has brought us a strong and tall physics building that remains strong to this day."

"It is now approaching the end of October. If nothing else goes wrong, the discovery of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks will become the most significant research result in physics this year."

"Here, on behalf of me and the Board of Directors, I would like to express my special thanks to the talented young man from China, Mr. Xu Chuan."

"It was he who completed the data calculation of the optimal search decay channel for the Yukawa coupling of Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks. He perfectly integrated mathematics into physics and locked the energy level of the target phenomenon at 128gev~

131gev interval, which in turn contributed to our early success."

"Because in the past, according to historical experience, the Yukawa coupling energy level of Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark was probably above 150gev. It is no exaggeration to say that his calculation saved us at least one to

In two years, we have saved at least millions of euros.”


Amid surges of applause, the press conference came to an end, followed by a large number of media outlets that carried out overwhelming publicity and reporting on this phenomenon.

[f The Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks has been discovered, which may explain the origin of mass. 】

[A talented young man from China is actually allowed to publicly express his gratitude?]

[One calculation = millions of euros, is there really such magic in mathematics? 】

[The Large Strong Particle Collider has been activated again, and Hurricane Matthew is raging across the North American continent, severely damaging many countries. Is the fate of mankind linked to this? 】

Various reports circulated on the Internet and in newspapers, attracting the attention of a wide range of netizens.

Many people were stunned when they saw this seemingly familiar name.

"xu·? I seem to have heard of this name."

"He solved the mystery of the proton radius in August. If you pay attention to high-energy physics, he is the most discussed person in the entire high-energy physics community."

"It's incredible. Not only did you solve a problem in one year, but it also helped save millions of euros?"

"Not only that, he also solved a world-class mathematical conjecture in the first half of this year and created a brand new method for calculating celestial information for the astrophysics community. If you count it this way, he has solved at least three to four problems in a year.

A big problem."

"Maybe this is some kind of magic from the ancient eastern countries?"


While netizens were discussing media reports, a new council meeting was also held here.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss whether to admit China as a new member state based on the application for formal membership submitted by China in the past two days.

This may be the last year that new member states are allowed to join.

Because there are rumors, it may no longer accept new member states next year, and future membership applications will be converted into member states or associate members.


This chapter has been completed!
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