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Chapter 175 Happy New Year

ps: I wish everyone a happy new year, good health, and all the best~ make a fortune in the Year of the Rabbit!

In the car, Lin Feng noticed something strange about Xu Chuan through the rearview mirror, and asked casually: "What's wrong? Junior Brother Chuan."

Xu Chuan retracted his gaze from the window and said, "It's nothing, I just won the award."

"Oh, what prize?"

Lin Feng didn't care, and then asked, considering this junior brother's achievements, it is normal for him to win the award.

The mathematics, physics, and astronomy circles are basically waiting in line to award him awards. They just say that this junior brother produces results too fast, and the awarding speed cannot keep up with his scientific research speed.

Have you ever seen a scholar who can make contributions in the three major fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy within one year?

Although these contributions are basically related to the Weyl-Berry conjecture, the speed is really shocking.

Xu Chuan grinned and said: "The Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy."

When Lin Feng, who was driving, heard the answer, he nodded subconsciously and said congratulations: "Congratulations, Junior Brother Chuan, you actually won two awards at once... Shit! Wait a minute.

, what did you just say? What two awards did you win?"

Lin Feng reacted and subconsciously stepped on the brakes. The car suddenly stopped and the three people in the car leaned forward. Only then did he come back to his senses, quickly control the car, and then parked it on the side of the road.

Fortunately, this is on a highway in the United States, or on the way out of the city, so the traffic flow is not high.

If we were in China, if we brake suddenly, the car behind us would probably hit him directly.

After taking control of the car, Lin Feng quickly parked it on the side of the road, then turned his head and swallowed, stared at Xu Chuan and asked repeatedly: "Junior brother, what did you just say? What two awards did you win?"

"The Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy."

Xu Chuan repeated it, and was met with suspicious and disbelieving looks from Lin Feng. Even Nunnally Kessler in the co-pilot cast a doubtful look.

"You said you won this year's Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy?" Lin Feng stared at Xu Chuan suspiciously.

Xu Chuan nodded calmly.

"You really didn't lie to me?"

"What's the point of lying? The person who just called me is from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences."

Xu Chuan laughed dumbly and shook his head. This news was indeed surprising. He couldn't believe it at first. It was normal for Senior Brother Lin Feng to have such a reaction.

"Xu, can the Crafford Award be awarded to the same person at the same time?"

There was silence in the car for a while, and it was Nunnally Kessler who broke the silence.

"It's impossible. The Crafford Award has never been awarded to the same person in two different awards in the same year. Junior Brother, are you afraid you have received a scam call?"

Lin Feng shook his head and suddenly denied.

The Crafford Prize is also known as the Little Nobel Prize.

Judging from the number of winners, it is even more difficult to win the Crafford Prize than to win the Nobel Prize.

At least, in the three Nobel Prize categories of physics, chemistry, and medicine, most years there are basically two or three winners in each discipline.

And what about the Crawford Award?

Although it also has five major disciplines in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, biological sciences, earth sciences and polyarthritis, it only awards one discipline every year.

And most of the time, only one person wins the prize in a subject.

Now you tell him that this year's mathematics and astronomy prizes are awarded to the same person at the same time. Is this possible?

It's completely impossible! There has never been such a thing in history. So Lin Feng would rather believe that this is a scam call.

Xu Chuan shrugged and said, "Then what does this liar want from me?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned.

Yes, if it is a scam call, what is this scammer trying to do?

After thinking about it, Lin Feng tilted his head and asked: "Trick you into going abroad to receive the award, and then kidnap you?"


Xu Chuan couldn't help laughing and said: "Senior Brother Lin, this is the Crafford Award. After I receive the call here, Sweden will officially announce it in two days."

"If it's a scam call, I'll expose it in two days. It doesn't mean I have to go and claim the prize right now."

"That's right."

Lin Feng responded blankly, then reacted and asked excitedly: "In other words, you really broke the historical record this time and won the Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy at the same time?"

"If the caller is fine, it should be yes." Xu Chuan thought for a while and then replied: "Whether it is true or not, we should know in two days."

"After all, according to tradition, the Crafford Prize, like the Nobel Prize, calls the winner one week before the announcement."

"Yes, then just wait a few more days."

Lin Feng nodded, restarted the car and headed towards Princeton.

The news of receiving the Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy at the same time is really amazing. If it comes to anyone, I am afraid that everyone will have doubts and reservations before there is a real official announcement. Including those who have already received it.

Xu Chuan on the phone.


After returning to Princeton from Geneva, Xu Chuan put down his luggage and immediately went to Professor Deligne's office to visit his mentor.

After all, he had promised to only go there for about a month and then come back, but it turned out that he stayed there for almost four months.

But Deligne didn't care about this at all. On the contrary, he was very interested in how Xu Chuan applied mathematics to physics and calculated the energy level channel of the coupling phenomenon between Higgs and the third-generation heavy quark Yukawa.

He has been studying this all this time.

This may be related to the fact that Xu Chuan showed the old professor the calculation data of the proton radius mystery some time ago.

There are also some techniques for integrating mathematics and physics. Later, Witten taught some physics knowledge to the old professor, which may have stimulated some of his interest in mathematical physics.

Mathematics is a very special subject, and everything is basically inseparable from mathematics.

However, cutting-edge mathematics is too far away from ordinary science, and it is basically a state of enclosure and self-interest.

Xu Chuan's ideas and techniques of integrating mathematics and physics gave Professor Deligne some new ideas. It also made him lament that he was getting old.

After all, he is already over seventy years old, and he is no longer the young man who could study for days and nights on a certain mathematical problem, and he no longer has the energy.

With his current age and experience, it is already difficult for him to learn a new subject and then integrate it with mathematics.

However, he taught Xu Chuan some of his thoughts, hoping that he could expand on this path on his behalf.

Fortunately for Deligne, he accepted a good student who was still young and capable enough to try to expand.

Can you go on this road for him and see whether the end is an unknown ocean or an iron wall?


After gaining some new knowledge from Professor Deligne, Xu Chuan returned to campus with great concentration.

After adjusting to the two-day time difference at Princeton, he successfully regained the feeling of studying on campus before. He started taking classes every day and studying mathematics with Professor Deligne.

Time flies in the blink of an eye, and a week has passed.

That afternoon, while Xu Chuan was studying mathematics with his tutor in Professor Deligne's office, a call came to his mobile phone.

After giving his instructor an apologetic look, Xu Chuan answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, a "noisy" sound came from the other side.

"Damn it, Junior Brother Chuan, have you read the news reports? You really won the Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Crafford Prize in Astronomy at the same time! You are so awesome, you broke the historical record, you are the first person in history!!!


Machine gun-like words quickly popped out of the phone. The deafening sound made Xu Chuan couldn't help but turn the phone slightly away from his ears, but he also knew that today the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the winners of the Crafford Prize.

The person who called him before was not an imposter. He really won the Crawford Prize in Mathematics and the Astronomy Prize at the same time.


After exchanging a few words with Senior Brother Lin, Xu Chuan quickly hung up the phone and opened the official website of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on his mobile phone. Sure enough, the list of this year's Crafford Prize was officially announced.

In the blank form, the winners of the two award-winning subjects have their names written on them.


Seeing this familiar name, Xu Chuan felt at ease.

After all, this is the Crafford Prize. This world-class award, the Mathematics Prize and the Astronomy Prize will be awarded to the same person at the same time in the same year. It can be said to be the first time that it has broken historical records.

Not to mention that Senior Brother Lin Feng was so surprised and doubtful at the beginning, even he himself was full of doubts at the beginning.

But now, the doubts in my heart have disappeared, and only joy remains.

After staring at the list of winners on his phone for a long time, Xu Chuan raised his head and took a long breath, calming his rapidly beating heart, but there was still a smile on his face that he couldn't hide.

In the office, Professor Deligne cast a slightly puzzled look.

With this disciple's calm character, it is rare to be so happy.

Noticing his mentor's gaze, Xu Chuan grinned and shared his joy: "Tutor, I won this year's Crawford Prize in Mathematics and Astronomy."

Hearing this, Deligne was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly: "The Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Astronomy Prize?"

"Yes, we got it at the same time." Xu Chuan nodded vigorously.

"This is really surprising. I didn't expect the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to make such a bold decision."

Deligne was stunned for a while before he recovered from the news.

"I was almost forty-five years old when I won the Crafford Prize. Even Terence Tao was thirty-six years old. You just pushed the record forward by nearly twenty years."

After sighing, Professor Deligne looked at Xu Chuan with a smile and congratulated: "Congratulations, you have created a historical record."

"No one has ever been able to break your record before, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to break it in the future."

The winner of the Crafford Prize who is less than 19 years old still wins the Crafford Prize in Mathematics and the Astronomy Prize at the same time. It is even more difficult for anyone to break the record. I am afraid that this world record will not be broken for at least a hundred years in the future.

People break.

And from now on, he is destined to have a share of the 2018 Fields Medal.

Then it will be another moment to create a historical record.

Looking at the student in front of him, Deligne felt a little emotional.

Even though mathematics is gradually becoming younger, with young mathematicians such as Terence Tao and Schultz holding up a new world, it is not as exaggerated as the student in front of me.

If it were simply to prove the Weyl-Berry conjecture, and this was the only achievement, the Fields Medal jury might consider whether to postpone it for another four years.

But Xu Chuan not only proved the Weyl-Berry conjecture, but also extended it to the world of astrophysics and established a series of mathematical methods based on the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem. Its importance suddenly increased a lot.

After all, although mathematics is hailed as the foundation of science, it is only a tool after all.

As a tool, how it plays a role in mathematics or other subjects is the greatest value that a tool can embody.

The selection principles of the Fields Medal also attach great importance to this point.

Therefore, it can be said that Schultz and Xu Chuan have already booked the Fields Medal in 2018 in advance.

The former created the theory of p-radical perfect spaces and used this theory to make a major breakthrough in the famous Langlands program in mathematics.

Not only did the latter prove the world-class problem of the Weyl-Berry conjecture, but also relied on the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to establish a series of mathematical methods for calculating celestial parameter information, which affected the entire astronomical world in one fell swoop.


Thousands of miles away, China.

When the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the Crafford Prize, the first person who reacted was neither Yangma nor the major news media, but Xu Chuan’s alma mater, NTU.

After receiving the news, NTU immediately put up banners at the school gate and inside the campus.

[Congratulations to Xu Chuan, a 16th-year doctoral student in our school, for winning this year’s Crafford Mathematics Prize and the Crafford Astronomy Prize!]

The huge banner was not only hung at the entrance of the school, but also in front of the teaching building where Xu Chuan used to attend classes, for fear that students at Nanjing University would not be able to see it.

The leaders of Nanjing University were very excited, and the face of the principal, Liu Gaojun, was even more full of smiles. Xu Chuan was recruited by him himself.

The Crawford Prize, the Little Nobel, has never been won by a Chinese.

Not only did I get it this time, I got two of them at once.

If Xu Chuan hadn't still been studying at Princeton, the leaders of Nanjing University would have wanted to drag him on stage right now, hold two lectures, and invite those coquettish bitches like Shuimu, Peking University, and Sun Moon University to come over and have a look.

NTU’s mathematics department can also produce top talents!

Following NTU's actions, the media quickly reacted and rushed out the press release that day and urgently posted it on the online media.

The news that night also temporarily used two or three minutes to broadcast the news and gave some short introductions to Xu Chuan.

Of course, it's not that they didn't want to be more formal, but it was because the incident happened suddenly, and the award winner was not in the country, so they hadn't interviewed him yet, so they just chose to make an impromptu broadcast.

However, the main station’s reporters and related personnel based in America have already purchased air tickets to go to Princeton.


This chapter has been completed!
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