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Chapter 192: Dual Position Invitation from Princeton

In Fefferman's office, after hearing the news, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

"This is the best news I've heard this year."

After giving Fefferman a warm hug, Xu Chuan then looked at Camilo de Relis, the editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics, and said gratefully: "Thank you to the Annals of Mathematics for your efforts."

Lylis smiled and said: "No, Xu, we want to thank you for delivering the proof of Hodge's conjecture to us. Please rest assured that we will take good care of it."

On the side, Fefferman cleared his throat, looked at Xu Chuan, and said with a solemn and upright face: "Dr. Xu Chuan, based on the great results you have achieved during your doctoral studies, you have proven your academic ability. After discussion by the college,

After discussion, we decided to grant you a doctorate in mathematics from Princeton University."

"As of today, you graduate."

After a pause, the director of the Department of Mathematics continued: "In addition, after discussions between Princeton College and the Institute for Advanced Study, we extend a sincere invitation to you to serve as a full professor in the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University and as a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study.

A lifelong researcher in the School of Mathematics.”

Hearing the news, Xu Chuan was stunned again, mainly because this invitation was so surprising.

Whether you are a full professor at Princeton or a lifelong researcher at the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study, they are the top honors in the Princeton system.

In the United States, there are three main types of university professors - assistant professors, associate professors and full professors.

Both associate professors and full professors are tenured professors, except for a few schools, such as Harvard University. Harvard University only has tenured full professors and does not have the position of tenured associate professor.

Therefore, many other universities, such as Yale University and Princeton University, often take advantage of the fact that Harvard does not have tenure-track associate professors and use tenured associate professors as bait to poach Harvard associate professors.

The so-called tenure system means that once appointed, as long as it does not violate laws and professional ethics, the appointment period will automatically extend until retirement.

Therefore, once you are rated as a professor, you will be tenured regardless of whether you are a professor or a professor.

However, it is quite difficult to enter the university professorship. Generally, you must first not only have a doctorate, but also conduct postdoctoral research for several years, so that you can hope to be hired as an assistant professor.

After serving as an assistant professor for about five years, he will be promoted to associate professor after a strict review. After serving as an associate professor for about five years, he will be promoted to a full professor after a strict review.

It is not difficult to evaluate an associate professor, but it is very difficult to evaluate a professor, because not only do you need to have outstanding scientific research achievements, but you also need to be well-known in the field.

Therefore, in the United States, full professorship is one of the highest honors a university can bestow on a professor.

And a tenured fellow in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

There is no need to say more about this.

This is the greatest honor of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Under the Institute for Advanced Study, there are the School of Historical Studies, the School of Mathematics, the School of Natural Sciences and the School of Social Sciences, as well as a theoretical biology research program.

Each research school has a small group of tenured fellows, supplemented by visiting scholars each year.

As for tenured researcher, as of today, it has never been issued to any Chinese scholar.

The first Chinese in mathematics to receive a tenured fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton was the Emperor of Mathematics, Qiu Chengtong.

Moreover, he got this position as a Chinese American, not as a purely Chinese scholar.

Xu Chuan was quite surprised that Princeton offered him this position.

After all, his current nationality can be purely Chinese.

But he soon came to his senses and understood Princeton's urgency.

Hodge's conjecture is one of the seven millennium problems, and its status in the mathematical community goes without saying. The glory it brings is even more famous all over the world.

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton naturally hopes to receive such an honor. After all, it can greatly expand the influence of the Princeton School.

As for Xu Chuanhua's nationality and age of only 20 years old, they are not something worth worrying about at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

This is a research institution without any pressure from teaching missions, research funding or sponsors.

Although many outside influences are considered when making certain decisions, when faced with a young scholar who has proven the seven millennium problems, all influences are nothing more than half an acre of square pond.

After thinking about this, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I accept this invitation."

He did not refuse invitations from Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study.

Although he doesn't know how long he can stay here, he still has feelings for this institution.

And before he officially returns to China, he still has some other work to do. With his status as a Princeton professor and a formal researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study, it will undoubtedly be much easier to handle it.

On the side, the editor-in-chief of the Annual Journal of Mathematics, Lailis, smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations, Dr. Xu Chuan, oh no, I should call you Professor Xu Chuan from now on."

"Twenty-year-old Princeton full professor, tsk tsk, another achievement that breaks historical records."

After a pause, the editor looked at Fefferman aside and continued:

"If I remember correctly, the youngest tenured professor at Princeton was Fefferman, who became a Princeton professor at the age of twenty-four."

"And today, this record has been refreshed by a full four years. It's really terrifying."

Hearing this, Fefferman smiled and said: "I can't compare with this pervert. I was four years late, and I didn't solve a century-old problem at that time."

Someone like Fefferman, who skipped the three stages of postdoctoral research, assistant professor, and associate professor at the age of twenty-four, is 100% an absolute pervert.

Of course, now someone more perverted than him appears.

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When the Annals of Mathematics and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton jointly released the news that the paper proving the Hodge conjecture had passed peer review, the entire mathematics community became excited again.

Even some netizens outside the circle on Twitter and Facebook began to discuss it.

[Incredible, Hodge’s conjecture has actually been solved.]

[It’s unbelievable that a Chinese has solved the seven millennium problems. Doesn’t that mean that country is so poor that they don’t even have clothes to wear? 】

[Your prejudice against them seems to still be the same as it was in the 1970s and 1980s. It is already 2017. If you had been to that country, you would never say such a thing. 】

[As early as a few years ago, China was already the second largest economy in the world, and they have developed very rapidly in these years.]

[You have strayed from the topic. What we are discussing now is the Hodge conjecture, not China.]

[Spread your hands·jpg, is there anything to discuss about this? It is an established fact in the field of mathematics. In addition to lamenting its awesomeness, what else can we do? Is it possible that you can understand the paper he wrote? 】

Compared with the lukewarm reports abroad, domestic news reports are much more intense.

Nanjing University, which had been well prepared, immediately hung red festive banners at the school entrance, teaching buildings and other places.

“Congratulations to Xu Chuan, a doctoral student from our school, for solving the Hodge conjecture of seven millennium problems!”

This banner is very short, but the amount of information is very important.

Although it sounds extremely unbelievable that a doctoral student has overcome the seven millennium problems, as far as NTU is concerned, Xu Chuan has not officially graduated from NTU with a doctoral degree.

Discussion and popularity.

Change source app]

On the other hand, media such as Renren Daily and New Youth, which had already prepared press releases, immediately informed the whole society of the news.

In the CTV news broadcast at 7 o'clock in the evening, it took up to three minutes to introduce the Xu Chuan and Hoch conjectures to the people of the country.

Under the operation of the state propaganda machine, the news that the Hodge conjecture was promoted to the Xu-Hodge theorem quickly reached the top of the hot search list and was learned by countless netizens.

The millennium problem that has plagued the mathematics and physics circles has now been solved by a Chinese scholar. This is not only his miracle and glory, but also the glory of the entire Chinese mathematics community and even the country.



[Except for six, I don’t know what to say except that it’s awesome. I solved one of the seven millennium problems at the age of twenty. When I was twenty, I still had a headache on how to pass the algebra exam. ]

[Ma Dan, I also graduated from JJTU, I feel like I went to a fake university. 】

[Other people’s twenty years old proves Hodge’s conjecture and solves the seven millennium problems! My twenty years old, brothers, there is someone behind the door, wear him! 】

[Although I have known for a long time that the Hodge conjecture may be proved, when the news is confirmed, I can only say that I am awesome!]

[I remember some time ago, didn’t a bunch of people get slapped in the face when they were trolling? Why don’t I see any of them now? (???)(???)]

[By the way, this boss’s Philippine Award next year should be guaranteed, right?]

[Solved one of the seven major millennium problems. This is not stable, so the Philippine Prize will not be awarded. It is shameful.]

[For this elder, I am afraid that winning the Philippine Prize is not his honor, but having him in the Philippine Prize is the honor. Don’t forget that Wiles was already over forty years old when he proved Fermat’s Last Theorem.

They made an exception and specially awarded a silver medal to him.】

[Suddenly I remembered the comparison of IQ between people and between people and pigs. I felt that in front of this old man, my IQ might not be as good as that of a pig.]

[Brothers upstairs, please be bold and remove the word maybe.]


When a country's propaganda machine is activated, the speed at which information is delivered is astonishing.

In just one day, the news spread from the mathematical community to Xujiacun, a remote mountain village.

This originally quiet mountain village has become extremely lively in the past two days, with cars and people coming and going, and the air is filled with the smell of fireworks.

Wave after wave of leaders from the county to the city came to this remote mountain village in person.

It's not just condolences, it's a political achievement.

The emergence of such a top talent and a world-class scholar under their leadership is a huge achievement for any leader.

This is not only the policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, but also the first time such a great scholar of local nationality has appeared, so its significance is naturally extraordinary.

Xujiacun, Xujia, Xu's father, who had just received a group of Education Bureau leaders, had not had time to take a sip of water when the sound of a car came from outside again.

After being busy until the evening, Xu Jianguo finally recovered and finally had time to pick up his cell phone and make a call to Xu Chuan, who was on the other side of the world.

"Hey, Dad."

The phone rang for a while before he was connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end, which made him couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Chuan'er, have you had dinner?"

I wanted to ask what Hodge's guess was, but when the words came to my lips, it automatically turned into a familiar question.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's only early morning here, it's not even bright yet."

Hearing this, Xu's father finally reacted: "Oh, I'll hang up now and call you tomorrow. You go to bed first."

"It's okay. It's almost six o'clock here, and I should get up in a while." Xu Chuan sat up from the bed, picked up the clothes at the end of the bed, and put them on his body.

"The Chinese New Year is almost here in a few months. When will you come back?" Hearing Xu Chuan say this, Xu's father did not hang up the phone and asked with a smile.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Same as last year, I should go back around the Chinese New Year."

"Well, please pay attention to safety and health outside... and come back early to celebrate the New Year."

During the phone call, Xu's father, a usually taciturn person, chattered a few words.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although they call each other basically every week, he has not seen his son for almost a year.

For parents, they may be the only ones who don't care how much glory you bring them. They care more about your safety and health.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Chuan smiled and listened.

Perhaps for ordinary young people in their twenties, their parents' nagging is the last thing they want to face.

But to him, this is probably the most beautiful sound in the world.

When you are twenty years old, you will get annoyed listening to your parents nagging you. When you are forty years old, you will laugh when you listen to your parents nagging you. At sixty years old, you can probably just nag yourself.


After breakfast, Xu Chuan just returned to the dormitory when another phone call came.

Looking at the caller ID, he had a smile on his face.

"Brother! You are so awesome! You actually proved the seven millennium problems!"

When the call was connected, an excited voice came over, it was that girl Xu Xiao.

"Xiaoxiao, how are you studying recently? You will take the college entrance examination next year." Xu Chuan asked with a smile.

"What's wrong with the college entrance examination! Brother, I'm preparing for next year's ICHO and IBO. I will definitely get double gold medals next year!" Xu Xiao shouted excitedly, waving her little hands.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan couldn't help but smile and said: "Then you have to work hard, double gold medals are not so easy to win."

Speaking of which, his sister's ideas are really strange.

When Xu Xiao first chose Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, he thought that this girl would follow his footsteps and embark on the path of mathematics or physics, and Old Tang planned to focus on training her.

What was unexpected was that not only did this girl not go into physics, nor did she go into mathematics, but she eventually developed a strong interest in chemistry and biology.

Not only that, this year she also participated in the International Chemistry Olympiad (ICHO) and the International Biology Olympiad (IBO), and achieved high results in both.

Old Tang, who was originally planning to take her to achieve greater glory in physics, almost fainted in the toilet from crying.


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