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Chapter 208 The upcoming International Mathematics Congress

The astronomy and astrophysics communities are feeling miserable.

If you are not a scholar in these two fields, you will hardly understand how charming the expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem is.

Ever since the Nobel laureate Professor Sal Perlmutter personally endorsed this achievement as an epoch-making technology, and since the old king abdicated and the new king ascended the throne, countless astronomers have turned their attention to this mathematical tool.

When some scholars used this tool to make some amazing results on certain exocelestial objects, a new wave of reforms began in the astronomical community.

For example, in March last year, an astrophysics professor from New Zealand used this tool to accurately locate a star called 'trapist-1'.

And using this tool, the astrophysics professor accurately determined its relevant parameters, such as diameter, radius, volume, age, temperature, distance and other information.

If that's all it is, it wouldn't be surprising.

But the more important result is that using this tool, the New Zealand astrophysics professor successfully calculated the planet of this star.

It is determined that it has a total of seven planets, and three of them are in the habitable zone.

More importantly, using the expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, the professor even calculated some precise information about two of the planets.

For example, in terms of information such as size, mass, gravity, rotation time, etc., these two terrestrial planets are not very different from the Earth.

The most important thing is that through this tool, the professor and another mathematician jointly calculated the existence of the atmospheres of the two planets through spectral boundaries, photometric characteristics and other parameters together with the xu-weyl-berry theorem tool, and judged it.

One of the terrestrial planets has an atmosphere dominated by nitrogen and oxygen.

When this result was announced, the entire astronomical world was in shock.

Earth-like exoplanets have not been discovered before, and it is not uncommon to be able to determine whether Earth-like planets have atmospheres.

But this is the first time in history that the atmospheric data of this Earth-like planet can be accurately judged.

It has an atmosphere dominated by nitrogen and oxygen, and all parameters are almost the same as those of the Earth. In addition, it is in the habitable zone. This planet can be said to be the second Earth.

Under such conditions, the possibility of life, even advanced life, existing on it is very high.

If the professor had not been unlucky and gravitational waves were discovered not long after announcing this news, then this discovery would undoubtedly dominate the astronomy hot spots in the second half of 2017.

But this discovery also made scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles pay real attention to this mathematical tool.

Many people have begun to study and study, including some Nobel laureates.

Unfortunately, the mathematics used in this tool is too advanced and unfriendly to scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics communities.

Most people cannot understand the mathematical paper describing this tool, let alone perform applied calculations on it.

After discovering this, many scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles tried to find Xu Chuan's contact information and wanted to ask him for advice on the application of this tool.

But it is a pity that Xu Chuan himself is not very interested in the results of the astronomical community, and has no idea of ​​going to the astronomical community to hold mathematics seminars, let alone one-on-one tutoring.

After struggling for nearly a year, the Nobel laureates came forward but failed to invite this stubborn and stubborn creator. This made scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles shed bitter tears.

It was supposed to be a tool to revive the glory of the astronomical world, but the creator did not care about the astronomical community at all. There was no way, people in the astronomical community put the idea to the 2018 International Mathematics Congress.

I hope that the imu committee can invite this genius to report an expanded application of the xu-weyl-berry theorem at the conference.

The members of the International Mathematical Union Committee who received the joint application were also surprised by this.

However, three Nobel Prize scholars and more than 20 top scholars jointly applied, making everyone on the committee realize that this is an excellent opportunity to expand the influence of mathematics.

Therefore, after deliberation by the committee, it was immediately decided to invite Xu Chuan to give another report on this application at this year's International Mathematics Congress.

An invitation letter was sent to scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles, inviting them to participate in this International Mathematics Congress.

In the history of the International Mathematics Congress, it is not that scholars from other fields have participated, but scholars from other fields have basically come on their own initiative.

Like this time, it is the first time in history that the mathematics community proactively sends invitation letters on a large scale to scholars in other fields.

There is no doubt that if this report meeting can be held smoothly and successfully, it will be the most glorious one of the International Mathematics Congress.

Of course, the premise is that the speaker, Professor Xu Chuan, needs to agree.

As a core figure, he is related to whether scholars in the astronomy and astrophysics circles will accept invitations sent by the International Mathematical Union and whether they will come to participate in this mathematics conference.

So after the committee ended, the Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union immediately called Xu Chuan personally to make the initial invitation.

And if Xu Chuan refuses on the phone, he will directly buy a plane ticket and fly over to persuade him in person.

After all, countless scholars in the astronomical community have sent invitations to this young scholar before, but all of them were rejected without exception.

However, unexpectedly and fortunately, the genius agreed to this additional report invitation on the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan shook his head.

He did not expect that scholars from the astronomy and astrophysics communities found the International Mathematical Union.

Although he has no interest in the astronomical world, since he has agreed to this additional lecture, he will definitely prepare well.

After letting several students continue to study on their own, Xu Chuan turned on the computer and dug out a previous paper on the extended application of the xu-weyl-berry theorem.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This mathematical tool is indeed excellent. It is based on boundary values ​​and eigenvalues, allowing it to replace different observation data and make certain changes.

Then verify different precise parameters.

However, apart from its application in the observation of distant celestial bodies, it currently has no other uses, which is also the main reason why he lost interest in it after completing the basic application of this tool.

After re-reading the paper and making some arrangements, Xu Chuan logged into the official website of the International Mathematical Union imu and uploaded his paper and report topic.

In addition to the previous one-hour report, he now needs to give a total of two hours of report at this International Mathematics Congress.

Of course, these two reports are separate.

Moreover, considering the impact, the imu committee specially arranged the report on the expanded application of the xu-weyl-berry theorem on the first day of the report meeting.

In this way, those invited astronomers can take the opportunity to attend the award ceremony of the International Mathematical Congress.

This is the most important moment in the quadrennial mathematics conference. It can perfectly commend the glory of the mathematics world to the outside world and attract more talents to go to mathematics.


When Xu Chuan agreed to attend this additional lecture, the International Mathematical Union immediately reported the good news to the astronomers and astrophysicists who had previously written a joint letter to apply.

After receiving this good news, astronomers are gearing up and booking air tickets in advance for August 1, preparing to fly to Brazil to attend this event that was not originally theirs.

As the opening date of the 2018 International Mathematics Congress gradually approaches, the mathematics community is as lively as usual.

Many mathematics forums are discussing this matter and making predictions about this year's winners.

[I don’t know if you have heard that this year’s mathematics conference seems to have invited many astronomers and astrophysicists. The number of people is probably the largest ever. 】

【???Astronomers and astrophysicists? What are they doing here to attend a mathematics conference? Are they sitting under the stage and sleeping? I doubt they can understand any report.】

[If it is hypnosis, the effect of mathematics lectures is indeed very good (?_?)]

[I heard that the astronomy and astrophysics circles applied to imu first. It seems to be related to the xu Weir theorem. This thing has become very popular in the astronomy circle these days. Many universities have opened special astronomy and mathematics courses.

Learn this thing.】

[xu-weyl-berry theorem? This seems to be the mathematical achievement of the Chinese mathematics genius in the past two years, right? 】

[Yes, I heard that this result can be applied to celestial calculations and can greatly improve calculation results, so the astronomical community is now learning about this. 】

[Incredible, it seems that this year’s Fields Medal will definitely go to him.]

[Isn’t this nonsense? The Hodge conjecture, one of the seven millennium problems, was proved by him alone. 】

[And I heard that he was studying the NS equation with Fefferman this year, and he has already made some preliminary results. Although it has not been fully verified, there must be no big problem. If the Philippine Prize is awarded to one person repeatedly,

With his results, he can win at least twice, or more.】

[Xu Chuan and Schultz, these two professors should be sure to win the Philippine Prize this year. I don’t know about the rest. After all, there are still many top mathematicians. For example, George Williamson, Fernando, Malina...

Vyazovska, Zhang Wei...the achievements of these professors are quite outstanding.】

[The strong ones are like clouds, and the gods fight! When can I participate in such a grand event? Not to mention winning the award, even being nominated is worth it. 】

[Don’t think about it, it’s impossible for those who can be nominated to appear here. They are all working hard on research. Being able to appear here means...]

Change the source app and view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time.]

[It’s so hurtful, this is (???)]


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