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Chapter 212 History repeats itself

When all the names of the four Fields Medal winners were announced, thunderous applause erupted in the venue again.

Under the venue, looking at the four people wearing gold medals on the stage, Professor Alessio Figali, who was stunned, applauded and sighed softly.

He has a chance to win this year's Fields Medal. Even if his achievements in mathematics are not as good as those of Xu Chuan and Schultz, he and Professor Aksayin Venkatesh and Kaucher

·Professor Birkar is actually comparable.

But he is younger and can wait for another term, while Aksa-yin and Kaucher are both in their last term.

Kocher Bilkar is already close to the 40-year-old mark. He will turn 40 this year, but the date has not yet arrived.

Perhaps with this in mind, the International Mathematical Union committee screened him out.

Although I can understand imu's approach, everyone may feel a little unwilling.

After all, no one knows what kind of changes will occur in the mathematics world in another four years.

Maybe four years later, he won't win the Fields Medal?

This is not impossible.

If one or two evil geniuses like Xu Chuan appear again, he may really have no hope.


On the other side of the venue, Zhang Wei, who was sitting with his friends, also sighed.

He is also a popular candidate to compete for this year's Fields Medal, but now, he will never have a chance to win this medal.

Even if he can solve a century-old problem like Wiles, the International Mathematical Union will make an exception and issue a replacement Fields Medal, and it will be a silver medal, not the current gold medal.

After all, there are some differences between the two.

Sitting next to him, Xu Chenyang patted his friend's shoulder and said nothing.

Speaking of which, he is actually also a candidate for the Fields Medal, but he is not a favorite and has little hope of competing.

He is not as good as his good friend Zhang Wei, not as good as the foolish Professor Alessio Figali, not even as good as Xu Chuan who proved Hodge's conjecture at the age of twenty.

This time I came to participate in the conference, although I had some expectations, but it was not like others.

Now that he has completely lost the election, he feels relieved.

Comparing with others is normal. Comparing with geniuses shows that you are ambitious, but comparing with a monster who has proven the seven millennium problems at the age of twenty is better.

In the next time, just do some research.


When the award ceremony ended and the four Fields Medal scholars shared their experiences, the opening ceremony also came to an end.

As the host and the first country in the southern hemisphere to host an international mathematics conference, Brazil prepared a unique artistic performance after the opening ceremony.

On the stage, those theatrical performers wearing feather crowns look like Indians in the Tom and Jerry cartoons, full of primitive atmosphere.

Such a performance seemed more like a mockery to Xu Chuan.

You killed all the indigenous people to the point of extinction, drove the rest into the depths of the Amazon rainforest, and now you still regard this as your own unique culture.

Just like a certain country in East Asia, they always like to steal other people's culture, then modify it and treat it as their own.

After the special performance, the time came to 11:30, and under the announcement of Shigefumi Mori, Chairman of the International Mathematical Union, the opening ceremony of this International Congress of Mathematicians officially ended.

By this time, most of the attendees had begun to leave.

There will be an opening meeting in the morning on August 1st, and there will be a dinner arranged by the International Mathematical Union at noon. There are no arrangements in the afternoon or evening, and there will be no report meetings. However, the venue has been prepared for mathematicians from all over the world to communicate or chat together.

The International Mathematical Congress is originally an international conference for mathematicians from all over the world to communicate, display, and discuss the development of mathematics, meet old friends, and make new friends.

Mori Shigebumi announced his withdrawal, and Xu Chuan was about to leave the venue.

"Hey, Xu, let's go together?" Next to him, Peter Schultz, another Fields Medal winner, walked over with a smile and greeted him.

"Professor Schultz." Xu Chuan responded with a smile.

"Just call me Peter or Schulz. Professor or something like that is too distant."

Schultz smiled and shook his head, and continued: "When I was at Princeton two years ago, I knew that you would be the winner of the Philippine Prize in the future. But I didn't expect that in just the past two years, you would have broken history.


"Congratulations, you are the youngest Fields Medal winner in history at the age of 20. It is estimated that no one will be able to break this record in the future."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Thank you, and congratulations on successfully winning the Philippine Award."

Compared to him, Schultz's process of winning the Philippine Prize was a lot of twists and turns.

In 2010, while still a master's student, Schultz created the "perfect space" mathematical tool. Although this achievement allowed him to be nominated as a candidate for the Philippine Prize, he failed to win the Philippine Prize.

This is my first time running with me.

In 2014, although he made many achievements using the mathematical tool of "perfect space" and expanded the application scope of the reciprocity law, the International Mathematical Union still did not award him the Philippine Prize.

On the one hand, it may be because Schultz is only 26 years old, one year younger than the youngest winner at the time, Professor Searle. After all, not everyone is happy to see the record broken.

On the other hand, it is the 2014 Philippine Awards, which can be said to be a gathering of big names.

Whether it is Brazilian professor Artur Avila who has made great contributions to the theory of dynamical systems and even changed the face of the field; or he has developed powerful new methods in the field of number geometry and used these methods to calculate small-rank rings.

Professor Manuel Bhargava on numbers and estimation of bounds on the mean rank of elliptic curves.

Or Professor Mariam Mirzakhani, the first female Fields Medal recipient in history. They are both top names in mathematics.

So even though Schultz's achievements were enough to deserve the Philippine Prize, he still ran with him again.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, four years later this year, relying on the mathematical tools of 'perfect space' to advance to 'p·s progressive field-geometric theory', and making improvements to the Langlands Program

After a major breakthrough, Schulz finally succeeded in winning the highest medal in mathematics.

He has enough achievements, but he participated in two International Mathematics Conferences and did not get it until the third one. This is probably the first person in the mathematics world.

Schultz didn't pay much attention to this.

Although he has been running for two times, he finally won the Philippine Award this year, and in terms of age, he is only 31 years old this year.

As for the achievement of breaking the youngest winner, although it is a bit regretful that he could not achieve it, it also shows that he is not strong enough.

If you can be as strong as Xu Chuan in front of you, it directly proves a millennium problem, no matter how young you are, it doesn't matter.

"By the way, Xu, are you interested in the Langlands Program?"

While the two were chatting, Peter Schulz suddenly asked.

"Langlands Programme?"

"Yeah." Schulz nodded, then smiled: "Maybe we can work together to solve this program and unify algebra and geometry!"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at Schultz in surprise.

Unifying algebra and geometry!

Regardless of whether I can do it or not, just the tone of my voice makes me crazy.

But geniuses are normal.

He is the same, although he doesn't show it on the surface, but what he believes in, no matter how big and distant the goal is, no matter how arduous the journey of conquest, he will never look back until he hits the wall, and he will continue to walk after hitting the wall.


If you don't have any arrogance and can't firmly believe that you can succeed, then what kind of genius is that?

But what surprised him was that this talented mathematician from Germany, known as the successor of 'Pope Grothendieck', really embarked on the path of successor?

Unifying algebra and geometry was the lifelong dream of his ancestor, Mr. Grothendieck, and also the lifelong dream of his mentor, Professor Deligne.

After Deligne entered the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, he has been studying the "Grothendieck Standard Conjecture" with the purpose of inheriting his mentor's wishes and unifying algebra and geometry.

As for Xu Chuan, his disciple, it would be a lie to say that he has never thought about this aspect.

So when Schultz made this request, he was indeed tempted.

But it was quickly rejected.

On the one hand, he doesn't have much time to devote to mathematical research in the future. Even if he does, he will focus on the NS equation.

If he can solve the NS equation, his ability in fluid mechanics will take a big step forward.

This was his original intention of changing his major to mathematics in this life, to assist his progress in physics.

On the other hand, the goal is too big.

The goal of unifying algebra and geometry is really too big.

Although there is now a branch of mathematics called algebraic geometry, it is also widely connected with many sub-disciplines, such as complex analysis, number theory, analytic geometry, differential geometry, commutative algebra, etc.

But this is not true unity.

For example, the dimensionality problem has not been solved, for example, some complex algebraic problems cannot be converted to geometry, such as the curvature of algebraic geometry and the structural problems of group ring theory, etc...

These are all difficult problems that are not easy to solve.

If the solution to the seven millennium problems is to land on the moon or the fire, then the difficulty of unifying algebra and geometry is to leave the solar system.

The difference between the two is not even a tiny bit.


The two were chatting here, and on the other side, a cry of surprise sounded in the venue.

"Where's my bag? I put it here, but where did it go?"

The loud exclamation immediately attracted the attention of other people in the venue, and staff from the International Mathematical Union came over quickly.

"Excuse me, what happened?" A young staff member in uniform came over quickly and asked.

Kaucher Bilkar looked around, looked at the table and the ground, then frowned and said: "My bag is missing. It contains my wallet, mobile phone and medals."

After hearing this, the staff quickly took out the walkie-talkie and began to broadcast the news, asking other staff to help search and retrieve the surveillance video.

Xu Chuan, who was communicating with Schultz, couldn't help but laugh after hearing the exclamation.

The wheel of history is still rolling over.

'Tragedy' happened again, Professor Coucher Birkar's Fields Medal was stolen.

Although this is not a 'big deal', it does not prevent him from eating melon in the past.

Taking Schultz with him, Xu Chuan also rushed to Professor Kaucher Bierkar and began to pretend to help find the briefcase.

But obviously, this is impossible to find.

After a while, the chairman of the organizing committee of the International Mathematical Union Congress, Professor Viana from Brazil, rushed over.

"Sorry, Professor Coucher, we called the surveillance and found that someone stole your briefcase. The briefcase has been found, but the mobile phone, wallet and medals inside are missing."

After handing the briefcase that was recovered in time to Professor Coucher, Professor Viana apologized: "I'm really sorry that something like this happened at this mathematics conference. We have already called the police and hope to get your things back as soon as possible."

get back."

The International Mathematical Congress itself does not limit the identity of the attendees, and anyone can participate.

But no one expected that a thief would sneak into this conference and steal the gold medal of a Fields Medal winner.

This kind of thing has never happened at previous international mathematical conferences.

As the first country in the southern hemisphere to host an international mathematics conference, Brazil has lost its face.

It is impossible to hide such a big thing, especially now that there are so many international media present at the venue.

It's really embarrassing that his grandmother opened the door for him, and it's embarrassing for him to go to his grandmother's house.


ps: There will be more at night, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass

This chapter has been completed!
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