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Chapter 228: Multi-line construction begins

There was silence in the conference room.

Everyone looked at Fan Pengyue with their mouths open, but their eyes finally fell on the young man sitting in the first place.

After a while, a middle-aged man raised his right hand hesitantly.

Xu Chuan looked over. This middle-aged man was one of the two official researchers of the "Chuanhai Materials Research Institute", named Yu Zhen. According to the arrangement, he was responsible for the research and development of artificial SEI thin film materials.

"Um, boss." Yu Zhen swallowed and said hesitantly: "Do we really want to develop electrolytes and artificial SEI film materials for lithium batteries?"

As a materials researcher, he is well aware of the value behind lithium batteries and the difficulties in developing lithium battery materials.

In today's fast-paced society and in the context of low carbon, new energy is the main direction of global development.

Electric energy, as the most widely used energy source by humans at present, is inseparable from military to civilian applications, whether it is artificial satellites, aerospace, electric vehicles, computers, or mobile phones.

As a battery that can store electrical energy, its importance is beyond doubt.

As the battery type with the best development prospects and the best performance, lithium batteries can be said to be almost fully used in society.

Today, the global market for lithium batteries has reached more than one trillion meters, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But nothing is perfect, and lithium batteries also have their own flaws.

The first is capacity, although the capacity of lithium batteries is the larger one among a series of batteries, such as lead-acid electromagnetic, nickel-metal hydride batteries and other batteries.

However, in the face of various electrical appliances that consume more and more power, the capacity of lithium batteries is still not enough.

The second is safety and longevity.

Lithium batteries generate a large amount of heat when charging or discharging. If the temperature is too high, the internal structure of the battery will be damaged, the electrochemical reaction will be irreversible, the battery capacity will decrease, and even explosion, fire and other dangerous situations will occur.

As for life, lithium batteries of different types and manufacturers have different lifespans.

Generally speaking, the capacity of the battery will gradually decrease after being used for a certain period of time, and its lifespan is also related to the use environment, charging method, number of charges, temperature and other factors.

In addition, there are some other shortcomings, such as lithium materials are scarce and expensive, batteries have poor performance in low-temperature environments, and management systems are complex, etc.

However, relatively speaking, the issues of capacity and safe life are currently the issues that the industry and battery industry are most concerned about.

In these two areas, there are countless research institutes, universities, laboratories or other scientific research institutions in more than 200 countries around the world that are constantly researching.

But until today, I still haven't heard of any country or scientific research institution that has made a major breakthrough.

Whether it is the capacity, safety or lifespan of lithium batteries, they are only making slow progress, and sometimes even stalling.

It can be seen that it is very difficult to make a breakthrough in lithium battery materials.

Zijin Composite Materials Research Laboratory, no, Sichuan Hai Materials Research Institute has not tried to join in the fun of the battery industry before.

After all, if it really yields results, it will be a huge profit, directly worth hundreds of millions.

However, the previous boss spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on it, and they gave up after conducting research for a period of time without any results.

And their kind is just a microcosm of the lithium battery industry.

The world spends trillions of money on the lithium battery industry every year. China alone spends hundreds of billions of RMB on it every year.

Although not all of this money is used for lithium battery research and development. But even if the research and development funds account for only one-tenth or even one percent, the money invested every year exceeds tens of billions.

Yu Zhenzhen doesn’t think that their small and medium-sized materials laboratory with a total assets of more than 10 million yuan can join in the fun and make any achievements in the lithium battery industry.

Not only him, almost everyone in the office except Xu Chuan thought this way, including Fan Pengyue.

The prospect of the lithium battery industry is indeed bright, but it is very difficult to open this window. The money to be invested in it will basically start in the hundreds of millions.

The name of the Fields Medal is indeed very resounding, but can a giant in the field of mathematics really dominate the world of materials?

Many people in the conference room had such a skeptical attitude, and even subconsciously believed that it was impossible to succeed.


At the top of the list, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "The lithium battery industry has a huge and untapped market. There is no reason not to get a share of the pie."

"And it's not like I don't have any experience in the materials industry. My mentor is an academician in the physical materials industry. He led the previous most famous tungsten diselenide material project in China. Now he has served as the director of our research institute. consultant."

"You don't need to worry about these things, and you don't need to think too much. Just conduct the experiment according to my requirements and assignments."

Regarding the concerns of these scientific researchers, Xu Chuan pulled out his mentor Chen Zhengping to support the project. For a project that has not yet started, it is still necessary to give these people a glimmer of hope for success.

He is very clear about the value of lithium batteries and the difficulties associated with developing lithium battery materials.

But he also knows very well that nowadays, if you want to make a big difference with a small amount, if you want to bypass various patents and obtain a large amount of funds at one time, lithium batteries are the best choice.

If you miss the opportunity of lithium batteries, it is impossible to obtain a large amount of funds through a certain patent.

What's more important is that he has such technology in his mind.

As a reborn scientific researcher, although lithium batteries are not his research field, he is certainly aware of and understands those cutting-edge technologies.

The solution to the lithium dendrite problem was in 2028. At that time, a materials research institute in the United States developed an artificial SEI film that could effectively control the deposition of lithium ions on the electrode surface to generate lithium dendrites.

As Xu Chuan, who had already achieved certain achievements in the materials industry at that time, naturally read relevant papers and detailed the manufacturing method of this artificial SEI film.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although some details and detailed steps are not so clear, with this foundation, it is enough to experiment and copy it.

Since his rebirth, Xu Chuan has been trying to avoid using other people's future achievements, especially in academic fields. He always feels that this is a very bad thing.

But he doesn't have any psychological burden at all by taking America's future technology and using it to strengthen himself.


After arranging the experimental work of the institute, Fan Pengyue began to take charge of the material research and development work, while Xu Chuan went to Qidong City again.

The research institute base of the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Technology Project" is under construction in full swing.

Compared with the desolation last time I came here, this time I came here, temporary workshops for various construction equipment and construction workers have been set up on the base.

Vehicles came and went on the construction site, delivering various building materials and taking away the soil and gravel excavated during the construction.

Xu Chuan found the chief engineer Qi Zhongxing and continued to discuss the architectural planning and arrangements of the institute.

The initial research has been completed under the emergency condition of Qi Zhongxing, who worked overtime. Now the two need to determine all aspects of the research institute.

As the general person in charge, Xu Chuan needs to understand the detailed situation and sign a series of documents such as the revised research report and construction documents in order for the entire project to continue operating.

Fortunately, after completing the preliminary preparation work, the subsequent construction can be managed by Qi Zhongxing.


Work on both lines started, and Xu Chuan was extremely busy.

The nuclear energy project needs his care, and the lithium battery project of the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute cannot do without him.

Even if he prepared detailed and complete information in advance, he could not rely on two formal researchers to develop the artificial SEI film and electrolyte.

Many problems had to be solved by him personally.

This state of being so busy that I was hitting the back of my head lasted until the end of September.

After both projects reached stability, Xu Chuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, after more than two months, his two students at Princeton, Gu Bing and Amelia, finally took care of the visa and study-related matters and flew over from the United States.

After taking Gu Bing and Amelia to complete the admission procedures at NTU, he arranged their next study plan and graduation goals.

The learning objectives have not changed much from when I was at Princeton. The main content is still "algebraic varieties and group mapping tools" that solved Hodge's conjecture.

This mathematical tool is of high value. If Gu Bing and Amelia fully master it, they will have the opportunity to use it to solve one or two world-class mathematical conjectures.

The graduation goals arranged by Xu Chuan for the two of them are also based on the 'algebraic varieties and group mapping tools'.

He asked the two of them to write a paper in a top mathematics journal within three years, or to collaborate to solve a problem similar to Hodge's conjecture.

It is not easy to achieve this goal, which means that Gu Bing and Amelia must not only fully master the "algebraic varieties and group mapping tools", but also have their own expansion.


After resting for less than two days at Nanjing University and arranging arrangements for the two students, Xu Chuan rushed to the Magic City in a hurry.

Ten scientific researchers related to the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Project" previously recruited in Beijing have arrived at the "Atomic and Nuclear Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences".

After renting the first floor of a research building at the Institute of Atomic Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences in Shanghai as a temporary base, Xu Chuan met this group of scientific researchers in a conference room.

When they met again after a month, Xu Chuan didn't waste any time and distributed the prepared examination papers.

The exam lasts for one hour, and the exam content is related to the "paper on the mechanism of nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration and conversion into electrical energy".

In one month, it is difficult to fully understand the "paper on the mechanism of nuclear energy beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion into electrical energy".

As the creator of this technology, he is well aware of the difficulty of this technology, as well as the knowledge points and related details involved.

It can be said that one month of study time is simply not enough.

But what he wanted to see was that not everyone fully understood the paper.

It's about how much these ten researchers have learned in the past month.

He set a score for today's assessment, with a perfect score of 100 and a passing mark of 60.

Achieving a score of 100 means that the researcher is not far behind even if he did not fully understand the paper.

As for the passing line of 60 points, it is used to screen out people who are dawdling.

This test paper was written by him personally. It has a total score of 100 points, including 70 points of basic questions. As long as you study a little more seriously in the previous month, you can basically get it.

If you can't even get sixty points, it's better to get out as soon as possible.

In the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Mechanism" project, he doesn't need someone who is just messing around like this. If you want to provide for yourself and get gold plating, don't work for him.

As for the next thirty points, he uses it to distinguish the talents that will be focused on training in the future.

Although the score cannot represent everything, it can at least reveal some things, such as attitude, knowledge, partial abilities, etc.


An hour passed quickly.

Han Jin helped collect all the test papers.

Xu Chuan reviewed ten test papers directly in front of everyone.

This made the ten scientific researchers who took the assessment a little worried, worried that they would not pass the assessment.

Especially those who have fished in troubled waters in the past month and have not studied seriously, or who have not taken this assessment seriously, are even more nervous now.

Marking ten test papers does not take long for Xu Chuan.

Especially since this test paper was written by him.

Fifteen minutes passed, Xu Chuan put down the pen in his hand, sorted out the ten answer sheets, and divided them into two parts.

Glancing at the ten scientific researchers in the conference room, he said calmly: "I have read all your answers. It is a pity that some of you did not listen to what I said a month ago."

"Some of you didn't even get 40 points for the 100-point examination paper. This can only mean that he has not focused on studying in the past month."

As soon as these words came out, someone in the room suddenly turned pale.

Xu Chuan saw it, but didn't care, and continued: "Jing Kangle, Sun Heng, it's a pity that the two of them did not pass today's test."

"The passing mark of 60 points has not been reached, which means that your minds are not on this project, so I can only ask you to leave."

"As for the remaining people, congratulations, you will officially join the 'Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism' project."

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly changed.

Some people are happy, some people regret it.

Among the crowd, Jing Kangle and Sun Heng, who had been told to leave, were stunned when they heard the news.

The older Sun Heng remained calm and silent. From beginning to end, he did not take the assessment seriously. He thought it was just a procedure, so he did not read the paper too seriously.

He didn't expect that Xu Chuan would actually play it real. Those who failed the assessment today would be eliminated directly.

When he was able to come in, he had some connections. He thought he could follow the project by plating gold and become a formal researcher, but now he has been eliminated before the project even started.

Is this young man really merciless?


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