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Chapter 232 Nobel Prize in Mathematics

In the Chuanhai Institute of Materials, a group of people coaxed Xu Chuan to treat him out for a supper to celebrate.

Xu Chuan smiled and agreed. Winning the Nobel Prize is a great joy for anyone.

Not to mention one late-night snack, even a month's worth of late-night snacks is nothing.

But before that, he had to make a phone call home.

He didn't know about others, but he knew about his parents and sister. Even if it was late at night, they were definitely still waiting for his call.

Holding his mobile phone, Xu Chuan found the familiar number in his address book and dialed it.

The ringing sounded for several seconds before the call was connected.

"Hey, Chuan'er." On the other end, a familiar voice came from the mobile phone, and the voice was filled with excitement and some trembling.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Dad, I haven't gone to bed yet."

"Everyone in the village is celebrating at home. Where can I sleep? What are you doing today? You won the prize and you can't even get through the phone. People are calling home."

Speaking of what happened today, Father Xu's face was full of excitement and flushed. It was not only the excitement after drinking some wine, but also excitement and pride.

Although he has never read any books and his education is only a junior high school diploma, he is also aware of the Nobel Prize.

This is the most famous grand prize in the world. I never thought that the Xu family could produce such a great mathematician!

No, it should be said to be a great physicist, no, no, it should be said to be a great scientist.

Xu's father remembered that someone told him in the evening that the Nobel Prize did not seem to have a mathematics prize, but Xu Chuan won the physics prize.

But in his memory, his son studied mathematics, so he couldn't figure out how he won the physics prize.

But whatever.

The Nobel Prize, any one of them is an honor that honors the ancestors and emits smoke from the ancestral graves.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I was doing research in the laboratory today. My phone was muted, so I didn't receive the call. I just learned the news."

On the other side, Father Xu was silent for a moment, and then said with concern: "Don't work so hard. You have become a great scientist now. You must pay attention to your health. You are still young. You still have a long time to do research. No.

It’s urgent.”

Hearing what Xu Chuan said, Xu's father knew in his heart that his son must have spent another whole day in the laboratory.

He has such a character that when he works seriously, he will not take a break without being yelled at by others.

He used to do it when he was studying, but at that time, it was okay, and the pressure of studying was not great for him.

After this meeting came out, Xu's father always felt that his son was suppressing something in his heart. He called him several times, but he was always busy.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Well, I know, don't worry..."

Before he could finish speaking, another loud and rough voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Is it Kawako? When will the great scientist come back? The whole village is waiting for your wedding candy."""

Hearing this voice, Xu Chuan couldn't help but smile and replied loudly: "Uncle Yimin is here too."

"Then you must be here. A great scientist has appeared in the village. Why don't we celebrate it?" Han Yimin laughed loudly and came to Xu's father's side to chat with Xu Chuan.


What happened in Xujiacun is just a microcosm.

Xu Chuan won the Nobel Prize, and the glory is not just for him.

At NTU, on the afternoon when the winners were announced, a big red banner was hung directly above the school gate. The words on it wrote about the glory of the school.

[Warmly celebrate the 2016 graduates of our school and our professor ‘Xu Chuan’ won the Nobel Prize in Physics!]

On the banner, Xu Chuan's name was specially marked.

For Nanda, this name brings them too much glory.

Crafford Medal, Seven Millennium Problems, Fields Medal, Nobel Prize...

Every item is an epic glory.

Especially in this domestic academic environment, the significance is even more extraordinary.

What's more important is that these brilliance have never been achieved by Shuimu and Peking University. Every time, they are nakedly showing off.

NTU, once the number one university in Asia, seems to be regaining its glory. How can this not make the people of NTU happy and proud?

On the other side, Star City.

At the school gate of Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, a gorgeous banner was also hung in the most conspicuous place.

If a school can produce a Nobel Prize winner, there is no doubt that this school must be successful.

What's more, this is the first double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in history, and he is also the youngest winner.

As one of the four prestigious schools in Star City, the No. 1 Middle School, which has long been outclassed by Changjun Yali, is once again proud and proud to show off today.

They! They have trained a Fields Medal winner and a Nobel Prize winner. This is a great achievement that no matter how many students from Qingbei are produced, it cannot be achieved.

Especially for Old Tang Tang Gaoyuan.

When he heard the news, after a brief period of confusion, a happy smile appeared on his face.

This kid, I really didn’t expect it.

When I first studied physics, I switched to mathematics. I solved various difficult problems and won the Fields Medal.

I didn’t expect that I would win the Nobel Prize in Physics as soon as I continued to study mathematics.

But it really suits his style. No matter which field he is in, he has the most outstanding and top talents.


Some people are happy, and naturally some people are unhappy.

In Beijing, Sun Heng, who had returned from the high-speed train, heard the ringtone of an incoming call.

Sun Heng took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at the call. It was his friend.

As soon as I answered the phone, there was an envious voice from the other side.

"Old Sun, you have prospered this time! I heard last time that you joined Professor Xu Chuan's project. Today Professor Xu won the Nobel Prize, the first double winner of the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in history.

, Tsk tsk, you actually entered such a top boss’s project..."

Before Sun Heng could speak, a series of words came from the other end of the phone.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hearing his friend's words with a strong envious tone, Sun Heng was stunned for a moment, his heart was shocked, and he quickly asked: "That boy Xu Chuan...

..Ahem, Professor Xu won the Nobel Prize?”

On the opposite side, hearing Sun Heng's words, his friend was also stunned for a moment, and his attitude was a little subtle: "You don't know, right?"

"Yesterday was the time when the Nobel Prize in Physics was announced. Professor Xu and another American won this physics prize."

"Besides, Old Sun, you'd better have a better attitude towards Professor Xu. It's best to change his name and so on. Even though he is young, he is a real top talent."

"The first winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in history, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the first person in the academic world today. You may be fired for your attitude..."

Before the friend on the other side finished speaking, Sun Heng interrupted and quickly hung up the phone, his face a little blue and red.

He had been fired a long time ago.

However, what he couldn't figure out was why the Nobel Prize would be awarded to such a young man.

Have the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences gone crazy? Isn’t the average age of Nobel Prize winners over sixty years old?

Why can a 21-year-old young man win the award?

Sun Heng's breathing was very rapid. Others envied him for being able to enter the Nobel Prize winning project, but only he knew that he had not entered at all.

He once had the opportunity to join the nuclear energy project, but because he didn't take it seriously, or felt that he was not afraid because he had connections, he ultimately missed the opportunity.

Working under a Nobel Prize winner was definitely an opportunity that no one else could ask for, but he missed it.

In an instant, Sun Heng seemed to have remembered something, and his face instantly turned pale.

His mentor once told him that this opportunity was rare and asked him to pay more attention to his words.

He didn't pay attention at the time, thinking that this was not a gold-plated opportunity brought to him by his mentor.

After all, in China, a country based on seniority, those deep-rooted ideas made him feel that the young man was nothing.

Even if the other party won the Fields Medal, after all, he is only in his twenties. This is an age where hair has not even grown, so it is really difficult for him to take him seriously.

But he forgot that as soon as the other party returned to China, he directly took control of a national key project.

What this means is naturally self-evident.

Thinking back on these things, Sun Heng suddenly felt a little scared and lucky to have escaped death.

He was glad that although he looked down on that person and was angry that he failed to pass the exam to join the project team, he was glad that he did not conflict with the other person in that assessment.

If you rely on your own connections to quarrel with the other party, it may be difficult to talk about it today.

At that time, there is no need for him to take action personally, I am afraid someone will take the initiative to send a kind gesture.

After all, this is in China, and he relied on connections to get to where he is now. Naturally, there will be people who want to take the opportunity to have some connections with him.


On the other side, Xu Chuan didn't think much at all.

After calling his parents, he called his sister Xu Xiao, fulfilled her wish and agreed to take her to the Nobel Prize award ceremony. After that, he hung up the phone with a smile and put away the phone.

cell phone.

As for the others, it's late at night now, so just reply to the message tomorrow.

But as soon as the phone was put into my pocket, the phone rang again.

This time the call came from Princeton, and the person who called him was Fefferman, the chairman of the mathematics department at Princeton.

Xu Chuan couldn't miss Fefferman's call, so he answered the call with a smile.

"Congratulations, Professor Xu Chuan."

Fefferman's voice came from the phone, smiling and congratulating.

Even at Princeton, winning the Nobel Prize is an extremely honorable thing.

As of today, Princeton University has produced a total of twenty-five, no, it should be twenty-six Nobel Prize winners.

Of course, if you include Princeton’s history alumni, professors, and researchers, this number will rise to sixty-eight.

In addition, there are fifteen Fields Medal winners. Combined, there are nearly a hundred outstanding alumni.

But Xu Chuan was the first to win both the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize.

More importantly, this is not only the first double winner of the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in history, but also broke the record of the youngest winner of the double prize in history.

At the age of 21, he won the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize at the same time. This is a brilliant achievement that no one will be able to touch in the next hundred years.

Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "Thank you, I'm very happy too."

On the opposite side, Fefferman smiled and joked: "Do you know? In the outside world, do mathematicians call your award this time?"

"What?" Xu Chuan asked curiously.

"Nobel Prize in Mathematics!" Fefferman replied with a smile.

"Uh..." Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "There is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics."

It is a well-known fact that there is no Nobel Prize for mathematics.

A popular rumor is that Nobel once had a feud with the Swedish mathematician Mita Levler due to personal relationship issues, so there is no mathematics prize.

What is even more interesting is that Fields, who later proposed the establishment of a mathematics medal, had a deep friendship with the master Mitta-Leffler.

Therefore, the establishment of the Fields Medal is often interpreted as Fields venting his anger on Mita Levler.

Of course, these are just some folklore stories, and there is no evidence that there is any grudge between Nobel and Mita-Leffler.

In fact, as a leader in the Swedish scientific community, Mita-Leffler actively participated in the work related to the Nobel Prize. It was with his strong recommendation that the Nobel Prize awarded the first theoretical physicist—

—Lorenz, and the first woman to win the prize—Marie Curie.

However, it is a fact that there is no Nobel Prize for mathematics, and it is also a pity for most mathematicians.

Fefferman shrugged and said: "Of course we know, but you are the first to win the Nobel Prize in Physics for your achievements in the field of pure mathematics."

"You have to know that although the extended application of Xu-Weyl-Berry's theorem is used in astrophysics calculations, it is a purely mathematical tool, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was stunned again, and said with a strange expression: "No wonder Professor Staffan Nomark, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, asked me to change the 'Extended Application of the Xu-Weyl-berry Theorem' to

The name, it sounds a bit too much like a mathematical result."

Fefferman laughed and said: "Hahaha, if I were you, I would ignore them and let mathematics take root from now on and win the Nobel Prize in Physics."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I did not pay much attention to this achievement before, and I never thought of giving it a name, but after winning the Nobel Prize, it still needs a name of its own."

Fefferman smiled and said: "It's up to you, but from the perspective of the mathematics community, this is a mathematician who won the Nobel Prize, and your name won't change their minds."

After a pause, Fefferman then asked: "By the way, do you have any research on the NS equation?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "I have some ideas, but I don't have time to study them for the time being. I have some other projects on hand right now."

Hearing this, Fefferman said regretfully: "It seems that you will probably not return to Princeton. What a pity. We are planning to hold a celebration party for you here."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "There will be opportunities in the future."


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