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Chapter 24 Award Ceremony

"Number one! Brother Chuan is awesome!"

"Thanks to Brother Chuan, you can capture Guoyi with ease."

"Damn it, the total score is 398.45, which is only 1.55 points away from the full score! This is probably the highest score in the history of the sports competition!"

"Hey~, it's only one point short of a perfect score. Where did it get deducted, you bastard!"

"Let's do the experiment. I believe Brother Chuan will definitely get perfect marks in the theoretical test."

"398.45≈400, rounded up, Brother Chuan is the perfect score! Here comes Ollie!"

"As expected of Brother Chuan, he beat the second place by more than 40 points! It's scary, it's really scary!"

"Viagra is also great, ranking fourth with a total score of 355.28."

"Congratulations to Brother Chuan and Wei Wei for joining the national team again!"

"People who have never been in the national team really want to experience what it feels like to be in the national team╥﹏╥..."

"I don't want to be in the national team, I just want to be able to join the training team and experience the great talents in the national training team!"


When the results were gradually announced, the entire venue began to commotion, and the Shonan side became even more lively.

The total score of 398.45 almost refreshed everyone's perception.

The gap of more than 40 points behind the second place is even more shocking.

Not only the players from Shonan Province are praising him, but also the candidates and coaches from other provinces are marveling.

Only 1.55 points were deducted, and the total score was 398.45. Excluding the first few years when there was no experimental competition, it can be said to be the highest score in history.

It has never been said before, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve such results again in subsequent exams.

The only pity is that it missed the full score by 1.5 points, otherwise it would have created a historical record.

The perfect score for Wu Jing has not appeared on CPHO and IPHO yet.

Not to mention the students in the auditorium, even the question-writing team and marking team sitting in the front row had their eyes widened. No one expected that a contestant with close to perfect scores would appear in this CPHO.

The theoretical test paper and the experimental test are marked separately, and the name and number information of each student are blocked, just like the college entrance examination, to prevent anyone from cheating.

At this time, the teacher of the theoretical marking group was staring at the experimental marking group aggressively, especially Xu Cheng, with an even more unkind look.

Yes, he is also one of the grading teachers for this theory group.

Although the number and name were obscured, Xu Cheng knew that the 1.5 points Xu Chuan lost was in the hands of the experimental marking team.

Because there is only one perfect score in the theoretical marking group, and to get a score of 398.45, a perfect theoretical score is inevitable, and it is self-evident who this person is.

So Xu Chengna was depressed and resentful. His first CPHO perfect score in history was about to appear, but it was ruined by the experimental marking team.

1.55 points. This is definitely a small operation that is extremely subtle and does not affect the overall situation. It may even be a deduction caused by an experimental procedure that does not affect the operation first.

There was no problem with this kind of operation during the experiment. It was harmless and it was okay not to deduct it. However, I don’t know which marking teacher in the experimental group deducted it, causing the perfect score to disappear this time.

It would definitely be more meaningful if I could get a perfect score this time.

Let’s not talk about this for now, just for him, he will have more material to brag about in the future.

"Your class is truly the worst class I have ever led!"

"I think back then, all the students I taught got full marks in the national finals..."

Xu Chenghan, such a good story that can be used to 'teach' students was ruined like this, just 1.5 points short!

Otherwise, if he knows who read Xu Chuan's papers, he won't be beaten to death!


"Please invite the students who won the first prize in the national finals to come up and receive their awards. Let us welcome them with warm applause!"

On the host stage, after spending several minutes, the male host finally finished reading the name of the first prize and relaxed for a moment. He quickly handed over his seat to the female companion beside him and stood silently to catch his breath.

"I really don't know who wrote the award speech. My throat was dry when I read it. Why don't I just read my name?"

The male host stood silently and complained silently in his heart with a smile on his face.

In this national competition, there are a total of fifty-six national firsts, which doesn't sound like much, but if you have to read everyone's school, province and name, it would be quite long.

But when he thought about the list of more second- and third-grade students, as well as special awards and the like, he just wanted to faint. But life was like this. Not only could he not faint, but he also had to face the pain with a smile.



Warm applause rang out from the audience. Xu Chuan and Cao Weicai looked at each other, walked around from the side together, and stood on the stage.

Going on stage, receiving awards, issuing certificates, and taking photos, every student standing on the stage had a bright smile on their face.

After a series of procedures, everyone has a big red notebook in their hands.

With this notebook in hand, if you apply to any university in China, you will basically not be rejected.

This year's national competition finals will determine a total of fifty-six national firsts. Among them, the top fifty students will enter the national training team, and universities are eager to get into the national training team.

The difficulty of Wu Jing National One is much more difficult than getting into Shuimu and P University in the college entrance examination.

These two universities enroll a combined total of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 students each year.

As for Wu Jing, this year's National First Class has less than a hundred people. To be precise, there are fifty-six people. Ten thousand to fifty-six, the gap is almost two hundred times.

Even if the scope is expanded to include the five major competitions of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information, the total number of national first-level competitions each year will not exceed 500 people.

The difference between ten thousand and five hundred is twenty times.


After the first-level awards were given out, the second-level and third-level awards were given out. After all the awards for the first, second, and third level were distributed, the highlight came.

The National Physics Competition for Middle School Students, that is, the CPHO, will not only set up three awards for National 1, National 2, and National 3, but also learned from the International Physics Olympiad and established the best overall score award, the best theoretical score award, and the best experimental score award.

As well as individual special awards such as the award for the best performance among female students.

As the male host came on stage again, the highlight came.

"..... Let us congratulate the above students for winning the first, second and third national awards. Next, we will award the CPHO's special personal best award."

"The first award is the award for the best overall result, and its winner is:"

"Xuchuan from Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School in Xiangnan Province!"

"Let us welcome you with a warm round of applause!"

In the auditorium, Xu Chuan put down the certificate in his hand and stood up to receive the award.

"Congratulations, classmate Xu Chuan."

The professor who presented the award handed a golden trophy and a red certificate to Xu Chuan's hands, and said congratulations with a smile.

"Thank you, teacher."

Xu Chuan took the trophy and certificate smoothly and was about to leave, but was stopped by the host behind him.

"Wait, wait, classmate Xu Chuan."

The female host in a formal dress quickly ran after him and pulled Xu Chuan back to the center of the stage.


This chapter has been completed!
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