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Chapter 256 A letter

"This is already strong!"

Listening to the sigh of the old man in front of him, and looking at the admiring and approving looks of others in the observation laboratory, Xu Chuan smiled and said nothing.

Strong and weak are just definitions based on one's own cognition.

But people are different.

And for him, actually the definition of strength and weakness doesn't mean much when it comes from other people's mouths.

In his view, only by defining yourself and breaking through yourself can you be considered strong.

Just like he has been studying mathematics since his rebirth, constantly mastering new mathematical knowledge, and applying it to physics, astronomy, materials and other fields to do things that were previously impossible.

Based on one's own breakthroughs, this is called strength.

But obviously, in his own opinion, this kind of replicating the results that have been done before is not called strong.

If in this life he can find a way to utilize the a-rays and neutron flux that were previously unavailable, he would be called strong.

As for now, this simple copying does not meet the standard of 'strong' in his heart.

Of course, if you want to say it is based on reality or something, this technology is already very powerful.

That's true, that's true.

Compared with the current real-world technology, the technology for reusing nuclear waste can be described as ridiculously powerful, let alone very powerful.

Moreover, some of the basic principles of this technology can be used not only on nuclear waste, but also on light energy.

Technology that can absorb radiation rays, think about it, where else can it be used?

For certain purposes, it is definitely the most powerful technology at the moment.


The first step of testing in the laboratory lasted fifteen minutes.

When the test time arrived, the staff in the laboratory quickly operated the equipment to take out the nuclear waste from the radiation-to-electricity converter and re-sealed it into a lead protective box.

The equipment used to convert radiated electrical energy requires a comprehensive inspection.

From the inside out, every part needs to be thoroughly inspected, and every piece of data detected by every detector deployed on the equipment needs to be processed and analyzed.

This is very time-consuming, but fortunately, there is a small supercomputer at the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, which can help speed up the process.

It took a full day for researchers from the Nuclear Energy Research Institute to complete the inspection of the radiation power conversion equipment and the collation of some experimental data.

Xu Chuan took the compiled data from Han Jin and looked through it.

Judging from the test report, the results of the first round of test experiments were quite perfect.

Whether it is the damage state of the internal semiconductor material, the degree of nuclear radiation leakage, or whether the neutron flow radiation has penetrated the double protection, etc... all values ​​are within the standard range.

It's time to start the second round of testing.

"Start the second round of testing!"

In the observation room, Xu Chuan held the black communicator in his right hand and watched the staff in the laboratory calmly issue instructions.


After receiving this order, the staff in the laboratory immediately started the second round of testing through thick protective clothing.

Compared with the first round, there is not much difference in the second round of testing.

The only difference is time.

The first round of testing only lasted fifteen minutes, while the second round of testing required the time to be extended to more than an hour, the third round lasted for twenty-four hours, the fourth round lasted for one week, and the fifth round lasted...


However, a year ago, there was probably only enough time to complete the first four rounds of testing. This still required someone to stay at the institute and work overtime.

But this is enough.

The first four rounds of testing were enough for Xu Chuan to obtain a large amount of experimental data and compile a report to announce the good news.


When the staff controlled the reloading of radioactive nuclear waste into the radiation-to-electrical energy conversion equipment, the instruments in the observation room shone and jumped again.

If you simply look at it with the naked eye, the equipment placed in the laboratory does not have any movement except that it continuously outputs electrical energy.

But if you have a pair of eyes that can see through microscopic things, you will definitely be able to see it from a long distance. In the box on the center platform of the laboratory, a piece of silver-gray material is continuously releasing various powerful particle beams.


That is something extremely terrifying to human beings, creatures, and even everything in the world.

But for the special materials that are tightly wrapped around, these particle streams are nutrients.

After being magnified thousands of times, the interstitial lattice constructed by nanotechnology and vapor deposition is like the chloroplasts in leaves, constantly swallowing particles one by one, and eventually converting them into weak electrical energy. When gathered together

Release it.

These are the easiest to deal with beta rays and gamma rays.

Among these particle beams, some are directly intercepted in the outermost layer and do not play any role.

This is the most easily blocked a-ray.

In addition, there is another part that swaggers directly through these interstitial lattices like no one else, and is eventually captured and retained by gadolinium oxide with high heat absorption and high neutron absorption cross-section in the outermost protective material.

This is the most difficult neutron beam to intercept.

The wonders of the microscopic world are far greater than what can be seen with the naked eye.


Intensive rounds of testing continued until the 24th of the twelfth lunar month.

On the day of the Chinese New Year, Xu Chuan finally got the third round of test results.

Under the strong radiation for 24 hours, the semiconductor conversion material manufactured by special means maintains an almost perfect structure.

Looking at everyone in the conference room, he smiled and said: "Our experiment was quite successful. Judging from various tests on the material, it is almost as good as new. The grain boundary integrity sampling maintained at 99.9985% and 99.9981%.


"Everyone here must know what this means!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the conference room, everyone participating in the meeting cheered after hearing Xu Chuan's words.


"Hahahahaha, I knew it would be okay!"

"Congratulations, Professor!"


In the conference room, all the researchers clenched their fists and started shaking their heads in excitement.

Although the fourth and fifth rounds of testing have not yet been done, the third round of testing is representative enough.

In one day, the grain boundary integrity only lost less than 0.002%. Theoretically, it can maintain stability for at least ten years before needing to be replaced.

Of course, it may not actually be that long. After all, atomic grain boundary recycling technology also has limitations.

What’s more, the materials used this time are not

Ten years, compared to previously developed protective materials, whether it is 'crystalline erbium zirconate' or lead-free nanocomposite reconstructed nuclear protection materials, the time is so short that it is almost negligible.

After all, the first two can stably maintain their own protection and radiate for thousands of years.

But ten years is enough time to commercialize it.

In ten years, a nuclear waste power station can produce almost 20 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.

All it takes is the replacement of special semiconductor materials.

Although these special semiconductors are somewhat troublesome to manufacture, their raw materials are quite cheap, using only common materials such as silicon, germanium, selenium, and carbon.

Perhaps another researcher in the laboratory mentioned before that using chromium semiconductor materials as conversion materials can last longer, maybe fifty years, maybe a hundred years...

But there is no doubt that in terms of cost performance, this cheap material is more suitable.


Xu Chuan smiled and knocked on the table, drawing everyone's attention back, and then said: "As of today, our work this year has successfully concluded."

"Starting from tomorrow, the laboratory will arrange annual leave. Colleagues who want to take leave can leave tomorrow."

Hearing this, a burst of cheers broke out in the conference room again.

After a pause, Xu Chuan continued: "In addition, the testing of the radiation power converter has not been completed. During the Chinese New Year, two to three people will need to stay behind to complete the fourth round of testing."

"Staff left behind will be calculated at five times their salary, with additional subsidies."

"In addition, the left-behind people can bring their immediate family members over to the institute for a New Year reunion. The institute can reimburse the visiting expenses of the left-behind people's immediate family members. There are corresponding standards for travel expenses, housing expenses and food expenses. You can consult Han about this later.

Manager Jin."

"Is there anyone who stays voluntarily?"

Regarding the benefits and subsidies during the Chinese New Year, Xuchuan is considered to be at the top, almost in accordance with the highest standards allowed by the country.

Five times the salary subsidy, plus the cost of testing for immediate family members, I believe this condition should attract some people to stay.

Of course, for these postdoctoral fellows in the Institute of Nuclear Energy, who can be said to be highly talented researchers, they deserve this treatment.

However, he seems to have underestimated the conditions for his release.

When he made this tempting offer, everyone in the conference room looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and invariably saw each other's Adam's apple twitching.

"Me! Professor, I choose to stay!"

"I-I'll stay too, Professor!"

"I'll stay, Professor. I'm alone and without a wife, so it's the best!"

"Wang Yuan, didn't you say you wanted to go on a blind date two days ago? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Five times the salary and subsidy, they can get 40,000 to 50,000 yuan next year. A blind date is nothing! Don't rob anyone, I will definitely keep it!"

"Damn it, don't grab it. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to celebrate the New Year? Wouldn't it be nice to be with my family?"

In the conference room, the quiet atmosphere was instantly broken, and it became noisy like a vegetable market. Almost everyone was vying for these two or three spots.

Counting from the Chinese New Year until work begins on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the Nuclear Energy Research Institute will take fifteen days of annual leave.

The current salary of these researchers is basically not very high, with an average monthly salary of around 20,000 to 30,000.

With five times the salary subsidy and a fifteen-day annual leave, you can get at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, which is very attractive to most people.

Not to mention that the institute can also reimburse relatives' travel expenses. It is completely possible to bring parents, wives and children here to celebrate the New Year.

Thinking about it this way, there is no difference from going back to celebrate the New Year.

Faced with such conditions, if you don't rush it, you will regret it for a few months.

Looking at the conference room in Hun Lun, Xu Chuan coughed twice, drawing everyone's attention back.

"Only two or three people are needed to stay. One of them is occupied by Director Han Jin. For the remaining two people, you submit your application and Director Han Jin will screen it."

"That concludes today's meeting. The year is about to pass. I wish everyone a happy New Year."

After saying that, he stood up and left the conference room, with other researchers wailing behind him.

"No, Professor, we can all work overtime!"


After leaving these daily trivial matters to Han Jin, Xu Chuan no longer had to worry about the affairs of the Nuclear Energy Research Institute.

Today is the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, a small year, and tomorrow happens to be his birthday.

Now I rush back to write a phased results report, and the time is perfect to report it to the superiors tomorrow. Not only will I report the results, but I will also ask for a second scientific research grant.

After all, the radiation-to-electrical energy conversion equipment has been completed, and all it needs to do is wait for all five rounds of testing to be completed before the experimental nuclear waste power station can be started.

This is no small project. Putting aside the Nuclear Energy Research Institute currently under construction in Qidong, the construction of a nuclear power plant requires more than one billion in funds.

Not only that, but there is also the production of protective materials and special conversion semiconductor materials, etc., which require a huge amount of money, manpower and material resources.


After returning to Jinling from the magical capital, Xu Chuan first took a shower in the newly bought villa, and then sat at his desk.

After pondering for a while, the ballpoint pen in his hand sketched out characters one by one on the white letter paper:


"Hello, in the past few months, the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Project" has completed the development of 'crystalline erbium zirconate', 'lead-free nanocomposite reconstructed nuclear protection materials' and other materials.


"Of course, I believe you already know these tasks."

"Today, I will report to you another good news. With the efforts of all the staff of the institute day and night, we have successfully found materials that can convert the radiation energy of nuclear waste into electrical energy. And a few days ago, we

We successfully developed it and conducted radiation-electric energy conversion experiments."

"The experimental results are quite good. According to the current test results, this new material can maintain stable power generation for about ten years. I believe this time is enough for commercial use."

"According to my calculations, a nuclear waste power station covering an area of ​​2,000 acres requires 500 tons of high-level radioactive nuclear waste as energy to provide radiation. Theoretically, it can provide us with 2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every year.

, and can last for at least fifty years.”

"This research result allows us to see that next year, nuclear waste will become a new and important energy source for us to utilize. At the same time, when nuclear waste can be processed, nuclear energy resources all over the world will also be

We provide endless power."


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