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Chapter 27 Thesis review

Chapter 27 Thesis Passed Review

Coming with hope and leaving with disappointment, Sun Gaofeng finally did not get an answer from Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan neither refused nor agreed. He was like a butterfly floating among the flowers of P University and Shuimu University, not easily settling down.

Sun Gaofeng left, taking with him Vice Principals Yuan Jiye and Tang Gaoyuan.

The classmates who were watching the play in the classroom immediately came over like a honeycomb.

"That one just now was the admissions teacher from University P, right? Brother Chuan, did you agree?"

"Brother Chuan, which university do you want to go to?"

"Brother Chuan, you don't want to go abroad directly by taking IELTS or TOEFL, right? I've never heard of you having such a plan."

"Let me tell you, Brother Chuan, is your goal Mizuki, P University, or a prestigious foreign school?"

"Brother Chuan didn't agree to Big P, so the target should be Mizuki."

In the classroom, the students were discussing and asking questions. Xu Chuan smiled but did not give the answer in his mind.

After all, there is still a certain gap between the school he wants to apply for and P Da Shuimu. If he says this, people will probably be confused and they will have to explain it later.

He knew Xu Cheng. He was originally a university professor. He was a professor hired from a prestigious university by the High School Affiliated to the Normal University. His qualifications, education and knowledge were far beyond those of ordinary high school teachers. In condensed matter physics, He has also made contributions.

After trying it twice, he realized what was going on.


In addition, relatively speaking, subsidies such as grants, scholarships, and poverty subsidies from top universities are larger in amount, with more places, and there are no hidden rules, so they can basically be provided to those in need.

The domestic network is separated from that of foreign countries. Except for special network segments and the use of tools to bypass the wall, foreign news and information are basically unavailable.

Many top domestic companies currently require graduates from 985 or 211 universities to recruit talents.

If two job seekers compete for a position at the same time, and one holds a diploma from P University and the other holds a diploma from an ordinary second-level university, you can tell which one the company will use.

"Where's the paper? Show it to me."

He has never submitted to such journals.

"Don't check the information, just check the papers. When this kid was in the provincial training team, he submitted a physics paper to the top foreign journal "Progress in Physics" under the guidance of Xu Cheng, his affiliated student."

Xu Chuan turned on his computer, opened the webpage and logged in to his mailbox, but found that he could not log in at all.

"Xu Chuan, Teacher Tang is looking for you."

More than half a month has passed since the provincial collection, and I don’t know if my paper has passed the review, so I just wanted to borrow a computer to take a look.

If you can enter a top university like Shuimu P University, the annual tuition fee is only four to five thousand yuan, and the price in the cafeteria is only a few yuan for a meal with meat. Not only can you eat well, it is also very cheap. .

Xu Chengke did not tell him which journal Xu Chuan submitted to. There are two journals called "Progress in Physics", one is sponsored by the domestic physics society, and the other is a top foreign journal.

After the excitement, all the students returned to their seats and began to review their lessons.

"Yunhua, lend me your external computer."

After getting up and about to go downstairs, Xu Chuan remembered something again and asked Tang Gaoyuan: "Teacher Tang, can you lend me the computer in your office? It's the same with your email."

Tang Gaoyuan was also stunned for a moment, a little surprised. After reacting, he stood up and walked towards the door: "Yes, you come with me."

"Well, use it as you wish."

There is a gap between 985, not to mention the comparison between top universities like Shuimu P University and ordinary second-tier universities.

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, when I was training with the provincial team, I wrote an article under the guidance of Teacher Xu about calculating the typical distance l between particles in the Bose-Einstein condensation phenomenon.

Paper on the solution method of the functional relationship with particle number density n."

Tang Gaoyuan asked with interest. When he contacted Xu Cheng this evening, Xu Cheng was full of praise for the boy in front of him.

"There, you can use it yourself. Do you want to check any competition information today?"

Xu Chuan nodded, got up and came to Tang Gaoyuan's office.

Shao Yunhua, the director of the computer room, looked at Tang Gaoyuan and Xu Chuan curiously and asked.

The two of them went all the way to the fifth floor of the teaching building, and Tang Gaoyuan found the director of the computer room.

Tang Gaoyuan replied with a smile, his tone full of showoff.

In comparison, at an ordinary university, such as a foreign-related college in Star City, the annual tuition is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and an ordinary meal in the cafeteria costs 20 to 30 yuan.

Tang Gaoyuan smiled and pointed to the chair beside him, and said: "I heard from Professor Xu Chengxu from the faculty's affiliated school that you submitted a paper?"

"The journal I submitted to is "Progress in Physics" from Western Europe, but I can't log in to the email here."

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Teacher Tang, are there any computers in our school that can connect to the Internet?"

This is the reality of Hongguoguo.

If you don't have enough education, you can't even knock on other people's doors.

These are still basic, and there are more hidden bonuses. For example, graduating from a top university and having your name on your graduation certificate will give you a bonus when it comes to finding a job.

At first, he simply thought that Xu Chuan had submitted his submissions to domestic journals, but he didn’t expect that he had submitted them to top foreign journals?

Tang Gaoyuan was a little envious of his students.

After all, it's already the end of October, and next year's college entrance examination is just a few months away. No one wants to get into a good university.

Such a professor was full of praise when faced with a paper written by a high school student. This made Tang Gaoyuan very curious, what did this kid in front of him write?

Xu Chuan touched his pocket and found that the USB flash drive was not on him. He quickly said: "I put the USB flash drive in my schoolbag. I'll go down and get it right now."

During the evening self-study, the night breeze blew by his ears with a little coolness. Cao Weicai, who came back from outside, gently patted Xu Chuan on the shoulder.

Ordinary high schools will basically not set up foreign VPNs, which means that he can no longer log in to the email address he used when submitting articles.

Top universities not only have richer teaching resources, but also have lower living expenses than ordinary universities.

If Tang Gaoyuan hadn't suddenly found him tonight and asked about the paper, he would have forgotten that he had submitted a paper before.

Xu Chuan patted his head and asked, he almost forgot about this.

"I'll go right away."

For example, a plate of fish head with chopped pepper, a very large plate, costs dozens of yuan in a restaurant (either 88 or 98), but it only costs 8 yuan in P Da Yannan Canteen.

"Hey, I want to see it then."

Shao Yunhua was surprised. He thought that Tang Gaoyuan brought Xu Chuan here to check foreign physics competition topics in preparation for next year's IPHO. Unexpectedly, he actually submitted a paper?

He has never seen students who started submitting papers in their senior year of high school.

It was submitted to a top foreign journal, and I have never seen it before.

(End of chapter)

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