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Chapter 291 Living up to expectations

As hundreds of tons of high-level nuclear waste leaked, the nuclear radiation in the core area instantly climbed to a peak.

Intense a-rays, beta-rays, gamma-rays, neutron beams and other radiations are like huge storms on Jupiter, surging violently in the core area.

This place is now an absolutely forbidden area for any known life.

Even the tardigrade, which is known to be the most tenacious and can even survive in space; even the blue whale, which is the largest in size, cannot survive in such an extreme environment for more than thirty seconds.

But fortunately, these violent radiations were tightly contained in this place by the outer layer of protective materials.

What is even more worth mentioning is that in the core area, pieces of semiconductor radiation gap material are constantly absorbing these violent radiations, converting them from substances harmful to life into traces of electrical energy.

These devices through which electric energy passes quickly are gathered together, and eventually exported to the core area, flowing into the transformer components that have been prepared, and will eventually flow to the entire power grid for use by countless residents.

Although the electricity it converts may not be a lot, it can unlock the biggest limitations of nuclear power generation.

Perhaps the electricity consumed by the mobile phones you use in the future and the new energy vehicles you purchase may come from nuclear waste power stations and nuclear power plants.


In the main control room, at the moment when the monitoring in the core area lost contact, everyone turned their attention from the white screen to other monitoring equipment.

Including Xu Chuan, they quickly turned their attention to the monitoring of electrical energy output.

Although the visual monitoring has lost contact, this does not affect his ability to judge the status of the entire core area through other monitoring data.

One of the keys to judging the success of the entire experiment is to confirm whether the amount of electrical energy converted through the radiation gap semiconductor material reaches the standard.

If the converted electrical energy is lower than the theoretically calculated value, it means that the radiation gap semiconductor material inside has suffered a large number of gap band lattice damage and other problems under the strong ionization impact of nuclear radiation.

This is one of the two biggest variables in the entire laboratory. Even though Xu Chuan has experience in his previous life, he still has some worries in his heart at this moment.

"Ionizing radiation impact detected in the protective crystal material sandwich!"

"The electrical energy output has been detected in the No. 1 gap band and has now reached the first stage estimated value!"

"The electrical energy output has been detected in the second gap band, and it has reached the estimated value of the first stage!"

"The transformer component has intervened!"

"One inspection of the outer wall of the core area has been completed, and the current radiation indicators are within the standard range!"

"The circulating water cooling system is operating stably!"


In the main control room, voices trembling with excitement kept ringing.

Everyone is waiting nervously and expectantly for the test results, and many people even have their fists clenched.

Judging from the results of the first phase of the report, a huge amount of nuclear waste in the core area is being converted into electrical energy by radiation gap semiconductor materials!

The rest depends on whether it can stabilize, reach the peak of conversion, and whether the water cooling circulation system is normal!


After the experiment started, on the seaside side of the core industrial park, accompanied by guards, engineers responsible for the water cooling circulation system wore protective clothing made of lead-free nanocomposite reconstructed protective materials and carefully checked various dials.

and plumbing equipment.

For experiments on converting nuclear waste into electrical energy, a tiny black box conversion does not require a cooling system. No matter how strong the nuclear radiation reaction is, the quantity is there.

But for high-level nuclear waste exceeding 500 tons in an industrial park, a water-cooling circulation system is a must.

When huge ionizing radiation is converted into electrical energy through the radiation gap crystal structure, it will also generate a certain temperature. Although each conversion will not bring about a big improvement, but the accumulation of a huge amount of time, these temperatures will

accumulated in the core area

Theoretically, it can reach more than 2,000 degrees.

This temperature is enough to melt the radiation gap semiconductor material used to convert radiant energy.

Therefore, a water-cooling circulation system is necessary to take away the high temperature in the core area.

And this is also the focus of the protection of the entire industrial park.

No matter what, in future operation, it is necessary to ensure that the entire water cooling system is in operation.

Of course, considering unexpected situations, the structure of the water cooling system is divided, just like the cabin on the bottom of a large ship.

As for the radiation problem, lead double composite protective materials are used as the circulation system of the water-cooling pipes. In theory, the discharged cooling water will not become radiation wastewater.

Xu Chuan must guarantee this. Neither he nor his superiors can make Qidong become the second Fukushima.

As for the first inspection, engineers and guards all wore protective clothing just in case. If radiation exceeding the standard is detected in the water-cooling system, the water-cooling circulation system will stop and the experiment will stop immediately.

The entire core area will be directly sealed and turned into a giant coffin like Chernobyl Pile 4 to seal the 500 tons of nuclear waste.


In the main control room, Xu Chuan looked closely at the real-time monitoring of the water-cooling outlet, where engineers wearing protective clothing were inspecting the equipment in an orderly manner.

Beside him, Han Jin, who was responsible for the daily work of the entire project, had his fists tightly clenched, and his nervous face even turned red because he did not dare to breathe.

This is the second most critical part of the entire experimental test!

Soon, the engineers in charge of the water-cooling circulation system passed back the test results.

"The current water temperature of the 1# water cooling circulation system is 17.72,... the current radiation exposure dose is 0.0415 millisievert (v), which is within the standard range!"

"The current water temperature of the 2# water-cooling circulation system is 17.74, and... the current radiation exposure dose is 0.0428 millisievert (v), which is within the standard range!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The current water temperature of the 3# water cooling circulation system..."


Each water-cooling cycle test report was immediately dictated by these engineers, and the corresponding data was immediately uploaded to the main control room for verification.

After receiving the reports from these engineering staff, deafening cheers suddenly erupted in the main control room. Engineers and researchers hugged each other and high-fived each other.

They succeeded!

History will remember this day forever, and will also remember their victory!

This is another victory from mankind. They conquered the violent and terrible radiation and turned it into electrical energy!

Looking at the cheering researchers in the control room, Qi Zhongxing, the chief engineer, and Han Jin, who is responsible for the daily work of the institute, stood together and looked at each other affectionately. They could see each other's red eyes and trembling faces.

Excited, excited, happy...

Standing in front of the screen, looking at the test data sent back by the water-cooling circulation system, and listening to the excited voices of the engineers outside, Xu Chuan finally showed a smile on his always calm and upright face.

The temperature of the water cooling is not critical. The current test has just begun, and the temperature accumulation rate in the core area is far from that fast.

Therefore, the temperature of seawater that has traveled through the circulation system is not much different from that of ordinary seawater.

The key lies in radiation exposure measurement!

This is the key point of the entire water cooling circulation system!

The radiation exposure measurement of 0.0428 mSv is lower than what people are exposed to in daily life, and it is not even as high as the radiation exposure received by flying for ten hours.

The radiation exposure measurement of 0.0428 millisievert means that the water-cooling circulation system is intact, and the seawater traveling around the outer edge of the core area has not taken away nuclear radiation.

The radiation exposure measurement of 0.0428 mSv also means that their experiment was successful!


The cheering sounds echoed in his ears. Looking at these happy researchers, Xu Chuan also smiled along with them.

Although the experimental tests have not yet been completed, the two most difficult hurdles have been passed, and even if problems arise in the remaining ones, they will not affect the operation of the entire nuclear waste power station.

In a sense, they did succeed.

But, the mission is not over yet!

A perfect end to this battle is what Xu Chuan wants!


As time goes by, the values ​​on the various monitoring displays in the main control room begin to stabilize.

This means that the radiation electrical energy conversion efficiency in the core region begins to reach its peak. Of course, this is not the peak of electrical energy conversion by radiation gap semiconductor materials.

For the rest, linear particle accelerators are needed.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, when the fluctuations in various parameters stabilized, Xu Chuan gave the order again.

"Start the linear particle accelerator and activate the ADC transmutation auxiliary system!"


In the control room, the transmutation system team, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately reported.

They have been listening to other people's cheers and enjoying the glory for a long time. Now, it is their turn.

"God, Sanqing Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, bless us! We will definitely succeed!"

The engineers and researchers in the ADS team prayed silently in their hearts, completely ignoring that these gods are not the same system.

Of course, it will not be these gods who bless them, but their own hard work and seriousness for a long time.

"The linear particle accelerator has been started, the current output energy level is 8Gev, and the particle beam intensity has reached proton/pulse!..."

With the activation of the ADC transmutation auxiliary system, the previously stabilized monitoring data in the main control room began to beat again.

Just like the theoretical data calculated by Xu Chuan, and the previous small black box experiment conducted at the Nuclear Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Sciences, with the help of the linear particle accelerator and the start-up transmutation auxiliary system, the electrical energy converted from the core area has once again improved.

an order of magnitude.

Looking at the data fed back on the monitoring screen, Xu Chuan finally showed a bright smile on his face.

This time, we can declare real success!

And he finally successfully brought the technology developed in his previous life back to his motherland!


PS: Wow, some words are missing and I don’t have enough time. I’ll make up for it tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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