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Chapter 296 Magmillan: You are a madman!

In his office at Nanjing University, Xu Chuan received the dean of the Department of Chemistry from Princeton.

"Welcome, Director Magmillan." Xu Chuan warmly shook hands with the middle-aged man wearing square-framed black glasses.

In terms of acquaintance, the two of them actually knew each other, but it was the first time in this life that they met. As for his previous life, he had communicated with the Magmillan director several times because of his involvement in materials science.

It has to be said that in the field of materials chemistry, Magmillan's strength is indeed among the best in the world.

In 2021, that is, two years later, the chairman of the Princeton Chemistry Department will receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his huge contributions to 'asymmetric organocatalysis'.

This achievement has greatly promoted the development of chemical catalysis technology, especially in biomedicine, and has made great achievements. Various drugs prepared using this technology have saved countless patients.

What's more important is that he is still young. He was born in 1968 and is only in his fifties this year. He was not over fifty-five when he won the Nobel Prize. Among all the Nobel Prize winners, he can be said to be very young.


"Xu, I'm glad to see you. You look much younger than those photos in the news. Are you really only twenty-three years old? You are younger than most of the students I teach. It's incredible."

David Magmillan shook hands, looked Xu Chuan up and down, and exclaimed in surprise.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Thank you. Sit down first. Would you like some tea or coffee?"

"As the Romans say, do you do as the Romans do? Come have a cup of tea and let me try the magical properties of this drink that all Chinese people love to drink." Magmillan said with a smile.

Xu Chuan smiled and stood up to make tea and said: "Of course, drinking tea has many benefits. It is rich in catechins, cholesterolenone, caffeine, inositol, and many other beneficial substances for the human body.

Elements, can lower blood pressure, lose weight, detoxify, reduce cardiovascular disease, etc.”

"The most important thing is that for scientific researchers like us, it can refresh our minds, improve the work efficiency of the brain, and maintain concentration during the scientific research process."

With an interested look on his face, Magmillan said with a smile: "That makes me really eager to try it."

The daily work of scientific researchers consumes a lot of their brains, which is why many scientific researchers become bald at a young age. Something that can keep their brains awake and improve their work efficiency will be of great help to them.

If it really has the effect that Professor Xu said, he might be able to study the chemicals in the tea and see if they can be extracted.

After serving two cups of tea, the two exchanged pleasantries and got down to business.

"Xu, I'm very interested in the computational mathematical model of chemical materials you mentioned. I don't know when is it convenient for me to go to the Materials Research Institute under your name to have a look?"

Holding the tea cup, the two chatted for a while and Magmillan asked impatiently.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "You can do it at any time, but you have come all the way and have been on a plane for dozens of hours. Do you want to take a rest first?"

David Magmillan quickly shook his head and said: "No, I am more looking forward to the model you built than I am tired. If it can really achieve the effect you said, I will try my best to convince Christopher Isgru.


Christopher Isgrub is the president of Princeton and a member of the board of directors. With his support, this cooperation can be said to be stable.

Xu Chuan nodded, drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and said with a smile: "Then we can set off now."

With the eager dean of the chemistry department, Xu Chuan rushed to the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute. After making a phone call, the burly and majestic senior brother Fan Pengyue quickly rushed over.

"This is David Magmillan, the director of the Department of Chemistry at Princeton, and this is Fan Pengyue, the director of the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research."

While walking towards the laboratory, Xu Chuan briefly introduced each other and asked: "Brother Fan, is there any update or patch for the chemical material calculation model today?"

An initially crude model needs to be updated frequently.

And because it needs to be filled with key information data of various basic materials and experimental updates, the chemical material calculation model is updated very frequently, almost two or three times a week.

Fan Pengyue: "There is no update plan today, but if you want to conduct simulation, I recommend using the previous version of the model."

"Two days ago, Yu Zhen and the others integrated part of the data on silicon-based materials, but the latest version of the simulation test found that the process was a bit unstable, and the simulated response deviated from the actual experimental response. It is still being debugged."

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Okay."

On the second floor of the laboratory, a group of people came to the office dedicated to modeling. The office was not very big. On the one hand, the preliminary work was not large, and on the other hand, Xu Chuan did not have much money to expand the laboratory before.

Most of the money he got from winning papers in the past was invested in the research institute.

Fortunately, the patent licensing fees for the artificial SEI film have been paid, and now they can move there just after the new office address is settled.

In the office, Fan Pengyue called a programmer who was busy testing the model. With his help, a backed up old version of the mathematical model was opened on the computer.

Watching the mathematical model running in the hands of the programmer and introducing the corresponding functions, Magmillan asked: "Can you simulate the material development process?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Yes, but the current model has only been developed and processed not long ago. It does not have many functions. It can only analyze and combine the materials already in the database, and carry out some early use.

Material simulation work.”

"Currently, the range of simulation materials that can be simulated is not large, mainly compound materials such as lithium, carbon, and fluorine, and certain conditions need to be manually given for the time being."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Should lithium batteries be within your data range?" Magmillan asked.

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Most of the materials for lithium batteries are there, and they have been sorted out before. But organic solvents are not included at the moment. After all, there are too many types, and we can't process them all in a while."

"Is there any data on conductive coating of carbon aluminum foil? Is it possible to simulate the carbon aluminum coating?"

After thinking about it, Magmillan selected one of the lithium battery materials and asked.

Carbon-aluminum coating materials are important or unimportant in lithium batteries. It is a new technology that has only appeared in the past two years.

It mainly uses carbon-aluminum functional coating to surface treat the battery conductive substrate to provide excellent static conductive performance and collect the microcurrent of the active material, which can greatly reduce the contact resistance between the positive/negative electrode material and the current collector, etc.


It can improve the performance of lithium batteries to a certain extent, but it is not a necessary item in lithium batteries. It can run normally without it, but the performance will decrease.

On the side, Fan Pengyue replied on behalf of Xu Chuan: "Yes, the relevant data of composite coatings and carbon-aluminum materials have been entered. If you want to see it, Professor Magmillan, we can do a simple simulation of the research and development process.


"Then use carbon aluminum coating."

Fan Pengyue: "Are there any performance requirements?"

"Can you also set and select the performance of carbon-aluminum coating sheets?" Magmillan asked in surprise.

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but currently it is not possible to perfectly simulate the performance sheet you require. After all, it is only a basic and crude model for the time being." Xu Chuan replied with a shrug.

Magmillan thought for a while and said: "Then the thickness of the aluminum foil is required to be in the range of 10 to 30 μm, the thickness of the SuperP conductive layer is in the range of 0.3 to 0.9 μm, and the thickness of the graphene conductive layer is in the range of 0.5 to 1.2 μm.

The thickness of the mixed conductive layer is 0.3~2μm”

Magmillan quickly screened the performance parameters of some carbon-aluminum sheets in his mind, and he was now increasingly curious about what the simple model in front of him could achieve.

Fan Pengyue nodded, turned around and told the programmer to start inputting these parameters into the mathematical model, and then began to simulate and develop carbon-aluminum coating materials.

On the screen, after the programmer entered various parameters and requirements into the model, the simple mathematical model began to run automatically.

The appearance of other models is very simple, but this model is actually quite big. The number of lines of code is quite large, and the development of the model took more than half a year.

Moreover, the model was not developed and written by Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, but was outsourced to a well-known software company. It cost nearly 11 million to complete a basic version. It can be said that the money spent on modeling alone was

, it’s almost enough to buy another Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

But what can I say, if you spend money, the quality is definitely guaranteed.

The group of people waited in the office for about an hour and a half before the simulation research and development of carbon-aluminum coating materials was completed.

The detailed data after operation has been saved in the corresponding file, and everyone will have a copy after printing it out.

After taking the document from the staff, Magmillan couldn't wait to read it.

A detailed preparation method of carbon-coated aluminum foil, including the following steps:

S1: Preprocess the aluminum foil body.

The detailed treatment plan is as follows: [S1, the preferred plan for treating the aluminum foil body, the thickness standard is , and acetic acid is used to remove dirt and impurities on the surface of the aluminum foil. ]

S2: Mix the binder and solvent and stir evenly, then add two or more conductive agents and mix evenly to obtain a composite conductive slurry.

The detailed treatment plan is as follows: [S2, the preferred plan for preparing composite conductive paste, use polytetrafluoroethylene or polyvinylidene fluoride.]

S3: Put the composite conductive slurry into the electrospinning device, spray the aluminum foil, and then dry it to obtain the first layer of composite carbon-coated aluminum foil;

The detailed treatment plan is as follows: [S3, the preferred plan for preparing the first layer of composite carbon-coated aluminum foil, using sodium tripolyphosphate. The electrostatic spraying voltage is 15-20kv, the solution flow rate is 0.5-3ml·h-1, the electrospinning nozzle and the aluminum foil

The distance is 0.5-10cm]



In the office, Macmillan looked at the plan in his hand with shock in his eyes.

The plan in hand not only gives a very detailed preparation process, but also gives an optimal plan for each step, including the selection of materials, processing, what kind of equipment is needed, requirements for equipment during the processing, temperature, pressure, etc.

Reference information is given in other aspects.

More importantly, there is more than one solution given by the model.

The document in his hand listed three feasible preparation options.

Although not all of the preparation methods given in this plan are perfect in his eyes, and there are still many areas that can be optimized, this is a miracle in itself.

Of course, it would not be a big deal if all the steps were entered manually in advance, but it is obvious that the mathematical model in front of you does not use this method.

Macmillan had never thought that a model could reach this point, relying on mathematical models to complete material selection, calculation, optimization, etc. All steps, how is this possible!

After flipping through the plan given by the computational model in his hand, he couldn't wait to ask: "My God, how did you do it?"

Xu Chuan put down the copywriting in his hand and explained with a smile: "This is the charm of the combination of mathematics, physics and chemistry. It can bring us a brand new world."

"Of course, it is not perfect now and still needs a lot of optimization. But I believe that one day, it will change the whole world!"

"At that time, the research and development of materials will no longer rely entirely on experience and exploration. We can leave the corresponding needs to computers, which will save us a lot of time."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hearing this, David Magmillan looked at Xu Chuan and swallowed involuntarily, saying: "This is really an extremely crazy plan! You

You are just a lunatic! Have you ever thought that you will make a large number of materials research and development personnel unemployed!"

If you go by the description of the person in front of you, if this model is really completed, it will subvert the development of the entire materials world.

Of course, material breakthroughs may also follow.

But at the same time, it is foreseeable that R&D personnel in the materials industry, especially those basic personnel, will most likely be unemployed on a large scale.

After all, if this model can be completed, perhaps most of the basic work in future material research and development can be handed over to this model.

As a result, many of the jobs of low-level scientific researchers will be replaced.

Of course, for a top scientific researcher engaged in chemical materials, there is no doubt that it has a fatal attraction!

Because it can save more time and give many different reference opinions from a scientific perspective.

Just like today's simulation of carbon-coated aluminum foil, after just waiting for more than an hour and a half, this model gave several different solutions.

If the experiment is performed manually, it will take at least several days or more to complete.

Opposite me, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this."

"Humans are creative creatures, especially researchers and scholars who have mastered cutting-edge knowledge. They should focus their attention and energy on breakthroughs, rather than repeating work that can be easily replaced."

"And in theory, this model can indeed save a lot of time to a great extent, and can even assemble the optimal solution, but it cannot replace materials research and development personnel."

"The most cutting-edge and cutting-edge breakthroughs are always related to people. Human creativity can never be replaced by current computers."

"Including the plans it gives, they actually require people to carry out testing and experiments, so it will always be just an auxiliary tool and cannot replace the existence of people."

After a pause, he continued: "And as time goes by, even if I don't do it, someone will do it."

This chapter has been completed!
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