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Chapter 305 Exploding Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Testing and verification of the plasma turbulence model are still in progress. Even if the supercomputing center of NTU cannot perfectly calculate this model, the test can still be carried out, and at most it will be delayed data output.

For Xu Chuan, this is enough.

First get the first batch of test data, then analyze, adjust and optimize some models, then apply for a national supercomputer and do the second calculation and test.

Mathematical models, especially those for plasma turbulence, are not that easy to make and must be calculated and optimized over and over again.

After the supercomputer verification is completed, he still has to find a way to test the model in practice.

After all, the verification of supercomputing is only a simulation test. No one knows how it will actually be applied to a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

To be honest, it is troublesome to use an experimental pile to verify his model.

Look for it in China. Strictly speaking, there is only one experimental reactor in China that is qualified for model verification, and almost none of those from other research institutes and laboratories are qualified.

Should we look abroad? Which foreign laboratory would agree?

Modifying the control model and algorithm of a controllable fusion reactor is not a trivial matter.

If something goes wrong, the first wall may cause great damage and losses.

On this side, Xu Chuanzheng is having some headaches with the follow-up test issues. On the other side, there is Sakura Country and Ibaraki Prefecture, the capital of Edo.

Here is located the QST Fusion Research Institute of Sakura Country, which houses the JT-60SA controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor.

JT-60SA is an upgraded version of the JT-60 (Japan Torus-60) previously operated by Sakura Kuni Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). It entered service in 1985. After many modifications, it is now the largest Toka in Sakura Kuni.

Mark device.

In the Fusion Research Institute of QST, a group of researchers and mathematicians are busy in the laboratory.

Nearly two months ago, the capital sent them a piece of information. What surprised the Fusion Research Institute in QST was that this information was actually about plasma turbulence modeling in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Although it is not clear where this information came from, after research, they found that it is quite possible to use this information to establish a mathematical model for controlling plasma turbulence.

After confirming this, the Fusion Research Institute in QST immediately launched comprehensive research work. Not only that, Edo Metropolitan Government also supported their top mathematicians and modeling researchers to help them advance their work.

For the resource-poor Sakura Country, nuclear fusion energy will help reduce or even get rid of dependence on overseas energy.

At present, about 3/4 of the country's electricity comes from thermal power generation, and almost all of the natural gas and other fuels used are imported. Under the influence of the international situation and other factors, global energy prices have risen, resulting in a surge in the country's energy imports and electricity bills.

Prices increased significantly.

This situation has prompted them to increase strategic plans for the development of other energy sources and accelerate technological research to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

This includes controllable nuclear fusion technology.

After all, this technology has great potential to solve energy problems. If it succeeds, Sakura Country will become the top power in the world.

Even though they have no nuclear weapons, no equalization, and even US troops stationed on their territory, as long as they want, mature nuclear power plant technology can be transformed into nuclear weapons at any time.

As for the army, what they lack most is also people. Citizens who have high faith in the emperor can fight to the death for the country at any time.

Now that we have seen the hope of solving the problem of controllable nuclear fusion, how can we not make people excited and work hard?

"Welcome Mr. Nakano to come to QST to guide the work of the Fusion Research Institute."

Outside the QST Fusion Research Institute, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie got off a Toyota vehicle. At the door, the director of the QST Fusion Research Institute who was waiting here quickly stepped forward to greet him.

Nakano Takuma nodded and then asked in response:

"How is your research going on that data? Can the mathematical model you established operate normally?"

Wu Lintaro, director of the Fusion Research Institute at QST, respectfully replied: "The control model of plasma turbulence has been established, and supercomputers have been used to verify the phenomenological model. The model is quite excellent."

"The control algorithm of the JT-60SA test reactor is currently being modified. It is currently at the end and can be completed within three days as planned. Next, new models and algorithms will be used for test reactor control."

Hearing this, Nakano Takuma showed a smile on his face: "Well done, Mr. Wu Lin, it seems that we can see the day when the empire rises again! I will take credit for you after the test is completed!"

"Thank you Mr. Nakano for your love. Contributing to the empire is what I should do." Wu Lintaro's eyes flashed with joy. With Nakano Takuma's support, he may be able to officially enter the political arena.

Three days is not a long time. The mathematical model verification test on Xu Chuan's side has not been completely completed. The Fusion Research Institute in QST is about to start using their own 'mathematical model' to test the JT-60SA test reactor.


For Sakura Country, the start of operation of the controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor is undoubtedly a big event.

On the day of the test, not only officials from the Department of Energy but also many media reporters arrived.

Among the crowd, Wu Lintaro specially combed his hair with a slicked back, revealing his high forehead. He was smiling and full of energy.

Judging from the mathematical model of plasma turbulence control through supercomputer simulation, the results are undoubtedly quite good.

The phenomenological model has almost perfect control over plasma turbulence. Whether it is Bremsstrahlung power or energy loss power caused by heat conduction and particle escape, all of them have almost reached the standard under this control model.

what does that mean?

This means that they can perfectly control the plasma turbulence in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This means that as long as their experiment can succeed today, the empire's controllable nuclear fusion technology will be at the forefront of the world!

This means that he will be the greatest contributor to the empire, and a glorious tomorrow and a brilliant future are waving to him!

Under the gaze of countless people and cameras, Wu Lintaro's face became increasingly red.

"Report, the preparations are ready and the experiment can be started at any time." In the control room of the institute, a staff member ran over and reported loudly.

Wu Lintaro nodded, looked at the camera behind him and the people who were visiting the experiment with great spirit, and said excitedly: "Everyone, I am very happy to witness the opening of the experiment together today. This is my honor and the glory of the empire!"

"Start the experiment!"




A series of replies sounded in the control room.

With the confirmation, the JT-60SA controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor in the Fusion Research Institute of QST began to operate slowly. Of course, when the deuterium and tritium fusion raw materials were injected into the reaction chamber, the ignition device of the JT-60SA controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor began.

In operation, the deuterium and tritium raw materials in the chamber are heated into a plasma state.

Immediately, the model for controlling plasma turbulence began to operate with the support of supercomputing, controlling the orderly movement of plasma in the chamber.

The temperature in the reaction chamber began to rise.

In the first experiment, the Fusion Research Institute in QST only injected a small amount of deuterium and tritium raw materials according to the experimental rules. From the feedback data, there is no doubt that these deuterium and tritium plasmas are almost perfectly bound.

in the chamber.

After confirming the experimental results, the control room was filled with excitement!

The preliminary micro-experiment results were successful, so what remains is to increase the amount of raw materials in order to achieve normal fusion effects!

"Increase deuterium and tritium raw materials!" Wu Lintaro gave the order without hesitation.

"Got it! The deuterium and tritium raw materials are being injected!" The staff who received the instruction did not hesitate to control and inject the prepared deuterium and tritium raw materials into the chamber.

"If it succeeds this time, the empire will become the biggest winner on the controllable nuclear fusion route! He will also win countless glory and wealth!"

Wu Lintaro clenched his fists tightly and stared at the project in the control room. It will definitely go smoothly!

Just as I was dreaming about my future life, I suddenly heard the exclamations from other staff members!

"The superconducting magnetron system has failed! The plasma has lost its confinement, and the first wall material is being impacted by the plasma and is seriously damaged!"

"Not good, the plasma turbulence in the reactor chamber is getting out of control!"


At the same time, countless alarms screamed in the control room, and the noisy sounds were mixed together, making Wu Lintaro instantly confused.

He rushed to the monitoring station, stared at the data on it and quickly asked: "What's going on! Why did the superconducting magnetron suddenly fail?"

"I don't know, the plasma turbulence in the reactor chamber suddenly went out of control, and our control system can no longer control the high-temperature plasma!" the staff member quickly replied.

"Stop the experiment! Stop it immediately"

Wu Lintaro decisively issued the order, but it was already too late~

As the NIF heats up and the antenna heats up, the plasma turbulence in the chamber begins to rapidly lose control, and the peripheral magnetic field can no longer control the internal plasma.

The chamber of the JT-60SA controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor could not withstand this huge pressure. The violent plasma instantly broke through the entire reactor like a small hydrogen bomb, forming a violent explosion.

Before Wu Lintaro finished speaking, a violent vibration came from under his feet, followed closely by a deafening sound.

In front of the monitoring station, Wu Lintaro's face was ashen. Through the monitoring video, he clearly saw the explosion.

Although the picture flashed away, you could still clearly see a dazzling fireball expanding in the reaction chamber hosting the reactor!

Tens of millions of degrees of high temperature mixed with powerful shock waves and reactor debris danced wildly in the reactor chamber, damaging all damageable items, including the monitor, and directly causing a black screen.

There was silence in the control room, and everyone couldn't believe the result.

Their core fusion reactor, JT-60SA, exploded.

PS: Come and get some monthly passes, big guys, (′‵)i L

This chapter has been completed!
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