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Chapter 310 The inspiration brought by Witten and the method of observing dark matter!

The confirmation of the existence of sterile neutrinos made the name Xu Chuan spread in the physics world.

Before that, even though he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, most physicists still had the impression of him as a mathematician.

After all, he was famous for mathematics from the beginning. Various mathematical conjectures and the seven millennium problems made Xu Chuan's reputation in mathematics far exceed that of physics.

But from today on, the physics community has accepted his identity as a physicist.

If a scholar who opened the door to a new world of physics cannot be called a physicist, then no one can be called a physicist.

Research on sterile neutrinos at CERN is still continuing.

After all, the currently observed sterile neutrinos are incomplete.

The Dalitz diagrams and data compiled by Xu Chuan at present can only confirm that there is a new particle in the 120um (rφ direction) collision data of the anti-helium-3 nucleus in the internal tracking system, and that a part of it has been harvested

Data related to sterile neutrinos.

And no one knows how many parameters of this particle are hidden in the cosmic staff.

Therefore, whether it is physicists, CERN, or even governments, they are eager to explore the remaining parameters of the "sterile neutrino".

After all, in Professor Xu’s theory and prediction, sterile neutrinos are the bridge connecting regular matter and dark matter. They have some properties of regular matter and some properties of dark matter.

If traces of dark matter can be found in sterile neutrinos, it will definitely be a big gain.

For this reason, Professor David Gross, the chairman of CERN, flew to China specifically to invite Xu Chuan to join in the exploration work.

Also coming along were two CERN directors, Edward Witten and Francois Engler.

"Mr. Gross, Professor Engler, mentor. Welcome."

In the office, Xu Chuan smiled and stepped forward to greet several people. He shook hands warmly and said hello, then turned to Gu Bing, who was studying behind him, and shouted: "Gu Bing, please help boil a kettle of hot water."

"Xu, are you studying anything important recently? You don't even have time to go to the press conference."

Professor Francois Engler, who looked very much like Santa Claus and smiled more like Santa Claus, shook hands with Xu Chuan and asked curiously.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's a pity that I couldn't attend the sterile neutrino press conference, but I really can't leave recently, as for research."

After a pause, he smiled and continued: "I have indeed been researching some other things recently, but it involves confidentiality, so it is not convenient to disclose it."

Francois Engler made an exaggerated expression, clapped his hands in annoyance, and said: "You are so bad. I hate such appetizing things."

On the other side, after hearing Xu Chuan's words, Edward Witten's eyes moved.

The last time he and Deligne asked the student what he was researching, he also kept his answer confidential. As a result, the following two items, "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion into Electric Energy Mechanism" and "Artificial SEI Thin Film", almost changed the entire field.

The fruits of the world will come out.

I don’t know what this student is studying this time, but it can be speculated that it must be quite important.

Of course, he didn't ask, because he knew he wouldn't be able to ask.

In the office, after a group of people exchanged pleasantries, David Gross got to the point.

"Xu, the main purpose of our coming here today is to invite you to join the follow-up exploration of sterile neutrinos."

"The sterile neutrino is an unknown particle discovered and confirmed by your observations. You know its properties better than we do, and we also know better that part of it is hidden in the unknown of the universe."

"So, on behalf of CERN, I would like to invite you to join the subsequent research and exploration work on sterile neutrinos. Let us work together to completely find this particle from the fog!"

The director of CERN looked at Xu Chuan with burning eyes and invited him in an enthusiastic tone.

For CERN, Xu Chuan is definitely his right-hand man. The method he invented to mathematically calculate parameter information of physical particles is so important for the research of high-energy physics.

Although CERN has exchanged relevant paper methods, unfortunately, not everyone in physics has a deep understanding of mathematics.

Although mathematics is the only way for physics, and cutting-edge physics is inseparable from mathematics, there are still differences between the two different subjects.

Not everyone is Edward Witten, or the person in front of me, who is proficient in mathematics and physics at the same time.

What's more, the method of using mathematics to calculate physical particle parameter information itself has a very high learning threshold. Although there are many physicists at CERN, there are not many who have completely mastered this method.

Therefore, they placed their hope on the founder in front of them, hoping that he could join in the exploration and analysis work to analyze and calculate the data information of sterile neutrinos and even dark matter.

After listening to David Gross's request, Xu Chuan shook his head regretfully and said: "Although the continued observation of sterile neutrinos is a very important matter, I'm sorry, Mr. Gross, I have recently

I’m afraid I don’t have much time to participate.”

Xu Chuan declined the requests of David Gross and CERN because he knew that with the current collision energy level of the LHC, nothing else could be observed.

Mathematical calculations are not omnipotent. Even if they can be perfectly combined with physics to find things that have never been discovered before, they are still based on some basic data.

Just like using the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to expand its application to analyze distant celestial objects, it is based on the basic data of conventional observations, such as gravity, luminosity, size, etc.

Through these basic boundary value data, mathematical methods are then used for optimization and calculation, so as to obtain more stable and accurate information.

Now, with the LHC's collision energy level and the performance of its detection equipment, it is simply impossible to observe dark matter.

Since no information can be observed, the basic boundary value data cannot be obtained. No matter how good the mathematics is, it cannot be made up out of thin air.

So investing time and energy into this is totally not worth it.

Upon hearing Xu Chuan's refusal, David Gross didn't want to give up so easily. He continued to persuade:

"Xu, you don't need to go to CERN. You can also complete the work here. Just like before, CERN can deliver the original data to you as soon as possible. You can complete the data analysis in China."

"Even CERN can arrange for a group of physicists to come to China to help you complete the data analysis work."

Xu Chuan still shook his head and said: "It's not a matter of office location or manpower, it's just that I really can't spare the time to observe sterile neutrinos."

After a pause, he continued: "And, to be honest, from my intuition, we currently cannot observe the other part of the information of sterile neutrinos, let alone dark matter."

"In comparison, I would rather suggest a planned upgrade of the LHC to improve the performance of the Large Strong Particle Collider and the level of detectors, which may be more useful."

David Gross finally left with disappointment.

No matter what he said, Xu Chuan was unwilling to join in the remaining detection of sterile neutrinos.

After losing a top scholar in mathematics and physics, his confidence in CERN's arrangements suddenly hit rock bottom.

Is it possible that the remaining information data of sterile neutrinos really cannot be found?

Perhaps, CERN really needs to consider upgrading its collider.

On the other side, Edward Witten and Francois Engler did not leave with them.

The two of them came together, not only because of Gross's invitation, but also because they wanted to exchange ideas about theoretical physics with Xu Chuan.

After all, one is the creator of string theory and M theory, and the other is the founder of Higgs theory.

These two people's understanding of theoretical physics and the universe is one of the best in today's physics world, and there are only a handful of people who can compare with them.

"Xu, I'm curious how you confirmed the existence of sterile neutrinos? Are the mathematical analysis tools you left at CERN really that amazing?"

In the office, Francois Engler took a sip of coffee and cast a curious look at Xu Chuan.

On the side, Edward Witten also showed interest.

You must know that if the high-energy physics community wants to confirm the existence of a new particle or new phenomenon, it often takes a huge amount of time from making detailed predictions to final verification.

For example, the Higgs particle took decades to create.

Although the sterile neutrino was proposed by the theoretical physicist Bruno Pontikov many years ago, it was his student who actually made predictions and perfected the data.

In the first half of this year, after analyzing the first raw data, the data related to sterile neutrinos was completed.

All things considered, the discovery of sterile neutrinos only took about half a year.

It took half a year to complete the prediction, discovery and confirmation of a new type of particle. This speed simply broke the historical record in the high-energy physics world.

Even 12 years ago, when CERN launched an all-out exploration and tracking program after the first discovery of the Higgs particle, it still took a year to fully confirm the existence of the Higgs boson.

Don’t forget, the original exploration of the Higgs boson can be said to have mobilized more than half of CERN’s theoretical physicists, while the discovery of the sterile neutrino was almost entirely carried out by Xu Chuan alone.

, at most, Nanda and Jiaotong University have done some auxiliary work.

With such exaggerated efficiency and accuracy, it is difficult not to believe that he, a student, does not have any method that can accurately lock particle information.

Especially since he had previously left a copy of mathematical physics methods to CERN, this is even more believable.

Hearing Professor Engler's inquiry, Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "Mathematics does help physics to a certain extent, but it is impossible to rely entirely on mathematics to find sterile neutrinos in high-energy physics."

"Discoveries in high-energy physics actually tend to rely more on details and observations."

"Just like the sterile neutrino, it would be impossible to find it if you hadn't noticed the tiny anomalous concave curve in the collision data."

Hearing this, Engler nodded. In high-energy physics, meticulous observation and discovery are indeed the most indispensable.

On the side, Witten thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Xu Chuan and said: "I think the reason why you declined the invitation from Gross and CERN is not that you don't have time, right? It's that you may feel that you can't observe more with the current equipment.


After a pause, he added: "In other words, you can no longer calculate more relevant information and data through your mathematical methods?"

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "This is indeed one reason."

Facing these two old men, he did not lie. The data on sterile neutrinos has reached the observation limit.

Without upgrading the collider and detection equipment, he has mapped out all the information he can observe.

Witten then asked curiously: "If you want to completely observe sterile neutrinos or dark matter, what kind of detection equipment do you think is needed? In other words, cosmic phenomena?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "It may not be easy to predict what kind of detection equipment is needed."

"But using cosmic phenomena to observe sterile neutrinos or dark matter, I mentioned it in the paper I uploaded to Arxiv before."

"There are a small number of Type Ia supernovae in the universe. You should know very well that they are a binary star system consisting of a giant star and a white dwarf star."

"This extremely massive white dwarf absorbs the material of the giant star (mainly hydrogen). When it reaches 1.44 solar masses, it will ignite nuclear fusion again and cause carbon detonation."

"Because the nuclear fusion reaction during this period proceeds extremely quickly, when carbon is fused, its mass will be locked at 1.4 solar masses."

"And in this process, theoretically speaking, a 'group singlet field' and its 'charge conjugate field' will be formed that do not destroy the gauge symmetry but destroy the lepton number conservation. By observing it, we may be able to

See how primordial neutrinos evolve into neutrinos and sterile neutrinos.”

"If you are lucky enough, you can even see the energy blank area created by sterile neutrinos forming dark matter or breaking away from dark matter."

Witten's eyes moved and he said: "I read that paper. From a theoretical perspective, it is indeed a good point of view."

"However, when Type Ia supernova fusion occurs, the current observation methods are still lacking, and we cannot accurately obtain the material loss mechanism and main observational characteristics of the Type Ia supernova precursor star."


Edward Witten's eyes stayed on Xu Chuan for a moment, and then said: "Maybe you can do it."


Xu Chuan looked at his mentor in two lifetimes curiously, a little confused as to what he wanted to say.

Witten smiled and said: "I never thought about this before, but the paper you posted on arxiv provided me with inspiration."

"You should know that the simple merging star model is currently the most popular type Ia supernova progenitor star model, and the problem with this model is that when the mass transfer rate between the binary stars exceeds a certain critical value, the accretion envelope of the white dwarf star will expand

, and ultimately form a shared envelope around the binary system, causing interference and material loss."

"But for you, maybe you can do a data analysis, simulation and prediction of the mutagenesis of Type Ia supernovae through mathematical methods such as NS equations, fluid dynamics simulations and the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.


"This may allow us to calculate or observe what you call the appearance of dark matter and sterile neutrinos."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment. Then, his brain began to mobilize relevant knowledge and information and began to think quickly.

PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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