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Chapter 315 Layout of superconducting materials and carbon nanomaterials

Xu Chuan did not expect that the expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem would win two Nobel Prizes so quickly.

This was indeed a joyful thing, but he did not pay too much attention to it.

After all, for him, things in the field of astronomy cannot bring him much change at the moment.

Even if the expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem can help mankind find a second life planet in the vast universe, that will be a thing of the future.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult for human beings to even leave the earth. How about interstellar immigration?

However, things that he doesn't care much about are completely different in the hands of other scholars.

When Vogt Armstrong, a New Zealand astrophysics professor, heard that he had won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics, everyone was stunned. Even when reporters came to visit him, he was still in a trance.

Chasing hot topics is what every news media must do, and the announcement of the list of Nobel Prize winners every year is undoubtedly one of the biggest hot spots in the scientific world.

So after this year’s physics prize was announced, New Zealand’s largest media ‘NZME Quest’ quickly found the winner, Professor Vogt Armstrong.

"Professor Vogt, how do you feel about winning the Nobel Prize in Physics this time?"

Vogt Armstrong replied honestly: "I'm actually very confused, because I really didn't expect that one day I would win the Nobel Prize."

The NZME reporter quickly asked: "I heard that your previous discovery was based on a mathematical theory. Is that true?"

Vogt Armstrong nodded and thanked: "Yes, so I have to especially thank Professor Xu. If it weren't for his Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, I might still be just an ordinary professor today, and I would never be able to touch it.

Nobel Prize.”

The reporter then asked: "I heard that this mathematical tool can calculate four-dimensional space. Do you think it is really possible?"

Vogt Armstrong thought for a while and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer you accurately."

"Although I did complete the calculation of the 'TRAPPIST-1' star system with the help of Professor Xu's tools, in fact, what I used and understood was just the tip of the iceberg of this mathematical tool."

Reporter from NZME: "Incredible, is it really such an exaggeration? You can be said to be the physicist who knows this tool best."

Vogt quickly shook his head and said: "To correct you, the physicist who knows this tool best is not me, but Professor Xu."

"If you want to know more about this tool, you should interview Professor Xu, he can give you the answer."

After a pause, Professor Vogt continued: "But if I want to give an answer to your previous question, I think it can be done!"

"Of course, this will definitely require Professor Xu's personal action. It is almost impossible for others!"

The interview with the NZME Secret Media spread quickly, and a Nobel Prize winner personally endorsed it. The expanded application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem may be able to calculate channels in high-dimensional spaces. This indeed caused a stir in the academic world and on the Internet.

A small sensation.

But Xu Chuan knew nothing about it, and no one came to find him or interview him.

He is currently on his way to the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

The research institute is managed by his senior brother Fan Pengyue. After the patent license for the artificial SEI film was sold, billions of working capital were obtained, so the research institute began to recruit and expand. I don’t know what the specific situation is now.


Taking advantage of the fact that I have plenty of time now, it's time to go to the research institute to have a look and arrange some tasks.

After all, so much money has been spent to expand the venue, purchase equipment, and recruit researchers. It is impossible for it to just sit idle.

Moreover, in his plan, the research and development tasks of the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute will be linked to the controllable nuclear fusion project.

The most important thing is the research on superconducting materials.

The controllable nuclear fusion project has begun, and superconducting materials must be developed before the core reactor is modified, otherwise his arrangements and plans will be hindered.

The new office address of the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute is still near Purple Mountain, but it has moved out of the original building, found a suitable building nearby, and rented a full three floors as a new base.

Now three or four months have passed, and everything, including personnel and equipment, has been transferred.

When Xu Chuan arrived at the new base of the institute, Brother Fan was interviewing a scientific researcher. When he saw him coming, he quickly asked a few questions and then ended his work. The researcher who came for the interview had a look on his face.

of confusion.

"Is it done so quickly?" Xu Chuan glanced at the interviewer curiously. The interviewer seemed to recognize him, but didn't, so he looked back frequently, wanting to confirm, but he didn't dare to stay in the office.

In the end, he walked back three times.

Fan Pengyue said with a smile: "Isn't the big boss coming to inspect? He must be given priority."

After a pause, he explained: "The researcher has just gone through three rounds of interviews, and the information and resume are very good. Today I just want to talk about my views on the job and salary requirements. I estimate that I should be able to come to work next week.


Xu Chuan didn't pay too much attention and said: "Well, you can control this aspect. Personnel and other things are more important than quality, especially the background. It must be clean and be careful not to get mixed in."

After all, with the emergence of artificial SEI films, Chuanhai Materials Research Institute has officially entered the eyes of major manufacturers in the materials industry.

Business room · ultimatum is very common in shopping malls.

Those domineering CEOs who wave their hands and solve problems or whatever, basically only exist in China.

Real business competition is often the most unpretentious, such as an old employee suddenly deleting his or her inventory and running away, a chairman climbing over a wall to take secret photos, a former chairman leading several big men to snatch the official seal, or a company manager taking the lead in destroying a competitor's bicycle seat.

Therefore, when it comes to personnel recruitment, it is better to be slower than to recruit innocent people.

Of course, in the subsequent research and development, various confidentiality agreements and other precautions will definitely be required, so as to ensure that the research and development results will not be leaked to the greatest extent.

After making two cups of tea, Fan Pengyue smiled and said: "Why do you have time to come here today? Do you need to study any new materials?"

The relationship between the two of them is somewhat different from that of an ordinary boss working as a worker. When the two of them are together, there is no sense of seriousness like that of a traditional boss and a subordinate.

Xu Chuan picked up the tea cup and took a sip, nodded and said with a smile: "Since you have chosen to expand the research institute, you must study materials."

"What are you going to do this time?" Fan Pengyue asked curiously.

He still knew a little bit about this junior fellow student, so he could say that if he didn't take action, it would be an earth-shattering goal.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Superconducting materials and carbon materials."

"They are all hot areas in the market." Fan Pengyue said with a smile: "Do you have any specific directions? After all, the directions in these two areas are too broad, and it is impossible to try them one by one."

"Although the patent for the artificial SEI film has made a lot of money, it is not so wasteful, right?"

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Of course."

"The research scope of superconducting materials targets copper-carbon-silver composite materials. As for carbon materials, we mainly study graphene and carbon nanotubes."

Hearing this, Fan Pengyue touched his chin and said: "As for superconducting materials, you must be aiming for high-temperature superconductivity or even room-temperature superconductivity. Are you more optimistic about copper-carbon-silver conforming materials?"

After studying materials physics with Chen Zhengping for several years, and in addition to being in charge of the Chuanhai Institute of Materials for the past two years, he has a deep understanding of various materials on the market.

Superconducting materials are undoubtedly one of the key directions of investment research in all countries at present.

Superconducting materials, often referred to as "superconductors," actually do not just mean that the material has "complete conductivity."

The so-called zero resistance is just one of the three most well-known properties of superconducting materials.

As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, people continued to liquefy various gases under the guidance of gas theory.

Among them, Onnis, a physicist from Windmill Country, successfully liquefied helium, the last "stubborn gas" on earth, in 1908, and achieved a low temperature of 4.2K close to absolute zero, about minus 269°C.

In 1911, when Onnis and others used liquid helium to cool metallic mercury to study the resistance behavior of the metal at low temperatures, they found that the resistance of mercury did not gradually decrease as the temperature decreased as expected, but when the temperature dropped to 4.2K

Around minus 268.98°C, which is equivalent to a sharp drop or even complete disappearance at minus 268.98°C.

This was the first step for superconductors to land on the world stage, and the first characteristic of superconducting materials was discovered, zero resistance.

Subsequently, in 1933, German physicists Meissner and Olinfield jointly discovered another important feature of superconductors—complete diamagnetism.

The so-called complete diamagnetism means that when the material is in a superconducting state, it will completely repel the magnetic field, and the magnetic induction intensity in the superconducting body is zero. This phenomenon is called the "Meissner effect".

This is the second major characteristic of superconducting materials.

The time was postponed for another twenty years. In 1957, three physicists, Bardeen, Cooper and Schriever, jointly proposed the famous BCS theory.

BCS theory regards superconductivity as a macroscopic quantum effect and successfully explains the microscopic mechanism of superconductivity of metal or alloy superconductors, which is called ‘macroscopic quantum effect’.

At this point, the three major characteristics of superconducting materials have been revealed to the world.

It is a new material with three basic properties: complete conductivity, complete diamagnetism and macroscopic quantum effects.

Based on these three characteristics of superconducting materials, the application fields of superconducting materials are extremely wide.

For example, by utilizing the zero resistance properties and complete diamagnetism of superconducting materials, large currents can be loaded and disruptive technologies such as large current transportation, strong magnetic fields, and magnetic levitation can be realized;

Or based on the quantum tunneling effect, superconductivity can be used in quantum computing and weak magnetic field detection, etc.

Therefore, superconducting materials are widely used in various fields such as power transmission, medical equipment, electronic communications, national defense, military affairs, and scientific research.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a material that has subverted the world structure.

Based on his understanding of this junior fellow student, if he wanted to study superconducting materials, he would basically go for room-temperature superconductivity.

His little junior brother's ambition is really quite big.

It would be terrible if it really succeeded.

He will completely rewrite the history of human civilization and bring it into a new era.

PS: Please vote for me, dear friends.

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