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Chapter 329: Are all todays journals so good at it?

Xu Chuan left, leaving behind a lively venue.

In the auditorium, almost everyone started a discussion.

"Awesome, you deserve to be Professor Xu!"

"How brave! Isn't this an angry attack on the Washington Times in front of the whole world? His face was crushed."

"That trash media has no face! I'm even more curious, is this media so stupid? I was stepped on by Professor Tao before and walked away in despair, and even ran over to let Professor Xu step on me a second time.


"The Washington Times doesn't do anything outrageous."

"I think it's a bit too showy. In front of thousands of people, I don't save any face."

"Save face? A mad dog bites you, but you ignore it, and then catches up and bites you a second time. Why don't you kill it all at once and let it bite you a third time and a fourth time?"

"I don't know why the Washington Times messed with him. How can you touch a 24-year-old Nobel Prize winner?"

Sitting next to Deligne in the front row, Terence Tao looked at the figure leaving the podium and sighed: "As expected of Professor Xu, he is better than me!"

To be honest, he already felt that he was out of line when he complained about the Washington Times online.

On the one hand, he is a scholar after all, and he is completely different from the shameless and unscrupulous media. It would be a shame to end up angrily criticizing them.

On the other hand, there is a difference between confronting someone on the Internet and confronting someone in person.

Think about it, if he were on the podium today, he probably wouldn't be able to do such a thing. After all, he still has to take care of his face.

Unexpectedly, this person did it directly. Not only did he angrily criticize the "Washington Times", he also directly and unilaterally resolved the authorization of the artificial SEI film patent.

He knew about the artificial SEI film. He had made billions of dollars just from patent licensing. He could unilaterally cancel the secondary authorization, but the liquidated damages and the impact and losses would at least be too much for him.

Ten million meters gold level.

Of course, for the country South Korea, the impact is even greater.

Because at present, the latest lithium battery with this new artificial SEI film has almost three times the battery capacity than the original lithium battery.

On the side, Deligne also shook his head.

But he didn't care too much. For scholars like them, the Washington Times was nothing.

Just as the crowd was talking, I don’t know what they are thinking, but it happens to people like them.

It's good this time. I was slapped in the face in front of the whole world without saying anything. I probably have to apologize publicly again afterwards.

The "Washington Times" estimates that he definitely doesn't want to apologize, but someone in South Korea will make him apologize.

Thinking about it, Deligne glanced at his pocket. The mobile phone inside was a new one he bought. The battery capacity was enough for him to last nearly ten days without charging.

In contrast, I am afraid that no one wants to go back to the old era of once a day or even twice a day.

His student is now more than a pure theoretical scholar.

Not to mention the future, the current artificial SEI film alone is enough for him to have enough money for ten lifetimes. A patent of this level is enough to control some people who don't know what it is.

On the other side, backstage in the auditorium, the leaders of the NTU Administrative Affairs Office, who were anxiously thinking about how to deal with this matter, were also stimulated by Xu Chuan's passionate words.

"Damn, that's awesome!"

"Well done!!! The Washington Post is rubbish!"

""Washington post":?????"

"By the way, if Professor Xu said this publicly in front of the whole world, will he be sued by the other party?"

"Suing? It would be a good thing if Professor Xu doesn't sue the other party for spreading rumors and smearing him!"

"I'm even more worried that if he unilaterally breaks the contract and cancels the South Korean country's artificial SEI film authorization, he will lose a lot of money, right?"

"I estimate it to be at least tens of millions."

"Hi~, this is such a pity."

“But it really feels so relieved!”

Xu Chuan left directly from the backstage. Inside and outside the auditorium, none of the reporters who planned to interview him after the report meeting were interviewed.

But for today, it doesn’t matter that we didn’t interview the reporter.

The hot topics that the Washington Times gathered for them were more exaggerated than those interviewed by the reporter.

What do the general public like to watch most?

There is no doubt that it is a joke!

For other media reporters at the scene, they have already thought of the title of the article!

"The world's leading top scholars got angry with others at the report meeting! I don't know why?"

"The grudges between 'Professor Xu', the prover of two major millennium problems, and the Washington Times"

"Shocked! A well-known mathematics professor angrily complained at a lecture meeting with thousands of people that the questioner has no brain!"


In fact, if Professor Xu's performance today had not shocked them and worried about being sued, they could have fabricated some more exaggerated and eye-catching headlines in their minds.

It's hot, it's not shabby.

But if Professor Xu is upset, it would be troublesome to sue them directly.

The Washington Times has tested the waters for them, so there is no need to follow them.

At the end of the report meeting, Xu Chuan left the backstage, preparing to return to his office to rest before attending the evening party.

Judging from the response on the forum, the mathematical community has basically recognized his paper.

As for journal login, you still need to wait for a while.

Even if a report meeting is held, the proof paper on the NS equation still needs to go through peer review.

Of course, for Xu Chuan, he does not need to worry about this matter.

The paper on the proof of the existence and smoothness of the solution to the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation has long been no longer the work of himself or a single journal.

This is a grand event for the entire mathematical community and is also the responsibility of the International Mathematical Union.

As soon as he returned to the office, Xu Chuan was surprised to find a figure standing at the door of his office.

Professor Robert Murray Dean, editor-in-chief of "New Advances in Mathematics".

Seeing Xu Chuan, Robert came over with enthusiasm: "Professor Xu, congratulations, you have solved another millennium century problem!"

"Thank you. Let's have a cup of tea first." Xu Chuan smiled and shook Robert's hand, took out the key and opened the office door.

Robert followed behind and flattered him, saying: "Today's report meeting was really the most exciting one I have ever seen. Your report conquered all of us!"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Although it sounds kind of nice, forget about the polite words. I know the purpose of your coming today. Since I promised you last time, I will leave the paper to you this time. I hope you will

Treat it well."

Hearing this, Robert was stunned for a moment, and then his face was filled with surprise.

"Thank you, thank you very much, Xu! As long as it passes the peer review, we will arrange for it to be listed in the journal as quickly as possible!"

"I promise!"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I believe you will."

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

At the same time, a voice of praise came: "Xu, congratulations on solving another seven millennium problems!"

Xu Chuan and Robert turned to look at the same time. The person who walked in was Camilo de Leilis, the editor-in-chief of "Annals of Mathematics".

After knocking on the door, Editor Camilo walked in and discovered that there was another person in the office.

After recognizing this figure, Camilo's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition, so he blurted out: "Why are you here!?"

Robert said with a proud smile: "You're late!"

Camilo didn't believe it: "Impossible!"

Immediately, he turned to look at Xu Chuan and said: "Xu, you know the purpose of my coming. The staged proof results of the NS equation have been published in our "Annals of Mathematics". There is no reason to separate them in the last step of proving it."


"Our cooperation has always been pleasant, and I trust your decision."

Xu Chuan shrugged and said: "I'm really sorry, Professor Camilo. Last time, I promised editor Robert to hand over the next paper to him."

"So, I can only apologize."

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would be able to figure out the last step of the NS equation so quickly.

When Robert approached him to make an appointment for his next paper, he thought he might do some other mathematical research, so he agreed without delay.

But now the situation has changed a bit. Who would have thought that he could solve the remaining difficulties in just half a year?

So it can only be said that time is destiny, and Robert's invitation at that time actually brought a top-notch important paper to "New Advances in Mathematics".

Hearing this, Camilo's expression changed instantly.

He was full of confidence when he came. Who could have imagined that the result would be like this?

But he still didn't want to give up and wanted to try again.

After thinking about it, he looked at Xu Chuan with a pitiful expression and said, "Xu, do you really want to see them separated?"

"Although Editor-in-Chief Robert has reserved a manuscript from you, you can completely hand over the next paper to him."

"Believe me, it is most appropriate to put the staged results of the NS equation and the final result of the NS equation together!"

Upon hearing this, Robert's face became anxious.

He quickly said: "Dear Xu, we have agreed before, and you have just agreed to us. Believe me, cooperation with "New Advances in Mathematics" will definitely be smoother!"

He was indeed worried that Xu Chuan would be persuaded to be tempted. After all, academic scholars often have eccentricities.

Such as the pursuit of perfection, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on.

Putting the final results paper on NS equations and the phased results papers on NS equations in the same journal may be exciting for many people.

Especially when both are the work of the same person, it is not surprising that they would be published in the same journal.

Seeing the pitiful look on a grown man's face, Xu Chuan felt a little awkward. He coughed dryly and said, "Don't be like this, Professor Camilo. Although this is indeed very exciting, I have already promised Professor Robert."

Hearing this, Camilo breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "In that case, okay."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan expectantly and said, "Xu, I also want to make an appointment for your next paper!"

Xu Chuan: "."

Are all journals doing this now?

PS: There is another one tonight, please give me a monthly pass

This chapter has been completed!
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