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Chapter 334 Fantasy Xu Xiao

The academician co-optation meeting was just completed in the morning, and in the afternoon, relevant news flooded the screen.

[Renren Daily: "Chinese Academy of Sciences issues certificates to newly elected academicians"]

[Jinling Daily: "Warm congratulations to the elected academicians of the two academies"]

[Youth New Journal: "The results of the 2019 co-election of academicians of the two academies are announced, setting a record for the youngest age in history"]


In the afternoon of that day, major media quickly posted relevant news online.

Soon, the news of the academician’s election attracted the attention of other media.

Compared with the reserve of these traditional media, the titles used by Internet media and marketing accounts are more exaggerated than the last.

"Shocked! This year, the academicians of the two academies were awarded to the same person!"

"The youngest academician in history! The genius who broke historical records!"

"The 24-year-old academician of the two academies, my country's top genius scholar, is known as a national treasure!"

"Xu Chuan: His road to fame at the age of 24, all his learning secrets are here, take a look!"

"After the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize, at the age of 24, he once again became a god! He was awarded the title of academician."


Compared with the restraint of traditional media, the headlines chosen by media and marketing accounts on the Internet are dazzling.

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the relevant news went directly to the top of the hot search list. This has never happened in previous academician co-optation activities.

[Fuck, Sichuan God is awesome!]

[Hiss~, even though I know that Sichuan God will definitely get the title of academician, it is too scary to give him the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering in the same year! 】

[It breaks the historical record. It seems that there has never been such a thing in the history of our country that two academician titles were issued in the same year.]

[A twenty-four-year-old academician of the two academies, isn’t this a bit exaggerated?]

[If you can win the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal, and solve the two millennium problems, you can too.]

[I don’t doubt whether he can get the title of academician, or even whether he can get the title of academician of the two academies, but it is too extraordinary to award it in the same year. You have to know that he is only 24 years old and has only been back to China for two years. His qualifications

So shallow, what do you want others to think?】

[Oh, it’s another one based on seniority, isn’t it? Academic qualifications have been given a bad reputation by you guys. Obviously academic qualifications refer to scientific research results, but in your words, it becomes a matter of age. Disgusting!]

[I also think it’s a bit outrageous. Can’t we give him one first this year and then another in a few years? This has never happened in history for academicians of both academies in the same year.]

[I think you are even more outrageous. Do you think God of Sichuan needs the title of academician? No, he does not need it at all! It is the country that needs it. With his academic achievements, wouldn’t he be a national treasure in any country? 】

With reports from various news media, there has been constant discussion on the Internet.

Many netizens are divided into two, no, three factions.

One group believes that Xu Chuan deserves to be elected as an academician of the two academies. For this achievement, giving him the title of academician is an honor for academicians. Not giving him the title of academician is a joke.

The other group felt that awarding him the title of academician of both academies in the same year was a bit exaggerated. What’s more, he was still so young and could have given him a second academician title in a few years.

After all, the titles of academicians of the two academies are given directly to the two academies now. If greater achievements are made in the future, there will be no awards to be awarded and no promotions.

There is also a group of people who are eating melon and watching a show.

The hot traffic quickly attracted the attention of many new media and marketing accounts.

In the Internet celebrity city of Suzhou and Hangzhou, a blogger who is responsible for marketing a series of accounts is browsing the latest hot spots.

Undoubtedly, the news about the co-optation of academicians that hit the hot search list came into his eyes.

I randomly selected some news, opened it, and looked at it. Among the numerous media reports, almost all of them were legitimate or complimentary.

Staring at these news, the blogger pinched his turbinate and a glint flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he quickly searched for news materials and then opened the word document.

Full of inspiration, he finished writing the manuscript in less than an hour.

After checking it, he nodded with satisfaction and quickly posted the manuscript to his marketing account.

"Is the selection of academicians fair? Is it inappropriate to award the title of academician to a twenty-four-year-old young man?"

A questionable article quickly aroused discussion in his marketing account.

This blogger is satisfied with the pace he has set up.

His account alone has more than one million fans.

And most of them are die-hard fans after his hard work. These fans have strong fighting power and vitality. As long as it can resonate with them, it will definitely cause a lot of popularity on the Internet!

This time, he will definitely gain a lot.

On the other side, Beijing.

After the academician selection meeting was held, Xu Chuan also participated in a state-sponsored conference for new academicians.

In fact, there is nothing important in this meeting. It is mainly aimed at the academicians' setting an example of "having the motherland in mind, serving the people, pursuing the truth, climbing to the top, adhering to academic ethics, rigorous scholarship, willing to serve as a ladder for others, and rewarding future generations."

Give a speech in the spirit of learning to set an example.

For those who can sit in this position today, these things, even if there may be some other friction between them, are absolutely patriotic for the country.

So today's meeting is just a formality.

The real academician conference will have to wait until next year.

Because according to domestic selection regulations, additional academicians are elected in every odd-numbered year of the calendar year, and academician conferences are held in even-numbered years to discuss matters related to scientific and technological development.

After handling the matters concerning the co-optation of academicians, Xu Chuan called Zheng Hai and drove to Shuimu University.

Now that I'm in the capital, I have to go see that girl Xu Xiao no matter what, right? I haven't seen her for almost half a year, and I still miss her a little.

This girl will be a sophomore this year without realizing it. I don’t know how her studies are going.

As for life, Xu Chuan is actually not worried.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It is impossible to be short of money, and with the name of my sister, I guess no one in the school dares to trouble her.

But it was this kind of carefree life that made Xu Chuan a little worried that her academic path would go astray or be abandoned.

On the other side, at Shuimu University, Xu Xiao was wearing a white coat in the laboratory and staring at the bottles in front of him in a daze.

On the side, the senior brothers and sisters who were doing experiments with her were discussing and communicating.

"Xiaoxiao, please come over and help me take a look at the separation differential. I have to go to the instructor first."

In the laboratory, a senior sister shouted to Xu Xiao, who was staring at the experimental materials in a daze.

Xu Xiao, who was distracted, was suddenly awakened.

"Here we come! Senior Sister Zhou."

With a crisp response, Xu Xiao walked over quickly.

Senior Sister Zhou smiled and rubbed this little girl who had not grown in two years. Although she had a very famous brother, her own hard work and talent were seen by everyone.

The silver medal in the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) and the gold medal in the International Middle School Biology Olympiad (IBO) are two major honors that are enough to prove this little girl's talent.

In less than two years after entering the university, I had almost completed my undergraduate courses and was able to participate in my tutor's biological experiments.

With her lively and cute personality, coupled with her talent and hard work, this girl has become the lab's pet.

In front of the differential meter, Xu Xiao stared at the data on the instrument. After confirming that there was no problem, he fell into distraction again without realizing it.

On the side, a senior brother saw her in this state and asked curiously: "What are you thinking about? Are you so distracted?"

Xu Xiao suddenly raised his head and saw his senior brother with a curious look on his face. He quickly shook his head and said, "I didn't think about anything."

Mainly because what she just thought about was too science fiction and she was embarrassed to say it.

The senior brother smiled and said: "It's okay anyway, just tell me what's convenient."

Xu Xiao thought for a while and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Didn't I just finish a class on DNA genetic information two days ago? Researchers from Oxford University have studied that only 8.2% of human DNA in the human body is "functional"


"Other genes in the human genome are remnants of evolutionary material, parts of the genome where insertions and deletions have occurred, and are often referred to as 'junk' DNA."

"I was wondering if we could experiment by inserting other useful DNA into these junk genes, such as the wings of birds and the gills of fish, so that people can grow wings to fly into the sky and swim in the sea."

Hearing this, the senior brother opposite was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Xiao with a strange expression and asked: "Have you watched any science fiction movies recently?"

Xu Xiao was stunned for a moment and asked: "Senior brother, how do you know?"

The senior brother spread his hands and said: "Don't think blindly. It is so easy to change the DNA of the human body. If you are not careful, the DNA will collapse. Someone has done similar experiments on animals before, and the result was that the white mouse had seven orifices.

He bleeds and dies miserably."

Hearing this, Xu Xiao trembled.

The senior brother shook his head and ignored her.

This illusion is common to everyone who comes into contact with biology, but as knowledge increases, it will soon be dispelled.

This is not what biology studies.

Of course, it is not ruled out that top-level experts may be interested in this type of experiment, but for now, I have never heard of anyone making progress in DNA research.

As for the DNA collapse and so on, he just wanted to scare this little junior sister.

DNA will indeed collapse under certain circumstances, such as being hit by high-intensity ionizing radiation, but modifying and editing DNA will generally not cause such consequences.

Just applying gene editing technology to humans will involve changes in gene sequences, which may not only damage other genes, but also give rise to ethical and safety controversies; it may even affect the future development of mankind.

At present, many countries, including the United States, Europe, and China, have legislation prohibiting and regulating it.

The main reason is that I am worried that this junior sister will develop into a "crazy" biologist who studies this field in the future, and she will cheat her father.

However, the probability of this is still very small. There is a great man in front of her suppressing her.

This chapter has been completed!
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