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Chapter 35 Shadows in the Light

Chapter 35 Shadows under the Light

Seeing the square little card, Zhang Weiping smiled bitterly. There was nothing he could do.

In this information war, there is no doubt that they are at a disadvantage.

Today, when the encrypted communications are deciphered, is spam, it's just the most ordinary day in the past few months.

Although sometimes some useful information can be deciphered, it is actually too late compared to the opponent's speed of action.

Just like today, there were more than sixty encrypted messages intercepted today, and it took them more than six hours to decipher all these messages.

Over six hours, the other party must have done everything they wanted to do.

Zhang Weiping knew that the other party must have a mathematical program in their hands that could encrypt and decrypt the information through instruments and equipment, but they did not. Currently, they could only decipher it manually.

Fortunately at first, some of the information intercepted and deciphered were quite timely, which helped catch some mice.

But within a few days, the other party realized that they had intercepted encrypted communications, and then they started to get disgusted.

All kinds of useless information began to be transmitted in large quantities, but occasionally one or two pieces of useful information were mixed in with this information.

At least he has never seen such an awesome high school student.

After last year's national mathematics competition final exam, Zhang Weiping checked the information of the students who had taken full marks from him and tricked him into losing two months' salary and bonuses.

After the information is deciphered, things often happen.

But when it came to cultivating talents, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

Some people couldn't help but retorted, but they only said half of the words. Suddenly they realized something and stopped talking.

Sometimes a country that is too big is also a flaw. It is too difficult to change some things and cannot be done by one or two people.

Of course, everyone's destiny is in their own hands. They have different ideas and pursue different directions. We cannot blame them for this.

He discovered that this student named Xu Chuan was a true genius. No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe him as 'pervert'.

"And currently we cannot deploy too many mathematics professors and mathematics talents. After all, everyone has their own tasks and scientific research, so these are the only people we can use."

There is indeed no shortage of mathematical geniuses in the country. This is for sure. After all, with a population of more than one billion, even one out of ten thousand people can produce hundreds of thousands of mathematicians.

This is a cat-and-mouse game, except that they are mice and are being teased mercilessly by each other.

Sometimes, money is not everything, but at least you have to stop these people from worrying about money.

It's a pity that most of the mathematical geniuses who can continue on the road of mathematics have gone abroad, and less than one percent can come back.

As just mentioned, those two top universities alone produce thousands of mathematical geniuses every year.


As the other party's activities expand, the number of encrypted communications increases, and it takes more and more time for them to decipher.

Moreover, the brain drain in top universities is serious, and it is not just the air abroad that is fresher.

"We need to train a group of mathematicians in this field. Information security is too important for a country." Someone couldn't help but say.

"We need more samples, more mathematics professors and mathematical geniuses to help us find more mathematical laws and design a mathematical model."

But there are indeed not many top mathematicians and mathematical geniuses left in China today.

In the laboratory, a slightly younger mathematics professor said.

Time and time again, everyone's mentality will be affected.

I participated in the CPHO and IMO competitions at the same time, and won the first place in both competitions. Not only was I first, but I also beat the second place by dozens of points. It was simply outrageous.

As soon as these words came out, the entire laboratory suddenly became quiet.

"Why not? Domestic universities have so many students every year. Even Shuimu and P University have thousands of students every year, but they must be able to retain them."

To be precise, this pervert originally studied physics and only started participating in the math competition this year.

Zhang Weiping shook his head and threw away some of the thoughts in his mind.

The person who asked the question before sighed and stopped talking.

"The student who got perfect marks in the national finals last year."

This year's Physics Competition, if one point had not been deducted for the experiment, would have been full marks just like the Numbers Competition.

Zhang Weiping shook his head and said: "We have tested it before. Not many people can decipher an encrypted message in a short time. Many people's research direction is not in functions and algorithms."

Zhang Weiping thought, wondering whether this method was feasible.

"Perhaps we can change our thinking, break down the encrypted message questions, and put some of them into competitions such as National Mathematical Competition Training, domestic university modeling competitions, and college student mathematics competitions."

Whether it is the educational environment, system, or promotion system in the academic field, or the emphasis on the national team's scientific and technological talents and basic science, there are major flaws.

Some systems really need to be thought-provoking.

He has seen many people get perfect scores in the math competition, but they can also get almost perfect scores in the physical competition at the same time. This is the first time since the inception of these two competitions.

The number contest was just something he came by the way, maybe because he thought it was interesting.

No one dares to bet on whether there is any useful information in today's intercepted messages, so they can only decipher them one by one.

For an ordinary high school student or college student, it is as difficult as the sky to make this kind of regular problem for mathematical encryption, but if it is disassembled and put into this group of people who can reach the finals of the mathematics competition and construct

Among the students participating in the model competition, there is still a slight possibility.

At least it shouldn't be a problem for the pervert who caused him to lose two months' salary and bonus.

On the one hand, it can cultivate mathematical talents in functions and algorithms.

On the other hand, some mathematical rules and data information can also be collected, which can provide some basic information for this mathematical modeling.

(End of chapter)

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