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Chapter 386: Why bother if you want to impose a crime?

After reading the contents of the letter, as well as the experimental arrangements and plans attached at the end, as well as the corresponding fund demand table, Qin Anguo returned the letter to the old man.

The old man took the letter, folded it, put it in his pocket, and asked, "What do you think?"

Qin Anguo thought for a moment and said cautiously: "If the technology of controllable nuclear fusion can really be realized, I think it is necessary for us to vigorously support the development of this technology."

The old man nodded. This view was the same as that of almost all the experts and professors he consulted in the past two days.

Compared with controllable nuclear fission technology, controllable nuclear fusion can bring more things.

Energy, materials, and information are the three pillars of modern society.

But if we want to go deeper, energy is the only core.

Just like oil, you have not seen how many conflicts have occurred around it. Almost all the turmoil in the Middle East is caused by oil.

Moreover, if energy can be solved, materials and information are a little different, and it actually doesn't matter much.

If energy can be solved, big horses and small carts can gradually turn all parts of the motherland into habitable areas, not only the inland but also the South China Sea; even the moon above our head can establish a residential base.

After thinking for a while, the old man continued: "Since Academician Xu is confident, we must do the logistics well."

"The science and technology community must be prepared. Whether it is scientific researchers or technology, they must do auxiliary work."

After hearing these words, Qin Anguo's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly and respectfully replied: "Well, I understand. I will be prepared here."

The old man nodded and continued: "There is one more thing."

"As for TER, I have received news here that TER will hold a targeted meeting in Kadarashe in a week. The United States may unite other member states to target the high-temperature superconducting materials and materials in the hands of Academician Xu.

CNC model of plasma turbulence makes a charge.”

"They feel that we have obtained enough technology from TER, but we have not provided high-temperature superconducting materials and mathematical models to TER in accordance with the public agreement."

Hearing this, Qin Anguo frowned and couldn't help but said: "This is simply nonsense!"

Not to mention that the Qixia controllable nuclear fusion project is not linked to the TER project. The two have nothing to do with each other.

The mere fact that the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material and the plasma turbulence CNC model were developed by Academician Xu and are not within the scope of ter's agreement is enough to refute it.

And if we put it this way, among all the countries in ter that are researching controllable nuclear fusion, which one does not have its own independent project?

Not to mention others, how many have the United States done on its own?

There are several devices for inertial restraint and laser ignition alone.

In addition, there are magnetic constraint routes such as tokamak devices, stellarator devices, pebble beds, and anti-field tight hoops. Almost every possible route has been taken by the United States.

There are so many routes, but I have never seen the United States provide much technology to ter.

Not only does it not have the technology, but the United States has also failed to provide scientific research funds to ter as agreed upon.

Over the years, the United States has not paid the fees that should have been paid in time.

I really don’t know what kind of face it has to lead this rhythm.

But then again, they didn't do this kind of thing just once or twice.

If you want to impose a crime, why bother?

On the opposite side, looking at the somewhat angry Qin Anguo, the old man smiled and said: "Academician Xu previously traded his technology from Germany to buy the Dawn Device. For such a patriotic scholar, we are determined not to let him be wronged.


Qin Anguo nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, I will handle this matter well."

Along with the reply from the top management, there was also a special scientific research fund of 20 billion.

Once the funds arrived, the research funding, which had almost bottomed out, was filled again.

In addition to research funding, Xu Chuan was a little surprised that the Science and Technology Institute also organized a group of people to come to the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Engineering Base.

On the one hand, it is to assist in improving the progress of controllable nuclear fusion projects.

After all, compared to the newly recruited researchers and engineers in the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project, the entire Academy of Sciences is behind this team.

Some problems that seem difficult here may have appropriate solutions at the Academy of Sciences, and at the worst, there may be relevant experience or discussions.

Although it is not that the entire Academy of Sciences scholars are revolving around the Qixia controllable nuclear fusion project, it has to be said that with the support of such a small team, the transformation of the Daybreak fusion device and the optimization speed of the plasma turbulence control model have all been achieved.

A huge improvement.

It originally took about one and a half months for optimization and adjustment. With sufficient scientific research funds in place and support from the science and technology community, the time is expected to be shortened to about one month.

It's the end of October now, and in one month it will be New Year's Day in 2021.

After confirming the operation of the entire project from Peng Hongxi, Xu Chuan prepared to schedule the second operation of the Daybreak Fusion Device on December 31, 2020.

This operation is not only a simulation of high-density plasma using helium-3 and hydrogen. If it is confirmed that the modified Daybreak fusion device and mathematical model can achieve the expected results, he will even conduct a real ignition fusion of deuterium and tritium raw materials.

This will be the first time in China's controllable nuclear fusion field that real materials are used to conduct experiments using deuterium and tritium raw materials!

If all goes well, China's controllable nuclear fusion field will usher in new good news on New Year's Day.

As for the other aspect of arranging a scientific research team to come over, it is to convert technology.

Controllable nuclear fusion is a super project involving physics, engineering, materials science and other disciplines.

In the process of this engineering research experiment, various technologies will be born, such as the control of magnetic fields, the study of high-energy particles, radiation protection and other aspects.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! These technologies are just a module in controllable nuclear fusion, but taken separately, they can also be applied to other fields.

Just like the large strong particle collider built by Cern, various technologies such as beam instruments and systems, superconducting magnet technology, and ultra-low temperature cooling technology were born during the construction process of LHC.

The results of this systematic and huge project are quite valuable even for China.

A scientific research team was arranged to come over with the intention of assisting Xu Chuan in sorting out things in this area.

While Xu Chuan was busy preparing and planning to restart the second dawn device.

On the other side, in Europe, a targeted meeting is about to be held in the Cadarache region near Marseille in southern France.

The Kadarache region is another large-scale nuclear energy research center in Europe, and its status is currently second only to Cern.

The reason is that the largest "artificial sun" project in history is located here.

In order to verify and realize the feasibility of nuclear fusion energy, a total of 35 countries around the world have jointly established the Kadarashe nuclear fusion project.

But such international large-scale projects usually have a troubled life.

ter is no exception.

There has been almost no progress in the exploration of controllable nuclear fusion over the years. The operation control of high-temperature plasma has been unable to break through the second level, which has led to a deadlock in the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion.

Participating countries and member states have also cut investment in the project, reducing support in terms of funding and scientific research personnel.

The United States, in particular, once withdrew from the TER project. Although it later added back, in recent years, under the leadership of that person, it has thought of withdrawing from the group.

However, today’s meeting is not discussing the United States’ withdrawal from TER.

On the contrary, the United States, which has been hesitating to withdraw from the group, not only did not withdraw this time, it even tried to use TER to put pressure on another country and force it to hand over technology that had nothing to do with the TER project.

Regarding this situation, except for the countries under pressure, almost all other member states of TER want to watch the show and support it.

After all, judging from the recent performance of the Dawn fusion device and Helix 7, the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material and the control model of the Dawn fusion device played a very important role in the entire experimental process.

If the other party can be forced to hand over these two technologies, these member states of TER will all gain huge benefits.

Of course, no country is stupid. In this matter, since the United States is willing to take the lead, let it stand up first.

If there is hope, they will follow.

If not, forget it.

In fact, every country knows that the so-called high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials and numerical control models of plasma turbulence have nothing to do with TER.

In fact, both of these have nothing to do with China's participation in the Luyang fusion project.

These two technologies were developed by the famous Professor Xu himself.

Instead of taking sides prematurely and following the United States in publicly defying others, it is better to watch the show.

After all, Professor Xu's temper is not that easy to offend.

In the past two years, South Korea had provoked him because of a media newspaper. As a result, he was counterattacked and almost lost the patent authorization for artificial color film.

Having annoyed the other party, it was not impossible for that person to refuse the purchase of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials from all TER member states at once.

Even the deal that has been negotiated with Cern may be delayed.

Therefore, compared to the Sakura Country, which is preparing to join the United States, Europe has not made any statements at the moment, at least not until there is no hope.

After all, if there is no hope of using TER to obtain these two technologies, Europe will still choose to purchase a batch of high-temperature superconducting materials from Professor Xu or trade them through technology.

Because compared to other countries, the EU is more eager to achieve energy freedom.

In the area of ​​oil and gas, they have been suppressed by Tsarist Russia for too long.

Of course, if there is hope that they can use ter to obtain these two technologies, they will not hesitate to join in and get a share of the pie.

This chapter has been completed!
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