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Chapter 464 Everyone here is rubbish

One sentence made everyone in the conference hall look at him with surprise, surprise, bewilderment, etc.

Within ten years, no one but him could find particles that truly exceeded the Standard Model.

These words were so arrogant that he almost stood up and said: "Everyone here is rubbish!"

If you lift the conference table, turn around and leave, you will have the perfect villain temperament.

But apart from the strange sense of dissonance, few people in the entire conference hall thought there was anything wrong with this sentence.

After all, with his current status in the physics community, I don’t say that he will definitely be ranked first, but at least he will not be in the top three.

Moreover, he discovered the sterile neutrino. Dark matter and dark energy are the secrets behind the sterile neutrino. If there is anyone else in the physics community who can solve this mystery, this person is the most likely.

What surprised them was that such words would come out of the mouth of the scholar in front of them.

After all, the contrast is too great.

Well, actually they thought wrong.

For the Chinese, due to historical and traditional culture, the image of scholars like them is generally that of a humble, polite, gentle and gentlemanly person.

Suddenly someone will stand up and say that everyone here is rubbish and that my style is the best in the world. The sense of dissonance is too strong.

But then again, if they can win the Nobel Prize or Fields Medal in their twenties, solve two millennium problems, solve the problem of nuclear waste, solve the problem of controllable nuclear fusion, become the founders of astronomy, etc.

Not to mention all of them, even if it was just one of them, they would probably go crazy and go straight to the sky.

This is normal, almost every genius who becomes famous at a young age is like this, confident, proud, and even arrogant.

Every genius has such a period, and then either as he learns to see a wider world and realizes his own shortcomings; or he is attacked by a more talented person; or he gradually wears away as time goes by.

For this young scholar in his twenties, this is a period of high spirits.


In the conference hall, the weird atmosphere lasted for a long time, until Qin Anguo came back to his senses and broke the silence with a light cough.

"Thank you Academician Xu and all the professors for their opinions. I will record them first and discuss them later."

"Relevant discussions will now continue..."

Qin Anguo brought back the atmosphere, and the conference hall became lively again.

In the morning meeting, in addition to discussing whether to introduce technologies from other countries and CERN, they also discussed various aspects such as the site selection of the Large Strong Particle Collider, tunnel construction, key technologies, preliminary design parameters, and the advantages and disadvantages of existing technologies.

for discussion and exchange.

Although this is not the first collider in China, as the equipment with the largest design scale and the highest collision energy level at present, it will play a full role in promoting future development.

Including things like location selection.

Putting aside the basic requirements for geology and other conditions, the location of the Large Strong Particle Collider should be one with beautiful environment, rich tourism resources, good humanistic conditions, good international foundation, good geological conditions, convenient transportation, local government support and

Areas with potential for future development.

Having said so much, there is actually only one purpose. I hope to use this project to develop this entire area into an 'international science city' or even a 'future world science center'.

Such a large-scale scientific research equipment will lead the international development of high-energy physics and related technologies, and will also make China undoubtedly lead the world and become an international research center.

This is something that Chinese people have dreamed of since modern times, and it can also become a symbol of comprehensive national rejuvenation.


After holding two consecutive meetings and confirming that he had nothing to do, Xu Chuan also left for Jinling.

As soon as he landed, he received a call from Mr. Qiu.

"Hey, Xu Chuan, are you still in the capital?"

As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Qiu on the other end came over with a somewhat excited voice.

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "I just returned to Jinling, what happened?"

"As I told you before, the date of the 'International Symposium on the History of Mathematics and Mathematics Education' has been set. It will be held at Shuimu University in more than half a month, that is, on January 20th."

"I thought that if you are still in the capital, you should stay a few more days to avoid you having to make another trip." Mr. Qiu said with a smile.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll just go there then. It's easy. The domestic high-speed rail is convenient anyway."

"Okay, I'll have the invitation mailed to you." Qiu Chengtong didn't care, nodded and continued: "Remember to come, there are many mathematicians who are here for you."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan's face looked a little strange. It was estimated that when the old gentleman facilitated this meeting, he was probably using his name to talk things over.

But he doesn't care about this kind of thing. Now he doesn't have the time or energy to do this kind of thing. It would be great if Mr. Qiu can help.

"Don't worry, I won't give up." He smiled and nodded, then hung up the phone.

He was quite happy that such a large-scale seminar could be promoted and held in China.

On the one hand, I am happy for the mathematical community that those ancient knowledge have not been forgotten, and more people are willing to work hard for their rejuvenation.

On the other hand, I am happy for the country. After all, China has always been relatively weak in the field of basic subjects. Being able to hold and host such a large-scale mathematics seminar will allow China to show its face in the mathematics world and be remembered by more top mathematicians.

Live, expand influence and increase academic atmosphere.

As for the scale and success of this seminar, Xu Chuan is not worried at all.

After all, this is China.

Not to mention anything else, if someone messes up a conference like this that can be seen in the world of mathematics, they will probably be questioned from top to bottom.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After successfully returning to the villa, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and threw his luggage aside.

For him personally, the biggest gain from this trip to the capital was not the two meetings, but the unexpected meeting with two old gentlemen, Qiu Yang.

The exchanges between several people brought him some new research directions and inspirations in strongly correlated electronic systems.

Although they are all rough theories and directions, for a scholar of his level, these are the most precious things.

After taking a bath to get rid of his fatigue, Xu Chuan sat in his study in high spirits and began to continue studying the multi-orbital correlation effect and superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems.

Three or four days passed like this day by day.

Striking while the iron is hot has allowed Xu Chuan to further his research on the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66. He has already begun the final steps, trying to use mathematical language to perfect the relevant mechanisms.

However, when he was studying this problem, he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

It doesn't feel very important, but it seems that I am always being remembered.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan couldn't remember what it was about, so he simply stopped thinking about it and turned around to continue studying the problem attentively.

On the other side, two assistants who had been personally evaluated by NTU President Tan Shaoyuan were waiting on the NTU campus, looking at each other in confusion and not knowing what to do.

Didn't it mean that Academician Xu has come back? It's been several days, and why haven't you received the notice for the interview?

Have they been abandoned?

If it's not needed, at least I'll get some news. It's too much torture to hang someone up.

On the other side, in Xu Chuan's office.

The four new students he recruited this time can be said to have realized what their instructor meant when he said that he might not have too much time to teach them.

After leading them for a while, the mentor disappeared.

And he disappeared for more than half a month.

Although I heard that the professor has returned from Beijing, he has not yet returned to NTU to attend classes.

According to Senior Brother, this is all trivial.

The longest period of time before that, for almost half a year, he had not met his tutor, and he was just a left-behind child.

Cai Peng guessed that his mentor probably started delving into some problem again and forgot that he still had students.

If this kind of thing happened to other professors, the probability of it happening would be almost non-existent.

After all, everyone needs social activities.

But when it comes to their mentor, it's perfectly normal.

After all, his problem-solving style is so unique.


On the other side, Xu Chuan, who was being talked about by assistants and students who had not yet taken up their duties, sneezed, and then continued to stare at the manuscript paper on the desk in a daze.

Since returning from the capital, he has been studying the problem of KL-66's strong diamagnetic mechanism.

There is progress, and it can be said to be huge.

The direction of the non-equilibrium strong correlation system given by Mr. Yang is indeed quite suitable for the KL-66 strong diamagnetic mechanism. However, the trouble is that if you want to study the non-equilibrium strong correlation system, it will inevitably involve the quantum many-body system.

Compared with classical non-equilibrium systems, the dynamic behavior in quantum many-body systems is often more complex.

Because of the inherent complexity of quantum correlation systems, whether there is universal dynamic behavior in quantum many-body systems far from equilibrium has always been a basic question in this field.

To put it simply, he cannot find an effective mathematical method that can not only deal with the correlation system under the concept of low latitude, but also consider the quantum fluctuations of space.

"In this case, it would be better to create a universal dynamic mathematical tool suitable for quantum many-body systems."

In front of the desk, Xu Chuan stared at the calculation papers on the table and thought for a while, then pushed the messy stack of papers away and took out a new stack of A4 paper.

For mathematics, when studying a difficult problem, it is very common to break through the previous foundation and construct new mathematical tools to solve the problem.

Whether it is the 'algebraic variety and group mapping tool' he constructed when studying Hodge's conjecture, or the 'microelement construction method' constructed using microelement fluids when studying NS equations, they are all things derived from research problems.

Therefore, regarding the problem of multi-orbital correlation effects in strongly correlated electronic systems, Xu Chuan also plans to create a targeted tool to bridge the correlation system under the concept of low latitude and the quantum fluctuation effect in space.

After thinking seriously for a while, Xu Chuan picked up the pen and wrote on the manuscript page:

“Consider a typical strongly correlated system ‘one-dimensional transverse field Ising model’ whose Hamiltonian is: [H0=?J(∑nL?1σznσzn 1 ησzLσz1)?h∑nσxn].”

"Among them, σxn^yn is the Pauli matrix; J>0 is the ferromagnetic interaction; ?>0 is the transverse field strength; L is the spin chain length; eta=1 represents the periodic boundary condition, and eta=0 represents the open boundary condition .”

"Then the ground state of the transverse field Ising model has two phases, and the behavior of the ferromagnetic phase is further considered. Using techniques such as Jordan-Wigner transformation and Bogolyubov transformation, its Hamiltonian can be used by Anderson quasi-automatic The spin is written in the form of a two-level ensemble, that is: [H0=∑k>0λktzk]"


In the quiet study room, the pale white light shines on the figure sitting at the desk, leaving scattered shadows on the off-white tabletop.

Xu Chuan didn't care about time, nor did he think about whether he could do it.

For a scholar, challenging difficulties should be the most common experience in life.

"Since the operators of Anderson quasi-spins with different momentums are commutated with each other, the two-level systems describing different momentums are independent of each other. This method belongs to the method of two-level systems."

"And calculate the linear response, second-order nonlinear response and third-order nonlinear response in detail. The result of the linear response is: x(1)xx(t)=2θ(t)L∑k>0sin2θke?t /T2sin(2λkt)!”

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "..."

"That is to say, in the KL-66 mechanism, decoherence attenuation and attenuation caused by dephasing are related to t and therefore cannot be distinguished. In frequency space, through the combination of Boltzmann function and Monte Carlo method, The linear spectrum can describe the continuous spectrum of Cu "spinons" with different momentums."

"In this way, the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material can be modeled, and it may be applied to other superconducting materials."

"At this point, my goal has been achieved."

"However, for multi-orbital correlation effects in strongly correlated electron systems, the universality of this method is far from enough."

"How do I find a new path to this final direction?"

In front of the desk, Xu Chuan looked at the messy manuscript papers on the table and muttered to himself.

Over an unknown period of time, he has established a mathematical tool for bridging the correlation system under the concept of low latitude and the quantum fluctuation effect in space. He has established a targeted mechanism for the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66.

A complete set of mathematical methods.

This should have been something worth celebrating, but at this moment, the results were abandoned by him and relegated to the sidelines.

Because this set of mathematical tools was established to bridge the correlation system under the concept of low latitude and the quantum fluctuation effect in space, he saw the hope of solving the problem of multi-orbital correlation effect in the strongly correlated electronic system.

His intuition told him that the research idea he chose was correct.

However, just like when he was studying the last step of the NS equation, there seemed to be an invisible barrier or a bottomless abyss on this road, completely cutting off the path he had studied.

After staying persistently in the study for two days, Xu Chuan searched the Internet and collected a large number of dynamic universal systems related to strong correlation electronic systems, strong magnetic mechanisms, non-equilibrium quantum correlation systems, and open quantum many-body systems.

Related papers.

But these papers offered him little help.

After all, the scope of his research has long exceeded the boundaries of conventional condensed matter physics.

The research of ordinary scholars in these fields was far from enough to inspire him.

"Maybe I need to go out for a walk."

In the study, Xu Chuan shook his slightly groggy head.

In the past two days, he has read a lot of papers and research by other scholars, and absorbed the knowledge and essence, which caused a lot of interference to him.

The efficiency of his brain is not enough to support his long-term study and research. Absorbing too much knowledge without being able to comprehend it is meaningless for a scholar like him.

The right balance between work and rest is the way to go. If you go out for a walk, you might be able to get new inspiration.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan decided to go back to Nanda to attend classes.

The unexpected inspiration he got in class last time allowed him to successfully bypass the final abyss and solve the NS equation. But this time, he encountered almost the same problem again.

Maybe it’s possible to get enough inspiration in class?


PS: It’s the end of the month, please vote for me.

I have been on a business trip these past two days. It is difficult to code in the hotel and the efficiency is not high. I will go back tomorrow. It is the end of the month. Please give me a monthly ticket. There will be at least two updates tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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