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Chapter 479: What kind of monster did we accept as our student?

When Xu Chuan was thinking about the generation mechanism and characteristics of strongly correlated electronic systems and topological states, the Internet was already exploding.

Not surprisingly, after he uploaded his paper on the theoretical framework of strongly correlated electron systems to arxiv, scholars who paid attention to the matter received prompts from arxiv as soon as possible.

Thanks to the timely addition of server resources by the website staff, arxiv was able to withstand the influx of traffic this time.

Not only physicists, but also mathematicians, materials scientists and even some netizens who can use arxiv have downloaded this paper report.

Although there are very few readers who can understand this paper, this does not prevent them from discussing the matter enthusiastically.

[It’s out! It’s out! Professor Xu’s paper has been uploaded to arxiv! 】

[I’ve downloaded it, but I can’t understand it at all. Does anyone understand it? Come out and say something, I just want to know if he has solved this problem. 】

[Those who can understand it are probably still reading the papers, and probably no one will come out to answer your questions.]

[However, according to Professor Xu’s style, the papers he publicly uploaded to arxiv can basically be regarded as things that have been demonstrated. If the solution is not solved enough to pass everyone’s approval, he will not upload it.

[Is it such an exaggeration? This is just an arxiv where ideas are gathered, not a journal. What’s more, even if it is a journal, there are times when manuscripts are retracted. Who can guarantee that their work will always be correct? 】

[But have you ever missed anything he uploaded? 】


As soon as this was said, the debates on forums and websites suddenly subsided a lot.

Although professional physicists are still busy reading papers and have not come out to express their opinions.

However, most people in the academic community are relatively optimistic about whether the problem of strongly correlated electronic systems has been solved.

No one else, just because the person who solved this problem and uploaded the paper was the famous Professor Xu.

Since his debut, almost all the papers he published have been finally solved and confirmed.

At least before he made a mistake, the academic community was willing to believe in the character of such a top scholar.

Of course, this does not mean that the academic community will abandon repeated verification and review and easily accept this paper.

Whether it is for the personal reputation and character of the reviewer, or for the future of all mankind, not just the mathematical community, but anyone in academia should maintain the most rigorous attitude when facing any difficult problem or conjecture that is being solved.


Beijing, AmanYihe Hotel.

In the hotel room, Edward Witten was packing his luggage and preparing to go to CERN for a meeting.

Although I chatted with Yang Zhenhuan for a while on the day of the seminar, I felt that what he said made sense, so I waited in China for a few more days.

But now a week has passed, and there is still no movement on arxiv. He feels that it is almost time to go to CERN for a meeting first.

After all, the problem of strongly correlated electronic systems is not that easy to solve. It is not that easy to solve this problem in a few days.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Putting down the windbreaker in his hand, Witten stood up and opened the door.

"Have you watched arxiv today?" Before he could speak, his old friend Deligne who was standing at the door suddenly asked.

Witten, who had not yet reacted, shook his head subconsciously and said: "Not today, what's wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to remember something, and quickly asked in disbelief: "You mean? He has already proved it?"

Deligne nodded and said, "I just received a notification from arxiv."

Hearing this, Witten's breathing suddenly became heavier. He quickly returned to the room and took out his notebook from the packed suitcase.

Turn on the phone and wait.

Looking at the startup screen on the screen, Witten couldn't help but take a deep breath. The originally short ten seconds would become particularly long here.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened in the middle. If the computer suddenly crashed at this moment, he would really have a cerebral hemorrhage.

After successfully connecting to the Internet, Witten quickly opened the arxiv preprint website.

A piece of paper suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Quickly clicking on it, he began to read through it carefully.

On the side, Deligne waited in the room for nearly half an hour before asking: "How is it?"

Looking at the paper on the computer screen, Witten was silent for a while before replying: "Judging from the paper, I can't find any flaws or problems, at least for now. His logic is quite self-consistent.


"And theoretically speaking, it is indeed a feasible way to explain the strong electron correlation system from dimensions. I have been thinking about it these days. It's just that physics and mathematics are different, especially in condensed matter physics, which is more practical.

Fields often require a large number of experimental results to prove."

"Just like the Standard Model, it took decades of filling in before it was gradually perfected."

After a pause, he continued: "Even so, the theory in physics may be overturned. After all, with the development of science and technology, we will one day update more advanced theories to replace the standard model."

Deligne didn't expect that much. He thought for a while and asked: "For now, are you more optimistic that he has done it?"

Hearing this, Witten nodded and said: "If I just evaluate this paper, yes."

Hearing this, Deligne took a deep breath, was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "Witten, what kind of monster do you think we accepted as a student in the past few years?"

Professor Witten thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but what is certain is that he has already gone further than the two of us, whether it is mathematics or physics."

After a slight pause, he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I am glad that I became his mentor with you. If I had missed it, I would definitely regret it now."

"By the way, is he still in the hotel now?"

Deligne: "He should still be there. Although I haven't seen him in restaurants or other places in the past two days, it shouldn't be possible for him to run back to Jinling."

Upon hearing this, Witten immediately stood up: "Let's go and talk to him."

Deligne: "You'd better print out the paper first and let's go over there. What can you talk about?"

Hearing this, Witten slapped his head in annoyance, quickly sat back in front of the computer, and connected to the hotel's public printer.

Taking the papers with them, the two quickly rushed to the room where Xu Chuan lived.

Seeing the arrival of Deligne and Witten, Zheng Hai, who was in charge of security, didn't pay too much attention. After all, there were many people coming to see Xu Chuan these days.

But before that, Xu Chuan made it clear that no one would see him unless he came out on his own initiative.

Although he knew two professors, Deligne and Witten, who were Xu Chuan's former mentors, he still stopped them outside the door.

"Professor Deligne, Professor Witten, I'm sorry, Academician Xu is studying a problem. He has explained before that no one will be seen unless he comes out on his own."

Apologizing, Zheng Hai stopped the two of them at the door.

Deligne didn't care either. He knew very well that their student's current status, no matter which country he was placed in, was protected.

Nodding, he said: "I know, but he has solved the problem and posted it on arxiv today. Please help me contact him."

Hearing this, Zheng Hai was slightly surprised. Did he solve it so quickly? Don't they all say that this problem is difficult?

But I didn’t think much about it. After all, he was Academician Xu, so creating a miracle was nothing.

Nodding, he said: "Then please two professors, please wait a moment."

With that said, he picked up the phone and called Xu Chuan.

If it were someone else, he might have declined and waited until Xu Chuan came out.

But he couldn't refuse these two, after all, they were Xu Chuan's former mentors.

In the hotel room, Xu Chuan's cell phone rang while he was thinking about quantum computers. After answering the call, he quickly stood up and walked to the door.

"Mentor? You never went back?"

Looking at Deligne and Witten standing at the door, Xu Chuan felt a little ashamed. He really didn't expect that these two people were still here.

After all, almost a week has passed.

"I was packing my luggage originally, but I didn't expect that the last day would come. It's really surprising that you were able to solve this problem in such a short period of time." Witten said with a smile.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's not short. In fact, I have been studying it for a long time before this. Come and sit down first. Now I have time to chat slowly."


On the other side, the United States.

When Xu Chuan met with his two mentors, Professor Shmuel Heath from the University of Rochester held a freshly printed document that still smelled of ink and read it carefully.

As a top professor in the field of superconducting materials, his achievements in the field of condensed matter physics are naturally also top-notch.

In particular, strongly correlated electronic systems have been widely used in the field of superconductivity.

For example, it can explain the pseudo-energy gap of copper-based superconductors, charge spin separation and other strange phenomena, use the Hubbard model or t-J model to describe the interaction of electrons, determine the specific origin of the mechanism of some superconducting materials, etc.

Of course, although the strong correlation model has made certain progress in the study of superconducting phenomena, it still faces challenges in describing other superconducting materials and experimental phenomena.

By combining the strong correlation model with other theories, and taking advantage of advances in computational methods and experimental technology, future research is expected to reveal the nature of the superconducting phenomenon in the strong correlation model.

Therefore, after the news of the report on the problem of strongly correlated electronic systems came out, Schmuel Heath logged into arxiv as soon as possible and paid attention to related fields.

"It is interesting to explain the strongly correlated electron system from the perspective of dimensional space, and to divide different strongly correlated electron systems according to different dimensional spaces."

"Judging from the paper, this logic is quite perfect and self-consistent, but whether the specific experimental data will be included in this framework remains to be verified through experiments."

After carefully reading the paper in his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to do it again.

On the side, his assistant and student saw that he had finished reading and asked impatiently: "Professor, Professor Xu, has he done it? Can strongly correlated electronic systems really be unified?"

Upon hearing the student's question, Shmuel Hiss raised his head, thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

After a slight pause, he added: "To be precise, I haven't fully understood this paper yet."

Hearing this answer, the student looked confused. What's going on?

You must know that his professor is known as the father of superconductivity in the United States. His research on condensed matter and strongly correlated electronic systems is absolutely top-notch.

Even he can't understand the paper. Can anyone prove whether Professor Xu's stuff is correct?

Seeing the astonishment and surprise on the student's face, Shmuel Heath knew what he was thinking, smiled, and said: "This is not a complete field of physics. In this paper, the mathematics involved

There are more methods. And my research on mathematics is not deep, so it will take some time to understand."

After adding, he lowered his head and started reading again.

Reading it once was not enough for him to fully understand this exquisite paper.

However, when reading the paper, he always felt that some parts of the article were unusually familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

With doubts, he read it several times in a row. When the paper turned to a report on the field of superconducting materials for an unknown number of times, Professor Schmuel Heath stared at a formula in the article and suddenly understood the familiarity.

Where did it come from.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! KL-66 materials!

A few months ago, the person who wrote this unified framework for strongly correlated electronic systems also wrote a research paper on the magnetic levitation mechanism of South Korea's KL-66 material.

Almost all researchers in the field of materials have read that paper. It also successfully transformed South Korea's KL-66 material from a room temperature superconductor back to a conventional material, ending a war that might have lasted two to three months or even longer.

of disputes.

As one of the founders of high-temperature superconducting materials, he naturally read that paper, which left a very deep impression on him at the time.

In addition to proving that the magnetic levitation effect of KL-66 material does not originate from the superconducting mechanism, in that paper, he clearly felt that the author was hiding something.

After much thought, he still couldn't figure out what Professor Xu was hiding. It was only today, after seeing this paper on the Unified Framework of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, that he finally understood what was hidden in that paper.

"I see. Has he noticed the path and direction behind the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material since then?"

After muttering to himself, Shmuel Heath sighed and shook his head.

Suddenly, he remembered something again and was stunned for a moment.

If he remembers correctly, it seems to have only been four or five months from the KL-66 materials to now, right?

It took four or five months to find a unified framework leading to a strongly correlated electronic system through the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material. Isn’t this a bit too perverted?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but swallow. To be honest, this guess really scared him.

He would rather believe that the person who had been studying it had been studying it for a long time before this, rather than making a breakthrough in just four or five months.

After all, strongly correlated electronic systems have always been the forefront and hottest research direction of condensed matter physics, and are not an unpopular field.

For decades, no one has made a breakthrough, but he got it done in four or five months, which is really scary.


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