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Chapter 482 I would also recommend that you see a psychiatrist!

As soon as the announcement from Shuimu University came out, it immediately aroused a lot of heated discussion.

On the Internet, there are voices of support, and they feel that no matter what, it is always good to stand up and respond to such things.

Of course, at the same time, there are also some people who like to show off their cleverness and label the matter as academic misconduct before it even begins.

The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, which is normal.

For some people, what they see is always what they want to see.

As for the truth, these people don't care at all.


The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

In the auditorium of Shuimu University, a simple press conference was held.

Although there was no advance notice and the schedule was very urgent, there were not a few media reporters who came here.

On the one hand, it is the help of Shuimu University, and on the other hand, it is the influence of the matter itself.

In addition to Renren Daily, China News Service and other media, Sina, Titanium Media and other media headquartered in the capital also arranged for reporters to come.

Of course, there are also reporters from South Korean media. Although the time is urgent, the distance is not far and can be reached in two or three hours by plane.

In the auditorium, a neat row of cameras lined up under the reporting table, and the media reporters who came to interview were waiting for the press conference to begin.

They huddled together and discussed the matter in low voices.

The only one who was excluded, standing alone and deserted, was the South Korean reporter who came to interview.

Although he was excluded, he didn't care.

From the hands of Professor Quan Yongyun, he has obtained enough evidence to prove that Professor Xu's unified framework theory of strongly correlated electronic systems is related to their South Korea's KL-66 material. The core idea is from their South Korea

Plagiarized from the past!

Of course, what he didn't know was that the so-called evidence in his hand had nothing to do with the mathematical unified framework theory of strongly correlated electron systems.

The other relevant papers were written by Xu Chuan himself.


At ten o'clock sharp, in full view of the media reporters in the audience, Xu Chuan walked out from the backstage.

He didn't even bother to change his clothes, and walked directly to the reporting table in casual clothes, facing many media reporters.

Looking at the eyes staring at him, Xu Chuan cleared his throat and said: "Everyone must know the reason for today's press conference, so I won't waste my time."

"If you have any questions, you can raise your hands to ask."

After hearing this, the audience in the audience immediately raised their hands with a 'swish'.

Xu Chuan took a look and saw the excited South Korean media reporter at a glance.

However, he ignored the other party, glanced at it, and then turned his attention to the media reporter sent by CTV, indicating that the other party would ask questions first.

As for South Korean media reporters, just wait.

It seemed that he was a little surprised that Xu Chuan would let himself ask the question first. When the CTV reporter was called on, he was stunned for a moment before reacting.

Taking a step forward with some excitement, the reporter held the microphone and said: "Academician Xu, I heard that you completed the unification of strongly correlated electronic systems in condensed matter physics a few days ago. Can you briefly explain it to the public?

What’s the meaning?”

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan was also stunned for a moment.

He thought he would ask about South Korea's KL-66 materials, but they didn't ask at all.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Strongly correlated electron systems are an important branch of solid state physics, with rich physical phenomena and promising applications."

"By developing more accurate and efficient theoretical methods, we will better understand the electronic properties and interactions in strongly correlated systems, providing important theoretical guidance for the design and application of new high-performance materials in the future."

"For example, we often discuss superconducting materials, strong magnetic materials, giant magnetoresistance effect, quantum devices, etc. These can be rapidly developed through strongly correlated electronic systems."

"And for materials science, the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems will help improve our understanding of the microstructure of materials and enable us to quickly design and manufacture various new materials."

After the words fell, another hand was raised. Xu Chuan nodded, and the other party quickly asked:

"Academician Xu, after listening to your answer just now, I heard a quantum device inside. I want to ask, what is this quantum device?"

Hearing the second question, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that the second person would ask about South Korea's KL-66 materials, but he didn't ask either.

However, he is no stranger to quantum devices. After all, he briefly studied this aspect after completing the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems.

"Simply speaking, quantum devices are devices based on quantum phenomena as their working principle, such as quantum transistors, quantum memories, quantum well lasers, quantum interference element sensors, etc."

"It is a general term for devices that use quantum effects to build electronic devices."

"If you are unfamiliar with these things, then you must have heard of quantum computers."

"A quantum computer is a device composed of a series of quantum devices."

Xu Chuan briefly introduced quantum devices, which belong to the most cutting-edge research in the quantum field and computer industry. Artificial quantum devices are one of the development directions of future technology.

"You mean that the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems you established can provide theoretical support for quantum computers? Is that what you mean?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Theoretically, the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems can indeed promote the development of quantum computers and provide theoretical help."

"But in fact, there are still many problems and troubles that need to be solved. The development of quantum computers cannot be solved by establishing a set of theories."


What made Xu Chuan somewhat unexpected was that domestic media reporters seemed to be deliberately avoiding the matter of South Korea's KL-66 materials, and one by one they all asked questions that had nothing to do with it.

Xu Chuan didn't want to waste any more time, so he turned to look at the South Korean reporters present and motioned for them to ask questions.

The South Korean reporter who finally waited for the opportunity to ask questions cursed secretly in his heart, stood up, looked at Xu Chuan with his head held high, and asked:

"I would like to ask Professor Xu if he is aware of the accusation against you by Professor Quan Yongyun of Seoul National University. What do you think of your plagiarism and plagiarism of KL-66 material research results? Will you publicly apologize to Professor Quan and others?"

As soon as this question came out, the domestic media reporters who had been staring at him for a long time showed expressions of surprise and astonishment, and some became agitated.

Although everyone had a tacit understanding to leave the "offensive" matter of South Korea's KL-66 materials to this reporter who came from afar, they did not expect that the way he asked questions would be so direct.

It's almost as if he was directly accused of plagiarism by Academician Xu.

Xu Chuan smiled, not caring about the other party's arrogant attitude at all, he said: "Plagiarism?"

"I don't know how you define this matter, or do you mean that Professor Quan from your country is just a scholar in name only?"

Hearing this, the South Korean media reporter immediately gritted his teeth and stared at Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan didn't pay attention to his gaze at all, and he continued: "Before this, I also heard and read some comments circulating on the Internet, and I cannot accept those words that said that I plagiarized the results of South Korea's KL-66 materials.

This is a pure smear campaign against me."

"So I stand here today to give a positive response to this matter."

"The first thing I can tell you is that there has never been any suggestion that the research results of South Korea's KL-66 materials were plagiarized."

"For anyone who can say this, I suggest him to take a good look at my paper on the Unified Framework of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems."

"Of course, he may not understand it and may only notice the supplementary words about KL-66 materials in my paper."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

In the eyes of domestic media reporters, Academician Xu is really "humorous", he just doesn't point at other people's noses and say that their IQ is low.

The only angry South Korean reporter quickly retorted: "If you have read the news reports, the accusations against Professor Kwon should be clear."

"In the accusation, he clearly listed the evidence that you plagiarized the KL-66 material results! How do you explain this?"

Xu Chuan glanced at him, pressed his finger on the reporting table, and a curtain that had been prepared was slowly lowered.

The projector was turned on, and images, mathematical formulas, and some paper contents were clearly displayed on the screen.

Looking at the falling curtain, Xu Chuan glanced at the South Korean media reporters and asked: "Is this what you are talking about?"

The South Korean reporter nodded and said quickly: "Yes, you dare to say that this is not something in your paper and is not evidence of plagiarism?"

Xu Chuan turned around, raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the reporter playfully, and said: "Speaking of which, you have already fallen into a big pit on the NS equation before, and your face was swollen by me.

Why do you have to send it here this time?"

"It's obvious that you media reporters have been used as guns again, or that you are willing to do this kind of groundless smearing of others."

Hearing this, the South Korean reporter's heart suddenly jumped, and some bad feelings came over him.

Xu Chuan ignored him and continued: "It is undeniable that these things are indeed things in the unified framework theory paper of strongly correlated electronic systems that I published, but does it have anything to do with the KL-66 material results developed by you in South Korea?"

"If I remember correctly, these data formulas and related theories have nothing to do with the results of your KL-66 material. These are all results I have made before."

"Oh, by the way, I also used it to prove that the so-called KL-66 material you boasted about is a room-temperature superconductor foam."

"But now you come to me with it and accuse me of plagiarizing your work? Doesn't this mean that you are taking my things as your own and rake them away? Is this the right thing in the world?"

"If you don't believe it, you can go back and look for your KL-66 material results paper, and then compare it with my theory paper on the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems."

"Or you can ask the so-called Professor Quan to point out where in my paper I quoted his research results on KL-66 materials."

"If you can find something similar, I can immediately apologize and compensate, and give the theoretical results of the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems to that Professor Quan."

"If you can't find it!"

After a pause, Xu Chuan looked at other media reporters and continued: "If you can't find it, I will file lawsuits in the courts of China and South Korea respectively against Seoul National University, Professor Kwon Yongyun and "South Korea United News Service"

The three parties, please apply for arbitration against you for maliciously spreading rumors, slandering others for plagiarizing papers, and destroying the reputation of a top international scholar."

"In addition, before this matter is resolved, I and all the research institutes and companies under my personal name will refuse to have any cooperative relations with any enterprises and companies in South Korea. This includes artificial SEI films, high-temperature copper carbon silver, which have already reached cooperation.

Composite superconducting materials and other aspects will be completely interrupted, authorization will be cancelled, etc.”

"In addition, when I was unreasonably slandered by scholars or media in your country twice, I have every reason to believe that the overall moral character of this country is not up to par. Before the matter is resolved fairly, I will refuse to review all transactions in South Korea.

Scholars’ papers on mathematics, physics, materials, etc.”

"That concludes today's press conference. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule."

To be honest, he originally wanted to cancel all the authorizations at once and permanently, but considering the disgusting nature of this country that toads do not bite, it is better to leave a line first.

If he really did it, he would probably be stared at and disgusted in the future. He had no doubt that the other party could do such a thing.

Anyway, he can delay the proceedings in the domestic courts as long as he wants. If he wants to, the verdict will basically not be completed within a few years.

After saying that, Xu Chuan turned around and was about to leave, but remembered something again, stopped and looked at the South Korean reporter standing there blankly, and added:

"If you insist that this is derived from KL-66 material, I can only suggest that you see a psychiatrist."


PS: Please vote for me!

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