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Chapter 486: Hope for Chip Breakthrough

Published on 2023-09-09 22:16 | VIP Chapter

In the study on the second floor of the small villa, Xu Chuan boiled a pot of water and made several cups of tea with the tea leaves given to him by the elder.

After handing it to the two of them, he took a sip and asked, "I wonder what happened when Mr. Ding came to see me urgently this time?"

Ding Jingguo put down the teacup in his hand, thought for a moment, organized some conversation, and then said: "I am here just after the Chinese New Year to disturb you. It mainly involves some chip-related matters. I would like to ask Academician Xu for your advice."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan looked at the development and reform leader with some surprise, and asked curiously: "Chip?"

Ding Jingguo nodded and said, "Yes, it's about chips."

After a slight pause, he continued: "In terms of chips, the situation we are currently facing is quite severe. In recent years, due to changes in the international situation, many of our high-tech companies have suffered malicious technical blockades from some Western companies.


"Based on monopolizing industries such as chips, they maliciously restrict others from purchasing products and components, including electronic chips. As a result, other companies have no choice but to pay large protection fees, and they may also violate the spirit of the contract at any time, abuse and

Generalizing security concepts.”

"Of course, I am not here to complain to you. We have also recognized the strategic importance of the semiconductor industry and have been actively increasing investment in research and development."

"Especially in the field of high-end chips, encouraging companies to increase R&D investment, strengthen technological innovation and independent intellectual property protection are all things we have been doing."

"It's just that in this field, if we want to catch up with the world's advanced semiconductor industry, we are facing huge technical challenges. Especially in the field of high-end chip manufacturing, such as integrated circuit processes below 7 nanometers, we are far behind those in the chip industry.

Western countries with decades of development history.”

"Catching up is a huge and arduous task that requires continuous efforts and innovation."

"To be honest with Academician Xu, we have made some breakthroughs in this regard, but we have encountered some key problems that no one can solve for the time being."

"If this problem is solved, we may be able to make a chip close to the 7-nanometer process."

"And I came to visit you this time just to ask for your help to see if I can solve this problem."

Ding Jingguo briefly introduced the purpose of his visit to Xu Chuan.

After hearing this, Xu Chuan asked in surprise: "Seven nanometers?"

To be honest, he had never heard of this news in his previous life.

Although he had been in the United States in his previous life, he was not unconcerned about domestic developments.

From memory, it seems that it will take some years for China to truly break through the seven-nanometer level.

The reason is that 7 nanometers is an important milestone in chip technology. It represents one of the most advanced processes for manufacturing chips. Chips below seven nanometers are advanced process chips.

Compared with previous processes, such as 14 nanometer or 10 nanometer, there is a major turning point in the design, photolithography, materials and other aspects used in chips of 7 nanometer and below.

Not only can it accommodate more transistors on the same size chip, it can provide stronger computing and processing capabilities, reduce power consumption and heat generation, improve battery life and device reliability, etc.

Chips of seven nanometers and below have undergone huge changes in design materials, processes and other aspects.

For example, if gate-all-around (GAA) nanowires are used in the horizontal array of the chip, at the 7-nanometer node, it is inevitable to use tunnel FETs and III-V element channel materials and vertical nanowires to complete it.

Processes above 7 nanometers do not require these.

Speaking of which, the development, design and manufacturing of chips are actually like the stairs of a building.

Gradually go down from the top, and each time you go down a step, it means solving a problem.

When you reach the 28 nanometer, 14 nanometer, 7 nanometer, 5 nanometer, 3 nanometer, and 2 nanometer floors, it means that you have reached the turning point of the corresponding floor.

What can support you to continue moving forward is not just the solution of a certain problem, but the solution of a series or even more problems.

Light sources, materials, EDA, design and other aspects all require breakthroughs before we can continue to sink.

For example, light sources have different light wavelengths and different exposure scales. In the chip field, with the continuous advancement of microelectronics manufacturing technology, the size of chip transistors is getting smaller and smaller, and the requirements for device structure are getting higher and higher.

Higher resolution and finer exposure patterns are required.

For those who pay a little attention to this area, the lithography machines currently on the market are generally divided into DUV and EUV.

DUV is a relatively mature solution at present. At this stage, the highest wavelength of deep ultraviolet light source is 193nm, which is widely used in 7nm and pre-7nm processes.

As the process continues to shrink, DUV is no longer capable, and EUV equipment using extreme ultraviolet light sources is needed.

That's why Xu Chuan was so surprised by what Director Ding said about 7 nanometers.

Because according to his understanding, to be honest, this is indeed not something that China has made now.

Although Ding Jingguo said that there are still problems that have not been overcome, but if you can say this, then it must be only a little bit away.

Xu Chuan was surprised that the country has secretly carried out many actions in recent years without the knowledge of the United States and other Western countries.

As expected of a rabbit, a cunning rabbit has three burrows, but it is worse than that.

Ding Jingguo smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, Academician Xu, for this."

"Me?" Xu Chuan glanced at him curiously.

Ding Jingguo nodded and said with a smile: "You may not care much about this aspect, but the country will always remember your contribution to the motherland."

"In 2018, you led the team to complete the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Project." Using this technology, we traded some technologies and equipment from other countries that were originally banned or not for sale.


"Some of these things are related to the development of chips. It directly promotes the development of our country's chips and speeds up the speed."

"With the solution of controllable nuclear fusion technology, the country has more sufficient funds to invest in other fields. The combination of various factors has led to today's results."

"Of course, these things are still state-level confidential information. Please don't spread it out, Academician Xu. After all, once other countries know that we have made a breakthrough in chips, there will definitely be some other troubles."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan suddenly nodded and understood.

No wonder there is a huge discrepancy between his memory and the current situation. Because of the butterfly effect, not only the field of his research has also made breakthroughs.

Smiling, he said: "This is a good thing. If we can break through the 7-nanometer process, we will be one step closer to solving the chip jam."

"Although there is still a long way to go compared to the three nanometers and two nanometers developed by AMSL and other companies, at least there is hope and dawn."

After a slight pause, he looked at Ding Jingguo and asked: "So you came to see me this time. What is the problem?"

"I'm just a mathematician and physicist. If you want to ask me to help design chips or something, I'm afraid it's unrealistic. I don't have the ability."

Although he is very happy that the country can make a huge breakthrough in chips, he will definitely not be able to do such a thing if he ventures into this field and does things where laymen guide experts.

After all, he is not a scholar in the chip field and is not familiar with this field.

Across the way, hearing Xu Chuan's "humility", Ding Jingguo and Ren Zhengfei couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their eyes.

Just a mathematician and a physicist...

Listen, is there anything more Versailles than this?

But there was business going on and they had no time for small talk.

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Ren, who was sitting aside, said, "That's it, Academician Xu."

"Mathematics plays a very important role in chip design and manufacturing, and the most representative one is EDA software, which is now basically fully controlled by foreign manufacturers."

"It is related to everything from integrated circuits to wiring, numerical control, calculations, signal integrity, etc."

"Currently, HiSilicon, a subsidiary of Warwick, is working with Huaxin to find ways to break through in this area. However, our R&D team has encountered some very difficult problems in terms of numerical control and the entire process of customized circuits."

"For example, boundary values ​​of nonlinear partial differential equations, numerical algebra group design, discrete mathematics, etc."

"We have asked some other mathematicians for help on these issues, but there has not been much progress so far. For some key mathematical issues, the professors we have approached have not had great results after optimizing them, and cannot improve the quality of the chip.


"But these problems must all be solved, because they basically involve the reduction of the nanometer level of the chip, the performance of the finished product, etc. The relationship is very important, so..."

"So you want me to help you solve this problem?" Xu Chuan asked directly.

Mr. Ren nodded, a little embarrassed.

HiSilicon and Huaxin combined have a huge influence in the domestic chip field, but in front of this person, let alone HiSilicon and Huaxin, even adding Warwick is probably not enough.

The value he created for the country alone has far exceeded all of them combined.

Not to mention other things, just a controllable nuclear fusion technology, he didn't know what they were comparing it to.

Although things like chips and mobile phone communications are important, they are completely out of reach in the face of fusion technology that solves energy problems.


After listening to Mr. Ren’s question, Xu Chuan did not agree immediately.

If it was just a simple math problem, he could directly agree to give it a try.

Not to say that it will definitely solve all the problems, but there should not be many mathematical problems that can stump him in the field of mathematics, especially in the field of applied mathematics, which is his strength.

But this obviously involves not only simple mathematical problems, but also chip design and manufacturing, etc., which is beyond the scope of his research.

Opposite me, Ren Zhengfei was waiting for the answer with some anxiety.

To be honest, he hasn't felt this kind of anxious waiting for a long time.

If this person refuses, they can only try to find another mathematician.

However, many domestic mathematicians who are famous in related fields have consulted for advice, but there has been almost no change.

There is no way, in the chip industry, the domestic start itself is very late. In addition, this is still a field with extremely high technical barriers, and there are few corresponding mathematicians in the country.

So when it comes to related research, they have nothing to do.

But if there is no breakthrough, there may be some other changes in terms of chips and the international situation.

Fortunately, after the superiors understood their difficulties and with the support of the Development and Reform Commission, they got the opportunity to meet this person.


Opposite me, Xu Chuan frowned and thought for a moment, then raised his head to look at Mr. Ren sitting opposite, and said, "I can give it a try, but I can't guarantee that I can solve your problem."

"After all, the mathematical problems in chip design and manufacturing should be different from the field of mathematics I study. I have not had much contact with this aspect. I will need you to arrange some people to cooperate with me, and maybe I will need to go to your research and development department."

Let’s study it together with the department.”

Although he was not very familiar with mathematical design in the chip field, he decided to give it a try.

After all, if seven nanometer chips can break through, the next step will be five nanometers.

The maturity of seven nanometers will inevitably lead to the maturity of domestic chip design and manufacturing technology.

Even if it is still unable to compare with the top foreign two-nanometer and three-nanometer technologies, there is at least hope of catching up.

Upon hearing the answer, surprise burst out in Ren Zhengfei's eyes, and he nodded quickly: "These are no problem. Don't worry, HiSilicon and Huaxin will do their best to find a way to make it happen as long as you have needs."

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Okay, are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, you can send me the problem you encountered first, and I will take a look at it and familiarize myself with it."

Ren Zhengfei nodded quickly and said: "No problem, I will contact the R&D team immediately and sort out the problem and send it to you."

On the side, Ding Jingguo also had a smile on his face and said: "This time I really trouble you, Academician Xu. To be honest, we have already approached many mathematicians, but we have never been able to solve these problems. Fortunately, we still have

You are here."

It has to be said that with such a top scholar here, no matter what time, they have the confidence to be trusted. It is as if as long as he takes action, any problem can be solved.


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